22120 CTL3D help file is mostly scrunched to the left
22572 Managed C++ assemblies don't work in Wine + Mono
25167 Multiple .NET applications crash with unimplemented System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.get_User (Eraser 6.0, Chocolatey package manager, WinAuth 3.6.x) when using Wine-Mono
28605 BurnPlot (VB6 app) fails to start
32316 Autodesk 3ds Max 9 32-bit exits silently or crashes on startup with Wine-Mono
41636 Multiple DirectX 11 games need ID3D11Device1::CreateDeferredContext1 implementation (WWE 2K15, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, Pro Evolution Soccer 2019, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Space Engineers)
46014 Estlcam 11.x (.NET 4.x app) crashes on startup with Wine-Mono
48996 GRID Autosport hangs while loading
50962 reg.exe does not implement '/reg:32' and '/reg:64' command line switches
51126 Multiple games play truncated audio (Evil Twin in-game dialog, Fallout: New Vegas radio tracks)
51137 Construction Set for TES4 Oblivion missing or broken text in some places
51185 Windows fails to load the minimal PE image in kernel32:loader
51196 ntdll:om has a timing-related failure in Wine
51213 GZDoom Builder 2.3 r2787 fails with IdentityNotMappedException
51284 shell32:shellpath fails on Windows when there is more than one CD drive
51306 Wine-Mono doesn't show Japanese text (DllImport issue?).
51319 Star Citizen, WoW causes 100% CPU usage in wineserver
51334 Microsoft Xbox Live Developer Tool XblTestAccountGui crashes
51346 x264guiEx partly shows square characters when using Wine-Mono (default encoding issue with C++/CLI).
51410 mlang:mlang fails on the Hindi test configuration
51435 iostream float formatting broken since Wine 5.12-170-g1bc6f0c8617
51439 Grand Theft Auto V fails to save progress on game exit: "Save failed. Are you sure you want to quit now?"
51440 Sea of Thieves hangs on loading into the game
51450 oleaut32:varformat fails in Wine when the currency sign follows the amount
51453 oleaut32:vartype and oleaut32:vartest fail on Windows 10 1909+
51465 EVE Online launcher crashes
51485 Dead Rising crashes on launch
51493 WXDrive.exe from WeCom failed to startup.
51505 MIDISelector's MIDI mapper configuration doesn't take effect
51506 Disabled controls are not greyed out when theming is active
Bugs fixed in 6.15 (total 49):
21910 File Encryption 2.1 does now show interface and drive units correctly
25602 Windows Double Explorer: can't add a favorite folder when using Wine Mono
28257 kernel32/pipe.ok flaky
33037 Multiple Microsoft product installers fail due to missing registry performance counter information (HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 230, process object)(Visual Studio 6, eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0, SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 R2)
34345 AOMEI Backupper: crashes when clicking on "reload" button
34679 Split/Second Velocity Demo crashes without native d3dx9_36
34726 e-carte bleue la banque postale: black screen on start
36159 Google-Earth: no search results and no itinerary displayed
39302 Multiple D3D example applications crash due to d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileW stub (NVIDIA D3D SDK 10 Sparkles, DirectX SDK GPUSpectrogram)
39365 Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage demo has wrong rendering with ARB shaders enabled
39821 Scrollbar theming not working
41191 Multiple D3D example applications crash due to d3dx10_43.D3DX10CreateEffectFromMemory stub (Separable Subsurface Scattering, Nvidia's CSAA tutorial demo)
41221 wine-mono crashes with "System.EntryPointNotFoundException" when run under gdb
ntdll: Move the loading of the global options to the Unix side.
ntdll: Store the 32-bit PEB in the process initial 32-bit context.
ntdll: Use the 32-bit __wine_ctrl_routine() in Wow64 processes.
wow64cpu: Implement 32<->64 bit code switching.
wow64cpu: Restore the full 32-bit context when changed externally.
wow64: Make the syscall dispatcher point to the wow64cpu syscall wrapper.
wow64: Add support for jumping to 32-bit code in Wow64LdrpInitialize().
wow64: Implement Wow64ApcRoutine().
wow64: Add thunks for a few misc syscalls.
wow64: Add thunks for ioctl/fsctl syscalls.
ntdll: Avoid some duplicate async definitions.
ntdll: Add a helper function to get the iosb pointer to pass to the server.
ntdll: Only update the I/O status block at function exit.
ntdll: Set the I/O status block through the 32-bit pointer for Wow64 processes.
ntdll: Make release_builtin_module() static.
ntdll: Don't try to load .so dlls for a different machine.
ntdll: Load the Unix dll at the same time as the PE one, but don't map it yet.
ntdll: Add a Wine-specific NtQueryVirtualMemory() query to retrieve the Unix call table.
ntdll: Add a custom type for the Unix functions table handle.
wow64: Add thunks for the Unix library syscalls.
winepulse.drv: Convert the Unix call initialization to NtQueryVirtualMemory().
winegcc: Add a helper function to build the .spec.o file.
winegcc: Don't build the .spec.o file for native Unix libraries.
ntdll: Make __wine_unix_call() WINAPI to follow syscall conventions.
ntdll: Avoid CDECL on internal functions.
winegcc: Build Unix libraries as dynamic libs on macOS.
winegcc: Use custom subsystem 'unixlib' instead of 'native' for Unix libraries.
makefiles: Don't depend on import libraries for native Unix libraries.
include: Add a private header for Unix libraries definitions.
odbc32: Convert the Unix library to the __wine_unix_call interface.
msv1_0: Move context allocation to the PE side.
msv1_0: Convert the Unix library to the __wine_unix_call interface.
ws2_32: Avoid using wineserver definitions.
ws2_32: Convert the Unix library to the __wine_unix_call interface.
netapi32: Avoid process heap allocations.
netapi32: Convert the Unix library to the __wine_unix_call interface.
ntdll: Make get_builtin_unix_funcs() static.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
hid: Validate preparsed data pointer passed in HidP functions.
Andrew Boyarshin (1):
include: Fix IRequestDictionary IID.
Andrew Eikum (1):
dxgi/tests: Add tests to show frame latency object is a semaphore.
Arkadiusz Hiler (1):
dinput/tests: Make overlapped format tests more robust.
Austin English (2):
virtdisk: Add DetachVirtualDisk stub.
kernel32: Add GetCurrentPackagePath stub.
Biswapriyo Nath (1):
include: Add structure padding for aarch64 in dbghelp.h.
include: Add some type aliases in dsound.h.
Daniel Lehman (2):
gdi32/tests: Add a test for double-free on repeated calls to Delete[Enh]MetaFile.
include: Add _tcsxfrm_l declaration.
Damjan Jovanovic (1):
msxml3: Use XSD regex quantifier format S{0, m} instead of S{, m}.
Derek Lesho (2):
winevulkan: Support use of extensions which mustn't be exposed.
vulkan-1/tests: Add tests for VK_KHR_external_memory_win32.
Dmitry Timoshkov (2):
ole32/tests: Add more tests for CoIncrementMTAUsage/CoDecrementMTAUsage.
combase: When looking up an apartment which has a given creator thread ID use multi-threaded apartment only if the thread doesn't have an apartment-threaded one.
Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
shell32: Implement SHBindToObject.
Eduard Permyakov (1):
xmllite: Don't lose terminating character when shrinking buffer.
Esme Povirk (1):
mscoree: Update Wine Mono to 6.3.0.
François Gouget (11):
oleaut32/tests: Remove unneeded casts in vartest.
oleaut32/tests: Fix the Swiss franc and Moroccan dirham tests.
oleaut32: Setting sThousand to a non-breaking space also matches regular spaces.
oleaut32: VarParseNumFromStr() does not allow leading thousands separators.
oleaut32: Fix VarParseNumFromStr()'s support for trailing thousands separator spaces.
oleaut32/tests: Show the input string when VarFormatCurrency() fails.
riched20: Tweak the wording of a comment.
winetest: Fix handling of relative -d directories.
oleaut32/tests: Use NUMPRS_HEX_OCT instead of hardcoding its value.
oleaut32/tests: Test VarParseNumFromStr()'s handling of LOCALE_SMON*.
oleaut32/tests: Add more VarParseNumFromStr() hexadecimal/octal tests.
Gerald Pfeifer (1):
nsiproxy: Include sys/socket.h.
Haoyang Chen (1):
winhttp: Handle headers with '\r' line breaks.
Hugh McMaster (6):
kernel32/tests: Test whether console color attributes are copied to the new screen buffer.
kernel32/tests: Test whether font information and window size are copied to the new screen buffer.
conhost: Copy Character Attributes (colors) to the new screen buffer.
reg/tests: Test use of registry views when copying registry data.
conhost: Popup Attributes should match Character Attributes when creating a new screen buffer.
reg: Support use of registry views in the 'copy' operation.
Huw D. M. Davies (4):
iphlpapi: Implement GetIpAddrTable() on top of nsi.
iphlpapi: Implement AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack() on top of GetIpAddrTable().
iphlpapi: Retrieve the IPv4 addresses using an export rather than a helper.
Jacek Caban (73):
gdi32/tests: Silence noisy traces.
gdi32: Handle EMFs recording directly in LineTo implementation.
gdi32: Use DC_ATTR for GetCurrentPositionEx implementation.
gdi32: Handle EMFs directly in MoveToEx.
gdi32: Store graphics mode in DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Handle EMFs directly in arc functions.
gdi32: Use NtGdiEllipse for Ellipse implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiRoundRect for RoundRect implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiRectangle for Rectangle implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiAngleArc for AngleArc implementation.
advapi32: Link to msvcrt.dll.
gdi32: Use free_gdi_handle directly for NtGdiDeleteClientObj.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for PolyPolygon implementation.
winex11: Don't use pPolygon graphics driver entry point.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for Polygon implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for PolyPolyline implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for Polyline implementation.
gdi32: Remove no longer used Polygon and Polyline driver entry points.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for PolyBezier implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for PolylineTo implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for PolyBezierTo implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyDraw for PolyDraw implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiPolyPolyDraw for CreatePolyPolygonRgn implementation.
gdi32: Store text alignment in DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Use NtGdiExtTextOutW for ExtTextOutW implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiCloseFigure for CloseFigure implementation.
gdi32: Use ntgdi interface for path functions.
gdi32: Remove no longer used EMF path driver.
gdi32: Use NtGdiSetPixel for SetPixel implementation.
gdi32: Use SetPixel for SetPixelV implementation.
gdi32: Use ntgdi name for GetPixel.
gdi32: Use NtGdiSetPixelFormat for GdiSetPixelFormat implementation.
gdi32: Use ntgdi names for stubs in painting.c.
gdi32: Use NtGdiFillRgn for FillRgn implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiFillRgn for PaintRgn implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiFrameRgn for FrameRgn implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiInvertRgn for InvertRgn implementation.
gdi32: Use NtGdiExtFloodFill for ExtFloodFill implementation.
gdi32: Use META_EXTFLOODFILL records for ExtFloodFill.
gdi32: Use NtGdiGradientFill for GdiGradientFill implementation.
gdi32: Use get_dc_attr in SetTextAlign.
gdi32: Move background mode to DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Use get_dc_attr in SetBkMode.
gdi32: Move disabled flag to DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Move ROP mode to DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Use get_dc_attr in SetROP2.
gdi32: Move layout to DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Move background color to DC_ATTR.
gdi32: Use get_dc_attr in GetGraphicsMode.
mscoree: Only override Microsoft.Xna.Framework version 4.
François Gouget (16):
kernelbase/tests: Fix the Sleep() test for non-default timer resolutions.
ntdll/tests: Add some Nt{Query,Set}TimerResolution() tests.
ntdll: Improve the Nt{Query,Set}TimerResolution() stubs.
ntdll/tests: Account for some timer resolution rounding.
oleaut32: Remove caching from VARIANT_GetLocalisedNumberChars().
ws2_32: Add a trailing linefeed to a FIXME().
oleaut32: The decimal point takes priority over the thousands separator.
oleaut32: Fix VarParseNumFromStr()'s handling of currency thousands separators.
user32/tests: Use wine_dbgstr_a() instead of %.8s.
user32/tests: GetClipboardData() returns no error for missing formats.
oleaut32: Add support for longer currency symbols.
oleaut32: Fix VarParseNumFromStr()'s handling of currency decimals.
oleaut32: Fix handling of hexadecimal/octal numbers in VarParseNumFromStr().
oleaut32: Allow longer regional settings values.
user32/tests: Test delayed clipboard rendering after window destruction.
server: Remove obsolete synthesized formats in release_clipboard().
Gabriel Ivăncescu (3):
ntdll: Fix offsetof syntax for IOCTL_AFD_WINE_GET_IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES.
jscript: Fix GetIDsOfNames for more than one name.
vbscript: Fix GetIDsOfNames for more than one name.
Georg Lehmann (1):
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.2.188.
Gerald Pfeifer (2):
nsiproxy: Include sys/types.h.
ntdll: Only use sysinfo function when present.
Gijs Vermeulen (1):
tbs: Add Tbsi_GetDeviceInfo stub.
Giovanni Mascellani (1):
kernelbase: Fix an incorrect allocation size.
Hugh McMaster (5):
conhost: Remove duplicate lines from current_config().
conhost: Set screen buffer height to 150 characters in registry defaults.
conhost: Copy font properties to the new screen buffer.
conhost: Use correct size when storing font FaceName in the registry.
kernel32/tests: Fix rounding error when calculating console font size.
Huw D. M. Davies (38):
nsiproxy: Implement IPv4 forward enumerate_all.
iphlpapi: Implement GetIpForwardTable2().
iphlpapi: Implement GetIpForwardTable() on top of nsi.
iphlpapi: Implement AllocateAndGetIpForwardTable() on top of GetIpForwardTable().
iphlpapi: Move the WINS server lookup to a helper.
iphlpapi/tests: Add more tests for GetAdaptersInfo().
iphlpapi: Implement GetAdaptersInfo() on top of nsi.
dnsapi: Implement support for returning ipv4 servers in a DNS_ADDR_ARRAY.
dnsapi: Add support for returning ipv6 dns server addresses.
dnsapi: Add support for DnsConfigSearchList.
ntdll: Return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if dlinfo() is not present.
dnsapi: Delay import netapi32.
iphlpapi: Use DnsQueryConfig() to retrieve the dns servers for GetAdaptersAddresses().
iphlpapi: Use DnsQueryConfig() to retrieve the dns servers for the remaining functions.
iphlpapi: Use DnsQueryConfig() to retrieve the dns suffix.
iphlpapi: Move the loopback check to get_dns_server_list().
iphlpapi: Add support for the EnableRouting member.
dnsapi: Return ERROR_MORE_DATA on insufficient buffer.
iphlpapi: Rewrite GetAdaptersAddresses() to first alloc and then copy the info.
iphlpapi: Mark non-loopback, non-linklocal addresses as dns eligible.
iphlpapi: Implement GetAdaptersAddresses() on top of nsi.
nsiproxy: Implement IPv4 neighbour enumerate_all.
iphlpapi: Implement GetIpNetTable2() on top of nsi.
iphlpapi: Implement GetIpNetTable() on top of nsi.
iphlpapi: Implement AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack() on top of GetIpNetTable().