- Jul 17, 2008
- Jul 16, 2008
comctl32: statusbar: Rename NtfUnicode to bUnicode to make is more consistent with other controls, use NF_REQUERY in WM_CREATE.
comctl32: statusbar: Window is always Unicode, CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT should change the notify format.
This patch enables texture filtering for textures using the A4R4G4B4 format, I can see no reason why it shouldn't be filtered (especially considering X4R4G4B4 has it).
The regression was caused by destroying the caret when it didn't need to be shown in the richedit control, but this affected other controls.
rpcrt4: Fix the memory pointer passed into the conformant array marshaller in NdrComplexStructMarshall. It needs to be the end of the memory used by the constant part of the structure, which is returned by CompkexStructMarshall.
wined3d: Use rev_tex_unit_map instead of assuming there's a 1:1 mapping between samplers and texture units.
Make it clear the traced values are hexadecimal.
wintrust: Execute WinVerifyTrust as a sequence of steps, and return the error code from the first failing step of the sequence.
At least for XP domain members, all EXTENDED_NAME_FORMATS apart from NameSamCompatible return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. Given that the function returns an error for all formats on non-members, just ignore ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as well.