13925 IKEA Home Planner 2010 2D and 3D graphical views show only garbage
18234 Lotus Approach (MDI app): double clicking minimized MDI child windows (icons) results in "About Wine" instead of maximize
22974 "Shell folders" settings are reset after each wine update
34622 Multiple games need DMO Wrapper Filter, 'qasf.dll' (Neocron, Age of empires III Steam, .NET XNA 3.x/4.x games using Media classes) (`winetricks qasf` is a workaround)
37073 Trees not rendered correctly in Far Cry 2 when anti-aliasing enabled
40649 apps (e.g. sysinternals' ADExplorer) that require ActiveDirectory connections/ADsOpenObject fail
42038 Cannot scroll documents being compared in winmerge (Followup to bug 20695)
42764 Proteus direct 3D render problem
43465 Unit Test: ComboBox Dropdown does not work if Style is set and no scrollbar required
40334 Multiple games and applications crash on unimplemented function ntdll.dll.RtlGetNativeSystemInformation (AION, AVG Free Edition 2012-2014, TuneUp Utilities 2014)