15670 .NET applications that make use of System.IO.IsolatedStorage crash (missing "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\<UserSID>" registry subkey)
22030 LegoLand: crashes at main menu without native directmusic
23729 Need For Speed: Shift - throbbing glob around language and save game name not as noticable on Wine
23821 Super Mario Brothers X hangs in quartz?
25264 treeview wstr overrun in TVN_GETDISPINFOW (ExamXML crashes when opening an XML file)
26119 kernel32/pipe tests show some valgrind warnings
26721 Button and Static controls not painting in Win NT V6.00 and later modes
28506 kernel32/change.ok test fails occasionally on linux
28602 Ccleaner: installer has a non-fatal crash
30499 Multiple Avira AVG product installers crash due to access of undocumented PEB field "UnicodeCaseTableData" (AVG Free Edition 2012-2014, TuneUp Utilities 2014)
33284 Xin Shendiao Xialv ("The Giant Eagle and It's Companion") has some graphical issues
33352 Family Tree Maker 2012 crashes when trying to start program
34048 IE8 x64 for Server 2003 exits silently
35252 Multiple applications need ITaskScheduler::Enum implementation (lsTasks, Toad for MySQL Freeware 7.x)
36121 valgrind leaks in ntdll/tests/change.c
36266 valgrind shows several leaks in dmusic/tests/dmusic.c
36404 valgrind shows a leak in faultrep/tests/faultrep.c
36405 valgrind shows a leak in msxml3/tests/xmlview.c
36615 valgrind shows a definite leak in mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c
38300 using winegcc with stdin passes arguments in the wrong position to gcc
38659 Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer v16.x crashes on startup (registry SID profile data in 'ProfileList' must contain 'Flags' and 'ProfileImagePath' values)
39210 Dream Aquarium (screensaver) fails to read monitor power state ('{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}' monitor device class registry data missing)
40970 Can't run LEGO DD anymore
43323 Beamng.drive: Cars render incorrectly
45661 Gothic 2 crashes with music enabled without native directmusic
46748 Splinter Cell: Blacklist shows some 'script code' instead of text
47414 valgrind shows a definite memory leak in dlls/ntdll/loader.c
47489 The appearance of configurable options in Audacity is broken
47547 Steam Overlay stopped working
47620 unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.GetCurrentConsoleFontEx
47656 Crysis 1: game in DX10 cannot be started (also causing Very High graphical setting not available) in Vista and up
47724 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 not installing
47740 dotnet20sp2: fails to install on arch and derivatives
47790 putty.exe displays an error at startup when placed in a path with accented characters.
47809 mscrt: strftime is missing some substutions
47832 FindFirstFileExW believes every directory entry has been read if NtQueryDirectoryFile underfills buffer
47935 Nextiva: Logging in fails with "Client is unable to connect to the server."
47991 motec i2 pro v1.0 data logger fails to start
48016 karafunplayer: Call from 0x7124d239 to unimplemented function shcore.dll.GetScaleFactorForMonitor, aborting
48072 Everquest Classic: Textures not working correctly
48087 Firestorm viewer can't login to Second Life grid since 4.19
48104 Graphics load improperly in LEGO Island 2
48111 myodbc-installer v5.x (part of Toad for MySQL Freeware 7.x) crashes when querying for installed drivers ('SQLGetInstalledDrivers' doesn't handle NULL 'sizeout')
48114 wine: could not open working directory L"unix\\home\\tod\\", starting in the Windows directory.
48140 Archicad 22 needs missing SHCreateDataObject from shell32
48157 SetThreadDescription() return value E_NOTIMPL crashes StarCitizen
48170 start.exe: /min no longer works
48176 cannot select drawn line in excel2003 sheet (for removal)
48178 upgrade to "version 4 stable" made EXCEL2003 unusable (even after re-installing/purging wine and EXCEL)
48188 wine fails to load, "kernelbase.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
Bugs fixed in 5.0-rc1 (total 37):
12406 Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 crashes when using MS Help 2 URL from command line (ieframe's WebBrowser COM object doesn't support aggregation)
13020 wintetris 1.01 background color wrong sometimes
21249 Midtown Madness 2 (v1.1NoCD): memMemoryAllocator::FindHeap failed on ptr 2056d18
26757 Multiple Microsoft installers need implementation of Windows Update Standalone Installer 'Wusa.exe' to support '.msu' packages (.NET Framework 4.5.x/4.6.x/Win Vista+, IE8/Win Vista+, IE10/Win7 mode)
37793 FIFA Online 3 launcher crashes on startup ('SEC_RESERVE' attribute has no effect for file mapping objects that are backed by physical files)
38817 FXCM Trading Station II installer reports 'OLE error 80004001' when running as 'Windows Vista' or higher ('ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarSetImageList' is a stub)
38830 Symenu 4.11 (.NET 2.0 app) crashes on startup with Wine-Mono
39643 DM Genie 2.x (VB6 app) fails on startup with 'Automation error. ... Check the Scripting function Skill Bonus'
41639 Wine with freetype 2.7 causes font rendering issues
42046 VSDC Video Editor. Crashes in ole32 when opening.
42051 Costume Quest 2 crashes when using DX11 renderer
43447 Geometry Wars 3 doesn't spawn a window
43644 Disk free space incorrect on file systems with more than 2TB free
43817 Multiple .NET applications (Chime, DxO Photolab 2 trial) crash, need RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback to return S_OK
44456 Multiple Windows 7+ games and applications crash due missing 'kernel32.dll' -> 'kernelbase.dll' load-time dependency (64-bit Football Manager 2017, IP Camera Viewer 4.x)
44842 Listview returns item data fields when called for unset subitems
44883 warframe crashes with builtin xaudio2, needs IXAudio2::CommitChanges
46196 Beat Hazard 2: Crashing if no GeoID is set, missing country code and flag.
46262 Beat Hazard 2: Small window size after minimizing
46535 Exception FindFirstFileExW_rep in ntdll, by Mod Organizer (Skyrim)
46842 C# 'double.TryParse( String.Empty, out number)' incorrectly succeeds with .NET Framework 4.0 and WinVer set to 'Windows 7'
47126 GCC 9.x compilation warnings for Wine 4.7
47459 ListBox LB_SETSEL doesn't scroll to newly selected item
47960 chcp.com does not exist
48077 UPlay fails to start : "Error at hooking API NtProtectVirtualMemory" (UPlay's hooking engine can't handle ENDBR32 instruction inserted at non-hotpatch API entries due to distro build environments '-fcf-protection')