7416 Support multiple independent displays for PowerPoint, OpenOffice.org, etc
16676 RTG Bills 2.x (VB6 app) reports 'ADO error 1BD Object doesn't support this action' on startup (msado15 'connection_GetIDsOfNames' is a stub)
25323 Civilization IV Beyond the Sword crashed when trying to start a new game.
31814 Gecko should clean up when upgrading
36463 wine can't load unstripped gecko builds
36697 64-bit InstallShield engine COM server 'ISBEW64.exe' crashes or hangs (32-bit InstallShield based installers in 64-bit WINEPREFIX)
37011 acid3.acidtests.org can't load with builtin IE
39381 32-bit Turbocad 8.0 LTE 'CrashSender.exe' utility crashes in WMI Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled='True' and index=1"
41433 Acrobat Reader XI (11.0.8): Annotations are empty
42827 Canon MP Navigator EX 4.x/5.x installer crashes due to setupapi SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET handler/callback insufficiencies
50123 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim SE has rendering glitches with vulkan renderer
50263 Entropia Universe: Won't Start the Game from Client Loader
50377 Banished cast shadows are broken with Vulkan renderer
50422 Multiple games (Horizon Zero Dawn, Serious Sam 4) crash on start on Nvidia due to missing unwrap for VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR
50563 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has missing sunlight with Vulkan renderer
50632 Neverwinter: Broken graphics (texturing)
50641 Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-for on a single line
50642 Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-set when expanding variable with brackets
50667 Final Fantasy XI Online: Opening movie doesn't play (redux).
50678 Filmotech v3.91: partial black area
50698 ::wcsrtombs does not NULL "const wchar_t ** _PSource" parameter in Wine.
50704 QueueUserAPC() Has Incorrect Error Set When Called On Terminating Thread
50706 6.2 hangs on grey, then crashes Snapdragon855(+) Android 10
50731 All Winelib applications built with winegcc/wineg++ segfault on startup as of Wine 6.3
50732 Multiple Adobe products fail to start due to Wine 6.3 breaking Adobe License Manager/FLEXnet Licensing Service (Acrobat 8.x, FrameMaker 8)
50740 The Suffering (Midway Games) crashes due to missing wmvcore 'IWMSyncReader2', CLSID '{faed3d21-1b6b-4af7-8cb6-3e189bbc187b}'
50744 continuous spamming of fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile in console
50769 notepad: menu bar items and title text are not translated.
50774 DirectWrite should use mac platform name entry for English, if Windows entry is missing
50781 cl.exe fails to open program database
50786 WINEPATH env var broken by "ntdll: Set environment variables from the registry on the Unix side."
Bugs fixed in 6.5 (total 25):
33375 Cannot test dlls with dashes in their name
34906 Multiple applications crash when trying to render in system memory (Zoo Tycoon, TOCA Touring Car Championship, The Sims, Conquest: Frontier Wars)
37488 Quicken 2014 reports error 0x0000054f on startup (NtAreMappedFilesTheSame fails to compare in-memory loader view of builtin dlls with mapped disk image)
37983 Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, Outlaws (GOG.com versions) - music doesn't work
45032 WineTest does not run the vcomp tests
45567 League of Legends 8.12+ fails to start a game (anticheat engine, validation of WoW64 syscall dispatcher)
45685 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 does not run after training a new user
46817 Steam Big Picture needs d3d11_device_CreateDeviceContextState
47310 Canon TS3100 series full driver and software package refuses to install: "To install the software, you must be logged in to an administrator account."
50034 In font dialog's sample text, background changes color
50119 Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin shows a white screen with vulkan renderer
50168 Error when running notepad.exe: Failed to start RpcSs service
50362 Fl Studio 20.8 crashes on startup
50411 Adobe Audition 2020 crashes on startup, reporting 'Direct2D Drawbot error' (d2d_geometry_group_GetBounds is a stub)
50721 IDA Pro 7.5: Lumina can't contact server, complains about Schannel security attributes
50738 Guild Wars 2 launcher can't login
50756 "Path is invalid." when using "SVN update" with SVN for Windows, which is used by TortoiseSVN
50783 WineTest declares dlls with dots in their name as missing
50790 No display found when using winemac.drv in a VM
50805 Win32_OperatingSystem class is missing 'ProductType' (affects Chocolatey)
50809 Multiple .NET 4.x application installers fail due to 'MsiNetAssemblySupport' property returning incorrect version (IronPython 2.7.5)
50826 .NET applications fail to start with Wine-Mono: 'The file C:\windows\mono\mono-2.0\lib/mscorlib.dll is an invalid CIL image'
50836 dxva2api.h does not compile as C++
50862 [Regression] Steam fails to start
50863 The specified path wine git does not treat when calling exe file.