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Commit 0f972e22 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 6.3.

parent e1352bf0
No related branches found
Tags wine-6.3
No related merge requests found
The Wine development release 6.2 is now available.
The Wine development release 6.3 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Mono engine updated to version 6.0.0, with DirectX support.
- Support for NTDLL debugger APIs.
- More WinRT support in WIDL.
- Xbox One controller fixes on Mac.
- Better debugger support in the NT syscall interface.
- WineGStreamer library converted to PE.
- Still more WinRT support in WIDL.
- Optional support for build IDs.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -26,477 +26,565 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 6.2 (total 51):
8692 Multiple applications have non-working shell32 ShellView context menu items (Directory Opus 9 with Amiga Explorer Shell Extension, Total Commander 7.x)
22242 Paint.NET 3.5.4 installer fails with Wine-Mono
22439 Paint.NET 2.5 EULA is garbled with Wine-Mono
22635 Earth 2160 ( can't recognize serial number
23094 Multiple application installers abort with 'runtime error R6034' (Microsoft VC++ 2008 MFC runtime and manifest missing)(AVATAR Demo, iNodeSetup 3.60, QQPlayer 3.1)
23999 Multiple applications with DRM schemes need NtQueryVirtualMemory 'MemorySectionName' info class (Crossfire HGWC, EMS SQL Manager 2010 Lite for PostgreSQL v.4.7.08, Cygwin/MSYS2, Knight Online client)
27248 Multiple games and applications need K32GetMappedFileNameW implemented (Riot Games' Valorant, Chrome Browser, Yumina the Ethereal)
28786 Wine File Explorer tree does not expand when clicked on plus '+' signs
28927 Wabbitcode 0.5.x (Z80 Assembly IDE) (.NET 4.0 app) fails to start with Wine-Mono
29709 Multiple applications crash due to missing 'dhtmled.ocx', DHTMLEdit object (Atomic Mail Sender 4.25, RSSeditor 0.9.54, High Impact eMail 5)
36791 Foxit Reader reports "File not found." when trying to open file via "recent files" on start page
36792 Foxit Reader 6.2 fails to maximize using 'maximize' button after double clicking top window bar / title bar to maximize and restore app window
37510 Foxit Reader copy and paste of single or multiple annotations doesn't work
37751 WiX Toolset v3.9 installer doesn't open with Wine-Mono (metahostpolicy_GetRequestedRuntime returns CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME)
37842 Multiple .NET 4.0 applications crash when clipboard is accessed from multiple threads (OLE clipboard must take MTA into account)(PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0, PaintRibbon 1.x, Jeskola Buzz)
39993 OllyDbg 2.x: Manually changed FPU registers are reset to original values after single step (F7)
40008 OllyDbg 2.x hangs when trying to pause debuggee
40571 Google SketchUp 13 crashes when printing multiple consecutive times
40837 Kingsoft PC Doctor crashes while starting
42353 OllyDbg 2.x: Step In (F7) on a "jump to self" instruction never stops if it's the first instruction executed by debuggee
43422 Shadow Warrior 2: Floors are not rendered
43840 Sketchup 2017: clicking 'Ok' in 'Print Preview' or 'Print' dialog doesn't do anything (err:commdlg:PRINTDLG_ChangePrinterW DocumentProperties fails on '<printer>')
44038 RPCS3 emulator crashes due to 'kernel32.SetFileInformationByHandle' lacking support of 'FileEndOfFileInfo' info class
44826 MS Word 2013/2016 does not support Arabic text shaping in document area
46234 explorer /desktop leaks global atoms when creating desktop window
46709 VarFormatCurrency doesn't handle an already formatted string.
48323 scanf functions do not support NaN for floating point elements
48563 Runaway: A Twist of Fate renders its cursor incorrectly
48848 Python apps/scripts using 'pywinutils.delete' fail due to unimplemented COM object {3ad05575-8857-4850-9277-11b85bdb8e09}. IFileOperation in ShObjIdl_core.h
49694 mc.exe: UTF-16 decoding does not use UTF-16LE by default, breaking files without a BOM
49849 system("CLS") doesn't work
49936 modal dialog box behaves modeless
50195 x64dbg snapshots >= 2020-11-12_05-12 need ntdll.dll.NtDebugActiveProcess implementation to debug process via attach
50380 INSIDE ground texture is glitchy with Vulkan renderer
50401 Multiple Adobe products crash on unimplemented function msvcp{100,110,120,140}.dll._Wcsxfrm (Audition CS6, Audition 2020)
50407 Multiple Adobe CC products fail to start, reporting 'err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "CRClient.dll" failed to initialize' ('_Syserror_map' should return non-NULL string for unknown errors)
50409 Adobe Audition 2020 crashes on startup (msvcrt strftime_impl uses __lc_time_data struct WCHAR members but only ANSI members have been initialized by _Gettnames)
50424 std::mutex crashes on creation
50429 Serious Sam Engine / Serious Sam Classic broken MP with math functions from musl
50441 Steel Series Engine 3 systray icon does not respond to mouse clicks
50528 [Stasis 2]Broken rendering with Vulkan
50562 WRC 5 crashes on launch with Vulkan renderer
50564 Ryse: Son of Rome has broken shadows with Vulkan renderer
50565 Hitman: Absolution has broken rendering with Vulkan renderer
50569 World of Tanks ground texture is black rendered
50580 iTunes installer doesn't recognize WinVer 'Windows 10' setting (WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' class uses 'GetVersionEx' API to retrieve OS version info, a deprecated API in Windows 10)
50599 Game Protect Kit (GPK) 'SDGame32.sys' kernel driver crashes on unimplemented function 'ntoskrnl.exe.KdDisableDebugger' (Dragon Nest)
50602 Far Manager redraws incorrectly after console window is resized
50610 WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' OS caption property descriptions for Windows 8 and 8.1 are reversed
50622 wldap32 calls Linux libraries with wrong conventions
50647 i386 DLL image icudt59.dll causes trouble on load on x86_64 ever since COR header update.
Bugs fixed in 6.3 (total 24):
3591 py2exe needs partial imagehlp.BindImageEx implementation
17184 Achieve Planner 1.9.0 (.NET 1.1 app) requires explicit native override of mscoree.dll or mscoree.dll.StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx faking success
21234 Monopoly Deluxe (Zylom Games) v1.0 installer crash at the end of the installation
32742 Logos 4.x-9.x Bible software web-installer fails download files via BITS (client registered job notification callback not called)
35637 Seagate Crystal Enterprise 8.0: 'inputfileserver.exe' service needs msvcirt.dll.??0fstream@@QAE@XZ
40748 32-bit iTunes Unusable UI
44629 Process Hacker can't enumerate handles [needs NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation)]
45132 CommonObjects tool (.NET app) from Google sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.x needs 'ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation' to support 'SystemExtendedHandleInformation'
45374 Yet Another Process Monitor (.NET 2.0 app) reports System.AccessViolationException ('ntdll.NtQueryObject' needs to support 'ObjectTypesInformation' info class)
46238 Cxbx crashes on unimplemented function vcomp140.dll.C2VectParallel
46962 Macromedia Director Player 4.x based games (16-bit NE) fail to run: "This program requires at least 4MB free memory to run." (The Rock)
47507 Regression: can't return to full-screen Civilization IV BTS window after Alt+Tab-ing to desktop since wine 4.10
48618 Multiple applications show black client area on startup ( Game Center, Electron based apps)('--disable-gpu' command line parameter is a workaround)
49689 WRC 4 crashes on loading a race (needs IXACT3EngineImpl_PrepareWave implementation)
50150 ODBC applications fail to create DSNs due to 'odbccp32.SQLWriteDSNToIni' stub
50581 Far Manager v3.0: cursor position is off by one
50620 Multiple applications crash due to DHTMLEdit 'IOleObject::GetMiscStatus' stub (Atomic Mail Sender 4.25, RSSeditor 0.9.54, High Impact eMail 5)
50652 Steam enters endless restarting cycle after launching any game
50653 Wine fails to build with clang-10.0 as a crosscompiler
50670 wineg++ cannot compile programs using shobjidl.h as of Wine 6.2
50672 .toString() implementation VT_CY behaves as if .toLocaleString() was used
50701 Multiple 32-bit ARM Thumb-2 applications cause loader to output warnings during relocation processing (Miranda, Notepad2)
50713 Commit a8856381ed9 ("ntdll: Use xsavec in x86_64 syscall dispatcher.") breaks 64-bit Wine (wine-6.2-264-ga8856381ed9)
50723 Can't recognize ... as an internal or external command, or batch script
Changes since 6.1:
Akihiro Sagawa (2):
winmm/tests: Strictly test returned time format of waveInGetPostion().
winmm/tests: Get rid of unused functions.
Alexandre Julliard (44):
ntdll: Pass a debug object in the new_process request.
ntdll: Implement NtDebugActiveProcess() and NtRemoveProcessDebug().
ntdll: Implement NtSetInformationDebugObject().
ntdll: Implement NtDebugContinue().
ntdll: Implement DbgUiConvertStateChangeStructure().
ntdll: Implement NtWaitForDebugEvent().
server: Don't store the debug object in the debugger thread.
ntdll: Load the main module before the other dlls.
server: Fetch the data for the debug events from the process memory views.
server: Add a separate request to initialize the first thread of a process.
server: Move the ldt_copy pointer to the init_first_thread request.
ntdll/tests: Add tests for a few more object types.
include: Add a couple of access right flags.
gdi32/tests: Regenerate ttf files with the official fontforge version.
gdiplus/tests: Regenerate ttf files with the official fontforge version.
gdi32: Cache the codepage tables also for OpenType names mapping.
ntdll: Fix loading of section table in get_cor_header().
ntdll/tests: Fix a couple of test failures on older Windows versions.
server: Add a data type for generic access mappings.
server: Add a type descriptor to all server objects.
server: Add support for object counts in the object type information.
libwine: Don't define obsolete functions on non-x86 platforms.
server: Add generic mapping masks for all object types.
server: Use the object type information to implement access mapping.
server: Add a request to return all object types.
ntdll/tests: Add more tests for object types.
server: Implement retrieving the debug object of a process.
server: Get the process entry point from the exe image info.
ntdll: Pass the full NT path name to load_builtin_dll().
ntdll: Pass the NT name in the create_file request.
ntdll: Pass the NT name in the set_fd_name_info request.
server: Store the NT name in the fd object.
server: Return the NT name for the ProcessImageFileName query.
server: Return the NT name for the list_processes request.
server: Implement NtQueryVirtualMemory(MemorySectionName).
ntdll/tests: Add some tests for NtQueryVirtualMemory(MemorySectionName).
kernelbase: Also export the non-K32 names for the psapi functions.
kernelbase: Implement GetMappedFileNameA/W.
server: Use TEB->ArbitraryUserPointer to store the loaded dll names.
server: Report load dll events upon mapping a SEC_IMAGE view.
ntdll: Close the debug port on thread exit.
ntdll/tests: Relax a broken result on Windows.
server: Remove the load/unload_dll requests and the dll list.
kernel32/tests: Load GetMappedFileNameW() dynamically.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
include: Add mulres.idl.
Changes since 6.2:
Akihiro Sagawa (4):
ntdll: ObjectName should also be used in NtUnloadKey.
server: Prevent unloading a registry hive while the key is in use.
advapi32/tests: Add another key unloading test with NtUnloadKey.
krnl386.exe: Cap GetFreeSpace value to 2GB.
Alex Henrie (1):
iphlpapi: Use RtlIpv4AddressToStringA instead of inet_ntoa.
Alexandre Julliard (183):
server: Store a filename for memory views of .so dlls.
ntdll: Allocate the initial process parameters on the Unix side.
ntdll: Set the initial environment and command line in the process parameters on the Unix side.
ntdll: Also set the dynamic environment strings in the initial parameters.
ntdll: Reimplement local atom tables in user space.
server: Remove support for process-local handle tables.
server: Avoid redefining the DuplicateHandle() constants.
ntdll: Use the SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION bitfields where possible.
ntdll: Don't use wine/server.h from the PE side.
kernelbase: Don't use wine/server.h.
kernel32: Don't use wine/server.h.
krnl386.exe: Don't use wine/server.h.
ntdll: Remove no longer used inline function.
server: Merge the various token information queries.
winebuild: Add a --prefer-native option to set a Wine-specific flag in the PE header.
ntdll: Check the prefer-native flag in the PE header for default load order.
winedump: Print the "prefer native" Wine flag.
msvcrt40: Remove DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
normaliz: Remove DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
adsldpc: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
bluetoothapis: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
cryptdll: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3d8thk: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3dcompiler: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3dim: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
dcomp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
esent: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
feclient: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
hid: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ksuser: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mapistub: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mscat32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mscorwks: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msdelta: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msdrm: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msls31: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msports: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
vcomp: Fix varargs calling conventions.
netutils: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
npptools: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
odbcbcp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
olethk32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
photometadatahandler: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
regapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
resutils: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
rtutils: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
samlib: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sas: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
scarddlg: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sfc: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
srclient: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
srvcli: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
strmdll: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
svrapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
utildll: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
vulkan-1: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wdscore: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wlanui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wmasf: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wuaueng: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
xpsprint: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
xpssvcs: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ntdll: Print the version mismatch error from the Unix side.
ntdll: Avoid sign conversion warnings in Thumb-2 relocation processing.
acledit: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
aclui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
activeds: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
apphelp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
atmlib: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
authz: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
avrt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
clusapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
compstui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
connect: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
cryptext: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3drm: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3dx10: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3dx11: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
d3dx9: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
davclnt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
dhcpcsvc: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
dpwsockx: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
drmclien: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
dwmapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
dxva2: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
faultrep: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
fltlib: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
fntcache: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
fontsub: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
fwpuclnt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
glu32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
gpkcsp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
initpki: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
inkobj: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
itircl: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
loadperf: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mfmediaengine: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mfplat: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mfplay: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mgmtapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mprapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msasn1: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msisip: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msnet32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mspatcha: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mssign32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mssip32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msvcm: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ncrypt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ninput: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ntdsapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ntprint: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
pdh: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
pidgen: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
printui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
prntvpt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
pstorec: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
query: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
qwave: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
rasdlg: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
rstrtmgr: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sccbase: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
schannel: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sfc_os: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
slbcsp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
slc: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sxs: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
t2embed: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
tdh: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
traffic: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
winebuild: Set Thumb bit in CPSR register on syscall entry.
winebuild: Fix relay entry points for Thumb mode.
winebuild: Simplify constant loading on ARM.
uiautomationcore: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
url: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
userenv: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
vdmdbg: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
virtdisk: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wer: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wevtapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wimgapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
windowscodecsext: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
winnls32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
winsta: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wlanapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wmvcore: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wsnmp32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
xolehlp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ntdll: Add a separate helper for creating the initial ntdll module.
ntdll: Relocate the PE ntdll if necessary.
ntdll: Initialize the ShowDotFiles option on the Unix side.
ntdll: Fix rounding the length of the runtime info parameter.
browseui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
credui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
cryptdlg: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
cryptui: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
evr: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
hnetcfg: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
inetcomm: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
inetcpl.cpl: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
joy.cpl: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
localspl: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
mscoree: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msctf: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msftedit: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msident: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msscript.ocx: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msvcirt: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
msvcp60: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
openal32: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
scrobj: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
scrrun: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
shcore: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
snmpapi: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
spoolss: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
sti: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
vbscript: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wmiutils: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wmp: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wmphoto: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
wshom.ocx: Use --prefer-native instead of DLL_WINE_PREATTACH.
ntdll: Don't set runtime info at all if it's empty.
ntdll: Get rid of attach_implicitly_loaded_dlls().
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (14):
msado15: _Recordset get_Fields support rowset.
msado15: Semi-implement _Connection Execute.
odbccp32: Implement SQLWriteDSNToIni/W.
xactengine3_7: Implement IXACT3Engine PrepareWave.
msado15: Add helper function to create CommandText interface.
include: Add more SQL_ defines.
msado15: Semi-stub _Recordset Open.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in _Connection.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in _Command.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in _Stream.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in Field.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in Fields.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in _Recordset.
msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in ADORecordsetConstruction.
Andrew Boyarshin (1):
widl: Fix handling of output_name in option parsing.
widl: Support midl_pragma default option.
Andrew Eikum (1):
mmdevapi: Implement SpatialAudio features.
Andrey Gusev (1):
wined3d: Add AMD Radeon RX 5500M.
André Hentschel (2):
include: Make sure __int64 is correctly defined on PPC64.
wrc: Add PPC64 support.
Anton Baskanov (4):
quartz/tests: Add tests for IMediaEventEx::SetNotifyFlags.
quartz/tests: Add tests for event notifications.
quartz: Do not send events when notifications are disabled.
quartz: Reset the event if the queue was empty in IMediaEvent::GetEvent().
Arkadiusz Hiler (1):
mmdevapi: Add SpatialAudio tests.
Austin English (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add KdDisableDebugger/KdEnableDebugger stubs.
Brendan Shanks (5):
dinput: Fix Xbox One controller D-pad on Mac.
dinput: Enable Xbox One controller View and Xbox buttons on Mac.
dinput: On Mac, always use both HID usage page and usage for comparisons.
dinput: Map Xbox One controller triggers (accelerator/brake) to Rx/Ry on Mac.
ntdll: Always use MAP_FAILED as mmap()'s error value.
Byeong-Sik Jeon (1):
po: Update Korean translation.
Chao Long (1):
gdiplus/metafile: Implement GdipRecordMetafileFileName.
winebus.sys: Remove incorrect Report ID from the bus_sdl HID report descriptor.
Christian Costa (1):
d3dx9: Return D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 in D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileInMemory for 32 bpp BMP with alpha.
Bernhard Reiter (1):
imagehlp: Partially implement BindImageEx().
Damjan Jovanovic (1):
wldap32: Cyrus SASL's sasl_interact_t.result should be null-terminated.
wldap32: Implement setting the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option.
Daniel Lehman (1):
include: Fix [v]sprintf_s declarations.
Derek Lesho (1):
winegstreamer: Implement IMFMediaSource::Stop.
David Koolhoven (1):
ntdll: Don't try to convert module to 64-bit if it doesn't contain code.
Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
include/winnt.h: Fix arguments order for _InterlockedCompareExchange64() MSVC intrinsic.
Dmitry Timoshkov (7):
wevtapi: Return fake handle from EvtOpenChannelConfig.
wevtapi: Return TRUE from EvtSetChannelConfigProperty.
wevtapi: Add EvtSaveChannelConfig() stub.
ntdll: Exclude large integer APIs from relay tracing.
wevtapi: Add EvtGetChannelConfigProperty(EvtChannelLoggingConfigLogFilePath) stub implementation.
wevtapi/tests: Add some EvtGetChannelConfigProperty() tests.
shell32: IPersistFile::Save(NULL) should use previously stored file name.
Doug Kingston (1):
winealsa: Add card number to duplicate device descriptions.
Erich Hoover (2):
mountmgr.sys: Have harddisk_ioctl return the same status as the IoStatus.
mountmgr.sys: Have mountmgr_ioctl return the same status as the IoStatus.
Erich Hoover (6):
ntdll: Use st_rdev for special devices in get_mountmgr_fs_info.
server: Allow volume information queries to be asynchronous.
ntdll: Allow NtQueryVolumeInformationFile to make async volume information queries.
ntoskrnl.exe: Implement volume information queries for device files.
mountmgr.sys: Add support for volume information queries.
kernelbase: Reimplement GetVolumeInformation on top of GetVolumeInformationByHandle.
Esme Povirk (1):
mscoree: Update Wine Mono to 6.0.0.
mscoree: Remove individual vtable fixup traces.
Floris Renaud (1):
po: Fix Dutch spelling errors.
François Gouget (2):
windowscodecs/tests: Fix a typo in a variable name.
user32: Fix a typo in a comment.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (3):
gdi32: ExtTextOut should fail if count is larger than INT_MAX.
user32/tests: Test minimized window placement after trying to change position.
user32: Keep toplevel minimized windows offscreen if they're already.
Georg Lehmann (2):
winevulkan: Fix vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT with NULL object.
winevulkan: Fix vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT with NULL object.
Hans Leidekker (4):
wbemprox: Report the real OS version.
wbemprox: Fix Windows 8/8.1 caption.
wldap32: Convert berval structures.
wbemprox: Implement Win32_LogicalDisk.Caption.
Haoyang Chen (2):
gdiplus: Avoid negative integer overflow due to implicit type conversion.
gdiplus/tests: Test image brush transformation.
Henri Verbeet (11):
wined3d: Invalidate STATE_STENCIL_REF when switching between NULL and non-NULL depth/stencil views.
d3d11/tests: Add format compatibility tests for DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP.
d3d10core/tests: Add format compatibility tests for DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP.
d3d11/tests: Add format compatibility tests for compressed formats.
d3d10core/tests: Add format compatibility tests for compressed formats.
wined3d: Allow resource copies between block-compatible formats.
wined3d: Use the format block dimensions to construct the destination box for sub-resource region copies.
wined3d: Compare resource sizes in blocks in wined3d_device_copy_resource().
wined3d: Construct a separate source box in wined3d_device_copy_resource().
wined3d: Create the backbuffer rendertarget view only after calling adapter_init_3d().
wined3d: Add some TRACEs to command stream callbacks.
Hugh McMaster (1):
reg/tests: Add initial syntax tests for 'reg copy'.
Jacek Caban (5):
kernelbase: Support FileEndOfFileInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle.
mshtml: Move load_gecko() call from DllRegisterServer to DllInstall.
include: Add relogger.idl file.
winebuild: Use lld-link for static libraries on msvc target.
winebuild: Don't use llvm-lib to build static libs containing importlibs.
Jactry Zeng (2):
include: Add IFileOperation interface.
shell32: Implement IFileOperation stub.
Jan Sikorski (7):
wined3d: Store stencil reference value in wined3d_state.
wined3d: Check for stencil reference change in vulkan backend.
wined3d: Added missing states to debug_d3dstate().
wined3d: Align vertex attribute offsets to their size, if smaller than 4.
wined3d: Return E_INVALIDARG from vertexdeclaration_init() on validation failure.
d3d10core/tests: Add input layout alignment tests.
d3d11/tests: Add input layout alignment tests.
po: Update Dutch translation.
François Gouget (3):
tests: Trace the filename in winetest_wait_child_process().
tests: Add ignore_exceptions().
kernel32/tests: Ignore exceptions while testing winedbg.
Gerald Pfeifer (1):
iphlpapi: Include <netinet/in.h> in ifenum.c.
Gijs Vermeulen (1):
msvcirt: Implement remainder of fstream class.
Hans Leidekker (2):
secur32/tests: Add tests for renegotiating an SSL connection.
winhttp/tests: Add tests for client certificate authentication.
Henri Verbeet (10):
d3d11: Advertise support for shader model 4 compute shaders if compute shaders are supported.
wined3d: Recognise the read-only depth/stencil view flags in wined3d_debug_view_desc().
wined3d: Introduce a backup path for swapchain presents using GDI.
wined3d: Do not fail swapchain creation in wined3d_swapchain_vk_init() if a Vulkan swapchain could not be created.
wined3d: Unbind framebuffer state in state_unbind_resources().
d3d11: Implement d3d11_immediate_context_SwapDeviceContextState() on top of wined3d_device_set_state().
d3d10core/tests: Add a test for layered clears.
d3d11/tests: Add a test for layered clears.
wined3d: Allow layered clears.
wined3d: Load/invalidate entire views in ffp_blitter_clear_rendertargets().
Hugh McMaster (17):
reg/tests: Check for elevated privileges before cleaning up the Windows 3.1 test key and running unit tests.
reg/tests: Ensure test key is fully removed before each sequence begins.
reg/tests: Move /v* syntax tests to the 'add' and 'delete' test sequences.
reg/tests: Check for key non-existence with verify_key_nonexist().
reg/tests: Always overwrite export test file during 'export' sequence.
reg/tests: Verify registry export after each empty key test.
reg/tests: Replace RegCloseKey() with the helper function close_key().
reg/tests: Add additional tests with embedded NUL characters.
reg/tests: Add tests for forward and back slashes in key and value names.
regedit/tests: Check for elevated privileges before cleaning up the Windows 3.1 test key and running unit tests.
regedit/tests: Ensure test key is fully removed before each sequence begins.
regedit/tests: Replace RegCloseKey() with the helper function close_key().
regedit/tests: Use delete_key() and delete_tree() where possible.
regedit/tests: Add additional tests with embedded NUL characters.
regedit/tests: Add tests for forward and back slashes in key and value names.
regedit/tests: Comprehensively check for elevated privileges before starting tests.
regedit/tests: Remove elevated user checks from the Windows 3.1 test sequences.
Jacek Caban (34):
oleaut32: Use C locale in VARIANT_BstrFromReal.
conhost: Avoid assumption about the exact Unix cursor position after writing to the last column.
ntdll: Store entire XMM context in x86_64 syscall frame.
winebuild: Remove no longer needed stack alignment in x86_64 syscall dispatcher.
ntdll: Reserve space for all registers in x86_64 syscall frame.
ntdll: Store eflags in x86_64 syscall frame.
ntdll: Store instruction pointer register in x86_64 syscall frame.
ntdll: Store stack pointer in x86_64 syscall frame.
ntdll: Store segment registers in x86_64 syscall frame.
ntdll: Use syscall frame for volatile registers in x64_64 NtGetContextThread.
winebuild: Restore all x86_64 control registers in syscall dispatcher.
winebuild: Restore x86_64 FPU context and nonvolatile registers in syscall dispatcher.
mshtml: Add nsICacheInfoChannel stub implementation.
winegcc: Properly set debug info type on msvc targets.
ntdll: Introduce signal_init_syscalls.
winebuild: Factor out output_syscall_dispatcher.
ntdll: Store x86_64 YMM context in syscall frame.
ntdll: Use syscall frame for x86_64 YMM context in NtGetContextThread.
ntdll: Use syscall frames in x86_64 NtSetContextThread implementation.
ntdll: Use NtContinue in NtRaiseException.
ntdll: Use NtContinue in RtlRestoreContext.
ntdll: Use syscall dispatcher for restoring context in x86_64 NtSetContextThread implementation.
ntdll: Use xsavec in x86_64 syscall dispatcher.
ntdll: Use syscall frame in x86_64 call_raise_user_exception_dispatcher implementation.
ntdll: Don't use FeatureSet for XSAVE compaction support flag.
ntdll: Use the right cpuid for XSAVEC detection.
ntdll: Fix compacted legacy xsave area handling.
ntdll: Reserve space for full i386 context in syscall frame.
ntdll: Store all non-volatile i386 registers in syscall dispatcher.
ntdll: Use syscall frame in x86 set_full_cpu_context implementation.
include: Fix __dmb declaration.
include: Add MSVC ARM version of NtCurrentTeb.
include: Use GCC-style InterlockedCompareExchange128 implementation on clang in MSVC mode.
ntdll: Use cpu_info to check for AVX availability.
Jactry Zeng (1):
include: Avoid using C++ keyword.
Jefferson Carpenter (1):
msxml3: Fold in reset_output_buffer.
Michael Müller (3):
kernel32: Add sr-Latn-RS locale definition.
kernel32: Update sr-Latn locale definition.
server: Grant the same access rights when req->access is zero in duplicate_token.
Nikolay Sivov (45):
gdiplus/metafile: Fix copy-paste typo when setting resolution (Coverity).
mf: Add shutdown state for the standard quality manager.
mf: Subscribe standard quality manager to clock state change events.
mf: Implement NotifyTopology() for the standard quality manager.
mfplat: Add a few MF_SA_* attributes for tracing.
mf/tests: Add some more tests for video processor transform.
mfreadwrite: Fix vtable variables types.
dwrite: Fix vtable variables types.
d2d1/tests: Add return value test (Coverity).
mfplat/tests: Add some tests for D3D11-aware sample allocator.
mfplat/tests: Test texture parameters used by sample allocator.
mf: Add missing const for vtable structures.
mfmediaengine: Fix vtable variables types.
mf/topology: Improve error handling when connecting sample copier node (Coverity).
evr/allocator: Fix sample entry leak.
mfplat: Move sample implementation to a separate file.
mfplat: Added MFMapDX9FormatToDXGIFormat().
mfplat/tests: Switch to a different texture format to enable more tests on older versions.
mfplat/tests: Add a workaround for test failures on Windows 7 VMs.
mfplat: Add a stub implementation of DXGI surface buffer.
mfplat/allocator: Add initial implementation of sample allocator.
mfplat/tests: Add some tests for sample allocator using D3D9 device.
mfplat/allocator: Keep a reference to initialization attributes.
mfplat/allocator: Add support for MF_SA_BUFFERS_PER_SAMPLE.
mfplat/tests: Fix a crash on Vista.
dwrite: Change remaining traces to have consistent format.
dwrite/layout: Implement desired orientation get/set methods.
oleaut32/tests: Remove workarounds in VarFormat* tests.
oleaut32/tests: Use wide strings in VarFormat* tests.
oleaut32: Handle preformatted strings in VarFormatCurrency().
oleaut32: Added ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteFuncDesc().
dwrite: Call shaper masks setup only when doing substitutions.
dwrite: Track attachment chain during cursive positioning.
dwrite: Use attachment chain for marks positioning.
dwrite: Adjust comment regarding digits substitution during shaping.
evr/tests: Add some more interface checks for the allocator.
mfplat/allocator: Improve initialization handling.
mfreadwrite/reader: Keep a reference to configuration attributes.
mfreadwrite/reader: Create sample allocator for video streams.
dwrite/shaping: Make sure initial glyph buffer can fit at least one glyph per WCHAR.
explorerframe: Do not block clicks on the item button.
dwrite: Fix setting canBreakShapingAfter when applying ligatures.
dwrite/arabic: Use resolved codepoint for joining types.
dwrite/arabic: Mark glyphs with assigned action as unsafe to break.
explorerframe: Handle NSTCS_SINGLECLICKEXPAND style.
Paul Gofman (6):
vcomp100: Share the source with vcomp.
vcomp110: Share the source with vcomp.
vcomp120: Share the source with vcomp.
vcomp140: Share the source with vcomp.
cryptsp: Add dll.
opengl32: Support PFD_DEPTH_DONTCARE flag in wglChoosePixelFormat().
Piotr Caban (15):
ucrtbase: Fix _Syserror_map behavior on unknown error.
msvcrt: Make __lc_time_data more similar to native.
msvcr110: Copy utf16 strings in _Gettnames.
msvcrt: Imporve sqrt accuracy and performance on x86_64.
msvcrt: Improve sqrt accuracy and performance on i386.
msvcrt: Improve __libm_sse2_sqrt_precise implementation.
msvcr120/tests: Run strtof tests once.
msvcp90: Return required buffer size in _Strxfrm.
msvcp90: Add _Wcsxfrm implementation.
msvcr120: Don't export thiscall functions on arm.
concrt140: Add arm exports.
msvcrt: Set mxcsr denormal flag in sqrtf if needed.
msvcrt: Disable sse2 math functions in older versions of runtime.
msvcrt: Add x87 asin implementation.
msvcr120: Relax gettnames structure layout tests.
Roman Pišl (4):
conhost: Fix copy-paste error when setting windows size.
conhost: Improve notification when resizing window.
cmd: Fix handling of nested if-for expressions on a single line.
cmd: Fix handling of brackets in if-set expressions on a single line.
Rémi Bernon (57):
widl: Support WinRT flags attribute parsing.
widl: Support WinRT eventadd/eventremove attributes.
include: Define DECLSPEC_SELECTANY on MinGW.
include: Add IWMPVideoRenderConfig interface to wmprealestate.idl.
include: Add IWMPRenderConfig interface to wmprealestate.idl.
include: Add IWMPGraphCreation interface to wmpservice.idl.
include: Add WMPGC_FLAGS_SUPPRESS_DIALOGS constant to wmpservices.idl.
include: Add more DISPID constants to wmpids.h.
mscoree: Improve non-neutral assembly lookup logic.
widl: Generate WinRT runtimeclass name constants.
d3d11/tests: Add more tests for ID3D11DeviceContext1_SwapDeviceContextState.
d3d11/tests: Add missing ID3D11DeviceContext1_CSSetUnorderedAccessViews.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for ID3DDeviceContextState_SetPrivateData.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for input assembler stage state swap.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for output merger stage state swap.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for rasterizer stage state swap.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for stream output state swap.
d3d11/tests: Add tests for predicate state swap.
include: Rename class parameters to mmcss_class.
windowscodecs: Use IWICImagingFactory_CreatePalette in write_source.
wmphoto: Implement class factory for WmpDecoder.
widl: Remove useless find_type_or_error2 helper.
widl: Remove constant t parameter from find_type_or_error.
widl: Factor and cleanup coclass type declaration and definition.
widl: Factor and cleanup runtimeclass type declaration and definition.
widl: Distinguish interface declarations from interface references.
widl: Factor and cleanup interface type declaration and definition.
widl: Factor and cleanup dispinterface type declaration and definition.
widl: Factor and cleanup apicontract type declaration and definition.
widl: Factor and cleanup module type declaration and definition.
widl: Fold aIDENTIFIER / aKNOWNTYPE rules together.
wmphoto: Implement WMP decoder using jxrlib.
windowscodecs: Return E_INVALIDARG from GetFrame with NULL pointer.
configure: Silence a linker warning about no-PIC .text relocations.
ntdll: Print a warning for thread rename exceptions.
ntdll: Print a warning for debug print exceptions.
ntdll: Print a warning or an error for other exceptions.
widl: Add explicit namespace parameter to find_type_or_error.
widl: Use explicit namespace parameter for qualified names.
widl: Disallow qualified types in expressions.
widl: Remove aNAMESPACE token from the lexer.
widl: Fold inherit cases by using typename rule in qualified_type.
widl: Support referencing qualified interface names.
server: Grow rawinput buffer instead of allocating its maximum size.
widl: Support WinRT activatable attribute parsing.
widl: Support WinRT static attribute parsing.
widl: Support WinRT requires keyword.
include: Add Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesizer runtimeclass.
ntdll/tests: Remove traces from threadpool callbacks.
ntdll/tests: Test RtlRegisterWait with WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD flag.
ntdll: Move Rtl(Un)RegisterWait code below threadpool structs.
ntdll: Don't force submit wait in TpSetWait if timeout is 0.
ntdll: Introduce new tp_object_execute helper.
ntdll: Re-implement RtlRegisterWait using TpSetWait.
kernel32: Write the wait handle before executing the callback.
widl: Support WinRT parameterized type parsing.
widl: Introduce new strappend helper.
Sebastian Lackner (1):
ntdll: Return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST when trying to call NtReadFile on directory.
Timothy Pearson (2):
include: Add PPC64 endianness.
widl: Add PPC64 support.
Zebediah Figura (82):
winegstreamer: Move the "bus" field of struct parser to a new "wg_parser" object.
winegstreamer: Move the "element" field to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the "my_src" and "their_sink" fields to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the push offset tracking fields to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Duplicate the file size into struct wg_parser.
include: Fix the definition of NOTIFYICON_VERSION[_4].
explorer: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage().
winemac: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage().
winex11: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage().
winegstreamer: Move the "push_thread" field to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the playback initialization fields to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the read request fields to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the "flushing" field to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Duplicate the "sink_connected" field in struct wg_parser.
ntoskrnl: Do not destroy the device list in enumerate_new_device().
winebus.sys: Fix the definition of ABS_TO_HID_MAP.
include: Pack HID_DESCRIPTOR.
winegstreamer: Move the "mutex" field to struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Move the "segment" field of struct parser_source to a new "wg_parser_stream" object.
winegstreamer: Move the GstPad fields to struct wg_parser_stream.
winegstreamer: Move the "flip" field to struct wg_parser_stream.
winegstreamer: Move the "caps" field to struct wg_parser_stream.
kernel32/tests: Correctly check for failure from FindFirstFile().
ntdll/tests: Check the alternate NT path only if it is present.
ntdll/tests: Add more tests for RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U().
kernel32/tests: Add some more tests for wildcards.
ntdll: Treat '>' the same as '?' in match_filename().
winegstreamer: Move the stream event fields to struct wg_parser_stream.
winegstreamer: Move the "eos" field to struct wg_parser_stream.
winegstreamer: Move the "flushing" field to struct wg_parser_stream.
winegstreamer: Avoid accessing the DirectShow peer from GStreamer callbacks.
winegstreamer: Reset the push offset in parser_init_stream().
kernelbase: Map LANG_SERBIAN_NEUTRAL in ConvertDefaultLocale().
ntdll: Map LANG_SERBIAN_NEUTRAL in RtlLocaleNameToLcid().
winegstreamer: Store the wg_parser pointer as our source pad's private data.
winegstreamer: Store the wg_parser_stream pointers also in struct wg_parser.
winegstreamer: Store the stream duration also in the wg_parser_stream structure.
winegstreamer: Use the "streams" array in wg_parser code.
winegstreamer: Factor out free_stream().
advapi32/tests: Add some tests for querying the security of pseudo-handles.
advapi32: Support GetSecurityInfo() with special root HKEY constants.
advapi32/tests: Add a couple tests for DuplicateTokenEx() access flags.
ntdll: Always return at least sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET) in NtAccessCheck().
ntdll: Do not touch the privilege output buffers if access_check fails.
ntdll: Check the output buffer length in NtAccessCheck().
winegstreamer: Do not use gst_segment_to_running_time().
winegstreamer: Introduce an intermediate media format structure.
winegstreamer: Use struct wg_format to convert from AM_MEDIA_TYPE to GstCaps.
winegstreamer: Store the preferred stream format as a wg_format structure.
winegstreamer: Handle MPEG-1 audio formats in amt_to_wg_format().
winegstreamer: Store the current stream format in the wg_parser_stream structure.
winegstreamer: Compare wg_format structures in GST_QUERY_ACCEPT_CAPS.
winegstreamer: Use wg_format_to_caps() in GST_QUERY_CAPS.
winegstreamer: Use amt_to_wg_format() in decodebin_parser_source_query_accept().
winegstreamer: Avoid using Wine debug functions in query_sink().
winegstreamer: Don't force query_sink() onto a Wine thread.
server: Hold a reference to the iosb in the accept_req structure.
server: Terminate accept asyncs when the last socket handle is closed.
server: Hold a reference to both sockets in the accept_req structure.
server: Use a callback to free the accept_req structure.
winegstreamer: Store the wg_parser_stream pointers as our sink pads' private data.
winegstreamer: Separate parser_source and wg_parser_stream allocation.
winegstreamer: Defer source pin creation until after all pads are exposed.
winegstreamer: Pass a wg_parser pointer to signal callbacks.
winegstreamer: Avoid using Wine debug functions in existing_new_pad().
winegstreamer: Don't force existing_new_pad() onto a Wine thread.
ntoskrnl/tests: Test the contents of the user IO_STATUS_BLOCK.
ntoskrnl: Copy the IRP I/O status block to the user I/O status block in IoCompleteRequest().
ntoskrnl: Retrieve information from the user I/O status block for PnP IRPs.
ntoskrnl: Pass a KEVENT to IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest() for PnP IRPs.
hidclass.sys: Pass a KEVENT to IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest() in call_minidriver().
winebus.sys: Return success from IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES.
hidclass.sys: Do not manually clean up devices on unload.
hidclass.sys: No longer track devices in a list.
wineusb.sys: Return STATUS_DELETE_PENDING rather than STATUS_CANCELLED when a device is removed.
winebus.sys: Return STATUS_DELETE_PENDING rather than STATUS_CANCELLED when a device is removed.
winegstreamer: Separate parser and filter initialization.
winegstreamer: Move wg_parser object creation to a new Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move GStreamer library initialization to __wine_init_unix_lib().
winegstreamer: Move wg_parser_destroy() to the Unix library.
wined3d: Support WINED3D_RTYPE_BUFFER in wined3d_check_device_format().
d3d11: Report D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_BUFFER in CheckFormatSupport().
Ziqing Hui (1):
windowscodecs/tests: Fix an argument typo in ok().
msxml3/tests: Test mxwriter domdoc output.
Jérôme Gardou (1):
msi: Remove read-only bit when copying the package file.
Liam Middlebrook (2):
winevulkan: Handle bitmask types backed by VkFlags64.
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.2.170.
Michael Müller (1):
ntdll: Implement NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation).
Nicholas Fraser (1):
configure: Add --enable-build-id option.
Nikolay Sivov (35):
mfplat: Fix use-after-free when releasing sample allocator.
mfplat: Handle tracked sample release condition separately from refcount update.
mfplat/allocator: Handle bind flags and usage attributes.
mfplat: Unify trace format for device manager methods.
dwrite: Pass features to stage functions.
dwrite/layout: Split run shaping between two helpers.
dwrite/layout: Grow output buffer on GetGlyphs() failure.
dwrite: Always initialize output glyph count in GetGlyphs().
dwrite: Fix character range to glyph range matching for user features.
dwrite/layout: Pass user features to shaping calls.
mfreadwrite/reader: Subscribe to allocator's release notifications.
mfreadwrite/reader: Add support for reading to SA-allocated samples.
mf/tests: Add a sample copier test for sample fields handling.
dwrite/layout: Check text range boundaries when setting properties.
dwrite/layout: Remove unnecessary argument check from GetPairKerning().
dwrite/layout: Remove unnecessary argument check from GetInlineObject().
dwrite/layout: Remove unnecessary argument check from GetFontWeight().
dwrite/layout: Remove unnecessary argument check from GetFontCollection().
mf/tests: Skip some tests on missing function.
dwrite: Correct return glyph origins for RTL runs.
dwrite: Use correct glyph origins during rendering.
dwrite: Use newer analyzer interface internally.
dwrite/layout: Add support for character spacing attributes.
winegstreamer: Fully initialize MF object creation context.
dwrite: Remove unused function.
mf/tests: Skip all tests on Vista.
wbemprox: Implement WbemContext stub.
wbemdisp: Add SWbemNamedValueSet stub.
wbemprox: Implement GetValue()/SetValue() for context object.
wbemdisp: Use context object internally for named value set.
wbemdisp: Add Methods() collection stub.
wbemdisp: Add a stub implementation of a method object.
wbemprox: Set iterator for spawned instances.
wbemdisp: Implement InParameters() property for a method object.
wbemdisp: Handle DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT in scripting object Invoke().
Paul Gofman (7):
vcomp: Change _vcomp_fork_call_wrapper() args parameter type to void **.
vcomp: Implement C2VectParallel().
vcomp110: Add test for C2VectParallel().
msvcrt: Ignore inherited FDs with invalid handles in msvcrt_init_io().
ddraw/tests: Also test RT caps for software device.
advapi32: Return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER for invalid crypt objects' handles.
advapi32: Handle exceptions from dereferencing invalid crypt objects' handles.
Piotr Caban (2):
msvcrt: Improve asinf compatibility with native ucrtbase.
msvcrt: Improve acosf compatibility with native ucrtbase.
Rémi Bernon (30):
plugplay: Broadcast WM_DEVICECHANGE message asynchronously.
d3d11: Make SwapDeviceContextState truly no-op when state is NULL.
d3d11: Create an initial device ID3DDeviceContextState.
widl: Rename ifref_t iface member to type.
widl: Rename ifref_t to typeref_t.
widl: Rename ifref_list_t to typeref_list_t.
widl: Replace type_list_t with typeref_list_t.
widl: Support partially specialized parameterized type.
widl: Support WinRT parameterized interface type.
user32/tests: Add more tests for GetKeyState from background thread.
user32/tests: Add tests for GetKeyState / GetKeyboardState interactions.
user32/tests: Add tests for SetKeyboardState / GetKeyState interactions.
widl: Support WinRT delegate type.
widl: Support WinRT parameterized delegate type.
widl: Compute signatures for parameterized types.
widl: Compute uuids for parameterized types.
wined3d: Use a separate allocation for the device state.
wined3d: Introduce public API to set a wined3d_state object on a device.
d3d11: Always return the rectangle count in d3d11_immediate_context_RSGetScissorRects().
winex11.drv: Don't assume that GenericEvent has a window.
include: Split Windows.Foundation.Collections parameterized types.
include: Add AggregateType / GetAbiType / GetLogicalType WinRT templates.
widl: Write C++ template declarations for parameterized types.
widl: Write C++ template implementations for parameterized types.
widl: Use C++ template implementation for parameterized types.
widl: Fix C++ RuntimeClass string constants declaration.
widl: Make WinRT nested templates C++98 compatible.
widl: Strip last separator in append_namespaces if suffix is NULL.
widl: Generate helper macros for WinRT implementation.
Steve Lhomme (4):
widl: Never use the namespace ABI prefix for global types.
widl: Precompute qualified type names, and use them for C++ interfaces.
widl: Define the C type name as an alias for the C++ qualified name.
widl: Use C name when writing UUID declarations.
Torge Matthies (1):
server: Fix page size calculation in write access check.
Vijay Kiran Kamuju (2):
dhtmled.ocx: Add registration script.
dhtmled.ocx: Implement IOleObject::GetMiscStatus function.
Zebediah Figura (67):
winegstreamer: Pass the wg_parser object to gst_bus_set_sync_handler().
winegstreamer: Move filter initialization out of GST_Connect().
winegstreamer: Move GST_Connect() to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move wg_parser sink disconnection code to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Retrieve wg_parser streams through Unix library functions.
winegstreamer: Do not compare FPS in wg_format_compare().
imagehlp/tests: Link directly to imagehlp and psapi.
imagehlp/tests: Use ImageNtHeader instead of RtlImageNtHeader.
imagehlp/tests: Rewrite test_bind_image_ex() using a DLL resource.
winegstreamer: Retrieve the preferred format through a Unix library function.
winegstreamer: Set the stream's current format and connected state through Unix library functions.
winegstreamer: Move get_stream_event() to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move wg_parser flushing to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move QoS notification to the Unix library.
advapi32/tests: Rename test_sid() to test_ConvertStringSidToSid().
advapi32/tests: Get rid of the test_luid() helper.
advapi32/tests: Rename test_acls() to test_InitializeAcl().
advapi32/tests: Explicitly test the ACL contents in test_AddMandatoryAce().
advapi32/tests: Skip test_token_label() if AddMandatoryAce() is not present.
winegstreamer: Move seeking to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move videoflip configuration to wg_parser_stream_set_current_format().
winegstreamer: Use wg_parser_stream_seek() in GST_ChangeRate().
winegstreamer: Map the output sample buffer in the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Avoid using gst_util_uint64_scale() in send_sample().
winegstreamer: Retrieve and complete read requests through Unix library functions.
advapi32/tests: Add a few tests for GetKernelObjectSecurity() parameter validation.
advapi32/tests: Add some tests for token elevation.
ntdll: Implement NtQueryInformationToken(TokenElevationType).
ntdll: Implement NtQueryInformationToken(TokenLinkedToken).
ntdll: Implement NtQueryInformationToken(TokenElevation).
winegstreamer: Move GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE handling to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Move the EOS handling from read_buffer() to the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Map the read buffer in the Unix library.
winegstreamer: Access the stream duration through a Unix library function.
winegstreamer: Avoid accessing "parser->container" from gstdemux.c.
winegstreamer: Move the wg_parser and wg_parser_stream definitions to wg_parser.c.
ntdll: Fill the handle attributes in System(Extended)HandleInformation.
ntdll: Fill the object type index in System(Extended)HandleInformation.
winegstreamer: Manually track read offsets in the media source.
winegstreamer: Manage our own thread for read requests in the media source.
winegstreamer: Explicitly translate the channel mask.
winegstreamer: Reimplement the media source on top of the wg_parser object.
quartz/tests: Add more tests for media events.
quartz: Use the graph critical section to synchronize media event methods.
quartz: Use a linked list to store media events.
quartz: Inline the WndNotify structure into struct filter_graph.
quartz: Clear pending events when disabling notifications.
quartz: Remove EC_COMPLETE from the queue when starting the graph.
winegstreamer: Use ULONGLONG instead of uint64_t in Unix library interface structures.
winegstreamer: Build with msvcrt.
quartz: Use free() to free the "pszFileName" member.
winegstreamer: Use wide-char string literals.
winegstreamer: Use malloc() instead of HeapAlloc().
winegstreamer: Remove some redundant includes.
winegstreamer: Don't export DllMain().
winegstreamer: Rename gstdemux.c to quartz_parser.c.
winegstreamer: Link to strmbase.
ntdll/tests: Avoid passing an uninitialized timeout to NtNotifyChangeKey().
winegstreamer: Rename some callbacks to more closely match GStreamer terminology.
winegstreamer: Rename some callbacks to explicitly show they are callbacks.
winegstreamer: Inline init_new_decoded_pad() into pad_added_cb().
winegstreamer: Don't make the pad caps writable in pad_added_cb().
winegstreamer: Rename gst_base_src_perform_seek() to src_perform_seek().
kernel32/tests: Add a test for async cancellation due to process exit.
server: Always set the async result when the APC object is destroyed.
quartz/vmr9: Don't release the default presenter object if it could not be created.
d3d12: Check for VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities before using VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties.
Zhiyi Zhang (11):
user32: Send a WM_ACTIVATE message after restoring a minimized top level window.
ntoskrnl.exe: Exclude large integer APIs from relay tracing.
user32/tests: Fix a test failure on w7u_2qxl TestBot VM.
user32/tests: Add optional messages to test sequences.
comctl32/ipaddress: Only print an error when it actually occurs.
comctl32/theme_scrollbar: Remove an unused variable.
comctl32/button: Turn off themed painting if parts are unavailable for Command Links.
uxtheme: Add Command Link part and state definitions.
uxtheme: Support more font properties.
uxtheme: Support DTT_FONTPROP for DrawThemeTextEx().
uxtheme: Remove unused code.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ Donat Enikeev
Don Kelly
Donna Whisnant
Donn Miller
Doug Kingston
Douglas Ridgway
Doug Paul
Drew Ronneberg
......@@ -1201,6 +1202,7 @@ Neil Olver
Neil Skrypuch
Nemeth Peter
Nerijus Baliunas
Nicholas Fraser
Nicholas Niro
Nick Bowler
Nick Burns
Wine version 6.2
Wine version 6.3
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 6.2.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 6.3.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 6.2 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 6.3 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 6.2:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 6.3:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2828,7 +2828,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 6.2
Wine configure 6.3
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3512,7 +3512,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 6.2, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 6.3, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -21909,7 +21909,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 6.2, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 6.3, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -21980,7 +21980,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 6.2
Wine config.status 6.3
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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