- Feb 05, 2015
Status items are the things on the right end of the Mac menu bar, like the clock and volume widget. It turns out that they are displayed at a higher window level than everything else in the menu bar. For the case where the displays are not captured for a full-screen window, the window ends up at the same window level as the status items, and they would sometimes end up on top. They would draw over the full-screen window and could be clicked.
- Feb 04, 2015
This was probably taken from the YUV shaders, incorrectly and in reverse logic. It did happen to work though because fragment.texcoord[0].w is 1.0.
- Feb 03, 2015
On high-resolution Retina displays, the OS X window backing store has twice the pixels as Wine's window backing store. So, our images get scaled up. Core Graphics had been interpolating/smoothing the image, which resulted in fuzziness. This tells it not to do that. I had assumed this wouldn't be necessary since we pass FALSE for the shouldInterpolate parameter of CGImageCreate() when we create the images. Apparently, that's not sufficient.