19801 cygwin can't run a batch file from inside a shell script without explicit cmd /c
22255 Total Commander: Deleting the 1st or 2nd character in an edit box deletes all of them
22440 Total Commander: The panels showing Brief are not resized vertically when the application window is resized vertically
24623 Windows Live Essentials 2011 installer doesn't show any options on the first screen (support for BCM_GETIDEALSIZE needed, ideal width and height for a specified button)
30856 Atmel Studio 6 fails to start with Visual Studio 2010 Isolated Shell, reporting 'Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.'
36142 Symantec Norton 360 installer fails ('rpcss' needs to be a proper Windows service)
37175 Call of Duty 2: Video playback is not working
38339 Can't change resolution in Call of Duty 4
38432 Xeon 1.0 (Xbox emulator) fails to load (PE image prelinked into DOS reserved area and default process heap range, no relocation possible)
40062 Media Player Classic Home Cinema does not show bitmaps in buttons, needs BCM_SETIMAGELIST
40064 Atmel Studio 7: 'DDAConfigCA' tool (part of Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell) crashes on unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.d._configure_wide_argv
40445 WinSCP main window lacks icons (unimplemented BCM_SETIMAGELIST?) and indentation for hosts
40598 Warframe 'launcher.exe' reports 'update failed' ('InternetCrackUrlW' must resize buffer when URL canonicalization fails due to insufficient buffer)
40704 foobar2000 v1.3.10 crashes on alt-F (file menu shortcut)
42577 Far manager: needs virtdisk.dll.GetStorageDependencyInformation
42710 Wechat can not send file to friend
42880 Ragnarok Online doe not clear the loading screen.
43488 Bluestacks crashes in ITextService::TxGetVScroll()
45246 Free Manga Downloader(all): no text on some boxes.
45372 Resident Evil 7 requires mfplat.dll.MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream to be implemented
45430 Improve diagnostics of 'D3DxxCreateDevice' failures for warp driver type (D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP or D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP)
45617 Just Dance 2017: Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFCreateSample
45622 Overwatch crashes when trying to save highlights (needs mfplat.MFTRegisterLocal implementation)
45715 Just Dance 2017: Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFCreateMemoryBuffer
45722 cmd for loop doesn't work with tokens and delims
45727 Quik 7: Regression with button bitmaps after 3.6 release - No any bitmap on the buttons in a messages window
45729 cmd's REM evaluates |
45731 cmd for loops sensitive to whitespace
45735 Neo Manager (formerly known as Alphasmart Manager) not installed, cannot read out via USB
45738 Unable to compile on macOS after "winhttp: Use winsock sockets"
45743 Firefox 61.x crashes on startup due to missing pipe server object type information (Chromium Windows sandbox handle duplication service)
45747 GPU-GPU depth stencil blit is slow (FF XIV)
45753 Office 2010 reruns setup on starting any app
45770 WMP9 crashes with unimplemented function pidgen.dll.PIDGenSimpW
45771 Parts of page(s) content missing when printing (seen in Framemaker 8)
45784 Bethesda Launcher Updater crashes on unimplemented function msvcp110.xtime_get
45785 Bethesda Launcher Updater crashes on unimplemented function msvcp110._Xtime_diff_to_millis2
45788 Mouse pointer is off from the visible cursor by huge margin in steam, when winecfg DPI is different from Xorg
45798 NVIDIA GeForce Experience 3.x installer fails due to missing support for 'WinHttpSetOption( ..., WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, ...)'
45800 Symantec Eraser Control Driver 'eeCtrl64.sys' (Norton 360) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExReleaseResourceLite
45802 ReactOS logoff procedure needs 'mpr.WNetClearConnections' to disconnect user session network share connections
45821 Metasploit Console won't start due to missing registry value HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath
Bugs fixed in 3.17 (total 36):
18271 MSI creates incompatible msi file in a specific case of create table
22995 Adobe FrameMaker 8 installer displays complaint about installation path drive type
23487 Buccaneer: freezes when changing screen resolution
25617 Clones <v1.30 crashes after some time (occasionally with an out of memory error)
27288 Facade installation ends prematurely when installing to a directory name with a space
28000 World War One Gold hangs during the initial loading stage
29603 Ski Challenge 2010: extremely long loading times (unless Win98 mode is set)
30785 MS Office 2007 reports msxml5 as not installed (WoW64)
34522 Drakan: Order of the Flame demo crashes before entering the main menu (needs native directmusic dlls)
34739 manual install of wine gecko gets in the wrong directory in Wow64 wine
38742 Watch_Dogs fail to run after successful Uplay installation
39020 aSc TimeTables 2016 (trial): window scrollbar is slow to respond
41039 Multiple kernel drivers crash on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression (VirtualBox, QQProtect for Tencent TIM (com.qq.office) 2.1.x)
41325 Actions of MSI installer properties missing or wrong
43550 Photoshop Elements 15 spams console with fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
43890 Divinity: Original Sin 2 does not successfully launch