8692 Multiple applications have non-working shell32 ShellView context menu items (Directory Opus 9 with Amiga Explorer Shell Extension, Total Commander 7.x)
22242 Paint.NET 3.5.4 installer fails with Wine-Mono
22439 Paint.NET 2.5 EULA is garbled with Wine-Mono
22635 Earth 2160 (GOG.com) can't recognize serial number
23999 Multiple applications with DRM schemes need NtQueryVirtualMemory 'MemorySectionName' info class (Crossfire HGWC, EMS SQL Manager 2010 Lite for PostgreSQL v.4.7.08, Cygwin/MSYS2, Knight Online client)
27248 Multiple games and applications need K32GetMappedFileNameW implemented (Riot Games' Valorant, Chrome Browser, Yumina the Ethereal)
28786 Wine File Explorer tree does not expand when clicked on plus '+' signs
28927 Wabbitcode 0.5.x (Z80 Assembly IDE) (.NET 4.0 app) fails to start with Wine-Mono
29709 Multiple applications crash due to missing 'dhtmled.ocx', DHTMLEdit object (Atomic Mail Sender 4.25, RSSeditor 0.9.54, High Impact eMail 5)
36791 Foxit Reader reports "File not found." when trying to open file via "recent files" on start page
36792 Foxit Reader 6.2 fails to maximize using 'maximize' button after double clicking top window bar / title bar to maximize and restore app window
37510 Foxit Reader copy and paste of single or multiple annotations doesn't work
37751 WiX Toolset v3.9 installer doesn't open with Wine-Mono (metahostpolicy_GetRequestedRuntime returns CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME)
37842 Multiple .NET 4.0 applications crash when clipboard is accessed from multiple threads (OLE clipboard must take MTA into account)(PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0, PaintRibbon 1.x, Jeskola Buzz)
39993 OllyDbg 2.x: Manually changed FPU registers are reset to original values after single step (F7)
40008 OllyDbg 2.x hangs when trying to pause debuggee
40571 Google SketchUp 13 crashes when printing multiple consecutive times
40837 Kingsoft PC Doctor crashes while starting
42353 OllyDbg 2.x: Step In (F7) on a "jump to self" instruction never stops if it's the first instruction executed by debuggee
43422 Shadow Warrior 2: Floors are not rendered
43840 Sketchup 2017: clicking 'Ok' in 'Print Preview' or 'Print' dialog doesn't do anything (err:commdlg:PRINTDLG_ChangePrinterW DocumentProperties fails on '<printer>')
44038 RPCS3 emulator crashes due to 'kernel32.SetFileInformationByHandle' lacking support of 'FileEndOfFileInfo' info class
44826 MS Word 2013/2016 does not support Arabic text shaping in document area
46234 explorer /desktop leaks global atoms when creating desktop window
46709 VarFormatCurrency doesn't handle an already formatted string.
48323 scanf functions do not support NaN for floating point elements
48563 Runaway: A Twist of Fate renders its cursor incorrectly
48848 Python apps/scripts using 'pywinutils.delete' fail due to unimplemented COM object {3ad05575-8857-4850-9277-11b85bdb8e09}. IFileOperation in ShObjIdl_core.h
49694 mc.exe: UTF-16 decoding does not use UTF-16LE by default, breaking files without a BOM
49849 system("CLS") doesn't work
49936 modal dialog box behaves modeless
50195 x64dbg snapshots >= 2020-11-12_05-12 need ntdll.dll.NtDebugActiveProcess implementation to debug process via attach
50380 INSIDE ground texture is glitchy with Vulkan renderer
50401 Multiple Adobe products crash on unimplemented function msvcp{100,110,120,140}.dll._Wcsxfrm (Audition CS6, Audition 2020)
50407 Multiple Adobe CC products fail to start, reporting 'err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "CRClient.dll" failed to initialize' ('_Syserror_map' should return non-NULL string for unknown errors)
50409 Adobe Audition 2020 crashes on startup (msvcrt strftime_impl uses __lc_time_data struct WCHAR members but only ANSI members have been initialized by _Gettnames)
50424 std::mutex crashes on creation
50429 Serious Sam Engine / Serious Sam Classic broken MP with math functions from musl
50441 Steel Series Engine 3 systray icon does not respond to mouse clicks
50528 [Stasis 2]Broken rendering with Vulkan
50562 WRC 5 crashes on launch with Vulkan renderer
50564 Ryse: Son of Rome has broken shadows with Vulkan renderer
50565 Hitman: Absolution has broken rendering with Vulkan renderer
50569 World of Tanks ground texture is black rendered
50580 iTunes installer doesn't recognize WinVer 'Windows 10' setting (WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' class uses 'GetVersionEx' API to retrieve OS version info, a deprecated API in Windows 10)
50599 Game Protect Kit (GPK) 'SDGame32.sys' kernel driver crashes on unimplemented function 'ntoskrnl.exe.KdDisableDebugger' (Dragon Nest)
50602 Far Manager redraws incorrectly after console window is resized
50610 WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' OS caption property descriptions for Windows 8 and 8.1 are reversed
50622 wldap32 calls Linux libraries with wrong conventions
50647 i386 DLL image icudt59.dll causes trouble on load on x86_64 ever since COR header update.
17184 Achieve Planner 1.9.0 (.NET 1.1 app) requires explicit native override of mscoree.dll or mscoree.dll.StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx faking success
21234 Monopoly Deluxe (Zylom Games) v1.0 installer crash at the end of the installation
32742 Logos 4.x-9.x Bible software web-installer fails download files via BITS (client registered job notification callback not called)
35637 Seagate Crystal Enterprise 8.0: 'inputfileserver.exe' service needs msvcirt.dll.??0fstream@@QAE@XZ
40748 32-bit iTunes Unusable UI
44629 Process Hacker can't enumerate handles [needs NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation)]
45132 CommonObjects tool (.NET app) from Google sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.x needs 'ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation' to support 'SystemExtendedHandleInformation'
45374 Yet Another Process Monitor (.NET 2.0 app) reports System.AccessViolationException ('ntdll.NtQueryObject' needs to support 'ObjectTypesInformation' info class)
46238 Cxbx crashes on unimplemented function vcomp140.dll.C2VectParallel
46962 Macromedia Director Player 4.x based games (16-bit NE) fail to run: "This program requires at least 4MB free memory to run." (The Rock)
47507 Regression: can't return to full-screen Civilization IV BTS window after Alt+Tab-ing to desktop since wine 4.10
48618 Multiple applications show black client area on startup (Wargaming.net Game Center, Electron based apps)('--disable-gpu' command line parameter is a workaround)
49689 WRC 4 crashes on loading a race (needs IXACT3EngineImpl_PrepareWave implementation)
50150 ODBC applications fail to create DSNs due to 'odbccp32.SQLWriteDSNToIni' stub
50581 Far Manager v3.0: cursor position is off by one
50620 Multiple applications crash due to DHTMLEdit 'IOleObject::GetMiscStatus' stub (Atomic Mail Sender 4.25, RSSeditor 0.9.54, High Impact eMail 5)
50652 Steam enters endless restarting cycle after launching any game
50653 Wine fails to build with clang-10.0 as a crosscompiler
50670 wineg++ cannot compile programs using shobjidl.h as of Wine 6.2
50672 .toString() implementation VT_CY behaves as if .toLocaleString() was used
50701 Multiple 32-bit ARM Thumb-2 applications cause loader to output warnings during relocation processing (Miranda, Notepad2)
50713 Commit a8856381ed9 ("ntdll: Use xsavec in x86_64 syscall dispatcher.") breaks 64-bit Wine (wine-6.2-264-ga8856381ed9)
50723 Can't recognize ... as an internal or external command, or batch script