35667 64-bit Comodo Backup installer fails to complete ('COSService.exe' crash)
35760 gdi32:font test_fullname2() fails on Windows 7 in the French locale
36085 Markets.com MetaTrader 4 crashes on startup
36122 valgrind shows a definite leak in winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.c
36242 valgrind shows several warnings/leaks in d3dx9_36/tests/core.c
36243 valgrind shows several leaks in d3dx9_36/tests/mesh.c
36375 eRacer demo doesn't start, fails to load audio files
36774 Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe Application Manager crashes after signing in
36808 Serif PhotoPlus X5 installation fails with dialog stating "this action is not supported, please use setup.exe"
36997 Git error message: "Tweaking file descriptors doesn't work with this MSVCRT.dll"
37028 QQ crashes because unimplemented function msvcr100.dll._strnset_s
37078 Full Spectrum Warrior demo installer: 'Next' button has no effect after path selection (needs msi builtin 'OutOfNoRbDiskSpace' property)
37086 Assassin's Creed: wrong colors in the menus and in-game with built-in d3dx9_36
37100 Norton Power Eraser: The procedure OpenEncryptedFileRawW could not be located in ADVAPI32
37152 Rainbow Six Lockdown: screen shows garbage when anti-aliasing enabled
37189 [Myst Online: Uru Live] unable to start
37194 SpellForce 2: Demons of the Past: textures too dark
37209 Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississipi (Steam) crashes on start with built-in msvcr100
Bugs fixed in 1.7.27 (total 22):
12659 Preferences window missing all user-modifiable settings in Acrobat V7.0 Pro (MSAA AccPropServices implementation needed)
13424 msi winetests requires != limited user
15013 Thunder:Can't finish any task.
21917 SC2 'LazyLaunch' v2.0 fails with 'Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception.' (TLS callbacks can taint EBP, needs assembly wrapper)
25112 AT4RE FastScanner v3.0 hangs when clicking "Minimize"
25585 Release key event is lost during lags in some games
26414 World of warcraft crashes while changing the display resolution
29055 Skyrim freezes on loading screen
29509 Visual Studio 2005 trial crashes quickly building Wine
32194 Multiple games and applications need bcrypt.dll.BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode (Chess Position Trainer, Terraria, .NET System.Security.Cryptography)
34642 Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 exits silently on startup ('GetMenuItemInfo' must zero out 'cch' if mask doesn't specify 'MIIM_TYPE')
35134 Multiple game installers wait indefinitely for cmd.exe during execution of batch files (argv[0] is not 'cmd.exe') (Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues, Aura Kingdom)
35421 BetterInstaller (Somoto Ltd) variant of CheatEngine 6.3 installer crashes
35842 Sentinel HASP hardlock.sys kernel driver (bundled with Kompas-3D v14) tries to access to DR7 (not handled in ntoskrnl emulate_instruction)
36063 prince of persia 2008 game crashes
36109 Magic & Mayhem 2: The Art of Magic sometimes fails to run without native dplay
36800 XMP failed to start, services.exe has crashed
36974 Iexplore cookie related crashes
37163 WiX Toolset v3.8 installer doesn't open with Wine-Mono (unimplemented CorBindToCurrentRuntime)
37224 msvcmaker generated wine.dsw fails to load with Visual Express 2005
37239 Adobe Premiere Pro 2 deadlocks when opening additional windows (glu32 wrapper functions not sufficient)
37253 dlls/wbemprox/builtin.c fails to build on NetBSD 6.1.4