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Commit 8ef224fa authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 3.12.

parent 973ac43d
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Tags wine-7.16
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The Wine development release 3.11 is now available.
The Wine development release 3.12 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- More debugger support for Wow64 processes.
- Support for sha256/sha384 hashes in ECDSA signatures.
- Better reporting of hyper-threaded CPUs.
- Improvements to the standard Task Dialog.
- Unicode data updated to Unicode 11.0.0.
- Proxy configuration dialog in the Internet control panel.
- Syntax fixes in the Cmd.exe command intepreter.
- Some more glyphs in the Wingdings font.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -26,250 +26,297 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 3.11 (total 12):
27708 GetThreadSelectorEntry fails
28251 Shadows do not appear in Mafia II
41174 DDS Converter (DX11) crashes with an error message "Failed init D3D device"
43579 starting any wine process on armv7l: Bus error (core dumped)
44557 Chuckie Egg: The Next Batch v1.2 regression on Wine 3.2 (CSMT)
45109 Implement debugging 32-bit processes using 64-bit winedbg
45156 autohotkey can't seem to click buttons any more (breaking winetricks -q dirac et al)
45284 Multiple Microsoft Office installers crash with Windows 8+ setting due to missing 'user32.RegisterPointerDeviceNotifications' stub (Office 2013)
45294 64-bit Mod Organizer 2.1.2 dev6-Silarn-prerelease fails to load 'usvfs_x64.dll', needs 'ntdll.RtlReleaseRelativeName'
45299 Adobe flash player online installer fails the download
45302 Multiple Microsoft Office installers crash with Windows 8+ setting due to missing 'user32.GetPointerDevices' stub (Office 2013)
45303 Multiple Microsoft Office installers crash with Windows 8+ setting due to missing 'user32.RegisterTouchHitTestingWindow' stub (Office 2013)
Bugs fixed in 3.12 (total 40):
18164 dlls/iphlpapi/ifenum.c: compiler warnings on NetBSD
18560 No crosshairs in Starfleet Academy
20986 Euler fails to make a computation with maxima.exe: maxima.exe fails to start
23048 Unreal Tournament 3 fails and locks up
24641 ProPresenter 4.x (.NET 3.5 WPF app) fails on startup (devenum CreateInstance() doesn't support IID_IUnknown)
27497 Regedit mangles registry keys containing embedded NULLs
29325 Stranded II: laggy mouse pointer in the inventory screen
30910 Lighting incorrectly drawn in Alien Shooter
34365 Splinter Cell: Blacklist error with d3d_texture:wined3d_texture_apply_state_changes
34916 cmd:batch fails on Windows 8 and 8.1
35427 Diplomacy (1999) crashes on startup
35706 Splinter Cell: Blacklist crashes with Field AO & SSAO
35902 Certificates signed using ECDSA signature can not be verified (>= Win Vista - affects EA Origin, Uplay, Blizzard App, MoonBot)
36798 kernel32/change.c fails on 3.16.x kernels
38599 Heroes of Might & Magic III HD Edition becomes unresponsive after starting a scenario
38689 Duke Nukem Forever: intense flickering, screen covered with grey
38849 valgrind shows an uninitialized variable in programs/cmd/tests/batch.c:WCMD_assoc
39218 advpack:advpack fails if privileges not high enough
39222 mstask:task_scheduler fails if privileges not high enough
39228 House of Caravan light sources are broken with ARB shaders enabled
39238 mscft:inputprocessor fails if privileges not high enough
39457 "for /R" tests fail when run in a directory containing spaces
40694 Invalid behavior of "C: && echo haha" or "C: & echo haha"
40706 FolderMerger cmd not valued, xcopy needs /k support
42602 ::CompareItem(LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT lpCompareItemStruct) bad sort compared to Windows
42823 cmd.exe behaves differently from Win7 regarding redefined labels
42931 CMD START: invalid argument
43049 League of Legends: massive performance regression
44585 Multiple applications and games need ntdll.LdrRegisterDllNotification/LdrUnregisterDllNotification implementation (Firefox 60+, Diablo III v2. 6. 1. 49286+, World of Warcraft, Overwatch)
44720 Intel Asteroids Direct3D12 sample requires ninput.dll.CreateInteractionContext
44967 xcopy does not copy empty subdirectories if options /s and /e without space
45051 cmd.exe for loop does not resolve wildcards with subdirectory
45052 cmd.exe: if-statement does not resolve wildcards
45355 FrameMaker 8: Abort with specific document due to USER lock error
45359 SHGetKnownFolderPath doesn't handle flag KF_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND
45387 arm64_map_dwarf_register: Don't know how to map register (64-66)
45389 odbccp32:misc fails if privileges are not high enough
45390 devenum:devenum fails if privileges are not high enough
45403 dwarf2_parse_variable(): Assertion `subpgm->func' failed
45410 Muv-Luv (Steam) wants USER32.dll.GetAutoRotationState semi-stub
Changes since 3.10:
Changes since 3.11:
Alexandre Julliard (6):
ntdll: Pass the server context to get/set_thread_context().
winedbg: Fix some compiler warnings.
winex11: Fix exposing partially off-screen windows.
ntdll: Implement RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings().
user32: Don't remap DPI for font size in points when saving.
user32: Check the DpiScalingVer registry key to enable DPI scaling.
Alex Henrie (5):
include: Add definitions of SERVICES_*_DATABASEW for generic compilers.
include: Add missing type declaration to CERT_EFSBLOB_VALUE_NAME.
iphlpapi: Cast caddr_t to char* before doing pointer arithmetic.
gdi32: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to GetDIBits.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
winex11: Correct compile without vulkan support.
Alexander Morozov (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Improve KeInitializeTimerEx stub.
Andrew Eikum (1):
winex11.drv: Refcount the vulkan surface window.
Alexandre Julliard (8):
schedsvc: Only restart the directory watch once we've received data.
user32: Don't copy window bits to or from the dummy surface.
server: Add a couple of rectangle helper functions.
server: Don't clip update regions to the desktop window.
comdlg32/filedlg: Resize the Places toolbar along with the dialog.
comctl32/taskdialog: Fix pointer cast warnings.
user32/tests: Remove a duplicate todo test.
user32: Update RedrawWindow behavior with explicit desktop window handle.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (2):
user32: Support SPI_S/GETAUDIODESCRIPTION in SystemParametersInfo.
ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add KeInitializeTimerEx tests.
Andrey Gusev (1):
winex11.drv: Move condition to the proper place.
André Hentschel (1):
ws2_32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Dmitry Timoshkov (6):
mstask: Retry opening a .job file only in case of sharing violation.
schedsvc: Retry opening a .job file only in case of sharing violation.
mstask: Implement ITask::SetWorkItemData().
mstask: Implement ITask::GetWorkItemData().
mstask/tests: Add some tests for workitem data.
gdi32: For symbol fonts check whether the char has been converted to Unicode.
Fabian Maurer (1):
ntdll: Add stub for WinSqmSetDWORD.
François Gouget (2):
winetest: Don't show dll=skipped messages for skipped tests.
wsdapi: Add a trailing '\n' to a WARN() message.
Hans Leidekker (5):
webservices: Avoid a warning from HeapDestroy.
webservices: Avoid accessing the old user buffer in WsSetOutput/ToBuffer.
webservices: Implement WsShutdownSessionChannel.
webservices: Use the static dictionary only while writing the message header.
webservices: Send incremental string table updates with messages in the same session.
Hua Meng (4):
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_copy.
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_assign.
msvcp120/tests: Add test for Concurrent_vector_swap.
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_Internal_compact.
Jacek Caban (5):
jscript: Use global accumulator for storing function call results.
mshtml: Support input event.
mshtml.idl: Added IHTMLPerformance declaration.
mshtml.idl: Added IHTMLPerformance test.
mshtml: Added IHTMLWindow7::performance property implementation.
Józef Kucia (26):
d3d11: Normalize 1D texture view descriptions.
wined3d: Get rid of WINED3DCAPS typedef.
wined3d: Remove "Reserved" fields from wined3d_caps.
wined3d: Store feature level in d3d_info.
wined3d: Expose feature level in wined3d caps.
dxgi: Get supported feature levels from wined3d caps.
winedbg: Get rid of ifdefs.
d3d11: Introduce get_resource_properties() helper function.
wined3d: Initialize depth/stencil texture data.
d3d9/tests: Add test for depth stencil initialization.
wined3d: Reduce nesting in texture2d_load_sysmem().
wined3d: Use WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED before initializing buffers with data.
wined3d: Call wined3d_cs_emit_update_sub_resource() directly in buffer_init().
wrc: Accept hyphens in identificators.
vulkan-1/tests: Add tests.
include: Add interactioncontext.h.
ninput: Implement CreateInteractionContext().
ninput: Add ProcessInertiaInteractionContext() stub.
ninput: Implement SetPropertyInteractionContext().
ninput: Add SetInteractionConfigurationInteractionContext() stub.
ninput: Add RegisterOutputCallbackInteractionContext() stub.
shell32: Accept more flags in SHGetKnownFolderPath().
shell32/tests: Reorder known_folders table definition.
shell32/tests: Add tests for SHGetKnownFolderPath() flags.
shell32/tests: Remove empty element from known_folders[].
Kieran Duggan (1):
d3dx9/tests: Add initial tests for ID3DXFont::DrawText().
Lauri Kenttä (1):
msi: Remove checks for negative value.
André Hentschel (4):
dbghelp: Map SIMD dwarf registers on ARM64.
dbghelp: Recompute location after fixing it.
ole32/tests: Don't crash if EnumFormatEtc failed.
advpack: Use ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Aurimas Fišeras (3):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
Austin English (1):
winecfg: Recommend against overriding secur32.
Dmitry Timoshkov (18):
fonts: Add clock images to Wingdings font.
mstask: Use current time as trigger begin time when necessary.
mstask: Avoid an infinite loop.
schedsvc: Minor cleanup.
schedsvc: Avoid an infinite loop.
schedsvc: Use current time as trigger begin time when necessary.
user32/tests: Add a test for WM_MEASUREITEM when inserting an item to an owner-drawn listbox.
user32/tests: Add a message test for an owner-drawn sorted listbox.
user32/tests: Add some message tests for not an owner-drawn listbox.
user32: Fix order of items passed in WM_COMPAREITEM data.
user32: Fix the listbox sorting algorithm.
user32: For an owner-drawn listbox without strings WM_MEASUREITEM still needs correct itemData.
comctl32/listbox: Fix order of items passed in WM_COMPAREITEM data.
comctl32/listbox: Fix the listbox sorting algorithm.
oleaut32: Don't accept unsupported picture types in OleCreatePictureIndirect.
oleaut32: IPicture::get_hPal() supports only bitmaps.
oleaut32: IPicture::set_hPal() supports only bitmaps.
oleaut32/tests: Add tests for IPicture::get_hPal() and IPicture::set_hPal().
Fabian Maurer (6):
msvcrt: Use already existent oneexit_table functions for _onexit and _c_exit.
user32: Always release menu item in EnableMenuItem.
msvcrt: Use cdecl calling convention for atexit callback.
ucrtbase: Add _crt_at_quick_exit stub.
ucrtbase: Add quick_exit.
ucrtbase: Implement quick_exit and _crt_at_quick_exit.
Hans Leidekker (1):
configure: Allow building bcrypt with GnuTLS support on macOS.
Hua Meng (3):
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_grow_by.
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_grow_to_at_least_with_result.
msvcp120: Add test for Concurrent_vector_Internal_resize and reverse.
Huw D. M. Davies (1):
ntdll/tests: Skip the map protect tests if we can't disable no-exec.
Jason Edmeades (9):
cmd: Add support for wildcards in if exist.
cmd: Fix subdirectory prefix in for loops.
xcopy: Handle multiple switches concatenated without whitespace.
xcopy: Return code 1 for no files is never returned.
xcopy: Fix copying empty directories.
cmd: Support "c:<space>" etc when changing drive letters.
cmd: Call and goto finds the next matching label.
cmd: Fix issue in WCMD_assoc highlighted by valgrind.
xcopy: Add support for xcopy /k.
Julian Rüger (1):
po: Update German translation.
Józef Kucia (4):
include/d3d12: Fix typos.
dxgi: Avoid possible NULL pointer access in d3d11_swapchain_SetFullscreenState().
wined3d: Fix snorm/unorm immediate values for UAV writes.
d3d11/tests: Add test for unorm/snorm immediate constants.
Kim Malmo (1):
po: Update Norwegian translation.
Lauri Kenttä (2):
po: Update Finnish translation.
po: Update Finnish translation.
Louis Lenders (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification.
Marcus Meissner (13):
hnetcfg: GetModuleFileNameW gets characters, not bytes (Coverity).
shell32: Use characters as arguments to GetTempPathW and GetLongPathNameW.
kernel32: GetCalendarInfoW gets character sizes.
kernel32: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW gets character as buffer size.
psapi: GetProcessImageFileName gets character count as argument.
shlwapi: SHGetIniStringW buffer size is in characters.
icinfo: vsnprintfw takes characters as buffer size not bytes.
d3dx9/tests: Fix string size to MultiByteToWideChar().
comctl32/tests: Header item struct gets characters not bytes.
comctl32: Treeview item gets characters not bytes passed in.
shell32: Set size in characters in MENUITEMINFOW struct.
quartz: StringFromGUID2 gets character counts, not bytes.
amstream/tests: Use correct buffer size for StringFromGUID2.
Mark Jansen (1):
ntdll/tests: Tests for RtlIpv6StringToAddress.
Matteo Bruni (2):
wined3d: Generate shader epilogue before conditional returns.
wined3d: Set stream stride and offset even when buffer is NULL.
d3dx10: Turn some ERR() into WARN().
wined3d: Declare the correct number and type of fragment shader color outputs.
Michael Müller (4):
crypt32: Implement decoding of X509_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER.
crypt32: Implement decoding of X509_ECC_SIGNATURE.
crypt32/tests: Add a basic test for ecdsa oid.
crypt32: Add oids for sha256ECDSA and sha384ECDSA.
Michael Stefaniuc (31):
windowscodecs/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winhttp/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
vcomp/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msi/tests: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
msxml3/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ole32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
include: Add an option to disable line numbers in the tests.
dsound/tests: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
dsound/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winmm/tests: Avoid and ARRAY_SIZE-like macro.
winmm/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
shell32/tests: Avoid sizeof in a trace.
shell32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
setupapi/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
msi/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winedbg: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
oleaut32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
oleaut32/tests: Avoid an ARRAY_SIZE-like macro.
oleaut32/tests: Use a better type to avoid a cast.
riched32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
riched20/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
urlmon/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wininet/tests: Use the correct array size in a notification_data test.
msvcrt: Rename a macro to ARRAY_SIZE().
msvcrt/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
wininet/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ntdll/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
ntdll/tests: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
crypt32: Implement verification of ECDSA signatures.
ntdll: Implement LdrRegisterDllNotification and LdrUnregisterDllNotification.
user32: Add semi-stub for GetAutoRotationState.
msvcr120: Add stub for _SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback.
Michael Stefaniuc (32):
gdi32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
shlwapi/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
shlwapi/tests: Pass the correct buffer size to PathUnExpandEnvStringsW().
shlwapi/tests: Pass the correct buffer size to WideCharToMultiByte().
kernel32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
crypt32: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
crypt32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Nikolay Sivov (4):
user32: Fix returned class name for other process windows.
comdlg32/tests: Don't undefine ARRAY_SIZE().
user32/tests: Don't undefine ARRAY_SIZE().
user32/tests: Avoid a variable that holds an ARRAY_SIZE().
kernel32/tests: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
user32/tests: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
user32/tests: Use the available ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
include: Add a generic available ARRAY_SIZE().
quartz: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
user32: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
dinput: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
iphlpapi: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
mscoree: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
wininet: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
winhttp: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
dssenh/test: Replace a macro with ARRAY_SIZE.
serialui: Replace a macro with ARRAY_SIZE.
glu32: Avoid an ARRAY_SIZE-like macro.
krnl386.exe16: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
ole32: Use the more common ARRAY_SIZE spelling.
shell32: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
winex11.drv: Avoid ARRAY_SIZE-like macros.
msvcr100/test: Replace a macro with ARRAY_SIZE.
cryptui: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
view: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
oleview: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
netapi32: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
credui: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Michał Janiszewski (3):
ntdll: Only set owned bits in RTL_BITMAP.
msvcrt: Don't forget to free the buffer in scanf.
msvcrt: Update size checks for secure scanf versions.
Nikolay Sivov (7):
crypt32: Correctly return how the issuer of a self signed certificate was matched.
crypt32: Fix string arguments tracing.
tools: Update to Unicode 11.0.0.
po: Update Russian translation.
comctl32/tests: Add some tests for ownerdrawn listbox.
po: Update Russian translation.
crypt32: Use ARRAY_SIZE macro.
crypt32/tests: Compact existing OID tests.
Owen Rudge (10):
wsdapi: Add support for listening for UDP multicast broadcasts.
wsdapi: Add critical section around notification sinks.
wsdapi: Add stub for Probe message parsing, prepare notification sink message.
wsdapi: Add initial support for reading messages; identify Probe message.
wsdapi: Return "any" headers in read_message.
wsdapi: Implement probe message parsing.
wsdapi: Build types list when parsing Probe message.
wsdapi: Add support for parsing AppSequence header.
wsdapi/tests: Add tests for AppSequence in Probe message.
wsdapi/tests: Add tests for MatchProbeEx.
Piotr Caban (11):
msvcr100: Fix lldiv implementation.
msvcp120: Fix function passed to _Concurrent_vector_base_v4::_Internal_clear.
msvcp120: Add alloc/free count validation tests in _Concurrent_vector_base_v4.
msi/tests: Add package minor/major upgrade tests.
msi: Add support for ProductToBeRegistered property.
msi: Re-publish product if previous installation with different package is detected.
msi: Add REINSTALLMODE=v installation mode test.
msi: Add ProductToBeRegistered property tests.
msi: Report error when cached installer has different version.
msi: Add support for re-caching package.
appwiz.cpl: Support installing minor updates when installing addons.
Roderick Colenbrander (5):
ntdll: Derive number of logical CPU cores from core mask.
ntdll: Store core information by core on macOS.
ntdll: Report physical cores once with proper thread mask.
ntdll: GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx report LTP_PC_SMT for SMT cores.
ntdll: GetLogicalProcessorInformation report LPT_PC_SMT for SMT cores.
Zebediah Figura (37):
ntdll: Implement RtlWow64GetThreadContext().
ntdll: Implement RtlWow64SetThreadContext().
kernel32: Implement Wow64GetThreadContext().
kernel32: Implement Wow64SetThreadContext().
msvcrt: Avoid using inline assembly in call_unwind_func().
msvcrt: Don't reimplement call_unwind_func().
ndrtypes.h: Add more constants.
rpcrt4: Use publicly defined NDR constants.
widl: Use publicly defined NDR constants.
winedbg: Make be_cpu process-specific.
winedbg/gdbproxy: Remove unnecessary checks for supported context flags.
winedbg: Use WOW64_CONTEXT instead of CONTEXT for i386 backend.
winedbg: Add a backend-specific vector for retrieving a thread's context.
winedbg: Add a backend-specific vector for setting a thread's context.
winedbg: Implement debugging 32-bit processes on x86_64.
winedbg/gdbproxy: Store the register map inside the be_cpu struct.
winedbg: Always start the interactive debugger in 64-bit mode if in a 64-bit prefix.
dbghelp: Determine the target Mach-O architecture from the process's architecture.
dbghelp: Read the 32-bit Mach-O header.
dbghelp: Pass an image_file_map to macho_enum_load_commands().
dbghelp: Read the Mach-O segment command corresponding to the target's architecture.
dbghelp: Translate the 32-bit Mach-O section header to the 64-bit one.
dbghelp: Read the stabs nlist entry corresponding to the target's architecture.
winedbg/gdbproxy: Handle VS thread renaming.
msi: Mark exported wine functions CDECL.
vbscript: Treat \r as a newline separator.
hnetcfg/tests: Fix BSTR usage in test_NetFwAuthorizedApplication().
hnetcfg: Store the UNC path in INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_ProcessImageFileName().
winetest: Increase maximum tag length.
user32/tests: Ignore all non-keyboard messages in test_Input_blackbox().
user32/tests: Skip tests for window messages if we failed to receive foreground status.
winedbg: Provide a more helpful error message when unable to attach to a process.
oleaut32: Correct some comments.
winedbg: Suppress all message boxes if ShowCrashDialog is disabled.
shell32/tests: Don't test CommandLineToArgv() in test_argify().
gdi32/tests: Test writing to the default palette.
psapi/tests: Add todo_wine to a failing test.
Zhiyi Zhang (15):
comctl32/taskdialog: Zero out taskdialog_info at initialization.
comctl32/taskdialog: Remove unused parameter.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add taskdialog_destroy().
comctl32/taskdialog: Support dynamic layout.
comctl32/taskdialog: Create main instruction without templates.
comctl32/taskdialog: Create content without templates.
comctl32/taskdialog: Create buttons without templates.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for TDM_ENABLE_BUTTON.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for main icon.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for loading standard icons.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for hyperlink.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for progress bar.
gdiplus: Fix a memory leak.
gdiplus: Report error for brush_fill_path().
gdiplus: Avoid calling GdipFillPath() with an empty path.
urlmon: Use ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
Piotr Caban (4):
inetcpl.cpl: Add proxy server settings dialog.
inetcpl.cpl: Add partial support for writing DefaultConnectionSettings registry setting.
ucrtbase: Test child process exit code.
ucrtbase: Report child process test failures in exit() tests.
Rafał Mużyło (1):
d3d9: Expand rectangles in debug strings.
Sebastian Lackner (1):
kernel32: Fill stack with meaningful values in call_process_entry mis-align workaround.
Zebediah Figura (39):
devenum: Implement parsing and reading DMO monikers.
devenum: Implement enumerating DMOs.
wine.inf: Register mp3dmod DMO.
mp3dmod: Support COM aggregation.
hnetcfg: Store the full path in INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_ProcessImageFileName().
devenum: Merge factory.c into devenum_main.c.
devenum: Use separate factories for CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum and CLSID_CDeviceMoniker.
devenum: Make some variables static.
devenum: Remove an unused typedef.
include: Make fil_data.idl a common header.
devenum/tests: DMORegister() returns E_FAIL if unable to access the registry.
msdmo: DMORegister() returns E_FAIL if unable to access the registry.
odbccp32/tests: Skip SQLGetInstalledDrivers() test if limited.
odbccp32/tests: Set requestedExecutionLevel to asInvoker to prevent virtualization.
msctf/tests: Set requestedExecutionLevel to asInvoker to prevent virtualization.
msctf/tests: Skip tests if limited.
hnetcfg: Store the long path in INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_ProcessImageFileName().
regedit: Print Latin-1 characters.
dinput: Notify the desktop window when device input is received.
strmbase: Implement CBaseFilter::FindPin().
winegstreamer: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
wineqtdecoder: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
explorer: Wrap the desktop window procedure instead of replacing it.
winex11.drv: Wake up the display on user input.
strmbase: Update comment for copying pin info.
quartz: Inline copying pin info and update comment.
psapi/tests: Avoid linking statically to kernel32 functions.
winegstreamer: Add a missing debugstr_a.
dbghelp/tests: Add a simple test for StackWalk64().
winemac.drv: Wake up the display on user input.
psapi/tests: Link statically to psapi.
psapi/tests: Avoid using PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.
psapi/tests: Avoid failing silently.
psapi/tests: Call GetPerformanceInfo() after NtQuerySystemInformation().
strmbase: Avoid leaking pFilter in CBaseFilter::FindPin().
quartz: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
strmbase: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
qcap: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
amstream: Use CBaseFilter::FindPin().
Zhiyi Zhang (4):
comctl32/taskdialog: Fix buttons might disappear.
comctl32/taskdialog: Use dynamic buffer for taskdialog_get_label_size().
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for radio buttons.
comctl32/taskdialog: Add support for command links.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -1063,6 +1063,7 @@ Michael Schlüter
Michael Stefaniuc
Michael Veksler
Michael Wetherell
Michał Janiszewski
Michal Janusz Miroslaw
Michal Pasternak
Michal Suchanek
Wine version 3.11
Wine version 3.12
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.11.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 3.12.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2374,7 +2374,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 3.11 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 3.12 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.11:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 3.12:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 3.11
Wine configure 3.12
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3191,7 +3191,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.11, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 3.12, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -20048,7 +20048,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.11, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 3.12, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -20119,7 +20119,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 3.11
Wine config.status 3.12
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
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