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Commit ea9253d6 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 3.21.

parent 11011a6a
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Tags wine-1.1.27
No related merge requests found
The Wine development release 3.20 is now available.
The Wine development release 3.21 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Async interfaces and ACF files in the IDL compiler.
- Support for substorage transforms in MSI.
- RPC/COM marshalling fixes.
- Support for Unicode requests in WinHTTP.
- Shell Autocomplete optimizations.
- Typelib marshaller rewrite using NDR functions.
- Graphics support on recent Android versions.
- Support for memory font resources in DirectWrite.
- Joystick support improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -27,360 +26,467 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 3.20 (total 36):
8933 Extremely slow in rendering when running Jane's USAF
12370 AGEod's American Civil War cannot run (needs native directmusic)
34384 Media Browser 3 Installer doesn't see .Net 4.5 as installed (wine-mono)
35320 setlocale(Chinese_China.950) returns NULL
38066 Memento Mori (Numen: Contest of Heroes): mouse buttons don't work (needs native dinput8)
41269 MSI uninstaller does not clean up Registry's UpgradeCode, ProductCode
41356 Multiple applications and games need support for szOID_NIST_sha* OIDs in crypt32 (The Crew (Uplay), Star Wars The Old Republic, PSNow v9.0.5)
41419 Visio 2013 crashes with unimplemented function msvcp100.dll.?_GetCombinableSize@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ
42520 Multiple games crash on startup in Win7+ mode (XAudio 2.7 'IXAudio2SourceVoice::GetState' called with 'Flags' parameter, causing register corruption) (World of {Tanks, Warships})
42550 Photoshop CC 2017: Installation Error (needs FileAccessInformation info class)
43358 EVE Online crashes on startup in Win7+ mode (XAudio 2.7 'IXAudio2SourceVoice::GetState' called with 'Flags' parameter, causing %ESI or %EDI register corruption)
43464 Elite Dangerous Horizons fails to connect to server with CRC error
43570 Bravura Easy Computer Sync 1.5 crashes on startup
44620 `Nt{WaitFor,Release}KeyedEvent()` don't accept null handles, while Windows 7 does.
44759 Steam show all text with italic font when dwrite is enabled
45593 Game Center: Installer deadlocks during download ('ntdll.RtlDeregisterWaitEx' must not synchronously wait when 'CompletionEvent' is NULL)
45664 64-bit BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service fails in driver entry point due to missing 'ntoskrnl.exe.PsGetProcessWow64Process'
45665 64-bit BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service fails in driver entry point due to missing 'ntoskrnl.exe.MmCopyVirtualMemory'
45749 Multiple Node.js based applications/installers need ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile to handle 'FileModeInformation' information class (MS Visual Studio 2017 Installer, FACEIT Anti-cheat client)
45796 Nvidia GeForce Now installer aborts due to missing 'advapi32.RegQueryReflectionKey' export
45828 Several Microsoft games bundled with Windows 7 as part of OS install crash upon exit on unimplemented function ntdll.dll.WinSqmIncrementDWORD
45966 Missing scrollbars in TraCFoil ribs plotting program
45970 Add support for browseui IProgressDialog PROGDLG_AUTOTIME flag
45997 iPed 7G 2019 (.NET 4.0 app) v13.0.10800 crashes with System.NotImplementedException at system.drawing.pen.ScaleTransform
46004 SimSig: scroll bars in Options window do not render
46015 Nvidia GeForce NOW crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.GetIpInterfaceTable
46035 dotnet sdk 2.1.403 installer crashes with unimplemented Kernel32.FindStringOrdinal
46040 Intel Extreme Tuning Utility v6.4 kernel driver 'iocbios2.sys' crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.KeSetTargetProcessorDpc
46057 Multiple applications want 'ntdll.NtQueryInformationToken' to support 'TokenVirtualizationEnabled' (24) info class (Blizzard
46066 GeForceNOW.exe fails to load due to missing runtime dependencies, needs 'qwave.dll' stub dll (qWAVE - Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience)
46076 Something goes wrong when sending unicode http request
46080 Multiple installers are missing title bar buttons
46081 Multiple installers show readonly drives with broken size
46084 Skype installer crashes due to unimplemented msvcp140.dll.?_Winerror_map@std@@YAHH@Z
46085 Multiple ARM64 apps from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) need 'api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-1.dll' stub dll
46086 Multiple ARM64 apps from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) need 'api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-3' stub dll
Bugs fixed in 3.21 (total 62):
14078 Rewrite typelib marshaller on top of NDR functions
17708 Splinter cell double agent doesn't render correctly
18759 RoughDraft 3's Word Count feature always says zero
19016 Word Automation from .NET does not work
20776 3DMark Vantage: your graphics card doesn't support DirectX 10 (needs support for 'D3D10_QUERY_SO_STATISTICS')
25066 NFS Porsche: The game crashes on creation of pic16.fsh file
26768 oleaut32 needs stubless proxies implemented on x86-64
29700 C&C Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 game graphics rendering freezes when NOT moving the mouse.
30511 Guild Wars 2 launcher crashes with "assertion m_ioCount failed"
30522 Jupiter shows too small, unreadable fonts
30801 need for speed underground 2 [full version] unusable because of incorrect graphics render
33463 Alan Wake : No sound in cinematics
33502 SnagIt writes incomplete HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers entry, causing loader failures for apps that depend on winspool.drv
34967 Microsoft .NET 2.0 (sp1) Framework (x64): hangs after install
35663 SWAT 3: Screen Flickering
35675 Bad textures in World of Tanks
36763 Rogue Squadron 3D 1.3: Crashes with game resolutions above 640x480
37850 fallout 2: problem with handling file permissions ?
37959 Guild Wars 2 freezes on startup
38124 Can't enable visual style in a DLL.
38394 Eador: Genesis crashes on exit (only in fullscreen mode)
39023 Final Fantasy XI Using a Bluetooth PS3 Controller crashes the game.
39253 Multiple games require DXTn volume textures (From Dust, Halo Online)
39799 Visilogic 8.0 needs 'ITypeInfo_fnInvoke' support for coclass objects (TKIND_COCLASS) in arguments
39944 Stars! battle dialog lags
40160 cant install mobogenie
40206 Revit Architecture fails to install: throws Messagebox "Function failed" and aborts
40224 Web Skype plugin for Firefox needs advapi32.CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx implementation
40264 Iris Online cannot connect to login server (SO_SNDBUF with value 0 is not allowed in OSX)
40803 Hard Reset Redux fails to launch ("DirectX 10 device not found!")(DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 'DedicatedSystemMemory' or 'SharedSystemMemory' member must be non-null)
42058 rFactor2 requires unimplemented function ?get@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QBE?AV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@2@V32@0AAVios_base@2@AAHPAUtm@@PBD4@Z called in 32-bit code (0x7b43fa6e).
42447 Oblivion crashes on exit
43630 Altium Designer Installer - Richedit control shows rtf code instead of text
43683 Unigine Superposition Benchmark: missing text in launcher
43731 GTAIV hangs when clicking Options if its resolution differs from virtual desktop resolution
43865 LeagueOfLegends now doesn't work in Wine 2.18 (regression ?)
44109 Simple free HAM program Opera crashes, needs unimplemented function pdh.dll.PdhVbAddCounter
44245 Gray / black screen on Android 8+
44409 png with indexed colors and alpha miss the alpha channel on loading
44828 Sony Xperia Companion crashes on unimplemented function SHELL32.dll.Shell_NotifyIconGetRect
45407 MechCommander Gold: 'Could not Initialize .PDB file' at startup
45913 tchar.h: using the macro _sntprintf leads to an undefined reference to snwprintf; macro should resolve to _snwprintf
45948 Can't log in to Steam (Steam crashes after the login screen)
45949 Regression: Crash on start of Söldner Secret Wars since 3.10
45961 KeyShot 5.3.6 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.GetMaximumProcessorCount
45992 Some Unity games expect XInputSetState to succeed or ignore gamepad input
46050 Korean Translations for winecfg are broken
46068 Star Wars The Old Republic - slower on 3.18 & 3.19
46089 TopoEdit tool from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) crashes in ntdll.LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI during resolver failure (NULL dll failure hook)
46092 Multiple ARM64 apps want 'kernel32.GetSystemInfo' support for 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64' ('Unknown processor architecture c')
46101 Multiple ARM64 apps from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) crash on unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-1.dll.GetModuleHandleW
46120 Uplay hangs while filling in fields
46126 Provide more exception context information in ARM64 implementation of raise_exception()
46129 'sqlwriter.exe' from Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 crashes on unimplemented function VSSAPI.DLL.??0CVssWriter@@QEAA@XZ
46130 Star Citizen (RSI launcher) installer needs kernel32.dll.SetFileInformationByHandle 'FileIoPriorityHintInfo' info class semi-stub
46135 Microsoft ODBC tool 'odbcconf.exe' (part of MDAC 2.x install) crashes during configuration (some 'advapi32.dll' API entries are not hotpatchable due to PIC/GOT code at entry)
46143 Multiple Windows 10 ARM64 apps crash due to unimplemented function ntdll.dll.RtlAddFunctionTable (and friends)
46144 Windows PowerShell Core 6.1 for ARM64 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RtlPcToFileHeader
46156 Multiple applications from Windows 7-10 crash on unimplemented function slc.dll.SLOpen
46157 Doxie 2.10.3 crashes on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll._vscprintf_l
46159 Doxie 2.10.3 hangs on startup
46175 Crysis Warhead crashes at launch
Changes since 3.19:
Changes since 3.20:
Akihiro Sagawa (5):
windowscodecs/tests: Introduce PNG_COLOR_TYPE constants.
windowscodecs: Fix buffer overflow when generating a palette.
gdiplus/tests: Add more PNG color format tests.
gdiplus: Convert to 32bppARGB when PNG image with transparency chunk is loaded. (rebased).
gdiplus: Add 4bppIndexed to the list of supported formats.
Alex Henrie (2):
version: Simplify null check in VerQueryValueW.
advapi32: Fix memory leak in QueryServiceConfig2W (Coverity).
Alex Henrie (6):
atl: Turn variable 'mshtml_prefixW' into a static constant.
d3dcompiler_43: Turn variable 'c' into a static constant.
dbghelp: Turn variable 'code' into a static constant.
winhttp: Make constant 'cookieW' static.
kernel32: Remove duplicate spec file entries.
kernel32: Implement GetMaximumProcessorCount.
Alexander Morozov (1):
cryptui: Partially implement CryptUIDlgSelectCertificate.
Alexandre Julliard (10):
loader: Don't add the AT_UID entries if they don't already exist.
explorer: Move the check for the magic root desktop to the X11 driver.
server: Add a helper function to allocate a hardware message.
user32: Add stub for GetCurrentInputMessageSource().
user32: Implement GetCurrentInputMessageSource().
user32/tests: Add tests for GetCurrentInputMessageSource().
winebuild: Pass the -mfpu option to the compiler/assembler.
winegcc: Forward the -mfpu option to winebuild.
mscoree/tests: Fix some uninitialized buffers.
makefiles: Support file-specific IDL flags.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (3):
setupapi: Fix broken control definition.
ntdll: Support TokenVirtualizationEnabled in NtQueryInformationToken.
mfplat/tests: Use correct interface macro.
Andrey Gusev (4):
ntdll: Add WinSqmIncrementDWORD stub.
api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-1: Add dll.
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-3: Add dll.
api-ms-win-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0: Add dll.
Aurimas Fišeras (1):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
Austin English (2):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add PsGetProcessWow64Process stub.
ntoskrnl.exe: Add MmCopyVirtualMemory stub.
Brendan McGrath (2):
dinput/tests: Test that the GUID is the same for Instance and Product.
dinput: Use the same GUID for Instance and Product.
Byeong-Sik Jeon (6):
gdi32: Support other settings for obtaining the default_aa_flags value.
gdi32: Remove the code that doesn't work as intended around FcFontList().
gdi32: Respect the FC_ANTIALIAS setting for the FC_RGBA_NONE case.
po: Update Korean translation.
po: Update Korean translation.
po: Update Korean translation.
Dmitry Timoshkov (13):
crypt32: Add CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty stub.
crypt32: CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress should not unload a registered module.
crypt32: Directly call I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv to make hooking from a 3rd party CSP work.
crypt32: Add support for 3rd party CSPs to CertGetPublicKeyLength.
kernel32/tests: Add more directory change notification tests.
include: Add _Inout_updates_opt_z_ stub definition.
crypt32/tests: Add more tests for I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv.
crypt32: Add support for a particular ALG_ID to I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv.
crypt32: Look for the provider that supports the specified content OID in CryptMsgOpenToEncode(CMSG_HASHED).
server: Don't stop processing change notifications when name length is 0.
server: Allow setting delete disposition on a read-only directory.
server: Track separately implicit and explicit file disposition.
Fabian Maurer (4):
msi: In dialogs show titlebar buttons.
mscoree: Add test for registration-less COM components.
make_specfiles: Add kernelbase for api-ms-win-core-synch-*.
riched20: Properly handle \0 inside rtf input.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (11):
shell32/autocomplete: Fill and display the auto-suggest listbox in a separate function.
shell32/autocomplete: Use a helper function to show the listbox.
shell32/autocomplete: Implement a cache and sort the enumerated strings for proper behavior.
shell32/autocomplete: Reset the enumerator when losing focus if the edit control is not visible anymore.
shell32/autocomplete: Reset the enumerator when the text is empty even when auto-suggest is disabled.
shell32/tests: Test the amount of enumerator resets for AutoComplete.
shell32/autocomplete: Implement ResetEnumerator.
shell32/tests: Add tests for ResetEnumerator.
include/shldisp: Add missing AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS constants.
shell32/autocomplete: Implement ACO_NOPREFIXFILTERING option.
shell32/autocomplete: Pass the mouse wheel to the auto-suggest listbox, if visible.
crypt32: Use correct private key for signing.
Alexandre Julliard (15):
rpcrt4: Write type format strings for Automation types.
rpcrt4: Support stubless proxies on ARM.
rpcrt4: Support delegated proxies on ARM.
oleaut32: Fix argument order with instance and VARIANT return type.
widl: Always generate files for the target platform only.
Revert "makefiles: Only generate proxy code for the target architecture."
dbghelp: Return a Unicode path in path_find_symbol_file().
winedbg: Remove some redundant length arguments.
wineandroid: Add helper functions to encapsulate gralloc functionality.
wineandroid: Add support for gralloc version 1.
server: Return WSA error codes in socket events.
ws2_32: Return a WSA error code from _is_blocking().
server: Return a WSA error code in create_socket.
server: Return a WSA error code in WS_SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE.
server: Return a WSA error code in accept_socket.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (4):
advapi32: Add DECL_HOTPATCH to registry functions.
ws2_32: Ignore a SO_SNDBUF value of 0 on macOS.
include: Add IMFSequencerSource interface.
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-1: Sync spec file.
Andre Heider (4):
server: Fix keyboard hardware message regression.
Revert "include: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro in debug.h.".
winegcc: Add -I for the prefix's include dir.
winegcc: Fix cross linking on multiarch platforms.
Andreas Maier (1):
dbghelp: Search for debug files in module path too.
Andrew Eikum (1):
winebus: Don't override real VID/PID for controllers.
Andrey Gusev (2):
pdh: Add PdhVbAddCounter stub.
slc: Add SLOpen stub.
André Hentschel (9):
msi: Allow ARM64 installations.
include: Add IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH19.
include: Add more PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE defines.
ntdll: Call system hook in LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI when dll hook is missing.
kernel32: Export RtlPcToFileHeader on ARM64.
ntdll: Add stubs for RtlAddFunctionTable and RtlDeleteFunctionTable on ARM64.
ntdll: Add more traces to raise_exception on ARM64.
kernel32: Add stub case for ARM64 in GetSystemInfo.
Aric Stewart (5):
ntoskrnl.exe: Implement IoRegisterDeviceInterface.
hidclass.sys: Use IoRegisterDeviceInterface.
ntoskrnl.exe: Create the device interface symlink in IoSetDeviceInterfaceState().
hidclass.sys: IoCreateSymbolicLink is now called by IoSetDeviceInterfaceState.
hidclass.sys: Move IoSetDeviceInterfaceState to PNP_RemoveDevice.
Baruch Rutman (1):
winmm: Attempt only once to load the default joystick driver.
Beren Minor (1):
xinput1_3: Report SUCCESS from XInputSetState when FFB isn't available.
Brendan McGrath (1):
winebus.sys: Use JoystickNumButtons for button_count.
Byeong-Sik Jeon (2):
gdi32: Specify the suitable hinting flags explicitly.
gdi32: Fix the linked child font bold, italic style correctly.
Daniel Lehman (1):
msvcrt/tests: Remove unused todo field.
Dmitry Timoshkov (3):
oleaut32/tests: Add test for calling function with instance and VARIANT return type.
crypt32: Make sure that the provider supports algorithm of the message being decoded.
crypt32: Make sure that the provider supports the specified public key algorithm.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (29):
comctl32/tests: Add more Listbox tests for ownerdraw styles.
comctl32/tests: Add some tests for LBS_NODATA.
comctl32/tests: Test incompatible styles for LBS_NODATA.
comctl32/listbox: Disable LBS_NODATA if styles are incompatible with it.
comctl32/listbox: Make SetCount fail if LBS_NODATA is not set.
shell32/autocomplete: Hide the listbox when the text is changed programmatically.
shell32/tests: Test WM_SETTEXT with AutoComplete.
comctl32/listbox: Use ULONG_PTR instead of DWORD when retrieving text without HAS_STRINGS.
comctl32/listbox: Always retrieve zeros in LB_GETTEXT for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
comctl32/listbox: Return 0 from LB_GETITEMDATA for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
comctl32/listbox: Don't set any data for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
comctl32/listbox: Make LBS_NODATA listboxes error on any attempt to find a value.
user32/tests: Add more Listbox tests for ownerdraw styles.
user32/tests: Add some tests for LBS_NODATA.
user32/tests: Test incompatible styles for LBS_NODATA.
user32/listbox: Disable LBS_NODATA if styles are incompatible with it.
user32/listbox: Make SetCount fail if LBS_NODATA is not set.
user32/listbox: Use ULONG_PTR instead of DWORD when retrieving text without HAS_STRINGS.
user32/listbox: Always retrieve zeros in LB_GETTEXT for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
user32/listbox: Return 0 from LB_GETITEMDATA for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
user32/listbox: Don't set any data for LBS_NODATA listboxes.
user32/listbox: Make LBS_NODATA listboxes error on any attempt to find a value.
shell32/autocomplete: Retrieve the count in show_listbox.
shell32/autocomplete: Move the auto-suggest listbox along with the edit control.
comctl32/tests: Confirm that emptying the listbox sends LB_RESETCONTENT to itself.
comctl32/listbox: Use a helper function to check the selection state of an item.
comctl32/listbox: Account for NULL item when painting ownerdrawn list.
Gijs Vermeulen (1):
msvcp100: Add Concurrency::_GetCombinableSize stub.
Hans Leidekker (21):
webservices: Also trace return values in the URL functions.
webservices: Try to receive the whole message at once.
webservices: Add traces.
webservices: Increase the maximum size of the channel writer buffer.
webservices: Add support for UTF-8 encoded text in read_message_id.
webservices: Implement WsRequestReply.
webservices: Don't use MSG_PEEK.
msi: Avoid duplicate product codes in FindRelatedProducts.
wshom: Split the command line before passing it to ShellExecuteEx.
winhttp: Get rid of cookie_t.
winhttp: Get rid of domain_t.
winhttp: Get rid of task_header_t.
winhttp: Get rid of header_t.
winhttp: Get rid of send_request_t.
winhttp: Simplify build_request_string.
winhttp: Properly handle request paths with Unicode characters.
webservices: Use the search index to look up the union field, if available.
webservices: Fix handling of union fields that match noneEnumValue.
msi: Support substorage transforms in MsiDatabaseApplyTransform.
rsaenh: Fix a memory leak (Valgrind).
winhttp/tests: Avoid an invalid write in asynchronous mode (Valgrind).
Henri Verbeet (50):
wined3d: Don't bother trying to blit from discarded textures.
wined3d: Move the "buffer_object" field from struct wined3d_buffer to struct wined3d_buffer_gl.
wined3d: Introduce a separate structure for OpenGL texture information.
wined3d: Move the depth renderbuffers from struct wined3d_texture to struct wined3d_texture_gl.
wined3d: Move the multisample renderbuffers from struct wined3d_texture to struct wined3d_texture_gl.
wined3d: Move the OpenGL textures from struct wined3d_texture to struct wined3d_texture_gl.
wined3d: Move the "target" field from struct wined3d_texture to struct wined3d_texture_gl.
wined3d: Validate required OpenGL extensions in wined3d_texture_gl_init() instead of wined3d_texture_init().
wined3d: Get rid of the "desc" field in struct wined3d_buffer.
wined3d: Store resource bind flags in the wined3d_resource structure.
wined3d: Pass correct bind flags to texture creation functions.
wined3d: Pass correct bind flags to swapchain creation functions.
wined3d: Pass bind flags to wined3d_check_device_format().
wined3d: Pass bind flags to wined3d_get_format().
wined3d: Validate format capabilities against the bind flags instead of the usage flags in resource_init().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in wined3d_texture_init().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in wined3d_texture_upload_data().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in wined3d_texture_prepare_texture().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in fbo_blitter_supported().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in ffp_blit_supported().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in ffp_blitter_clear().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in texture2d_load_renderbuffer().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in texture2d_load_texture().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in texture2d_load_drawable().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in texture2d_load_sysmem().
wined3d: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in wined3d_device_set_rendertarget_view().
d3d8: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in d3d8_device_CopyRects().
d3d9: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in d3d9_device_StretchRect().
d3d9: Prefer bind flags over usage flags in d3d9_device_ColorFill().
wined3d: Get rid of WINED3DUSAGE_TEXTURE.
d3d9/tests: Use create_window() in more tests.
d3d8/tests: Use create_window() in more tests.
d3d8/tests: Port test_lockable_backbuffer() from d3d9.
d3d9/tests: Test the pool and usage of surfaces created through CreateOffscreenPlainSurface().
ddraw: Do not set WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE for swapchain textures.
wined3d: Do not set WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_GET_DC on the implicit depth/stencil texture.
wined3d: Update the swapchain flags on wined3d_device_reset().
d3d9: Set WINED3D_SWAPCHAIN_GDI_COMPATIBLE on the swapchain when required.
d3d9: Only set WINED3D_SWAPCHAIN_GDI_COMPATIBLE on mappable swapchains.
d3d9: Do not set WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE for swapchain textures.
d3d9: Translate E_INVALIDARG to D3DERR_INVALIDCALL in d3d9_surface_LockRect().
d3d8: Do not set WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE for swapchain textures.
d3d8: Translate E_INVALIDARG to D3DERR_INVALIDCALL in d3d8_surface_LockRect().
d3d9: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in texture_init().
d3d9: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in cubetexture_init().
d3d9: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in d3d9_device_CreateDepthStencilSurface().
d3d9: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in d3d9_device_CreateDepthStencilSurfaceEx().
Jacek Caban (32):
server: Add FileModeInformation implementation.
server: Use requested options for device pseudo fd.
server: Use a separated object for each opened named pipe device file.
kernel32: Wait on pipe handle in ConnectNamedPipe if needed.
kernel32: Wait on pipe handle in TransactNamedPipe if needed.
ntdll: Correctly return result of blocking NtFlushBuffersFile.
ntdll: Use correct size when checking iosb in NtFlushBuffersFile (Coverity).
ntdll/tests: Add more I/O blocking and completion tests.
server: Introduce is_fd_overlapped() helper.
server: Use file mode flags in async_handoff to decide if request is blocking.
user32/tests: Add scrollbar subclassing tests.
server: Add FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE support.
ntdll: Remove no longer needed event handle from async_irp.
ntdll: Update debug trace.
widl: Add __int32 type support.
widl: Ignore -robust command line option.
widl: Check for actual function name when handling call_as attribute.
user32: Allow scrollbar control to store scroll info in subclassed window.
widl: Create type for async variant of an interface with async_uuid attribute.
widl: Support async interfaces in headers generation.
widl: Introduce for_each_iface helper and use it in write_procformatstring.
widl: Use for_each_iface in process_tfs.
widl: Use for_each_iface in get_size_procformatstring.
widl: Support async interfaces proxy.
widl: Generate async interface table.
widl: Make MIDL_DEFINE_GUID more compatible with midl.
widl: Add -acf command line option.
widl: Preprocess and attempt to parse provided ACF file.
widl: Add basic acf parser implementation.
widl: Write type string for serialized types.
widl: Write serialize function declarations in header.
widl: Add support for serialization functions.
Julian Rüger (1):
po: Update German translation.
Józef Kucia (1):
d3d11/tests: Add test for SO statistics queries.
Kim Malmo (1):
po: Update Norwegian translation.
Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Louis Lenders (4):
advapi32: Add stub for RegQueryReflectionKey.
iphlpapi: Add stub for GetIpInterfaceTable.
qwave: Add new stub dll.
ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for KeSetTargetProcessorDpc.
Lucian Poston (1):
dwrite/tests: Add a test for text format with unknown font family name.
Michael Stefaniuc (8):
winecfg: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
cmd: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
cryptui: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winegstreamer: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wineqtdecoder: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
libs/port: Avoid an ARRAY_SIZE-like macro.
rsaenh: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro and better types.
appwiz.cpl: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Nikolay Sivov (18):
d2d1/tests: Test command list resource reference.
msvcrt: Implement __strncnt().
dwrite: Release file streams when building collections.
comctl32/edit: Add missing message macros.
comctl32/edit: Handle focused cue text.
gdiplus/tests: Add parameter validation test for GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount().
gdiplus: Return actual code on failed attempt to add a font.
gdiplus: Skip failed font family when building system collection.
xmllite/writer: Implement WriteDocType().
xmllite/writer: Simplify single character writes.
dwrite/layout: Set default tab stop width.
dwrite: Update line breaking logic with Unicode 11.0.0 changes.
comctl32/tests: Fix Listbox test failures on some configurations.
user32/tests: Fix Listbox test failures on some configurations.
dwrite/tests: Test run bidi level too.
wincodecs: Implement CreateBitmapFromSourceRect().
wincodecs: Add support for WICBitmapNoCache in CreateBitmapFromSource() for bitmap as a source.
winemenubuilder: Fix encoder method argument.
Pierre Schweitzer (1):
msi: Don't consider read-only drives when enumerating volumes.
Piotr Caban (1):
msvcp140: Add _Winerror_map implementation.
include: Add qos2.h.
Greg Smith (1):
kernel32: Ignore FileIoPriorityHintInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle().
Hans Leidekker (19):
winhttp: Get rid of receive_response_t.
winhttp: Get rid of query_data_t.
winhttp: Get rid of read_data_t.
winhttp: Get rid of write_data_t.
winhttp: Get rid of object_header_t and object_vtbl_t.
winhttp: Get rid of hostdata_t.
winhttp: Skip the hostname part when escaping an absolute URL.
winhttp: Simplify secure_proxy_connect.
msi: Increase MSI_INITIAL_MEDIA_TRANSFORM_DISKID to avoid conflicts.
winhttp: Get rid of session_t.
winhttp: Get rid of connect_t.
winhttp: Get rid of netconn_t.
winhttp: Get rid of request_t.
winhttp: Get rid of get/set_last_error.
winhttp/tests: Get rid of workarounds for Windows 2000.
winhttp: Return an error from WinHttpReceiveResponse if there's no connection.
winhttp: Use the thread pool for asynchronous tasks.
winhttp: Propagate errors from refill_buffer.
winhttp: Use the thread pool for asynchronous hostname resolution.
Henri Verbeet (40):
d3d8: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in texture_init().
d3d8: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in cubetexture_init().
d3d8: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in d3d8_device_CreateDepthStencilSurface().
d3d8: Do not specify WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE in d3d8_device_CreateImageSurface().
d3d8: Do not add map access indiscriminately in texture_init().
d3d8: Do not add map access indiscriminately in cubetexture_init().
d3d8: Do not add map access indiscriminately in d3d8_device_create_surface().
wined3d: Introduce a separate structure for OpenGL rendertarget view information.
wined3d: Introduce a separate structure for OpenGL unordered access view information.
wined3d: Introduce a separate structure for OpenGL shader resource view information.
d3d8/tests: Add a resource access test.
d3d9/tests: Add a resource access test.
wined3d: Validate that the view resource has depth/stencil bind flags in wined3d_device_set_depth_stencil_view().
wined3d: Allow binding scratch textures.
wined3d: Make "driver private" formats always mappable.
wined3d: Require exclusive GPU access for rendertarget and depth/stencil resources.
wined3d: Disallow dynamic rendertarget and depth/stencil resources.
d3dx9: Use a staging texture to update unmappable surfaces in D3DXLoadSurfaceFromMemory().
d3d8: Disallow index buffers in the scratch pool.
d3d9: Disallow index buffers in the scratch pool.
d3d8: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on 3D textures.
d3d9: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on 3D textures.
d3dx9: Use intermediate surfaces for loading from unmappable source surfaces in D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface().
d3dx9: Try to use IDirect3DDevice9_StretchRect() in D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface().
d3d8: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on vertex buffers.
d3d9: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on vertex buffers.
d3d8: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on index buffers.
d3d9: Disallow rendertarget and depth/stencil usage on index buffers.
d3d9: Do not add map access indiscriminately in texture_init().
d3d9: Do not add map access indiscriminately in cubetexture_init().
d3d9: Do not add map access indiscriminately in d3d9_device_create_surface().
d3d9/tests: Add a d3d9ex resource access test.
d3d9: Disallow creating managed vertex buffers on d3d9ex devices.
d3d9: Disallow creating managed index buffers on d3d9ex devices.
d3d9: Disallow creating managed 3D textures on d3d9ex devices.
d3d9: Disallow creating managed cube textures on d3d9ex devices.
d3d9: Disallow creating managed 2D textures on d3d9ex devices.
d3d9: Pass wined3d parameter types to d3d9_device_create_surface().
d3d8: Pass wined3d parameter types to d3d8_device_create_surface().
wined3d: Get rid of the redundant WINED3D_TEXTURE_CREATE_MAPPABLE flag in surface_convert_format().
Huw D. M. Davies (1):
winspool: Skip the old printer check if it has a NULL port name.
Jacek Caban (10):
wpp: Skip parsing #if expression if it's ignored anyway.
widl: Write async interface IIDs to _i.c file.
widl: Don't make proxy vtbl const in interpreted mode.
ieframe/tests: Fix todo_wine for tests that work now.
schannel.h: Add TLS 1.3 defines.
user32: Attempt to set scroll info in SetScrollPos even if SCROLL_GetInternalInfo fails.
server: Properly handle disconnected pipe in set_named_pipe_info request.
server: Store message mode flag only in named_pipe object.
server: Remove no longer needed pipe_client struct.
server: Fix pipe server listen queue initialization.
Józef Kucia (29):
ddraw: Validate "dwSize" when setting viewports.
ddraw/tests: Add more tests for viewports.
ddraw: Do not return unset viewport from GetViewport().
ddraw: Do not use unset viewport in viewport_activate().
d3d11/tests: Add option to enable debug layer.
d3d11/tests: Fix crashes with debug layer enabled.
wined3d: Add support for WINED3DFMT_R10G10B10A2_UINT.
wined3d: Fix downloading data for 1D array textures.
d3d11/tests: Add test for readback from 1D array texture.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for readback from 1D array texture.
widl: Guard RPC includes with #ifdef _WIN32.
dxgi: Partially implement dxgi_adapter_QueryVideoMemoryInfo().
wined3d: Rename DeviceName to device_name.
wined3d: Get rid of vram_bytes from struct wined3d_adapter.
wined3d: Report system shared memory for adapters.
dxgi: Report non-zero shared system memory.
dxgi/tests: Add basic test for QueryVideoMemoryInfo().
d3d10core/tests: Add test for SO statistics queries.
d3d11/tests: Add test for SO statistics with multiple vertex streams.
wined3d: Do not crash when trying to draw to buffer render target.
dxgi/tests: Add missing ok() call.
wined3d: Propagate HRESULTs in wined3d_swapchain_resize_target().
wined3d: Set base vertex index in CS state.
wined3d: Set base vertex index also for non-indexed draws.
wined3d: Fix mapping of SV_VertexID to gl_VertexID.
d3d11/tests: Add test for SV_VertexID.
d3d11/tests: Get rid of unnecessary clear from test_so_statistics_query().
Louis Lenders (1):
vssapi: Add a few win64 spec entries.
Michael Stefaniuc (28):
advapi32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
atl100/tests: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
avifil32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
combase/tests: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
hlink: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
iccvid: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
d3dx9: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
imaadp32.acm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
kernel32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
l3codeca.acm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msadp32.acm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msvidc32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ntoskrnl.exe: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
odbc32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ole32/tests: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
setupx.dll16: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
shell32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
strmbase: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wbemprox: Prefer the standard ARRAY_SIZE macro.
dsound: Primary buffers don't support IDirectSoundNotify.
msg711.acm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msgsm32.acm: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winecoreaudio.drv: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
services: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wintab32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
xaudio2_7: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msxml3/tests: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
iphlpapi: Remove a redundant NULL check before HeapFree().
Mihail Ivanchev (1):
include: Fixed the Unicode expansion of _sntprintf.
Mingcong Bai (1):
po: Update Simplified Chinese translation.
Nikolay Sivov (27):
kernel32/tests: Fix skips for implemented functions.
dwrite: Improve returned font metrics when OS/2 table is missing.
d2d1: Implement GetMaximumBitmapSize().
gdi32/tests: Fix some test failures on newer Win10 releases.
wincodecs: Fix parameter validation during scaler initialization.
wincodecs: Fix failure paths in scaler's GetSize().
wincodecs: Trace WICRect arguments.
wincodecs: Fix scaler return pixel format for uninitialized case.
wincodecs: Fix return value for scaler GetResolution().
msvcrt: Add _iswlower_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswupper_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswgraph_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswalnum_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswcntrl_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswprint_l().
msvcrt: Add _iswxdigit_l().
user32/tests: Add FindWindow() test for versioned class.
server: Use base class atom for child window enumeration.
dwrite/tests: Add CreateFontFaceFromHdc() test for in-memory font.
gdi32/tests: Run memory resource font test in a child process.
gdi32: Improve GetFontFileInfo() compatibility.
gdi32: Set data size for fonts created from memory.
gdi32: Implement GetFontFileData().
dwrite: Add support for memory font resources in CreateFontFaceFromHdc().
comctl32/listbox: Use helper to test for selected state on painting.
comctl32/listbox: Remove duplicated condition.
shcore: Implement method wrapper functions.
Paul Gofman (3):
d3dx9/tests: Add tests for using D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface() with default render target.
d3dx9: Add FIXME for unlockable source surface in D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface().
wined3d: Don't pull _ACCESS_GPU textures to system memory in texture2d_blt().
Piotr Caban (11):
msvcrt: Add _vscprintf_l implementation.
ucrtbase: Add _o__*_onexit_table implementation.
ucrtbase: Fix leaks in misc tests.
ucrtbase: Fix wrong function calls in misc tests.
ucrtbase: Add _o_malloc implementation.
msvcp90: Add time_get<char>::do_get_date implementation.
msvcp100: Add time_get<char>do_get implementation.
msvcp100: Add time_get<char>::get_fmt implementation.
msvcp110: Export time_get functions on arm.
msvcp90: Add '_char' suffix to time_get<char> helper functions.
msvcp90: Add time_get<wchar> implementation.
Roberto Pungartnik (2):
po: Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation.
po: Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation.
Sebastian Lackner (1):
xaudio2: Use assembly wrapper to call OnVoiceProcessingPassStart callback.
Sergio Gómez Del Real (1):
comctl32: Implement handling of EM_SETCUEBANNER/EM_GETCUEBANNER messages.
oleaut32: Pass a HREFTYPE to get_iface_guid.
Stefan Dösinger (1):
ntdll: Avoid more race conditions in RtlDeregisterWaitEx.
Serge Gautherie (1):
winmm: Add a WARNing when winejoystick.drv is missing.
Sven Baars (3):
mfplat: Move IMFAttributes interface up to avoid forward declarations.
mfplat: Add IMFAttributes interface to IMFByteStream.
mfplat: Add MFCreateFile stub.
Zebediah Figura (29):
oleaut32/tests: Abort earlier if we fail to create a proxy.
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling pointers.
oleaut32: Don't release a NULL interface in VARIANT_UserFree().
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling interfaces.
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling BSTRs.
oleaut32/tests: Add some more tests for marshalling VARIANTs.
rpcrt4: Add comments explaining the arguments to EmbeddedPointerUnmarshall().
rpcrt4: Clear allocated memory before marshalling pointers into it (Valgrind).
rpcrt4: Clarify local variables in PointerUnmarshall().
rpcrt4: Ignore fMustAlloc in PointerUnmarshall().
widl: Only mark simple [out] pointers as on-stack if they are [ref] pointers.
widl: Fix FC_ALLOCED_ON_STACK for interpreted stubs.
rpcrt4/tests: Add some tests for marshalling interface pointers.
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling safe arrays.
oleaut32/tests: Add some more tests for marshalling structs.
widl: Correctly handle conformant arrays in clear_output_vars().
rpcrt4: Avoid reference leaks when unmarshalling [in, out] pointers.
oleaut32/tests: Add some more tests for marshalling arrays.
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling public typedefs.
oleaut32/tests: Add a test for marshalling of floats on x86-64.
rpcrt4: Add a stub implementation of CreateProxyFromTypeInfo().
rpcrt4: Add a stub implementation of CreateStubFromTypeInfo().
rpcrt4: Build the typelib proxy headers.
rpcrt4: Build the typelib stub headers.
rpcrt4: Write the function header into the procedure format string.
rpcrt4: Write parameter signatures into the procedure format string.
rpcrt4: Write type format strings for pointers.
rpcrt4: Write type format strings for fixed arrays.
rpcrt4: Write type format strings for fixed structs.
Zhiyi Zhang (6):
include: Fix wrong argument attribute for IFileDialog::GetOptions.
comctl32/taskdialog: Fix id casting.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for TDF_ALLOW_DIALOG_CANCELLATION.
comctl32/taskdialog: Handle button clicks better.
kernel32: Implement FindStringOrdinal.
comctl32/pager: Support header notification conversion.
mf: Add a trace to MFCreateTopology.
mfplat: Implement MFCreateMediaEvent.
mfplat: Improve CreateObjectFromByteStream stub in IMFSourceResolver.
Wolfgang Walter (1):
wineps: Cope correctly with a missing table.
Zebediah Figura (34):
rpcrt4: Retrieve the underlying interface for dual interfaces.
rpcrt4: Delegate to the parent if it is not IUnknown.
rpcrt4: Write the floating-point mask on x86-64.
oleaut32: Rip out the old typelib marshaller.
rpcrt4: Write type format strings for coclasses.
oleaut32: Handle coclasses in ITypeInfo_Invoke().
oleaut32/tests: Add some tests for marshalling of coclasses.
stdole2: Avoid defining Automation typedefs as part of the public library.
ntdll: Only wait on the completion port if no entries were returned.
ntdll: Don't write more IOCP entries than requested.
ntdll/tests: Add more tests for NtRemoveIoCompletionEx().
rpcrt4: Handle large arrays in EmbeddedComplexSize().
xinput: Avoid calling XInputGetStateEx() in XInputGetState().
dbghelp: Only check process architecture if we are actually given a process.
rpcrt4/tests: Add a test for FC_ALIGNM* directives.
rpcrt4: Fix handling of FC_ALIGNM* directives.
shell32/tests: Remove some obsolete workarounds from test_ShellWindows().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testInstallClass().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testCreateDeviceInfo().
setupapi/tests: Add more tests for creating and removing devices.
hlink: Use clearer variable names in IHlink_fnNavigate().
hlink: Add support for asynchronous binding in IHlink_Navigate().
hlink/tests: Add some tests for asynchronous binding.
xinput: Make exported functions hot-patchable.
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testGetDeviceInstanceId().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testRegisterDeviceInfo().
setupapi/tests: Add some more tests for SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testCreateDeviceInterface().
setupapi/tests: Add more tests for device interfaces.
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testGetDeviceInterfaceDetail().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testDevRegKey().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testRegisterAndGetDetail().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testDeviceRegistryPropertyA().
setupapi/tests: Remove workarounds in testDeviceRegistryPropertyW().
Zhiyi Zhang (16):
kernelbase: Implement PathCchFindExtension.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchAddExtension.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchRemoveExtension.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchRenameExtension.
kernelbase: Implement PathIsUNCEx.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchStripPrefix.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchSkipRoot.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchStripToRoot.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchIsRoot.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchRemoveBackslashEx.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchRemoveBackslash.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchRemoveFileSpec.
kernelbase: Implement PathAllocCanonicalize.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchCanonicalizeEx.
kernelbase: Implement PathCchCanonicalize.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Andreas Maier
Andreas Mohr
Andreas Pflug
Andreas Rosenberg
Andre Heider
André Hentschel
Andrei Derevyanko
Andrei Slăvoiu
......@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ Axel Davy
Axel Schmidt
Bang Jun-Young
Bart Van Assche
Baruch Rutman
Bas Weelinck
Béla Gyebrószki
Ben Hodgetts
......@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ Ben Klein
Ben Mayhew
Ben Peddell
Ben Taylor
Beren Minor
Bernard Ladenthin
Bernd Buschinski
Bernd Fuhrmann
......@@ -532,6 +535,7 @@ Gregor Münch
Gregor Schneider
Gregory M. Turner
Gregory Trubetskoy
Greg Smith
Guido Barzini
Guillaume Charifi
Guillaume Gill
......@@ -1078,6 +1082,7 @@ Michał Wiernowolski
Michał Ziętek
Michiel van Loon
Miguel de Icaza
Mihail Ivanchev
Mike Bond
Mike Castle
Mike Frysinger
......@@ -1326,6 +1331,7 @@ Robert Naumann
Robert North
Roberto Augusto Pungartnik
Robert O'Callahan
Roberto Pungartnik
Robert Pouliot
Robert Reif
Robert Riggs
Wine version 3.20
Wine version 3.21
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.20.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.21.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2390,7 +2390,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 3.20 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 3.21 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2460,7 +2460,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.20:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.21:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 3.20
Wine configure 3.21
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3376,7 +3376,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.20, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.21, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -20713,7 +20713,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.20, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.21, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -20784,7 +20784,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 3.20
Wine config.status 3.21
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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