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Patches submitted by a maintainer need no reviewer.

Jeremy White requested to merge jwhite/tools:onlysolo into master
This is a revision of 34b1a84e, which had the intention
of excluding the author from any constructed maintainer list.

In the case of a maintainer submitting their own patches,
this would result in one of the involved people being assigned
to review the patch.  Henri being set up to review
Nikolay's work on d2d, for example.

However, this was a misinterpretation on my part of what
Alexandre had requested.  His thought had been that if Nikolay
is the sole maintainer, and submits only his own work, that no reviewer
need be assigned.

With this change, the focus of this patch is now to make
it so that an author of a merge request is *not* assigned
to review their own work.  If they are the sole
maintainer, then no one is assigned to review it.

Merge request reports
