6955 Multiple games need software vertex blending implementation (NOLF2, Divinity 2, Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, PSU:AOTI)
9210 3DMark06 doesn't recognize Pixel Shaders 2.0
11499 sound effects not played correctly Battlefield 1942
15924 VT Trader freezes during login
17402 Battlefield 2 runs unplayably slow (and mission loading takes longer) on ATi with GLSL
17597 CharmTale2 crashes when releasing mshtml
22384 DbgHelp doesn't support DWARF-2 on Mac OS X
22579 Outlook Express does not show menu bar
22782 Battlefield 1942: missing some textures inside vehicles
24850 Explorer++ resets custom toolbar buttons on each startup
25289 Civilization 4: fails with 'error loading shader libraries' unless native d3dx9_26 is used
26262 No video output in Commandos - Behind Enemy lines
27286 Source Insight: Crashes when jumping to function definition.
28125 Microsoft 'ctfmon.exe' crashes on unimplemented function msctf.dll.TF_InitMlngInfo
28875 NullDC 1.0.4 (Dreamcast emulator) crashes when starting system (shader 'register' keyword used at global scope)
29326 Magicka crashes on audio init with winealsa.drv
29636 QQ International crashes after login
30686 Word 2010 Pro Plus adds spaces before umlauts
31001 SecureCRT: could not write to the host key database file
31156 Skyrim does not work with ENB
31391 anarchy online game crashing after login
33907 Civilization 4: missing some sound (could not read file)
34945 AppleWin 1.23.0: CPU usage is very high when should be minimal
35192 Multiple Adobe applications crash on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.CreateThreadpool (Vista+ API)(Lightroom 5.x, Creative Cloud)
35789 Morrowind random crashes during game play.
36164 valgrind shows an unitialized variable in programs/cmd/tests/batch.c
36171 valgrind shows several leaks in winmm/waveform.c
36194 valgrind shows some possible leaks in mmdevapi/tests/dependency.c
36236 valgrind shows a leak in comctl32/tests/propsheet.c
36265 valgrind shows a couple leaks in dmband/tests/dmband.c
36270 valgrind shows several leaks in dmcompos/tests/dmcompos.c
36271 valgrind shows several leaks in dmime/tests/dmime.c
36273 valgrind shows several leaks in dmstyle/tests/dmstyle.c
36357 valgrind shows a leak in dswave/tests/dswave.c
36364 valgrind shows a few leaks in ieframe/tests/intshcut.c
36837 Steam fallout new vegas error
37306 Multiple applications trying to use Vista+ Thread Pool Timer API crash on startup with Wine configured as Vista or higher ('CreateThreadpoolTimer')(64-bit ApexDC 1.6.0, Watchtower Library 2014)
38474 Quake Live launcher fails to start
38492 vcrun2008 does not install via Winetricks under Kubuntu 15.04. Works in Kubuntu 14.04.
38493 Steam steamwebhelper based on CEF 41.x crashes in Win7 mode (needs Kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes)
38510 STDU (Scientific and Technical Documentation Utility) Viewer v1.6.375 crashes when opening PDF file (typelib information for marshaller from registry-free COM server)
38660 NUMA Explorer crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.GetNumaProcessorNode
38714 64-bit ARM Windows applications from Windows SDK for Windows 10 crash in entry (loader needs to set/randomize security cookie for PE modules)
38796 dwrite analyzer test crashes on my system
38822 FotoSketcher Portable 3.00 reports 'Exception externe C06D007F' on startup when running as 'Windows Vista' or higher (wants UxTheme.dll 'DrawThemeTextEx')
38832 Painting artifacts when moving a window that clips its children
38864 Microsoft Lync Basic 2013 (MS Office 15.0) installer crashes
Bugs fixed in 1.7.48 (total 39):
11059 Sid Meier's Railroads Demo crashes on startup
16519 EssentialPIM: Bold text not rendering correctly
17506 Achtung die Kurve: Game doesn't start
18191 Notepad corrupts files saved as utf-8 without a byte order mark (BOM)
19289 Gtk+/Pango based applications have ugly font rendering or crash on startup
19666 Multiple applications start wrong executable if whitespace present in name ('ShellExecute' doesn't quote executable name)(FoxitReader 3.0, GTA2 Manager)
22399 Quake III Arena installer: Text area is scrolled at the bottom, and all text is selected
26439 Chernobyl terrorist attack demo crashes on start
27238 Tesla: The Weather Man demo: movement keys not working (GetKeyState should fallback to GetAsyncKeyState for threads without message queue)
31063 Crash bug after finishing conversion in FormatFactory
31643 Multiple games and applications crash on unimplemented function vcomp.dll._vcomp_fork (Gothic 3 demo, NeXTA)
31984 Multiple games need d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx (Starlaxis, Chernobyl Terrorist Attack Demo, The Endless Forest 3)
32227 P2kCommander v6.0.0 crashes on startup (Wine's ungif reports app .gif image as broken)
33153 DirectX11 games need d3d11.dll.D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain (ARMA III Alpha, Strike Suit Zero, Stalker CoP, Perspective)
33989 iexplore.exe crash when logging in to www.roblox.com
34356 Multiple applications fail to install or crash on startup due gdiplus enumeration/query failure for GIF encoder support (Magnus 2011 translation dictionaries, Collectorz.com Movie Collector v9.x)
34939 Dragon NaturallySpeaking does not run in 64-bit version
38697 wineconsole: Cannot enable or disable Insert Mode through user dialog
38712 win-key press incorrectly recognized
38735 Windows Performance Analyzer from Windows SDK 8.1 Windows Performance Toolkit crashes due to 'IDWriteFontFace::GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics' stub
38806 Starcraft Campaign Editor does not scroll to bottom after copying a trigger
38848 valgrind shows several uninitialized values in dmime/tests/dmime.c:test_track()
38895 Multiple applications fail to load or crash due to incorrect security cookie randomization by loader (IrfanView WebP plugin, Word Viewer 2007)