- Jun 02, 2000
XGetWMHints prior to XSetWMHints.
statements, to autogenerated wine.conf.
in shell32implemented functions (ShellFolder/Path*). Eliminated direct file access. - Replaced LoadLibraryA with GetModuleHandleA since comdlg32 is imports some dlls per *.spec file - Most OpenFile Flags (OFN_*) should work properly now - The edit box should work right with all stuff entered in it like ..\temp\file.txt or just c: to change a drive - Optimized DataObject handling - Some bugs fixed, should work with native shell32 again. - Stubs for PrintDlgEx
- Jun 01, 2000
error msgs more verbose, doc updates.
PathIsUNCServer, PathIsUNCServerShare, PathMakePretty, SHCreateShellPalette, SHOpenRegStream, SHOpenRegStream2 - Many string functions implemented - Some stubs for exports by ordinal
Alexandre Julliard authored
Static controls weren't receiving WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK messages because the Static window class was registered without the CS_DBLCLKS style (which it has in Windows).
Alexandre Julliard authored
- Added some SoundCapture stubs - Changed REFIID to LPCGUID in a few places as per MS header file
SS_NOTIFY; otherwise, returns HTTRANSPARENT. "
- May 31, 2000
- May 30, 2000
Alexandre Julliard authored
Returning DLGC_WANTALLKEYS for multiline edit control was not good because it breaks navigation in dialogs.
- Added a little more debugging information
- Start on group and player interfaces
- Fix up some reference counting bugs and interface creation bugs - Add DirectSoundEnumerateW stub - Add DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate{A,W} stubs
WM_SIZE support. Optimized drawing. Added WM_LBUTTONUP handling. Handle DTS_RIGHTALIGN style. Fixed handling of formatting styles, date is now displayed properly for DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT.
either RedrawWindow or InvalidateRect. Optimized drawing using RedraWindow and update regions. Fixed "Today" date bug where year was only one digit. Fixed drawing of circle drawn next to "Today". Fixed moving to previous or next month by clicking on days belonging to previous or next months.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
WINEOPTIONS environment variable.
Alexandre Julliard authored
SetParent: call SetWindowPos with SWP_NOACTIVATE flag set.
- Edit text must be selected only if CB is in focus. - If CB has edit control we have to call CBUpdateEdit to update its contents. Invalidating textRect will not force updating of child edit control, obviously. - We have to protect ourselves from changing selection in listbox when we receive listbox notification. So LBN_SELCHANGE -> CBUpdateEdit -> EN_CHANGE will not reselect item in the lisbox.
Alexandre Julliard authored