27324 Cossacks II (DotEmu version) refuses to start from its install directory (path too long?)
30810 Keygener Assistant 2.x: main window has incorrect size and contents are all black
31207 Monogram GraphStudio v0.3.x crashes when using Graph->Insert Filter
33290 Fullscreen games cause panning configurations to be generated on some NVidia proprietary drivers
34014 Star Wars KOTOR II: The Sith Lords: Movies/cutscenes do not play with opengl on
37029 Evernote 5.5.x - unable to capture webcam note
37043 Keyboard input broken in Roblox Player
37051 Roblox Studio embedded webpage does not load consistently or properly using built-in winhttp
38856 LEGO Lord of the Rings crashes randomly
41610ChurchBoard: Trying to create a window(about 3 minutes). And the error takes off.
41740 Diablo 3's mouse sprite stops moving, but the mouse is still working.
42072 Dead Space (Steam) crashes on save with "divide by zero" error
42479 MYOB Accounting v18.5.x crashes on startup
43704 Contacam crashes
47083 MySQL 8.0.x community installer (.NET 4.5.x app) fails to configure mysql, needs support for WS_AF_INET6 in 'iphlpapi.GetExtendedTcpTable'
47109 WineVulkan ICD isn't registered in wineprefixes
47362 Media Feature Pack for W10N requires rtworkq.dll
47794 Rockstar Games Launcher installer button images do not display
47825 Webex Meetings crashes
48611 Cairo Shell v0.3.x (.NET 4.7 app) crashes due to missing 'HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon\\Shell' registry sub-key
48623 Error authenticating to LDAP controller
48729 Binary Domain has misplaced text in configuration tool with builtin d3dx9_43
48766 Late Shift doesn't work properly
48778 Star Wars: The Old Republic crashes shortly after intro screen
48788 null pointer in wined3d_palette_set_entries with Diablo GOG
48798 RegCloseKey: Uninitialized read from get_language_sort
48806 Panzer Corps 2 needs msvcp140.dll.?_XLgamma@std@@YANN@Z
48816 The explorer doesn't support '/cd' option
48832 Magic The Gathering Online: client does not start due to long file names since 2020-03-25 update
48838 Wine fails to build wldap32 if LDAP is not installed
48844 Magical Scramble Demo 1.20P shows white boxes instead of pictures.
48846 msvcr90/tests/msvcr90.c: error: variadic functions must use the base AAPCS variant
48888 error: redefinition of typedef ‘_onexit_t’ [/dlls/d3dcompiler_33]
48897 Building fails with '/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl'
48902 Warframe launcher fails to replace updated Launcher.exe the first time (works when Retry option pressed, as Launcher.exe deleted first time)
Bugs fixed in 5.7 (total 38):
10600 Multiple applications using skinning have distorted/unusable GUI (ABC Amber LIT Converter 2.0, GSA Search Engine Ranker v7.25)
18104 Multiple TTS applications using Microsoft SAPI runtime report 'Speech engine not installed' (CLSID_SpVoice '{96749377-3391-11D2-9EE3-00C04F797396}')(Final Draft, TactileView, Vocaboly 3.0)
19239 Multiple applications crash with division by zero on edit control with zero line height (eBay Turbo Lister, Clarin TX control wrapper)
27825 Super Street Fighter IV AE : Videos won't play
29067 Skyrim crashes during game intro
38776 ReadPlease 2003 (SAPI 4.0) won't load non-English Text to Speech Engine
40502 Global objects constructors fail when invoking standard libs
41559 (winecfg) Add ability to change windows version via command line
42136 switching tab in sapi.cpl from Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 crashes control
43638 Multiple 4k demoscene OpenGL demos crash on startup with 'No active WGL context found' (Yermom, 'End of time' by Alcatraz and Altair)
45111 Winamp - Milkdrop complains
46633 Multiple applications need threadpool I/O (MariaDB mysqld, Mono's System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle)
47061 Multiple E-Banking applications by KOBIL Systems GmbH crash on startup or report 'Security issue code: 0x03938745 (60000069)' (MigrosBank EBanking 8.2.x, Sparda Bank SecureApp 1.x)
47365 jittering caused by mouse input in vkquake
47944 Wine64 tries to change permissions in /private/tmp/ that fails on macOS 10.15 Catalina
48052 kernel32:debugger - Wine randomly fails to get the thread context
48389 Detroit: Become Human has poor performance (use of unaligned futexes for condition variables on Linux)
48556 Nascar racers crash at start
48731 Just Cause crashes while loading level with builtin d3dx9_26
48740 ConEmu is constantly loosing focus
48747 ConEmu flickers and scrolls randomly
48803 FITietokanta crashes every time after ADD-button is pressed
48807 Panzer Corps 2 needs vcruntime140_1.dll.__CxxFrameHandler4
48817 Module_InitDLL fails if LDR_MODULE.Flags was modified
48898 4k demoscene OpenGL demos crash on startup due to missing opengl32.dll 'wglGetDefaultProcAddress' stub (Crinkler's imports resolver requires named API exports matching native opengl32)
48923 Heroes of Might and Magic IV crashes on start
48932 Wine does not display any windows unless `xrandr --auto` has been run
48937 Wine 5.6 ships broken 'winepath' that emits DOS-style instead of UNIX-style line endings, breaking scripts
48941 IMalloc::DidAlloc() return value is inaccurate
48956 winecfg fails to initialize kernelbase.dll
48958 wineusb driver doesn't install in WINEPREFIX
48960 NtQueryDirectoryFile incorrectly returns STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES when it encounters an ignored entry
48961 Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 (GOG.com) fails to start
48966 Previously created Wine prefix: "kernelbase.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
48971 Multiple Blizzard Games not running anymore with a Game Initialization Failed: T error
48973 eDrawings 2015 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on startup (needs 'Win32_VideoController' WMI class 'AdapterCompatibility' property)
48974Multiple MSI-based installers show 'newBinaryXX' text instead of bitmap on button controls (missing support for 'msidbControlAttributesBitmap')
48983 DeutschlandLAN Cloud PBX Desktop client v22.x is not able to connect with the internet