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Commit f11563c6 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 3.17.

parent 580ea44b
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Tags wine-3.17
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The Wine development release 3.16 is now available.
The Wine development release 3.17 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Initial implementation of OPC Services.
- Support for rendering buttons from an ImageList.
- Better support for CSS properties in MSHTML.
- Namespace fixes in XML Writer.
- Improved Shell Autocomplete support.
- More implementation of OPC Services.
- Improvements to the Pager common control.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -26,324 +25,395 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 3.16 (total 43):
19801 cygwin can't run a batch file from inside a shell script without explicit cmd /c
22255 Total Commander: Deleting the 1st or 2nd character in an edit box deletes all of them
22440 Total Commander: The panels showing Brief are not resized vertically when the application window is resized vertically
24623 Windows Live Essentials 2011 installer doesn't show any options on the first screen (support for BCM_GETIDEALSIZE needed, ideal width and height for a specified button)
30856 Atmel Studio 6 fails to start with Visual Studio 2010 Isolated Shell, reporting 'Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.'
36142 Symantec Norton 360 installer fails ('rpcss' needs to be a proper Windows service)
37175 Call of Duty 2: Video playback is not working
38339 Can't change resolution in Call of Duty 4
38432 Xeon 1.0 (Xbox emulator) fails to load (PE image prelinked into DOS reserved area and default process heap range, no relocation possible)
40062 Media Player Classic Home Cinema does not show bitmaps in buttons, needs BCM_SETIMAGELIST
40064 Atmel Studio 7: 'DDAConfigCA' tool (part of Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell) crashes on unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.d._configure_wide_argv
40445 WinSCP main window lacks icons (unimplemented BCM_SETIMAGELIST?) and indentation for hosts
40598 Warframe 'launcher.exe' reports 'update failed' ('InternetCrackUrlW' must resize buffer when URL canonicalization fails due to insufficient buffer)
40704 foobar2000 v1.3.10 crashes on alt-F (file menu shortcut)
42577 Far manager: needs virtdisk.dll.GetStorageDependencyInformation
42710 Wechat can not send file to friend
42880 Ragnarok Online doe not clear the loading screen.
43488 Bluestacks crashes in ITextService::TxGetVScroll()
45246 Free Manga Downloader(all): no text on some boxes.
45372 Resident Evil 7 requires mfplat.dll.MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream to be implemented
45430 Improve diagnostics of 'D3DxxCreateDevice' failures for warp driver type (D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP or D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP)
45617 Just Dance 2017: Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFCreateSample
45622 Overwatch crashes when trying to save highlights (needs mfplat.MFTRegisterLocal implementation)
45715 Just Dance 2017: Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFCreateMemoryBuffer
45722 cmd for loop doesn't work with tokens and delims
45727 Quik 7: Regression with button bitmaps after 3.6 release - No any bitmap on the buttons in a messages window
45729 cmd's REM evaluates |
45731 cmd for loops sensitive to whitespace
45735 Neo Manager (formerly known as Alphasmart Manager) not installed, cannot read out via USB
45738 Unable to compile on macOS after "winhttp: Use winsock sockets"
45743 Firefox 61.x crashes on startup due to missing pipe server object type information (Chromium Windows sandbox handle duplication service)
45747 GPU-GPU depth stencil blit is slow (FF XIV)
45753 Office 2010 reruns setup on starting any app
45770 WMP9 crashes with unimplemented function pidgen.dll.PIDGenSimpW
45771 Parts of page(s) content missing when printing (seen in Framemaker 8)
45784 Bethesda Launcher Updater crashes on unimplemented function msvcp110.xtime_get
45785 Bethesda Launcher Updater crashes on unimplemented function msvcp110._Xtime_diff_to_millis2
45786 GTA downgrader (.NET program latest.exe) crashes: "Can't find matching timezone information" ("America/Sao_Paulo")
45788 Mouse pointer is off from the visible cursor by huge margin in steam, when winecfg DPI is different from Xorg
45798 NVIDIA GeForce Experience 3.x installer fails due to missing support for 'WinHttpSetOption( ..., WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, ...)'
45800 Symantec Eraser Control Driver 'eeCtrl64.sys' (Norton 360) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExReleaseResourceLite
45802 ReactOS logoff procedure needs 'mpr.WNetClearConnections' to disconnect user session network share connections
45821 Metasploit Console won't start due to missing registry value HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath
Bugs fixed in 3.17 (total 36):
18271 MSI creates incompatible msi file in a specific case of create table
22995 Adobe FrameMaker 8 installer displays complaint about installation path drive type
23487 Buccaneer: freezes when changing screen resolution
25617 Clones <v1.30 crashes after some time (occasionally with an out of memory error)
27288 Facade installation ends prematurely when installing to a directory name with a space
28000 World War One Gold hangs during the initial loading stage
29603 Ski Challenge 2010: extremely long loading times (unless Win98 mode is set)
30785 MS Office 2007 reports msxml5 as not installed (WoW64)
34522 Drakan: Order of the Flame demo crashes before entering the main menu (needs native directmusic dlls)
34739 manual install of wine gecko gets in the wrong directory in Wow64 wine
38742 Watch_Dogs fail to run after successful Uplay installation
39020 aSc TimeTables 2016 (trial): window scrollbar is slow to respond
41039 Multiple kernel drivers crash on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression (VirtualBox, QQProtect for Tencent TIM ( 2.1.x)
41325 Actions of MSI installer properties missing or wrong
43550 Photoshop Elements 15 spams console with fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
43890 Divinity: Original Sin 2 does not successfully launch
44583 CryptBinaryToStringW returns wrong required buffer size.
45036 Cisco Jabber 11.x crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.GetIpNetTable2
45320 cmd creates an environment variable with an empty name
45347 Google Chrome installer crashes on unimplemented function propsys.dll.InitPropVariantFromCLSID
45485 Virtual Desktop "has no name"
45523 FIFA 18 Demo needs KERNEL32.dll.SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx
45538 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.?wait@Concurrency@@YAXI@Z (Amazon Workspaces client, EnginePrime, Bethesda Launcher Updater)
45569 League of Legends 8.12+ needs NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessCookie) stub
45673 Calling delegated proxy methods returns 0x800706b5 (RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF), "err:rpc:RpcAssoc_BindConnection syntax {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}, 0.0 not supported"
45691 Installation of anno 1404 (GOG version Gold edition) fails on architecture win64 with wine 3.14
45724 Multiple EndScene calls result in multiple glFlush (FF XIV)
45813 Orbit Profiler crashes due to unimplemeneted function advapi32.TraceSetInformation()
45823 (4.1.*) installer fails with error messagebox: System.NotImplementedException: : hr = m_pFactory1->CreateDrawingStateBlock
45831 Slack installer (Squirrel) fails:Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException:at MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods.WICMetadataQueryReader.ContainsMetadataByName
45832 Windower 5 beta (FF XI tool) crash: Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException at Windower.UI.Views.RootView.OnSourceInitialized (DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea should return S_OK)
45833 (4.1.*) installer fails with error messagebox: System.NotImplementedException: d2ddevicecontext.cpp (228) : hr = pDeviceContext->CreateBitmapBrush
45845 Microsoft Office 2010: installer crashes at the beginning of the installation process
45848 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - player model rendering issues in DX11 mode
45849 (4.1.*) installer fails with error messagebox: System.NotImplementedException: d2ddevicecontext.cpp (326) : hr = m_pDeviceContext->CreateEffect( apBrush
45861 PhaseOne CaptureOne 11.2 (.NET 4.7 app) crashes on unimplemented function mscms.dll.WcsGetUsePerUserProfiles
Changes since 3.15:
Alex Henrie (6):
ws2_32/tests: Mark the IPX-not-supported error code test as todo.
opengl/tests: Don't run Pbuffer tests if no Pbuffer can be created.
shell32/tests: Mark a shell dispatch test as todo on x64 and ARM.
msvcrt: Don't report an underflow for ldexp(0, x) or _scalb(0, x).
wine.inf: Add TCP/IP DataBasePath value.
ntdll/tests: Handle case where process doesn't have its own DEP policy.
Alexandre Julliard (7):
gdi32: Don't return screen resolution on printer devices.
shell32: Assume that system directory always contains a drive letter.
shell32: Avoid infinite loop in _SHExpandEnvironmentStrings.
shell32: Re-add support for expanding ALLUSERSPROFILE for backward compatibility.
user32: Ignore application-specified DPI awareness when DPI scaling is disabled.
server: Remove unnecessary structure names.
winex11: Make pixel format traces more compact.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (10):
include: Add MmIsAddressValid to header.
mfplat: Add MFTRegisterLocal stub.
mfplat: Add MFTUnregisterLocal stub.
mfplat: Implement MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream.
mfplat: Implement MFCreateMemoryBuffer.
mfplat: Correct spec for MFTRegisterLocal.
ddraw: Accept the d3d1 and d3d2 versions of D3DFINDDEVICERESULT in ddraw_find_device().
mfplat: Forward IMFMediaType to IMFAttributes.
mfplat: Forward IMFStreamDescriptor to IMFAttributes.
mfplat: Implement MFCreateSample.
Andrew Wesie (1):
wined3d: Use raw blit for supported depth-stencil blits.
André Hentschel (8):
ntdll: Bump Win 10 version to 17134.
api-ms-win-core-comm-l1-1-0: Add dll.
api-ms-win-core-stringloader-l1-1-1: Add dll.
api-ms-win-security-cryptoapi-l1-1-0: Add dll.
Changes since 3.16:
Alex Henrie (9):
kernel32: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to functions patched by libtcmalloc.
ntdll: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to functions patched by libtcmalloc.
oleaut32: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to functions patched by MS Word 2010.
msvcrt: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to functions patched by libtcmalloc.
wmp/tests: Destroy the window before calling CoUninitialize.
imm32: Avoid using GCC's typeof extension.
gdi32: Avoid using GCC's typeof extension.
msvcrt: Use isnan instead of isnanf.
riched20: Avoid using GCC's typeof extension.
Alexandre Julliard (19):
server: Avoid potential size overflow for empty object attributes.
ntoskrnl/tests: Fix error check that fails on Windows.
server: Align object attributes to a DWORD-boundary.
server: Allow specifying the security descriptor for a new thread.
server: Move initial thread creation out of the create_process() function.
server: Specify the process in which to create a new thread.
server: Create the initial thread as a separate request.
server: Allow specifying the security descriptor for a new process.
server: Store the process exe file in the process structure.
server: Don't return the process exe file to the client.
server: Return more specific error status for NE binaries.
kernel32: Reimplement GetBinaryTypeW to rely on the server for header parsing.
kernel32: Remove the DOS/Win16/OS2 binary distinction.
kernel32: Move MODULE_get_binary_info implementation to process.c.
kernel32: Retrieve binary information from the server for PE files.
kernel32: Determine 32/64-bitness from the PE architecture.
kernel32: Return the binary type from get_binary_info().
kernel32: Get rid of the binary_info structure.
kernel32: Create a fresh PE info structure when running winevdm.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (3):
kernel32/tests: Tests for ProcessCookie in NtQueryInformationProcess.
mfplat: Add MFCopyImage stub.
dsound: Don't trace current thread ID.
Andrew Eikum (1):
winedbg: In gdbproxy file, allow wine paths with spaces.
Andrew Wesie (3):
ntdll: Stub for ProcessCookie in NtQueryInformationProcess.
wined3d: Remove extraneous flush from EndScene.
wined3d: Use query buffer objects for occlusion queries.
André Hentschel (5):
advapi32/tests: Allow ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED for newer Win10.
kernel32/tests: Allow ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED for newer Win10.
oleaut32/tests: Adjust test to a fixed Windows bug.
crypt32: Print Crypt(Un)protectMemory FIXME only once.
Aric Stewart (2):
winebus.sys: Improve unloading the winebus driver.
winebus.sys: Implement IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS.
Bernhard Übelacker (1):
wintab32: Correct ordinal in comment to the same as in the spec file.
Brock York (2):
kernel32/tests: Test ReplaceFileW on open exe.
kernel32/tests: Improve ReplaceFileW error checking.
Dmitry Timoshkov (10):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add a stub for MmCreateSection.
fltmgr.sys: Add stubs for FltAcquirePushLockExclusive, FltDeletePushLock and FltReleasePushLock.
ntoskrnl: Fix cross-compilation of the driver tests.
ntoskrnl: Add a test for a failing to load driver.
wininet: Remove unused parameter from create_netconn().
msi/tests: Add some tests for remote MSI summary info APIs.
msi: Handle the remote case in MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty.
msi: Handle the remote case in MsiSummaryInfoGetPropertyCount.
msi: Handle the remote case in MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty.
msi/tests: Add more tests for remote MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty.
François Gouget (2):
ole32/tests: Fix spelling of a variable name.
cmd: A spelling fix in a comment.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (10):
shell32/autocomplete: Revamp pwzsRegKeyPath handling so it can deal with arbitrary sizes and make it more robust.
shell32/autocomplete: Fix handling of Backspace and Delete.
comctl32/listbox: Update the size in SetColumnWidth before calling UpdatePage.
user32/listbox: Update the size in SetColumnWidth before calling UpdatePage.
shell32/autocomplete: Fix a vulnerability by avoiding the use of snprintf.
shell32/autocomplete: Handle heap_alloc failure.
shell32/autocomplete: Reduce the strlen calls because they are redundant.
shell32/autocomplete: Don't call ShowWindow unless auto-suggest listbox is enabled.
shell32/autocomplete: Get rid of control and filled BOOLs and simplify the code.
shell32/autocomplete: Dynamically allocate hwndText so it can handle arbitrary sizes.
Gijs Vermeulen (6):
msvcp110: Export xtime_get.
msvcp110: Export _Xtime_diff_to_millis2.
msvcr100: Add Concurrency::wait stub.
ntoskrnl: Add ExReleaseResourceLite stub.
include: Add virtdisk.h.
virtdisk/tests: Add GetStorageDependencyInformation tests.
Hans Leidekker (3):
secur32/tests: Connect to instead of
userenv: Fix setting the ALLUSERSPROFILE environment variable.
Henri Verbeet (12):
wined3d: Get rid of the "attribute_size" field in struct wined3d_format.
wined3d: Add component info for R10G10B10X2_SNORM and R10G10B10X2_UINT.
wined3d: Derive format component counts from the component info.
ddraw/tests: Rewrite FindDevice().
ddraw: Ignore the colour model in d3d3_FindDevice().
ddraw: Find the correct GUIDs for each D3D version in FindDevice().
d2d1: Simplify the WIC render target implementation.
wined3d: Move ARB_vertex_array_bgra handling to init_format_vertex_info().
wined3d: Handle lack of ARB_half_float_vertex in format_vertex_info[].
wined3d: Use a table for colour fixups in apply_format_fixups().
Huw D. M. Davies (1):
ntoskrnl: Allow space for the '\0'.
Jacek Caban (15):
server: Support ObjectTypeInformation in pipe objects.
xmllite: Prefer builtin version.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::backgroundClip property implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::opacity property implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::zoom property implementation.
mshtml: Add IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2 stub implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::cssFloat property implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::put_cssStyle implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::get_cssText implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::removeProperty implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::styleFloat property implementation.
mshtml: Use dispex_compat_mode in update_filter.
mshtml: Expose IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration interface to scripts.
mshtml: Expose CSS properties names from style object via IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration dispids.
qcap/tests: AVICo might be unavaiable on newer Win10.
kernel32: Add stub for SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx.
user32/tests: Allow newer Win10 behaviour.
wininet/tests: Skip tests when querying INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CERTIFICATE_STRUCT fails (newer win10).
Austin English (2):
winscard: Add SCardCancel stub.
iphlpapi: Add GetIpNetTable2 stub.
Dmitry Timoshkov (9):
windowscodecs: IWICMetadataQueryReader::GetMetadataByName() should accept NULL for returned value.
msi: Fix a typo.
msi: Move parameter checks to a common helper in MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty.
msi: Do not attempt to copy a non-string property in MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty.
msi/tests: Also test full range of properties for MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyW.
msi/tests: Add a test for repetitive MsiGetActiveDatabase calls.
ntdll/tests: Fix compilation with PSDK.
ntdll/tests: Clarify some file disposition test results, remove useless tests.
ntdll/tests: Add more file disposition tests.
Fabian Maurer (5):
comctl32/taskdialog: Use parentheses around & operator.
opcservices: Add missing break (coverity).
oleview: Add missing break (coverity).
shell32/brsfolder: Add shortcut to rename folders with the F2 key.
shell32/brsfolder: Add shortcut to delete folders with the delete key.
François Gouget (6):
msxml3/tests: Make test_namespaces_as_attributes() static.
mshtml: Make HTMLStyle_init_dispex_info() static.
winhttp: Make winsock_init() static.
winebus.sys: Add a trailing '\n' to a TRACE().
quartz/tests: Make testpin_{AddRef,Release}() static.
wined3d: Modernize the macOS spelling.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (20):
shell32/autocomplete: Move the autocomplete processing and WM_KEYUP to separate functions.
shell32/autocomplete: Redesign the window proc to trigger on key presses instead of key release.
shell32/autocomplete: Don't auto-append on control characters.
shell32/autocomplete: Simplify a calculation.
shell32/autocomplete: Avoid another buffer overflow and handle arbitrary sizes for the auto-append string.
shell32/autocomplete: Remove the property after replacing the callback instead of before.
shell32/tests: Send WM_CHAR instead of WM_KEYUP.
shell32/autocomplete: Fix going up through the suggestion listbox.
shell32/autocomplete: Handle more messages for autocompletion.
shell32/autocomplete: Forward to the edit control outside of the switch to simplify the code.
shell32/autocomplete: Don't autocomplete at all on most control characters.
shell32/autocomplete: Send some messages directly to the edit control's procedure.
shell32/autocomplete: Handle WM_SETTEXT for autocompletion.
shell32/autocomplete: Pass hwnd for consistency with the other calls.
shell32/tests: Test hijacking the edit control's procedure after AutoComplete.
shell32/autocomplete: Remove flicker while redrawing the AutoComplete listbox.
shell32/autocomplete: Use 0 instead of CW_USEDEFAULT.
shell32/autocomplete: Use the same font for the AutoComplete listbox as the edit control.
shell32/autocomplete: Don't auto-append unless the caret is at the end.
shell32/autocomplete: Implement PageDown and PageUp for the auto-suggest listbox.
Gijs Vermeulen (2):
kernel32: Add GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx stub.
Revert "kernel32: Add GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx stub.".
Hans Leidekker (6):
msi/tests: Drop workarounds for Windows 2000.
msi: Allow recursive changes to the target folder path.
appwiz.cpl: Read more application attributes from the registry.
msi/tests: SQLGetInstalledDrivers fails if there are no ODBC drivers installed.
wbemprox: Implement StdRegProv.CreateKey.
Henri Verbeet (27):
wined3d: Make the resource parameter to wined3d_resource_get_decompress_format() const.
wined3d: Get rid of the "format_count" field from struct wined3d_adapter.
wined3d: Properly initialise the driver info in wined3d_adapter_no3d_init().
wined3d: Reorder the formats in debug_d3dformat() to match the enum order.
wined3d: Store the NPOT texture capabilities in struct wined3d_d3d_info.
wined3d: Rename "wined3d_adapter_opengl" to "wined3d_adapter_gl".
wined3d: Disallow creating devices without adapters in wined3d_device_create().
wined3d: Move the OpenGL vertex format to a separate structure.
wined3d: Move the OpenGL view class to struct wined3d_format_gl.
d3d8/tests: Properly check whether creating a device succeeded in test_flip().
d3d9/tests: Properly check whether creating a device succeeded in test_flip().
wined3d: Accept "renderer" in addition to "DirectDrawRenderer".
wined3d: Introduce WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLIT.
wined3d: Move the OpenGL texture format to struct wined3d_format_gl.
d2d1: Introduce a debug helper for D2D1_POINT_2F.
ddraw: Do not report IID_IDirect3DHALDevice in ddraw_find_device() with DDRAW_NO3D.
wined3d: Do not report WINEDDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY for WINED3D_NO3D adapters.
ddraw: Reject creating DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY surfaces with DDRAW_NO3D.
wined3d: Store the wined3d creation flags for NO3D adapters as well.
wined3d: Support NPOT textures on NO3D adapters.
wined3d: Set a feature level for NO3D adapters.
wined3d: Get rid of the "pointsize_min" and "pointsize_max" fields from struct wined3d_gl_limits.
wined3d: Move "texture_size" from struct wined3d_gl_limits to struct wined3d_d3d_limits.
ddraw: Do not request 3D-usages for DDRAW_NO3D surfaces.
wined3d: Do not create DCs for all textures on WINED3D_NO3D adapters.
ddraw: Only do asynchronous clears when the application asked for them.
ddraw: Check for DDRAW_NO3D before checking for a video memory surface in d3d_device_create().
Huw D. M. Davies (2):
setupapi: For consistency use __x86_64__ instead of __x86_64.
msvcp90: Remove unnecessary check for __arm__.
Jacek Caban (3):
winhttp: Modify index only if query_headers succeeded.
winhttp: Set last error in WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes when no auth scheme is found.
user32: Make sure that passed window handle is scroll control before accessing wExtra in SCROLL_GetInternalInfo.
Jactry Zeng (3):
ole32: Partially implement OleCreateStaticFromData() for OLERENDER_FORMAT.
riched20: Handle NULL in ITextServices::{TxGetHScroll, TxGetVScroll}.
ntoskrnl: Add FsRtlIsNameInExpression stub.
Jason Edmeades (3):
cmd: Handle whitespace in 'for' argument items.
cmd: Handle "for" loop handling of tokens, where * does not follow a number.
cmd: Handle unechoed rem commands inside a (..) section.
Josh DuBois (1):
ntdll: Use root of c: drive as fallback cwd during startup.
Józef Kucia (20):
dxgi: Fix dxgi_output_QueryInterface().
d3d11: Normalize D3D11_BLEND_DESC.
d3d11: Pass normalized D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC to wine_rb_put().
wined3d: Allow wined3d_device_update_sub_resource() only on GPU accessible resources.
wined3d: Fix initial data for non-GPU buffers.
d3d11/tests: Add test for staging buffers.
wined3d: Try to avoid allocating sysmem for GPU buffers with initial data.
wined3d: Add support for A8_UNORM render targets.
winevulkan: Check if instance extensions are supported.
vulkan-1/tests: Add test for unsupported instance extensions.
winevulkan: Check if device extensions are supported.
vulkan-1/tests: Add test for unsupported device extensions.
winevulkan: Trace VkApplicationInfo in wine_vkCreateInstance().
winevulkan: Enable vkGetDeviceProcAddr() quirk for idTech engine.
iphlpapi: Fix FILE leak in get_ipv6_addr_scope_table() (Coverity).
d3d11/tests: Test D3D11_BLEND_DESC normalization.
d3d10core/tests: Test D3D10_BLEND_DESC normalization.
wined3d: Add support for 1D UAVs in shaders.
wined3d: Use >= for shader model checks in feature_level_from_caps().
wined3d: Set WINED3DFMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED based on format block info.
Louis Lenders (2):
pidgen: Add stub for PIDGenSimpW.
advapi32: Add stub for TraceSetInformation.
Michael Müller (3):
wininet: Resize buffer when call to InternetCanonicalizeUrlW fails in InternetCrackUrlW.
virtdisk: Add GetStorageDependencyInformation stub.
ntdll: Add stub for ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence.
Michael Stefaniuc (6):
winspool.drv: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
dplayx: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
riched20: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wbemprox: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
webservices: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ws2_32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Nikolay Sivov (54):
opcservices/tests: Add some tests.
opcservices: Add IOpcPartUri stub.
opcservices: Add IOpcPart stub.
comctl32/listbox: Fix debug channel name.
shlwapi: Don't reuse a function for different methods.
shlwapi: Fix Stat() method for file streams.
dxgi: Implement Map()/Unmap().
opcservices: Store part properties on creation.
opcservices: Add IOpcRelationshipSet stub.
opcservices: Add IOpcRelationship stub.
opcservices: Implement IOpcPart::GetRelationshipSet().
opcservices: Partially implement file-based stream.
opcservices: Remove unnecessary trace message.
opcservices: Keep parts in a set.
opcservices: Keep relationships in a set.
opcservices: Keep relationship id.
opcservices: Keep target uri and mode for relationships.
opcservices: Keep relationship type string.
opcservices: Partially implement CreatePackageRootUri().
opcservices: Forward IOpcPartUri methods to urlmon implementation.
xmllite/reader: Fix compiler warning.
opcservices: Implement GetSourceUri().
opcservices: Implement writing stub compressed package.
opcservices: Implement GetCompressionOptions().
opcservices: Implement GetRelationship().
opcservices: Implement RelationshipExists().
opcservices: Implement relationships parts uri support.
opcservices: Fix argument handling in CreatePackageRootUri().
opcservices: Fix a typo.
shlwapi/tests: Add some tests for memory stream.
xmllite/tests: Add more writer tests.
xmllite/writer: Validate local name and prefix in WriteElementString().
xmllite/writer: Validate local name and prefix in WriteStartElement().
xmllite/writer: Add support for namespace definitions in WriteElementString().
xmllite/writer: Improve namespaces handling in WriteStartElement().
opcservices: Output content types URI.
xmllite/tests: Add another test for WriteAttributeString().
xmllite/writer: Improve namespace support in WriteAttributeString().
opcservices: Partially implement content stream for package parts.
d2d1: Properly aggregate render target implementations.
opcservices/tests: Fix uninitialized variable access (Valgrind).
opcservices: Fix uri path leak (Valgrind).
opcservices: Fix underlying uri object leak (Valgrind).
opcservices/tests: Fix some leaks in tests (Valgrind).
opcservices: Implement IOpcPartEnumerator.
opcservices: Implement IOpcRelationshipEnumerator.
include: Add ID2D1DrawingStateBlock1 definition.
d2d1: Return bitmap options.
xmllite/writer: Free finished element data (Valgrind).
xmllite/writer: Fix formatted output for closing tags.
xmllite/writer: Fix formatted output with interleaving text nodes.
xmllite/writer: Use internal function to create writer output implicitly.
xmllite/writer: Simplify setting default output encoding.
d2d1: Update to ID2D1DrawingStateBlock1.
Pierre Schweitzer (2):
mpr: Implement WNetClearConnections().
mpr: Properly handle device-less connections.
Piotr Caban (1):
vcruntime140: Add __uncaught_exceptions implementation.
Qian Hong (1):
kernel32: Fallback to default comspec when %COMSPEC% is not set.
Rodrigo Saboya (1):
wine.inf: Updates E. South America Standard Time DST data.
Roger Zoellner (1):
ntdll: Relax checks for valid affinity mask in NtSetInformationThread().
Thomas Faller (1):
cmd: Don't print an empty line if no command was executed.
Zebediah Figura (3):
msi/tests: Remove some workarounds in test_publish_assemblies().
msi: Skip publishing a local assembly with no corresponding file.
msi: Add exception handling around all custom action RPC calls.
Zhiyi Zhang (7):
comctl32/tests: Add tests for button state.
comctl32/button: Use get_draw_state() helper.
comctl32/button: Support displaying both image and text.
comctl32/button: Avoid push button content covering frames.
comctl32/button: Support imagelist rendering.
comctl32/button: Support text margin rendering.
comctl32/button: Support BCM_GETIDEALSIZE message.
include: Add ITextDocument2Old and ITextDocument2 interface.
riched20: Add stub for ITextDocument2Old interface.
msftedit: Add tests for interfaces.
Jason Edmeades (1):
msvcrt: Do not put cmd.exe special environment variables into the environ.
Jim Mussared (1):
comctl32/listview: Fix subitem invalidation.
Joris van der Wel (1):
advapi32/tests: Add additional tests for passing a thread sd to CreateProcess.
Józef Kucia (44):
wined3d: Use get_format_internal() to get WINED3DFMT_UNKNOWN.
wined3d: Add missing formats to debug_d3dformat().
wined3d: Store additional flags directly in wined3d_format_block_info.
wined3d: Initialise typeless_id for typeless formats early.
wined3d: Initialise typeless formats after all formats properties are initialised.
wined3d: Move get_flexible_vertex_size() to device.c.
wined3d: Cleanup get_flexible_vertex_size().
include: Add d3d11on12 header.
d3d11: Add D3D11On12CreateDevice() stub.
wined3d: Implement vCoverage register.
wined3d: Apply legacy format swizzles only when requested.
d3d11/tests: Add a few more tests for texture formats.
dxgi: Factor out dxgi_validate_swapchain_desc().
dxgi: Validate swapchain desc in d3d12_swapchain_ResizeBuffers().
dxgi: Validate formats for flip presentation model.
dxgi: Add support for DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT D3D12 swapchains.
dxgi/tests: Add test for swapchain formats.
dbghelp: Fix memory leak in SymInitializeW() (Coverity).
user32: Call DefWindowProc() in DesktopWndProc().
user32/tests: Add test for desktop window procedure.
dxgi/tests: Add test for swapchain window messages.
dxgi/tests: Add test for swapchain window styles.
dxgi/tests: Avoid "skipping tests" in skip() messages.
wined3d: Introduce get_format_by_idx() helper function.
wined3d: Introduce separate function for OpenGL formats initialisation.
wined3d: Add support for variable-sized format structures.
wined3d: Allocate memory for formats in wined3d_adapter_init_format_info().
wined3d: Store max_clip_distances in struct d3d_info.
dxgi: Introduce wined3d_feature_level_from_d3d() helper function.
wined3d: Make feature level enum compatible with Direct3D enum.
wined3d: Add remaining feature levels.
wined3d: Pass feature levels to wined3d_device_create().
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_device_get_feature_level().
dxgi: Get rid of set_feature_level() from dxgi_device_layer.
dxgi: Simplify dxgi_adapter_GetDesc().
dxgi: Merge dxgi_check_feature_level_support() into dxgi_adapter_CheckInterfaceSupport().
wined3d: Cleanup fallback cards list.
d3d11: Trace skipped DXBC chunks.
wined3d: Derive allowed shader versions from the current feature level.
wined3d: Add GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array extension.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for staging buffers.
d3d10core/tests: Add a few more tests for texture formats.
d3d10core/tests: Use SetRect() in more places.
d3d11/tests: Use SetRect() in more places.
Louis Lenders (3):
dwmapi: Return S_OK in DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea.
mscms: Add stub for WcsGetUsePerUserProfiles.
mscms: Update spec to Windows 7.
Michael Stefaniuc (11):
setupapi: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
shlwapi: Avoid a temporary variable.
shlwapi: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
shlwapi: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
uxtheme: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winex11.drv: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winmm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wininet: Avoid an ARRAY_SIZE-like macro.
wininet: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winhttp: Avoid a variable that holds an ARRAY_SIZE() result.
winhttp: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Nikolay Sivov (40):
d2d1: Implement GetSurface() for bitmaps.
include: Add ID2D1BitmapBrush1 definition.
comctl32/button: Fix text buffer leak (Coverity).
propsys: Add InitPropVariantFromCLSID().
xmllite/writer: Fix "xml:space" output.
opcservices/tests: Fix copy-pasted copyright line.
d2d1: Update to ID2D1BitmapBrush1.
d2d1: Implement newer CreateBitmapBrush() variant.
include: Add ID2D1Effect definition.
urlmon/tests: Add IsEqual test for custom IUri implementation.
opcservices/uri: Fix IsEqual() to work with OPC URI objects.
opcservices/tests: Add some GetRelativeUri() tests.
opcservices: Fix path used for part URIs.
opcservices: Implement CombinePartUri().
opcservices: Write package parts.
opcservices: Write relationship parts.
opcservices: Improve error handling (Coverity).
opcservices: Implement GetPart().
opcservices: Implement PartExists().
opcservices: Write full content type stream.
d2d1: Implement CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface().
opcservices: Improve parameter validation in CreateRelationship().
opcservices: Enforce unique relationship id.
opcservices: Initialize archive write position.
opcservices: Fix relationship stream names.
opcservices: Add content type entry for relationship parts.
opcservices: Write relationship stream for parts.
opcservices: Update content stream position on Read().
xmllite/writer: Fix writing prefixed attributes.
dwrite/layout: Test resulting line width before adding inline trimming run.
d2d1: Fix compatible target initialization.
d2d1/tests: Test that device is reused for compatible targets.
d2d1: Implement GetDevice() for device context.
crypt32/base64: Fix certificate request header and trailer in CryptBinaryToStringW() output.
crypt32: Fix NULL output buffer handling for CryptBinaryToString().
crypt32: Fix output buffer handling for CRYPT_STRING_BINARY case.
crypt32: Fix formatted output length for base64.
d2d1: Add ID2D1Effect stub.
d2d1: Use surface format for shared bitmap if it wasn't specified.
crypt32: Add CRYPT_STRING_BINARY mode for CryptBinaryToStringW().
Owen Rudge (6):
wsdapi: Ignore duplicate messages.
wsdapi: Implement matching of names in MatchProbeEx.
wsdapi: Implement generation of ProbeMatches message.
wsdapi: Send Probe Matches message via UDP unicast.
wsdapi: Don't include null character at the end of sent messages.
wsdapi: Prefer Wine version.
Piotr Caban (5):
ole32: Initialize more FORMATETC fields using InitFormatEtc helper.
ole32: Add IDataObject_GetData tests on synthesized format.
ole32: Change DataObjectImpl_GetData return value to show more implementation problems.
ole32: Improve OleClipboardData GetData implementation.
ole32: Add more IStorage clipboard tests.
Ricky Zhou (1):
winemac: Allow Command to be mapped to Ctrl.
Sven Baars (2):
user32/tests: Use the correct procedure for dialog tests (Valgrind).
comctl32: Add NULL checks to SetWindowSubclass (Valgrind).
Zebediah Figura (37):
rpcrt4/tests: Add tests for delegated proxy methods.
ole32: Use the real proxy IID in ClientRpcChannelBuffer_GetBuffer().
quartz/filtergraph: Return correct interface for IID_IGraphVersion.
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IFilterGraph_EnumFilters().
quartz/filtergraph: Factor out find_filter_by_name().
quartz: Merge enumfilters.c into filtergraph.c.
quartz/filtergraph: Pass an IFilterGraphImpl to create_enum_filters().
quartz/filtergraph: Use a linked list to store filters.
quartz/tests: Rewrite test_render_filter_priority().
quartz/tests: Test interfaces exposed by the filter graph.
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IFilterGraph_Add/RemoveFilter().
quartz/filtergraph: Unset the name of a removed filter.
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IFilterGraph_FindFilterByName().
quartz/tests: Get rid of test_graph_builder().
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IFilterGraph_ConnectDirect() and IFilterGraph_Disconnect().
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IGraphBuilder_Connect().
quartz/filtergraph: Don't use QueryInternalConnections() to find output pins in FilterGraph2_Connect().
quartz/filtergraph: Try filters in the graph first in FilterGraph2_Connect().
quartz/filtergraph: Check pin name instead of id in connect_output_pin().
quartz/filtergraph: Try other output pins if one shouldn't be rendered.
quartz/filtergraph: Simplify FilterGraph2_RenderRecurse().
quartz/filtergraph: Don't recursively render pins whose names begin with ~.
dbghelp/dwarf: Use debugstr_a() to trace external strings.
devenum: Factor friendly name and CLSID registration into register_codec().
devenum: Register AVI capture devices as codec devices.
devenum: Only scan for devices for the requested filter category.
quartz/filtergraph: Improve HRESULT propagation from IFilterGraph2_Connect().
quartz/tests: Add some tests for IMediaFilter_SetSyncSource() and IMediaFilter_GetSyncSource().
quartz/filtergraph: Also set the default sync source if necessary in IMediaControl_Pause().
quartz/tests: Add some tests for filter states.
quartz/filtergraph: Implement IMediaControl state functions on top of IMediaFilter.
quartz/tests/filtergraph: Add some tests for EC_COMPLETE.
quartz/filtergraph: Check for AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS_IS_RENDERER or IMediaSeeking to count renderers.
quartz/tests: Move file source filter tests to filesource.c.
quartz/tests/filesource: Test interfaces exposed by the file source filter.
quartz/filesource: Don't expose IAMFilterMiscFlags.
strmbase: Fix implementation of IEnumPins_Skip().
Zhiyi Zhang (10):
wineboot: Create user folders if they don't exist.
comdlg32/tests: Fix crashes.
comdlg32: Check invalid options in IFileDialog::SetOptions.
comdlg32/tests: Fix failures on newer Windows 10.
comctl32/pager: Support toolbar notification conversion.
comctl32/pager: Support tooltip notification conversion.
comctl32/pager: Support comboboxex notification conversion.
comctl32/pager: Support date time picker notification conversion.
comctl32/pager: Support list view notification conversion.
comctl32/pager: Support tree view notification conversion.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -722,6 +722,7 @@ Jiaxing Wang
Jim Aston
Jim Cameron
Jimen Ching
Jim Mussared
Jimmy Rentz
Jimmy Tirtawangsa
Jim Peterson
......@@ -1308,6 +1309,7 @@ Rich Ercolani
Rick Mutzke
Rick Richardson
Rick Sladkey
Ricky Zhou
Rico Schüller
Rikhardur Egilsson
Rizsanyi Zsolt
Wine version 3.16
Wine version 3.17
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.16.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.17.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 3.16 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 3.17 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.16:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.17:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2689,7 +2689,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 3.16
Wine configure 3.17
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3373,7 +3373,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.16, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.17, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -20709,7 +20709,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.16, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.17, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -20780,7 +20780,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 3.16
Wine config.status 3.17
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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