21943 GetCharABCWidthsI does not return correct widths when handling a DC with dc->gdiFont == null
22812 mt creates corrupted executables
23121 Iometer 2006.07.27 displays error messages on start (dogfood)
23215 4x4 Evo 2: Pagefault on second launch of game
23414 Text is italicized in Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6
23501 ATEN KVM WinClient did not start
25010 radmin fast search halfworking.
25082 radmin: right mouse key drag'n'drop not working
25222 Football Manager 2011 fails to load with 3d enabled
25599 Editing Word 2000 drawing object does not work
26530 Frogger: 3D models not rendering correctly/Only shadows
27991 LsaLookupNames2 separate allocations break .NET 4.0 System.Security subsystem and leak returned buffer data
28343 UFO: Extraterrestrials Gold - crash at start unless native d3dx9_26 (or d3dx_36) is used
28530 Asami Sushi Shop hangs when switching to windowed mode
28666 Spa Mania: Read from NULL when toggling fullscreen mode
29822 winebuild should use Clang to assemble if Clang is used to compile
29936 Java Quick Starter service chews CPU
30119 ThunderMini crash after a while.
30514 RonyaSoft Poster Designer (Poster Forge) 2.x installer crashes during installation of fonts due to unimplemented function gdi32.dll.GetFontResourceInfoW
31280 Right-clicking a listview in a dotnet application doesn't open the context menu
31343 Steam: Steam is significantly slower in 1.5.x
32123 Outlook 2010 crashes in versions newer than 1.5.14