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 * Setupapi file queue routines
 * Copyright 2002 Alexandre Julliard for CodeWeavers
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wingdi.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include "winnls.h"
#include "setupapi.h"
#include "setupapi_private.h"
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Steven Edwards committed
#include "winver.h"


/* context structure for the default queue callback */
struct default_callback_context
    DWORD     magic;
    HWND      owner;
    DWORD     unk1[4];
    DWORD_PTR unk2[7];
    HWND      progress;
    UINT      message;
    DWORD_PTR unk3[5];
struct source_media
    WCHAR root[MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR *desc, *tag;
    BOOL resolved;
    BOOL cabinet;
struct file_op
    struct file_op *next;
    UINT            style;
    WCHAR          *src_path;
    WCHAR          *src_file;
    WCHAR          *dst_path;
    WCHAR          *dst_file;
    struct source_media *media;

struct file_op_queue
    struct file_op *head;
    struct file_op *tail;
    unsigned int count;

struct file_queue
    struct file_op_queue copy_queue;
    struct file_op_queue delete_queue;
    struct file_op_queue rename_queue;
    DWORD flags;
    struct source_media **sources;
    unsigned int source_count;

/* append a file operation to a queue */
static inline void queue_file_op( struct file_op_queue *queue, struct file_op *op )
    op->next = NULL;
    if (queue->tail) queue->tail->next = op;
    else queue->head = op;
    queue->tail = op;

/* free all the file operations on a given queue */
static void free_file_op_queue( struct file_op_queue *queue )
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, op->src_path );
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, op->src_file );
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, op->dst_path );
        if (op->dst_file != op->src_file) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, op->dst_file );
        t = op;
        op = op->next;
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, t );

/* concat 3 strings to make a path, handling separators correctly */
static void concat_W( WCHAR *buffer, const WCHAR *src1, const WCHAR *src2, const WCHAR *src3 )
    *buffer = 0;
    if (src1 && *src1)
        lstrcpyW( buffer, src1 );
        buffer += lstrlenW(buffer );
        if (buffer[-1] != '\\') *buffer++ = '\\';
        if (src2) while (*src2 == '\\') src2++;

    if (src2)
        lstrcpyW( buffer, src2 );
        buffer += lstrlenW(buffer );
        if (buffer[-1] != '\\') *buffer++ = '\\';
        if (src3) while (*src3 == '\\') src3++;
        lstrcpyW( buffer, src3 );

 *            build_filepathsW
 * Build a FILEPATHS_W structure for a given file operation.
static BOOL build_filepathsW( const struct file_op *op, FILEPATHS_W *paths )
    unsigned int src_len = 1, dst_len = 1;
    WCHAR *source = (PWSTR)paths->Source, *target = (PWSTR)paths->Target;

    if (op->media) src_len += lstrlenW(op->media->root) + 1;
    if (op->src_path) src_len += lstrlenW(op->src_path) + 1;
    if (op->src_file) src_len += lstrlenW(op->src_file) + 1;
    if (op->dst_path) dst_len += lstrlenW(op->dst_path) + 1;
    if (op->dst_file) dst_len += lstrlenW(op->dst_file) + 1;
    src_len *= sizeof(WCHAR);
    dst_len *= sizeof(WCHAR);

    if (!source || HeapSize( GetProcessHeap(), 0, source ) < src_len )
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, source );
        paths->Source = source = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_len );
    if (!target || HeapSize( GetProcessHeap(), 0, target ) < dst_len )
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, target );
        paths->Target = target = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_len );
    if (!source || !target) return FALSE;
    concat_W( source, op->media ? op->media->root : NULL, op->src_path, op->src_file );
    concat_W( target, NULL, op->dst_path, op->dst_file );
    paths->Win32Error = 0;
    paths->Flags      = 0;
    return TRUE;

 *            QUEUE_callback_WtoA
 * Map a file callback parameters from W to A and call the A callback.
UINT CALLBACK QUEUE_callback_WtoA( void *context, UINT notification,
                                   UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 )
    struct callback_WtoA_context *callback_ctx = context;
    char buffer[MAX_PATH];
    UINT ret;
    UINT_PTR old_param2 = param2;

        /* fall through */
            FILEPATHS_W *pathsW = (FILEPATHS_W *)param1;
            FILEPATHS_A pathsA;

            pathsA.Source     = strdupWtoA( pathsW->Source );
            pathsA.Target     = strdupWtoA( pathsW->Target );
            pathsA.Win32Error = pathsW->Win32Error;
            pathsA.Flags      = pathsW->Flags;
            ret = callback_ctx->orig_handler( callback_ctx->orig_context, notification,
                                              (UINT_PTR)&pathsA, param2 );
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void *)pathsA.Source );
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void *)pathsA.Target );
        if (notification == SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR)
            MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, (WCHAR *)old_param2, MAX_PATH );


            statusA.cbSize = sizeof(statusA);
            statusA.FileName = strdupWtoA( statusW->FileName );
            statusA.Win32Error  = statusW->Win32Error;
            statusA.FailureCode = statusW->FailureCode;
            ret = callback_ctx->orig_handler( callback_ctx->orig_context, notification,
                                              (UINT_PTR)&statusA, param2 );
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPSTR)statusA.FileName );

            LPWSTR targetW = (LPWSTR)param1;
            LPSTR target = strdupWtoA( targetW );

            ret = callback_ctx->orig_handler( callback_ctx->orig_context, notification,
                                              (UINT_PTR)target, param2 );
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, target );

        const SOURCE_MEDIA_W *mediaW = (const SOURCE_MEDIA_W *)param1;
        char path[MAX_PATH];
        SOURCE_MEDIA_A mediaA;

        mediaA.Tagfile = strdupWtoA(mediaW->Tagfile);
        mediaA.Description = strdupWtoA(mediaW->Description);
        mediaA.SourcePath = strdupWtoA(mediaW->SourcePath);
        mediaA.SourceFile = strdupWtoA(mediaW->SourceFile);
        mediaA.Flags = mediaW->Flags;
        path[0] = 0;

        ret = callback_ctx->orig_handler(callback_ctx->orig_context, notification,
                (UINT_PTR)&mediaA, (UINT_PTR)&path);
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, (WCHAR *)param2, MAX_PATH);

        heap_free((char *)mediaA.Tagfile);
        heap_free((char *)mediaA.Description);
        heap_free((char *)mediaA.SourcePath);
        heap_free((char *)mediaA.SourceFile);
        ret = callback_ctx->orig_handler( callback_ctx->orig_context, notification, param1, param2 );
static void get_source_info( HINF hinf, const WCHAR *src_file, SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS_W *params,
                             WCHAR *src_root, WCHAR *src_path)
    INFCONTEXT file_ctx, disk_ctx;
    INT id, diskid;
    DWORD len;

    /* find the SourceDisksFiles entry */
    if (!SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, L"SourceDisksFiles", src_file, &file_ctx )) return;
    if (!SetupGetIntField( &file_ctx, 1, &diskid )) return;

    /* now find the diskid in the SourceDisksNames section */
    if (!SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, L"SourceDisksNames", NULL, &disk_ctx )) return;
    for (;;)
        if (SetupGetIntField( &disk_ctx, 0, &id ) && (id == diskid)) break;
        if (!SetupFindNextLine( &disk_ctx, &disk_ctx )) return;

    if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 1, NULL, 0, &len ) && len > sizeof(WCHAR)
            && (params->SourceDescription = heap_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
        SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 1, (WCHAR *)params->SourceDescription, len, NULL );

    if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 2, NULL, 0, &len ) && len > sizeof(WCHAR)
            && (params->SourceTagfile = heap_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
        SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 2, (WCHAR *)params->SourceTagfile, len, NULL );

    if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 4, NULL, 0, &len ) && len > sizeof(WCHAR)
            && len < MAX_PATH - lstrlenW( src_root ) - 1)
        lstrcatW( src_root, L"\\" );
        SetupGetStringFieldW( &disk_ctx, 4, src_root + lstrlenW( src_root ),
                              MAX_PATH - lstrlenW( src_root ), NULL );

    if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &file_ctx, 2, NULL, 0, &len ) && len > sizeof(WCHAR) && len < MAX_PATH)
        SetupGetStringFieldW( &file_ctx, 2, src_path, MAX_PATH, NULL );
        params->SourcePath = src_path;

 *            get_destination_dir
 * Retrieve the destination dir for a given section.
static WCHAR *get_destination_dir( HINF hinf, const WCHAR *section )
    INFCONTEXT context;
    WCHAR systemdir[MAX_PATH], *dir;
    BOOL ret;
    if (!section || !(ret = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, L"DestinationDirs", section, &context )))
        ret = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, L"DestinationDirs", L"DefaultDestDir", &context );

    if (ret && (dir = PARSER_get_dest_dir( &context )))
        return dir;

    GetSystemDirectoryW( systemdir, MAX_PATH );
    return strdupW( systemdir );
struct extract_cab_ctx
    const WCHAR *src;
    const WCHAR *dst;

static UINT WINAPI extract_cab_cb( void *arg, UINT message, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 )
    struct extract_cab_ctx *ctx = arg;

    switch (message)
        FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO_W *info = (FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO_W *)param1;
        const WCHAR *filename;

        if ((filename = wcsrchr( info->NameInCabinet, '\\' )))
            filename = info->NameInCabinet;
        if (lstrcmpiW( filename, ctx->src ))
            return FILEOP_SKIP;

        lstrcpyW( info->FullTargetName, ctx->dst );
        return FILEOP_DOIT;
        const FILEPATHS_W *paths = (const FILEPATHS_W *)param1;
        return paths->Win32Error;
        const CABINET_INFO_W *info = (const CABINET_INFO_W *)param1;
        lstrcpyW( (WCHAR *)param2, info->CabinetPath );
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
        return 0;
        FIXME("Unexpected message %#x.\n", message);
        return 0;

 *            extract_cabinet_file
 * Extract a file from a .cab file.
static BOOL extract_cabinet_file( const WCHAR *cabinet, const WCHAR *root,
                                  const WCHAR *src, const WCHAR *dst )
    struct extract_cab_ctx ctx = {src, dst};
    int len = lstrlenW( cabinet );

    /* make sure the cabinet file has a .cab extension */
    if (len <= 4 || wcsicmp( cabinet + len - 4, L".cab" )) return FALSE;
    lstrcpyW(path, root);
    lstrcatW(path, L"\\" );
    lstrcatW(path, cabinet);
    return SetupIterateCabinetW( path, 0, extract_cab_cb, &ctx );

 *            SetupOpenFileQueue   (SETUPAPI.@)
HSPFILEQ WINAPI SetupOpenFileQueue(void)
    struct file_queue *queue;

    if (!(queue = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*queue))))
        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    return queue;

 *            SetupCloseFileQueue   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupCloseFileQueue( HSPFILEQ handle )
    struct file_queue *queue = handle;
    /* Windows XP DDK installer passes the handle returned from
     * SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback() to this function. */
    if (queue->magic != FILE_QUEUE_MAGIC)
        return FALSE;

    free_file_op_queue( &queue->copy_queue );
    free_file_op_queue( &queue->rename_queue );
    free_file_op_queue( &queue->delete_queue );
    for (i = 0; i < queue->source_count; ++i)
        heap_free( queue->sources[i]->desc );
        heap_free( queue->sources[i]->tag );
        heap_free( queue->sources[i] );
    heap_free( queue->sources );
    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, queue );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueCopyIndirectA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopyIndirectA( SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS_A *paramsA )
    BOOL ret;
    paramsW.cbSize = sizeof(paramsW);
    paramsW.QueueHandle = paramsA->QueueHandle;
    paramsW.SourceRootPath = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SourceRootPath );
    paramsW.SourcePath = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SourcePath );
    paramsW.SourceFilename = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SourceFilename );
    paramsW.SourceDescription = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SourceDescription );
    paramsW.SourceTagfile = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SourceTagfile );
    paramsW.TargetDirectory = strdupAtoW( paramsA->TargetDirectory );
    paramsW.TargetFilename = strdupAtoW( paramsA->TargetFilename );
    paramsW.CopyStyle = paramsA->CopyStyle;
    paramsW.LayoutInf = paramsA->LayoutInf;
    paramsW.SecurityDescriptor = strdupAtoW( paramsA->SecurityDescriptor );

    ret = SetupQueueCopyIndirectW( &paramsW );

    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SourceRootPath );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SourcePath );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SourceFilename );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SourceDescription );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SourceTagfile );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.TargetDirectory );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.TargetFilename );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)paramsW.SecurityDescriptor );
    return ret;
static BOOL equal_str(const WCHAR *a, const WCHAR *b)
    return (!a && !b) || (a && b && !wcscmp(a, b));

static struct source_media *get_source_media(struct file_queue *queue,
        const WCHAR *root, const WCHAR *desc, const WCHAR *tag)
    unsigned int i;

    for (i = 0; i < queue->source_count; ++i)
        if (!wcscmp(root, queue->sources[i]->root)
                && equal_str(desc, queue->sources[i]->desc)
                && equal_str(tag, queue->sources[i]->tag))
            return queue->sources[i];

    queue->sources = heap_realloc( queue->sources, ++queue->source_count * sizeof(*queue->sources) );
    queue->sources[i] = heap_alloc( sizeof(*queue->sources[i]) );
    lstrcpyW(queue->sources[i]->root, root);
    queue->sources[i]->desc = strdupW(desc);
    queue->sources[i]->tag = strdupW(tag);
    queue->sources[i]->resolved = FALSE;
    queue->sources[i]->cabinet = FALSE;

 *            SetupQueueCopyIndirectW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopyIndirectW( PSP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS_W params )
    struct file_queue *queue = params->QueueHandle;
    struct file_op *op;

    if (!(op = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*op) ))) return FALSE;
    op->style      = params->CopyStyle;
    op->src_path   = strdupW( params->SourcePath );
    op->src_file   = strdupW( params->SourceFilename );
    op->dst_path   = strdupW( params->TargetDirectory );
    op->dst_file   = strdupW( params->TargetFilename );

    /* some defaults */
    if (!op->dst_file) op->dst_file = op->src_file;
        FIXME("Unhandled LayoutInf %p.\n", params->LayoutInf);
    op->media = get_source_media( queue, params->SourceRootPath ? params->SourceRootPath : L"",
                                  params->SourceDescription, params->SourceTagfile );

    TRACE( "root=%s path=%s file=%s -> dir=%s file=%s  descr=%s tag=%s\n",
           debugstr_w(op->media->root), debugstr_w(op->src_path), debugstr_w(op->src_file),
           debugstr_w(op->dst_path), debugstr_w(op->dst_file),
           debugstr_w(op->media->desc), debugstr_w(op->media->tag) );

    queue_file_op( &queue->copy_queue, op );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueCopyA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopyA( HSPFILEQ queue, PCSTR src_root, PCSTR src_path, PCSTR src_file,
                             PCSTR src_descr, PCSTR src_tag, PCSTR dst_dir, PCSTR dst_file,
                             DWORD style )

    params.cbSize             = sizeof(params);
    params.QueueHandle        = queue;
    params.SourceRootPath     = src_root;
    params.SourcePath         = src_path;
    params.SourceFilename     = src_file;
    params.SourceDescription  = src_descr;
    params.SourceTagfile      = src_tag;
    params.TargetDirectory    = dst_dir;
    params.TargetFilename     = dst_file;
    params.CopyStyle          = style;
    params.LayoutInf          = 0;
    params.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    return SetupQueueCopyIndirectA( &params );

 *            SetupQueueCopyW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopyW( HSPFILEQ queue, PCWSTR src_root, PCWSTR src_path, PCWSTR src_file,
                             PCWSTR src_descr, PCWSTR src_tag, PCWSTR dst_dir, PCWSTR dst_file,
                             DWORD style )

    params.cbSize             = sizeof(params);
    params.QueueHandle        = queue;
    params.SourceRootPath     = src_root;
    params.SourcePath         = src_path;
    params.SourceFilename     = src_file;
    params.SourceDescription  = src_descr;
    params.SourceTagfile      = src_tag;
    params.TargetDirectory    = dst_dir;
    params.TargetFilename     = dst_file;
    params.CopyStyle          = style;
    params.LayoutInf          = 0;
    params.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    return SetupQueueCopyIndirectW( &params );

 *            SetupQueueDefaultCopyA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDefaultCopyA( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, const char *src_rootA,
                                    const char *src_fileA, const char *dst_fileA, DWORD style )
    WCHAR src_rootW[MAX_PATH], src_fileW[MAX_PATH], dst_fileW[MAX_PATH];
    if (!src_rootA || !src_fileA || !dst_fileA)
        return FALSE;

    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, src_rootA, -1, src_rootW, ARRAY_SIZE(src_rootW) );
    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, src_fileA, -1, src_fileW, ARRAY_SIZE(src_fileW) );
    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, dst_fileA, -1, dst_fileW, ARRAY_SIZE(dst_fileW) );
    return SetupQueueDefaultCopyW( queue, hinf, src_rootW, src_fileW, dst_fileW, style );

 *            SetupQueueDefaultCopyW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDefaultCopyW( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, PCWSTR src_root, PCWSTR src_file,
                                    PCWSTR dst_file, DWORD style )
    WCHAR src_root_buffer[MAX_PATH], src_path[MAX_PATH];
    BOOL ret;

    if (!src_root || !src_file || !dst_file)
        return FALSE;

    params.cbSize             = sizeof(params);
    params.QueueHandle        = queue;
    params.SourceRootPath     = src_root_buffer;
    params.SourcePath         = NULL;
    params.SourceFilename     = src_file;
    params.SourceDescription  = NULL;
    params.SourceTagfile      = NULL;
    params.TargetFilename     = dst_file;
    params.CopyStyle          = style;
    params.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    lstrcpyW( src_root_buffer, src_root );
    src_path[0] = 0;
    if (!(params.TargetDirectory = get_destination_dir( hinf, NULL ))) return FALSE;
    get_source_info( hinf, src_file, &params, src_root_buffer, src_path );

    ret = SetupQueueCopyIndirectW( &params );

    heap_free( (WCHAR *)params.TargetDirectory );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)params.SourceDescription );
    heap_free( (WCHAR *)params.SourceTagfile );
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueDeleteA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDeleteA( HSPFILEQ handle, PCSTR part1, PCSTR part2 )
    struct file_queue *queue = handle;
    struct file_op *op;

    if (!(op = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*op) ))) return FALSE;
    op->dst_path = strdupAtoW( part1 );
    op->dst_file = strdupAtoW( part2 );
    queue_file_op( &queue->delete_queue, op );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueDeleteW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDeleteW( HSPFILEQ handle, PCWSTR part1, PCWSTR part2 )
    struct file_queue *queue = handle;
    struct file_op *op;

    if (!(op = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*op) ))) return FALSE;
    op->dst_path = strdupW( part1 );
    op->dst_file = strdupW( part2 );
    queue_file_op( &queue->delete_queue, op );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueRenameA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueRenameA( HSPFILEQ handle, PCSTR SourcePath, PCSTR SourceFilename,
                               PCSTR TargetPath, PCSTR TargetFilename )
    struct file_queue *queue = handle;
    struct file_op *op;

    if (!(op = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*op) ))) return FALSE;
    op->src_path = strdupAtoW( SourcePath );
    op->src_file = strdupAtoW( SourceFilename );
    op->dst_path = strdupAtoW( TargetPath );
    op->dst_file = strdupAtoW( TargetFilename );
    queue_file_op( &queue->rename_queue, op );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueRenameW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueRenameW( HSPFILEQ handle, PCWSTR SourcePath, PCWSTR SourceFilename,
                               PCWSTR TargetPath, PCWSTR TargetFilename )
    struct file_queue *queue = handle;
    struct file_op *op;

    if (!(op = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*op) ))) return FALSE;
    op->src_path = strdupW( SourcePath );
    op->src_file = strdupW( SourceFilename );
    op->dst_path = strdupW( TargetPath );
    op->dst_file = strdupW( TargetFilename );
    queue_file_op( &queue->rename_queue, op );
    return TRUE;

 *            SetupQueueCopySectionA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopySectionA( HSPFILEQ queue, PCSTR src_root, HINF hinf, HINF hlist,
                                    PCSTR section, DWORD style )
    UNICODE_STRING sectionW;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    if (!RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &sectionW, section ))
        SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
        return FALSE;
    if (!src_root)
        ret = SetupQueueCopySectionW( queue, NULL, hinf, hlist, sectionW.Buffer, style );
        UNICODE_STRING srcW;
        if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &srcW, src_root ))
            ret = SetupQueueCopySectionW( queue, srcW.Buffer, hinf, hlist, sectionW.Buffer, style );
            RtlFreeUnicodeString( &srcW );
        else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
    RtlFreeUnicodeString( &sectionW );
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueCopySectionW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueCopySectionW( HSPFILEQ queue, PCWSTR src_root, HINF hinf, HINF hlist,
                                    PCWSTR section, DWORD style )
    WCHAR src_root_buffer[MAX_PATH], src_path[MAX_PATH], src_file[MAX_PATH], dst_file[MAX_PATH], *dest_dir;
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Huw Davies committed
    BOOL ret = FALSE;
    TRACE("queue %p, src_root %s, hinf %p, hlist %p, section %s, style %#x.\n",
            queue, debugstr_w(src_root), hinf, hlist, debugstr_w(section), style);

    if (!src_root)
        return FALSE;

    params.cbSize             = sizeof(params);
    params.QueueHandle        = queue;
    params.SourceRootPath     = src_root_buffer;
    params.SourceFilename     = src_file;
    params.TargetFilename     = dst_file;
    lstrcpyW( src_root_buffer, src_root );
    if (!hinf) hinf = hlist;
    if (!SetupFindFirstLineW( hlist, section, NULL, &context )) return FALSE;
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Huw Davies committed
    if (!(params.TargetDirectory = dest_dir = get_destination_dir( hinf, section ))) return FALSE;
        params.SourcePath = NULL;
        params.SourceDescription = NULL;
        params.SourceTagfile = NULL;
        lstrcpyW( src_root_buffer, src_root );
        src_path[0] = 0;

        if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 1, dst_file, ARRAY_SIZE( dst_file ), NULL ))
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Huw Davies committed
            goto end;
        if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 2, src_file, ARRAY_SIZE( src_file ), &len ) || len <= sizeof(WCHAR))
            lstrcpyW( src_file, dst_file );
        if (!SetupGetIntField( &context, 4, &flags )) flags = 0;  /* FIXME */

        get_source_info( hinf, src_file, &params, src_root_buffer, src_path );

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Huw Davies committed
        if (!SetupQueueCopyIndirectW( &params )) goto end;

        heap_free( (WCHAR *)params.SourceDescription );
        heap_free( (WCHAR *)params.SourceTagfile );
    } while (SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ));
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    ret = TRUE;
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Huw Davies committed
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dest_dir);
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueDeleteSectionA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDeleteSectionA( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, HINF hlist, PCSTR section )
    UNICODE_STRING sectionW;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &sectionW, section ))
        ret = SetupQueueDeleteSectionW( queue, hinf, hlist, sectionW.Buffer );
        RtlFreeUnicodeString( &sectionW );
    else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueDeleteSectionW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueDeleteSectionW( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, HINF hlist, PCWSTR section )
    INFCONTEXT context;
    WCHAR *dest_dir;
    WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
    BOOL ret = FALSE;
    INT flags;

    TRACE( "hinf=%p/%p section=%s\n", hinf, hlist, debugstr_w(section) );

    if (!hlist) hlist = hinf;
    if (!SetupFindFirstLineW( hlist, section, NULL, &context )) return FALSE;
    if (!(dest_dir = get_destination_dir( hinf, section ))) return FALSE;
        if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 1, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE( buffer ), NULL ))
            goto done;
        if (!SetupGetIntField( &context, 4, &flags )) flags = 0;
        if (!SetupQueueDeleteW( queue, dest_dir, buffer )) goto done;
    } while (SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ));

    ret = TRUE;
    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dest_dir );
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueRenameSectionA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueRenameSectionA( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, HINF hlist, PCSTR section )
    UNICODE_STRING sectionW;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &sectionW, section ))
        ret = SetupQueueRenameSectionW( queue, hinf, hlist, sectionW.Buffer );
        RtlFreeUnicodeString( &sectionW );
    else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
    return ret;

 *            SetupQueueRenameSectionW   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupQueueRenameSectionW( HSPFILEQ queue, HINF hinf, HINF hlist, PCWSTR section )
    INFCONTEXT context;
    WCHAR *dest_dir;
    WCHAR src[MAX_PATH], dst[MAX_PATH];
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    TRACE( "hinf=%p/%p section=%s\n", hinf, hlist, debugstr_w(section) );

    if (!hlist) hlist = hinf;
    if (!SetupFindFirstLineW( hlist, section, NULL, &context )) return FALSE;
    if (!(dest_dir = get_destination_dir( hinf, section ))) return FALSE;
        if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 1, dst, ARRAY_SIZE( dst ), NULL ))
        if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 2, src, ARRAY_SIZE( src ), NULL ))
            goto done;
        if (!SetupQueueRenameW( queue, dest_dir, src, NULL, dst )) goto done;
    } while (SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ));

    ret = TRUE;
    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dest_dir );
    return ret;

 *            SetupCommitFileQueueA   (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL WINAPI SetupCommitFileQueueA( HWND owner, HSPFILEQ queue, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A handler,
                                   PVOID context )
    struct callback_WtoA_context ctx;

    ctx.orig_context = context;
    ctx.orig_handler = handler;
    return SetupCommitFileQueueW( owner, queue, QUEUE_callback_WtoA, &ctx );

 *            create_full_pathW
 * Recursively create all directories in the path.
static BOOL create_full_pathW(const WCHAR *path)
    BOOL ret = TRUE;
    int len;
    WCHAR *new_path;

    new_path = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (lstrlenW(path) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
    lstrcpyW(new_path, path);
    while((len = lstrlenW(new_path)) && new_path[len - 1] == '\\')
	new_path[len - 1] = 0;

    while(!CreateDirectoryW(new_path, NULL))
	WCHAR *slash;
	DWORD last_error = GetLastError();

	if(last_error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)

	if(last_error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
	    ret = FALSE;

	if(!(slash = wcsrchr(new_path, '\\')))
	    ret = FALSE;

	len = slash - new_path;
	new_path[len] = 0;
	    ret = FALSE;
	new_path[len] = '\\';