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Commit a83d5d3b authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 1.9.17.

parent 7297d4a8
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Tags wine-3.0.2
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The Wine development release 1.9.16 is now available.
The Wine development release 1.9.17 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Better 64-bit binary compatibility on macOS.
- Performance improvements in JavaScript.
- More progress towards the Direct3D command stream.
- More shader instructions in Direct3D.
- Performance improvements in GDI.
- Better exception handling on 64-bit.
- Various improvements in joystick support.
- Some more stream support in the C++ runtime.
- Font embedding improvements.
- More metafile support in GDI+.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -27,427 +27,436 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.9.16 (total 43):
19051 Myst V installer will not run.
19546 Grafit text labels not displayed properly
21985 Devil May Cry 3: Black screen when playing game, but special effects are seen
23041 Darkness Within 2 demo: crashes on startup without native d3dx9_40
24645 PDF Factory 3.x/4.x installer fails to install printer drivers (winspool.SetPrinterW lacks support for level 8, global default printer settings)
26360 Time Warner Cable Connection Manager 1.03.0012.0 does not install
28932 Screamer Radio, language selection works incorrectly
29598 eRacer demo: no text displayed
32491 dbghelp doesn't support DW_FORM_flag_present
33398 Word / Excel 2010: crash when clicked (2nd or 3rd times) on a link
33457 An integer overflow @line 268 of dsa.c ?
33594 Cool Record Edit: crash during startup
33939 Ballistic game: no animation when ball is lost
34243 YGOPro Percy exits after a single duel/replay
36828 Multiple DirectX11 games need D3D11CreateDevice implementation with D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_x support (Sniper Elite 3)
37338 Multiple games and applications using Boost.Interprocess need 'NtQuerySection' implementation (file-backed shared memory)(RobloxPlayer, Tera Online)
37903 Winzip 6: Unable to install. Controls are missing.
37919 Spellforce 2 needs d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTextureShader
38310 Trackbar control (msctls_trackbar32) does not send WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC as it does in Windows
39501 King Arthur II demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx10_43.dll.D3DXCpuOptimizations
39502 King Arthur II demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory
39744 No sound with winepulse.drv in multiple applications when PulseAudio fails to allocate full buffer
39919 Purple / Pink reflections in Mass Effect 3
40520 Gauntlet and WoW (d3d11 renderer) need FrontCounterClockwise
40734 Unreal Tournament 3 doesn't quit properly when Pulseaudio is used
40735 Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy (Steam) needs a more fleshed out msscript.ocx to get past the initial 'OLE Error 80004002'
40757 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s
40758 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll._get_wide_winmain_command_line
40815 comctl32: Leftmost position of trackbar not selectable with mouse, slider initial position wrong
40875 ITHVNR does not work in wine
40882 Nvidia GT 740M is not correctly recognized
40905 Multiple applications need api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll._get_narrow_winmain_command_line (PCSX2 1.4.0, Battle.Net Launcher)
40920 Into The Stars (UE4 game) crashes while loading with SwapChain->GetFullscreenState error
40987 Wine hangs indefinitely on start with "[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: index 6 beyond bounds [0 .. 4]".
40999 Epic Games Launcher needs ws2_32.InetNtopW
41009 PCSX2 1.4.0 needs api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vswprintf_p
41010 TVS_TRACKSELECT uses wrong hittest region
41015 comctl32/treeview: Alt-Up/Down keyboard shortcuts don't work
41033 Unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll.set_terminate need by
41037 Unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__std_type_info_name is needed by
41040 VariantChangeTypeEx lead to error when casting IUnknown(nil) -> IDispatch
41044 Age of Mythology: Extended Edition needs api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vswprintf_s
41051 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__std_type_info_destroy_list
Bugs fixed in 1.9.17 (total 53):
13272 Scrapland crashes on startup due to IDirectDrawStreamSample::GetSurface method stub
15824 Microsoft Chat's comic mode graphical glitches
18018 Gun Metal is unresponsive to joystick
18095 VisualFEA's Toolbar is broken (does no line wrapping)
20080 Perfect Cherry Blossom controls go crazy
22491 Total Commander: Pressing the "Program information" button opens multiple windows instead of just one
26365 Geneforge 1 - text gets cut away
26762 Shadow Vault has display errors
29961 ADO.NET query on a Jet database fails.
30844 VirtualDJ Home Free crashes after sitting idle for a few minutes.
31693 CAPCOM games using gamepad start with axes X/Y pressed up/left
32362 Multiple DirectX9 games need D3D11CreateDevice implementation with D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_x support (Ghost Recon: Future Soldier)
32774 Multiple games (Lucius, X Rebirth) don't expect blending to be enabled by RS_EDGEANTIALIAS
34281 PlotSoft PDFill 10 fails on startup, reports 'No Fonts found under: C:\\windows\\Fonts' (at least one font name in registry must contain 'truetype' token)
34286 dinput doesn't report DIDOI_ASPECT* for joystick axes
36421 valgrind shows some leaks in oledb32/tests/database.c
36625 can't set text background color in richedit
36850 Fury 3 does not recognize Gamepad/Joystick
36859 Don't Starve 2.4.0 does not start: Missing Shader 'shaders/font.ksh'.
37518 Huge Drop Performance Alan Wake, Alan Wake American Nightmare, Shadow Warrior 2013
37847 Shantae - Risky's Revenge has glitchy graphics
37954 Test application using old MSVC++ iostream library crashes on startup ('msvcirt.??0ostrstream@@QAE@XZ' takes one argument)
38276 IsDialogMessage(NULL,...) must always return FALSE
38726 valgrind shows uninitialized memory in qcap/tests/smartteefilter.c
39506 King Arthur II demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromFileW
39541 Rollercoaster Tycoon - X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
40384 dinput8:dinput regression caused by new compiler
40385 usp10:usp10 regression caused by new cross-compiler
40411 Regedit.exe /e only exports HKLM
40665 'INFINITY' undeclared (In function 'test_effect_preshader_ops')
40710 Multiple games crashes with unimplemented function d3dx11_43.dll.D3DX11CreateTextureFromMemory
40846 Dead by Daylight: Crash on start, needs D3DX11CompileFromFileW
40848 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat Benchmark needs d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
40989 Adventure Lamp needs ntdll.NtSuspendProcess
41002 Worms 2 (GOG version) fails to start, crashes with a Visual C++ runtime error
41025 Worms 2 in-game audio no longer works
41061 Unimplemented function msvcp140.dll._Mtx_init_in_situ needed by
41066 Unhandled page fault in RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx when passed bad *old_value pointer
41067 Spellforce 2 - Demons of the Past needs d3dx9_34.dll.D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX
41072 GOG Galaxy fails to start without setting ucrtbase to (native, builtin)
41074 Unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.__crtInitializeCriticalSectionEx needed by
41078 Unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.__crtCreateEventExW needed by
41079 Hauppauge Capture crashes on unimplemented function cfgmgr32.dll.CM_Get_Version
41084 Unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.__crtCreateSemaphoreExW needed by
41088 Bug on Startup Buhl Tax2016 on Wine Windows7
41089 Regression bug: E-Sword Search now showing a black dialog.
41103 Fails to parse Extended Properties since it has quotes around its value.
41109 8-bit Armies launches with a very small window
41111 CPU-Z driver needs hal.dll.WRITE_PORT_UCHAR
41125 unimplemented function inetcomm.dll.MimeOleObjectFromMoniker
41128 Art of Murder: Hunt for the Puppeteer (AoM: Cards of Destiny) doesn't stretch fullscreen properly
41132 Specific font files can cause Steam to crash unexpectedly
41140 gcc6: comctl32 build warnings
Changes since 1.9.15:
Aaryaman Vasishta (7):
d3drm: Fix IDirect3DRMViewport*::QueryInterface returning wrong HRESULT for invalid interfaces.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMViewport*::Init.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRM*::CreateViewport.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMViewport::GetDirect3DViewport.
d3drm/tests: Add viewport validation tests.
d3drm/tests: Add QueryInterface tests for IDirect3DRMViewport*.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMViewport*::GetDevice.
Akihiro Sagawa (3):
include: Add definition of GetProcessIdOfThread.
imm32/tests: Add ImmDisableIME tests.
imm32: Implement ImmDisableIME.
Alexandre Julliard (9):
kernel32/tests: Remove some win9x compatibility cruft.
server: Store the section flags separately from the protection.
ntdll: Implement the SectionBasicInformation class of NtQuerySection.
ntdll: Implement the SectionImageInformation class of NtQuerySection.
kernel32/tests: Fix loader test failures on some Windows versions.
server: Avoid rounding mapping sizes on the server side.
server: Don't grow the mapped file for read-only mappings.
ntoskrnl.exe: Fix ZwQuerySection spec file entry.
kernel32/tests: Fix a few more loader test failures.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (8):
comctl32/trackbar: Use WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC when painting background.
include/icftypes.idl: Add more typedefs.
include/netfw.idl: Add INetFwRule, INetFwRules, INetFwServiceRestriction, INetFwPolicy2 interfaces.
hnetcfg: Add stubbed INetFwPolicy2 interface.
hnetcfg/tests: Add initial tests.
d3dx10: Add D3DXCpuOptimizations stub.
msxml3: Implement IXMLParser GetParserState.
d3dx10: Implement D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain.
Andrew Eikum (2):
winepulse.drv: Downgrade failed server connection message to WARN.
winepulse.drv: Don't hold PA-owned buffer between capture callbacks.
Andrey Gusev (8):
mmdevapi: Use debugstr_guid() in TRACE() message.
include: Add missing include directive in d3dx10tex.h.
include: Improve include directives in d3dx9* headers.
cabinet: Use debugstr_a() in TRACE() message.
riched20: Use debugstr_guid() in TRACE() messages.
wined3d: Fix a typo in state_zwriteenable() function name.
xinput: Fix XInputGetBatteryInformation spec file entry.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory stub.
Anton Baskanov (6):
amstream: Fix AMAudioData::QueryInterface.
amstream: Implement AMAudioData::GetInfo.
amstream: Implement AMAudioData::SetBuffer.
amstream: Implement AMAudioData::SetActual.
amstream: Implement AMAudioData::GetFormat.
amstream: Implement AMAudioData::SetFormat.
Aric Stewart (4):
ntoskrnl: Build a more intelligent and correct RegistryPath if possible.
ntoskrnl.exe: Track drivers created with IoCreateDriver.
ntoskrnl.exe: Implement ObReferenceObjectByName but only for loaded drivers.
winedevice: Use IoCreateDriver and IoDeleteDriver.
Bernhard Übelacker (2):
wininet/tests: Fix pathLen given to InternetCrackUrlA.
dinput8/tests: Add valid wide string termination to actionName member.
Bruno Jesus (3):
joy.cpl: Display the correct number of button boxes during test.
ws2_32/tests: Add tests for InetNtopW.
mcicda: Use a helper to read the CD-ROM TOC.
Christian Costa (2):
d3dx9: Implement D3DXCreateTextureShader with stubbed ID3DXTextureShader interface.
include: Fix prototypes of D3DXFillXXXTextureTx for d3dx9.
Corentin Rossignon (2):
dinput: Retrieve vendor ID and product ID in Linux joystick API.
dinput: Fix product GUID generation in Linux joystick and event API.
Daniel Lehman (1):
msvcp140: Add sprintf.
David Lawrie (2):
dinput: Sort virtual joysticks by name on the Mac.
winejoystick.drv: Sort virtual joysticks by name on the Mac.
François Gouget (4):
kernel32/tests: Remove a trailing space from an ok() call message.
d3drm: Make d3drm_device_set_ddraw_device_d3d() static.
d3drm/tests: Spelling fixes for a couple of ok() messages.
ntoskrnl.exe: Add a trailing '\n' to a FIXME() message.
Henri Verbeet (35):
wined3d: Pass a texture and sub-resource index to wined3d_volume_download_data().
wined3d: Pass a texture and sub-resource index to wined3d_volume_srgb_transfer().
wined3d: Merge wined3d_volume_load_location() into texture3d_load_location().
wined3d: Unify the query get_data() implementations.
wined3d: Unify the query issue() implementations.
wined3d: Get rid of struct wined3d_volume.
wined3d: Pass a wined3d_const_bo_address structure to wined3d_texture_ops.texture_upload_data().
wined3d: Upload only a single sub-resource in wined3d_texture_upload_data().
wined3d: Use the context's gl_info in wined3d_timestamp_query_ops_issue().
wined3d: Issue queries through the command stream.
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_upload_data() in wined3d_device_update_texture_3d().
wined3d: Use texture3d_upload_data() in texture3d_srgb_transfer().
wined3d: Use texture3d_upload_data() in texture3d_load_location().
wined3d: Merge wined3d_volume_upload_data() into texture3d_upload_data().
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_texture_load_location().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in context_validate_onscreen_formats().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in device_clear_render_targets().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in wined3d_device_update_sub_resource().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in draw_primitive().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_depth_blt_fbo().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_blt_fbo().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_upload_from_surface().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_load_sysmem().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_load_drawable().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in surface_load_texture().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in wined3d_surface_blt().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in swapchain_blit().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in wined3d_swapchain_rotate().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in swapchain_gl_present().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in swapchain_gl_frontbuffer_updated().
wined3d: Use wined3d_texture_load_location() in wined3d_texture_get_dc().
wined3d: Rename wined3d_sample_destroy_object() to wined3d_sampler_destroy_object().
wined3d: Invalidate STATE_STREAMSRC in buffer_unload() if needed.
wined3d: Evict managed resources through the command stream.
wined3d: Use wined3d_cs_emit_unload_resource() in wined3d_device_uninit_3d().
Hugh McMaster (1):
reg/tests: Add some tests for 'reg import'.
Huw D. M. Davies (22):
gdi32: Use POINT and SIZE to hold positions and extents.
gdi32: Avoid unnecessary calls to get_dc_ptr().
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to get_device_rect() to avoid accesses via the handle.
gdi32: Use lp_to_dp() instead of LPtoDP() in the dib driver.
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to get_mono_dc_colors().
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to get_pixel_color().
gdi32: Access a few more properties directly from the DC in the dib driver.
gdi32: Use a buffer on the stack if the number of points is small.
gdi32: Add an internal version of GetTextCharsetInfo() that takes a DC pointer.
gdi32: Don't call GetObjectW() unless necessary.
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to get_gdi_flat_path().
gdi32: Pass the path directly to start_new_stroke().
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to the point adding routines.
gdi32: Pass a DC pointer to PATH_CheckCorners().
gdi32: Access a few more properties directly from the DC in the path driver.
gdi32: Remove an unnecessary call to get_dc_ptr().
gdi32: Add an internal version of DPtoLP that takes a DC pointer.
gdi32: Move the release until after the final dc access.
gdi32: Where possible directly access the DC instead of using GetCurrentObject().
gdi32: Access several more properties directly from the DC.
gdi32: Convert a few uses of get_dc_ptr() to get_physdev_dc().
gdi32: Only reselect the objects if the linear transform portion changes.
Iván Matellanes (7):
msvcirt: Get rid of specific functions for signed and unsigned chars.
msvcirt: Add stubs for istream::operator>>.
msvcirt: Implement istream::operator>> for characters.
msvcirt: Implement istream::operator>> for strings.
msvcirt: Implement istream::operator>> for integers.
msvcirt: Implement istream::operator>> for floats.
msvcirt: Implement istream::operator>> for streambufs.
Jacek Caban (28):
jscript: Store function arguments on JS stack and transfer them to variable object only when needed.
jscipt: Use passed copy of arguments if they are alread at the top of the stack.
jscript: Fixed potential leak in RegExp lastIndex setter.
jscript: Set output to undefined in jsval_copy on failure.
wininet: Rewrite chunked stream to store full stream state and allow non-blocking reads crossing chunk boundries.
wininet: Added chunked stream blocking tests.
wininet: Return data available in current chunk in chunked_get_avail_data.
jscript: Store exception code in exprval_t.
jscript: Use exprval_t to represent property references passed on JS stack.
jscript: Allow accessing arguments values directly from stack.
mshtml: Forward nsIHttpChannel::SetReferrer to SetReferrerWithPolicy.
mshtml: Don't send https referrer to non-https channel.
mshtml: Set referer HTTP header in nsIHttpChannel::SetReferrerWithPolicy.
mshtml: Use correct principal to create in create_nsxhr.
jscript: Build local references map in compiler and use it to search the scope.
jscript: Access arguments directly from stack in arguments object if possible.
jscript: Setup arguments object by interpreter and store all arguments inside the object on call exit.
jscript: Delay arguments object until it's accessed and properly detach it after function exits.
jscript: More arguments object tests.
jscript: Use locals map for local variables.
jscript: Store local functions in locals map.
jscript: Don't use OP_var_set.
jscript: Store variables on the stack if possible.
jscript: Replaced OP_identid with static binding when possible.
jscript: Replaced OP_ident with static binding when possible.
jscript: Create scope in setup_scope.
jscript: Don't create arguments object in pop_call_frame if it wasn't already created.
jscript/tests: Added more tests.
Jactry Zeng (1):
shell32: Use remove() instead of rmdir().
Changes since 1.9.16:
Aaryaman Vasishta (3):
d3drm: Store reference to render target in IDirect3DRM*::CreateDeviceFromD3D.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMFrame*::GetScene.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMViewport*::Clear.
Alexander Morozov (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for ObDereferenceObject.
Alexandre Julliard (10):
regedit: Don't die if we fail to open a key during exporting.
reg/tests: Avoid non-portable Unicode chars.
ole32/tests: Make the clipboard test more strict and remove Win9x compatibility cruft.
user32/tests: Add tests for clipboard global memory handles.
winex11: Don't crash when getting an invalid window in SelectionRequest.
user32/tests: Add some cross-process clipboard tests.
winex11: Correctly free CF_DIB format, and don't free unknown GDI formats.
user32/tests: Add some tests for GDI clipboard formats.
winex11: Allocate clipboard data as GMEM_FIXED.
user32/tests: Disable custom GDI clipboard formats tests on 64-bit.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (4):
d3dx11: Add D3DX11CompileFromFileA/W stub.
d3dx11: Add D3DX11CreateTextureFromMemory stub.
inetcomm: Add MimeOleObjectFromMoniker stub.
d3d11: Support D3D11_FEATURE_D3D10_X_HARDWARE_OPTIONS in ID3D11Device CheckFeatureSupport.
Andrew Church (1):
dinput: Report DIDOI_ASPECTPOSITION flag for axes objects.
Andrew Eikum (3):
user32: Don't always insert menu items during WM_MDISETMENU.
mmdevapi: Fix some DEVPKEY definitions.
Revert "dsound: Allow inactive devices to change the primary format.".
Andrey Gusev (2):
msi: Use debugstr_guid() in TRACE() messages.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromFileA/W stubs.
André Hentschel (6):
kernel32/tests: Explicitly set SizeOfRawData.
kernel32/tests: Use SetFilePointer instead of GetFileSize with WriteFile.
kernel32/tests: Remove superfluous filler definitions.
ntdll: Implement 64-bit shifts.
kernel32/tests: Fill in the delay IAT to succeed on Win10.
hal: Add WRITE_PORT_UCHAR stub.
Aric Stewart (6):
include: Add declaration for ObReferenceObjectByName.
winedevice: Remove static driver_obj variable.
hidclass.sys: Use the PDO instance id for the HID instance id.
hidclass.sys: Call IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack when creating HID device.
hidclass.sys: Do not send IRP_MJ_PNP ioctls.
hidclass.sys: Do not send IRP_MJ_POWER ioctls.
Austin English (3):
ntdll: Add NtSuspendProcess stub.
wlanapi: Add WlanCloseHandle() stub.
ntdll: Add NtResumeProcess stub.
Benjamin Hodgetts (1):
wined3d: Add Nvidia 1XXX range to detection list.
Bernhard Übelacker (3):
usp10/tests: Reserve for InClass a byte for every character in teststr.
kernel32/tests: Convert fiber back to thread even when IsThreadAFiber is not available.
msvcrt: Fix strtok_s and _mbstok_s for empty strings.
Bruno Jesus (19):
odbc32: Upgrade a WARN into ERR when the library is not found.
dinput: Fix some debug output.
dinput: Add DirectInput8 device type names to debug.
dinput/tests: Improve controller debug information.
dinput: Add support for DIPROP_VIDPID property in Linux js implementation.
dinput8/tests: Debug device information during enumeration callback.
winejoystick.drv: Don't assume the first joystick is at the first device on Linux.
winmm/tests: Enumerate all joystick devices during the test.
dinput/tests: Test for DIDOI_ASPECTPOSITION on joystick axes.
dinput: Use a helper to read information files for the js device.
dinput: Implement GetDeviceInfo(A) using the W version in the js driver.
dinput: Properly fill the HID information for the controller in the js driver.
dinput: Implement GetDeviceInfo(A) using the W version in the event driver.
dinput: Properly fill the HID information for the controller in the event driver.
dinput: Properly debug DIDEVTYPE_HID in _dump_DIDEVCAPS.
include: Add DIPROP_PRODUCTNAME and remove duplicate #defines from dinput.h.
dinput: Use the correct index to remap the axis.
dinput: Implement DIPROP_PRODUCTNAME in GetProperty.
dinput: Cope with NULL flags in LinuxInputEffectImpl_GetEffectStatus.
Daniel Lehman (16):
msvcp140: Implement _Thrd_hardware_concurrency.
concrt140: Add concrt140 stub.
msvcp140: Load critical_section functions from concrt140.
msvcp140: Take _Mtx_t and _Cnd_t directly.
msvcp140: Add _Mtx_init/destroy_in_situ.
vcomp140: Add vcomp140 stub.
msvcp140: Don't redirect _Cnd/Mtx_t to msvcp110.
msvcp140: Add _Query_perf_[counter|frequency].
ntdll: Call __finally blocks in __C_specific_handler.
msvcp140: Forward __ExceptionPtr* to msvcr120.
msvcp110: Use sentry in istream<>::tellg.
msvcp110: Use sentry in istream<>::seekg.
msvcr120: Add forwards for wcstoll and wcstoll_l.
msvcr120: Add lgamma.
ucrtbase: Add __stdio_common_vfwscanf.
kernel32: Add GetNumberFormatEx.
François Gouget (2):
msi: Make parse_platform() static.
webservices: A spelling fix for an ERR() message.
Hadrien Boizard (1):
api-ms-win-core-console-l2-1-0: Add stub dll.
Hans Leidekker (17):
webservices/tests: Add some tests for WsSetWriterPosition.
include: Add missing Web Services declarations.
webservices: Implement WsSetHeader.
webservices: Also write user supplied headers in WsWriteEnvelopeStart.
webservices/tests: Add tests for WsSetHeader.
winhttp: Set required buffer length for all components in WinHttpCrackUrl.
winhttp: Validate the port number in WinHttpCrackUrl.
webservices: Write the envelope in WsInitializeMessage.
webservices: Support WS_STRING values in WsSetHeader.
webservices: Implement WsRemoveHeader.
webservices: Add missing channel properties.
include: Add missing Web Services declarations.
webservices: Add support for writing GUID values.
webservices: Validate the handle in channel functions.
webservices: Implement WsAddMappedHeader.
webservices: Implement WsRemoveMappedHeader.
Henri Verbeet (5):
wined3d: Use wined3d_cs_emit_unload_resource() in delete_opengl_contexts().
wined3d: Use wined3d_cs_emit_unload_resource() in wined3d_texture_update_desc().
wined3d: Synchronise WINED3D_CS_OP_UNLOAD_RESOURCE resource access.
wined3d: Synchronise texture LOD updates with the command stream.
wined3d: Unify resource preloads.
Hugh McMaster (12):
reg/tests: Add more tests for 'reg import'.
wineconsole: Add 'ColorTable' support to the registry.
wineconsole: Replace hard-coded WCUSER_ColorMap with registry color_map.
server: Get and set the console color table.
wineconsole: Add 'PopupColors' support to the registry.
server: Get and set the console pop-up color attributes.
reg/tests: Add more tests for 'reg import'.
reg/tests: Add more Unicode tests for 'reg import'.
kernel32/tests: Add tests for GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx.
kernel32: Implement GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx.
reg: Fix dword conversion on 64-bit operating systems.
reg: Simplify help handling by removing an if-else if-else block.
Huw D. M. Davies (6):
ucrtbase: Add support for natural string widths.
usp10: Free the final page.
riched20: Update the auto url detection after a StreamIn.
gdi32: Exponentially grow successive point buffers.
ntdll/tests: Dump the handle table on failure.
ntdll/tests: Skip broken SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION behaviour.
Iván Matellanes (18):
msvcirt: Add a partial implementation of class ostream_withassign.
msvcirt: Implement ostream_withassign copy constructor.
msvcirt/tests: Add tests of ostream_withassign assignment operators.
msvcp90: Set the correct vtable for basic_iostream_char.
msvcirt: Add a partial implementation of class istream_withassign.
msvcirt: Implement istream_withassign copy constructor.
msvcirt/tests: Add tests of istream_withassign assignment operators.
msvcirt: Initialize do_lock on ios copy constructor.
msvcirt/tests: Add some more tests of ostream constructors.
msvcirt: Add stub for class iostream.
msvcirt: Implement iostream constructors/destructors.
msvcirt: Implement iostream assignment operators.
msvcirt: Simplify some constructors and assignments.
include/msvcrt: Ensure integer limits are given the correct type.
msvcirt: Add a partial implementation of class Iostream_init.
msvcirt: Implement Iostream_init constructor.
msvcirt: Add predefined streams.
msvcirt: Implement ios::sync_with_stdio.
Jacek Caban (1):
wininet: Don't return available data sizes larger than the read buffer.
Jeremy Audiger (1):
wined3d: Add Nvidia GT 740M to the GPU list.
Józef Kucia (41):
wined3d: Introduce helper function for enabling common GLSL extensions.
wined3d: Add ARB_derivative_control extension.
wined3d: Implement SM5 deriv_rtx_coarse instruction.
wined3d: Implement SM5 deriv_rty_coarse instruction.
wined3d: Implement SM5 deriv_rtx_fine instruction.
wined3d: Implement SM5 deriv_rty_fine instruction.
wined3d: Recognize SM5 rcp opcode.
wined3d: Require ARB_derivative_control for SM5.
d3d11/tests: Add test for buffer data initialization.
d3d11/tests: Add test for index buffer offset.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for buffer data initialization.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for index buffer offset.
wined3d: Introduce R10G10B10X2 vertex formats for D3D8/9.
d3d11/tests: Add test for DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT vertex format.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT vertex format.
wined3d: Handle SM5 derivative instructions in shader_get_registers_used().
wined3d: Introduce rasterizer state object.
d3d11: Add support for FrontCounterClockwise.
wined3d: Implement SV_IsFrontFace input sysval semantic.
wined3d: Add FIXMEs for unhandled sysval semantics.
d3d11/tests: Add test for face culling.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for face culling.
wined3d: Rename wined3d_cull enum values.
wined3d: Get rid of separate function for SM5 derivative instructions.
wined3d: Extract wined3d_swapchain_set_fullscreen() from wined3d_device_reset().
dxgi: Implement dxgi_swapchain_GetFullscreenState().
dxgi: Implement dxgi_swapchain_SetFullscreenState().
dxgi: Switch display mode when creating fullscreen swapchains.
dxgi: Return swapchain target output when available in dxgi_swapchain_GetContainingOutput().
dxgi/tests: Add tests for IDXGISwapChain_GetFullscreenState() to test_create_swapchain().
dxgi/tests: Add test for IDXGISwapChain_SetFullscreenState().
dxgi/tests: Add multi-monitor test for IDXGISwapChain_GetContainingOutput().
dxgi/tests: Add test for default fullscreen target output.
wined3d: Add R32G32B32A32_SINT vertex format.
wined3d: Fix window rect restoring.
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_swapchain_resize_target().
dxgi: Implement IDXGISwapChain_ResizeTarget().
dxgi/tests: Add test for IDXGISwapChain_ResizeTarget().
d3dx9/tests: Fix compilation when the INFINITY macro is not available.
Ken Thomases (3):
ntdll: For Mac 64-bit, poke the TEB address to %gs:0x30 and re-enable the inlining of NtCurrentTeb().
kernel32: For Mac 64-bit, re-enable the inlining of various functions, leveraging the TEB self pointer at %gs:0x30.
ntdll: For Mac 64-bit, poke NtCurrentTeb()->ThreadLocalStoragePointer to the corresponding offset from %gs.
Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Martin Storsjo (2):
ucrtbase: Expose the fabsf function on arm.
msvcp140: Add MSVC 2015 C++ support DLL.
Matteo Bruni (8):
wined3d: Fix generic_d3dcolor().
wined3d: Also check BLENDWEIGHT for immediate mode fallback.
d3d9/tests: Add a vertex blending test with D3DCOLOR weights.
wined3d: Swizzle D3DCOLOR attributes in the GLSL FFP replacement when necessary.
d3dx11: Use debugstr_a() to trace a user-supplied string.
d3dx10: Use debugstr_a() to trace a user-supplied string.
d3dx9: Add stubs for D3DXFill*TextureTX().
d3dx9/tests: Add a test for texture shaders.
Michael Stefaniuc (25):
dmusic: Use debugstr_guid to trace some GUIDs.
dmime: Use debugstr_guid() to trace a REFIID.
ddraw: Don't memset memory before overwritting it.
comctl32: Remove an always true conditional expression.
comctl32: Use straight assignments instead of CopyRect().
comctl32: Avoid using memset on RECTs.
comctl32/tests: Avoid using memset() on RECTs.
comctl32/tests: Use SetRectEmpty() instead of SetRect().
mshtml: Use SetRectEmpty() instead of memset().
wined3d: Use SetRect() instead of open coding it.
ddraw: Use SetRectEmpty() instead of memset().
dwrite/tests: Use SetRectEmpty() instead of memset().
user32: Use straight assignments instead of CopyRect().
uxtheme: Use straight assignments instead of CopyRect().
cryptui: Avoid using the LPJUNK style for COM interface types.
comctl32/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
user32/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
urlmon/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
d3d10core/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
mmdevapi/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
oleaut32/tests: Use todo_wine_if() instead of ifdef constructs.
dinput/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
dinput8/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
gdi32/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
gdiplus/tests: Make use of todo_wine_if().
Nikolay Sivov (45):
msscript: Implement AddObject().
dwrite: Implement newer SetLineSpacing/GetLineSpacing.
dwrite: Only invalidate lines if line spacing changed.
dwrite: Update to DWRITE_LINE_METRICS1.
dwrite: Added missing script tags.
dbghelp: Recognize DW_FORM_flag_present.
comctl32/treeview: Set hot item when hovering over item, not entire row.
comctl32/monthcal: Implement MCS_NOSELCHANGEONNAV style.
comctl32/treeview: Handle WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
ucrtbase: Implement _get_narrow_winmain_command_line/_get_wide_winmain_command_line.
comdlg32/itemdlg: Fix setting NULL file name (Coverity).
strmbase: Fully cleanup on initialization failure (Coverity).
rpcrt4: Added NdrAsyncServerCall stub.
winetest: Initialize sin_zero field sockaddr_in structure (Coverity).
include: TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE is documented.
ucrtbase: Added __stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s().
comctl32/listview: Filter invalid indices when setting selection mark.
comctl32/listview: Remove redundant check in LVM_DELETECOLUMN handler.
ucrtbase: Forward set_terminate().
ntdll: Fix its vs it's typos.
ddraw: Fix its vs it's typos.
ucrtbase: Added __stdio_common_vswprintf_s().
ucrtbase: Fix some spec file entries.
oleaut32: Fix return value when converting from NULL interface pointers.
comctl32/tests: Test that callback mask is stored as is, check more message results.
ucrtbase: Added __stdio_common_vswprintf_p().
gdi32: Fix its vs it's typo.
dinput: Fix its vs it's typo.
dplayx: Fix its vs it's typo.
krnl386: Fix its vs it's typo.
mmsystem: Fix its vs it's typo.
gdiplus: Fix its vs it's typos.
dwrite: Add missing return value check (Coverity).
cabinet: Fix its vs it's typos.
quartz: Fix its vs it's typo.
shlwapi: Fix its vs it's typo.
wined3d: Fix its vs it's typos.
comctl32/listview: Return earlier on allocation failure (Coverity).
hlink: Handle failure better (Coverity).
mshtml: Remove dead assignment (Coverity).
msvcp140: Added __crtInitializeCriticalSectionEx().
dsound: Fix its vs it's typos.
d3dx9: Remove dead assignment (Coverity).
d3dx9/tests: Remove dead assignment.
gdiplus: Remove some casts.
Philipp Hoppermann (1):
ws2_32: Implement InetNtopW.
Piotr Caban (10):
ucrtbase: Add _get_narrow_winmain_command_line tests.
ntdll: Keep drive letter size in RtlGetFullPathName_U when full path is specified.
msvcp120: Don't export structures as stubs.
msvcp120_app: Don't export structures as stubs.
msvcp110: Don't export structures as stubs.
msvcp100: Don't export structures as stubs.
ucrtbase: Fix __std_type_info_compare implementation.
ucrtbase: Add __std_type_info_name implementation.
ucrtbase: Add __std_type_info_destroy_list implementation.
ucrtbase: Add initial __std_type_info tests.
Sebastian Lackner (5):
gdi32/enhmfdrv: Remove unused debug channel.
winetest: Remove duplicate if check.
ntoskrnl.exe: Fix leak of ServiceKeyName if DriverInit fails.
xaudio2_7: Only declare debug channel when needed.
winedevice: Get rid of static driver_module variable.
Vincent Povirk (4):
gdiplus: Implement metafile recording for ScaleWorldTransform.
gdiplus: Implement metafile playback for ScaleWorldTransform.
gdiplus/tests: Add test for ScaleWorldTransform in metafiles.
gdiplus: Implement ResetWorldTransform metafile playback/recording.
Xiaoshan Sun (1):
comctl32/dsa: Handle overflow in DSA_InsertItem().
winhttp: Prevent console spamming in get_system_proxy_autoconfig_url.
Joerg Schiermeier (1):
loader/wine.inf: Correct wrong symlink.
John Sheu (2):
kernel32/tests: Add loader tests for fiber-local storage.
kernel32/tests: Add thread tests for fiber-local storage.
Józef Kucia (23):
wined3d: Silence false FIXME message.
d3d11/tests: Add test for line antialiasing blending.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for line antialiasing blending.
d3d9/tests: Add test for line antialiasing blending.
d3d8/tests: Add test for edge antialiasing blending.
wined3d: Introduce gl_blend_from_d3d() helper function.
ddraw/tests: Add tests for edge antialiasing blending.
wined3d: Do not enable blending for edge/line antialiasing.
wined3d: Add few missing formats.
d3d11/tests: Add initial test for required formats.
d3d11/tests: Add test for swapchain views.
d3d11: Add support for feature level 9 shaders.
d3d11/tests: Add basic test for drawing on feature level 9.
wined3d: Do not switch display mode when windowed is TRUE.
d3d9/tests: Add test for regression in IDirect3DDevice9_Reset().
d3d10core/tests: Add test for swapchain views.
d3d11/tests: Fix copy-paste error in test_swapchain_views().
dxgi/tests: Also test IDXGISwapChain_ResizeTarget() in fullscreen with disabled mode switch.
dxgi: Properly switch to fullscreen mode when creating fullscreen swapchains.
dxgi/tests: Check fullscreen state in test_create_swapchain().
d3d11: Remove redundant 'break' statement.
user32/tests: Add more tests for setting window styles.
user32: Prevent resetting WS_MINIMIZE through SetWindowLong.
Kenneth Haley (1):
v4 resend: Riched20: allow setting background text color.
Keno Fischer (2):
preloader: Add proper CFI instructions to _start functions.
kernel32: Fix RegisterWaitForSingleObject for console handles.
Matt Robinson (1):
ntdll: Catch page fault in RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx.
Michael Stefaniuc (17):
winealsa.drv: Use debugstr_guid() to trace a guid.
wineoss.drv: Use debugstr_guid() to trace a guid.
winepulse.drv: Use debugstr_guid() to trace a guid.
winecoreaudio.drv: Use debugstr_guid() to trace a guid.
kernel32/tests: Use todo_wine_if().
kernel32/tests: Remove an identical if / else branch.
kernel32/tests: Remove another identical if/else branch.
ole32/tests: Use todo_wine_if().
quartz: There is no point in tracing the GUID pointer too.
user32/tests: Remove an identical if/else branch.
comctl32/tests: Use todo_wine_if().
ieframe/tests: Use todo_wine_if().
avifil32: Avoid a cast from a COM object to an iface.
ole32/tests: Avoid casts from COM objects to ifaces.
fusion: Avoid using the LPASSEMBLYNAME type.
mmdevapi: Another use case for todo_wine_if().
msvcirt/tests: Simplify generating a pointer to address 0x1.
Mingcong Bai (2):
po: Update Simplified Chinese translation.
po: Update Simplified Chinese translation.
Nikolay Sivov (37):
powrprof: Added PowerDeterminePlatformRole() stub.
comctl32/tests: Basic test for TVS_FULLROWSELECT style bit.
comctl32/treeview: Fix hot-tracking with TVS_FULLROWSELECT.
oledb32: Support quoted values in initialisation strings.
winmm/tests: Fixed a buffer leak (Valgrind).
winmm: Free device format when closing a device (Valgrind).
msvcp140: Added __crtCreateEventExW().
msvcp140: Added __crtGetTickCount64().
msvcp140: Added __crtCreateSemaphoreExW().
dwrite/tests: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.
usp10: Better implementation for ScriptGetLogicalWidths().
scrrun/tests: Fix a warning on GCC 6.
shell32/tests: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.
user32/tests: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.
wshom.ocx/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
ole32/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
rpcrt4/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
winhttp/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
comctl32/treeview: Fix item dragging and selection for TVS_FULLROWSELECT style.
mshtml: Formatting change to get rid of warning on GCC 6.
t2embed: Fix embedding type resolution order.
setupapi: Added CM_Get_Version().
t2embed: Fix TTIsEmbeddingEnabled() to properly use otmpFaceName metrics field.
t2embed: Add some traces for fsType and exclusion list test results.
shlwapi/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
shell32/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
gdi32: Keep font tables tags defined in one place.
gdi32: Support special 'ttcf' tag in GetFontData().
dwrite: Sanitize specified stretch value, valid range is [1, 9].
dwrite: Handle zero specified weight as normal.
gdi32: Simplify font table name tracing.
gdi32: Append "TrueType" suffix to registry key names.
comctl32/listview: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.
oleaut32/tests: Fix indentation warning on GCC 6.
msvcirt/tests: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.
strmbase: Fix media type leaks when creating IEnumMediaTypes instance (Valgrind).
user32: Handle invalid dialog handles in IsDialogMessage().
Nils Kuhnhenn (1):
winex11.drv: Return default locale in LoadKeyboardLayout stub instead of 0.
Peter Beutner (2):
kernel32/tests: Add path tests for double delimiters.
kernel32: Properly handle double delimiters in GetShortPathName/GetLongPathName.
Pierre Schweitzer (5):
mpr: Implement local name automatic redirection for disks.
mpr: Implement provider selection given remote name.
mpr: Implement WNetCancelConnection2W().
mpr: Implement WNetCancelConnectionA(), WNetCancelConnectionW(), WNetCancelConnection2A().
mpr: Set the CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE flag in case a local redirection is made on connection.
Piotr Caban (14):
ntdll: Fix KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS parameter handling in RtlVirtualUnwind.
server: Fix loading of IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.
msvcrt: Don't set frame to 0 in x86_64 _setjmp.
msvcrt: Fix parameters conversion in wcsftime function.
msvcrt: Add support for multibyte characters in _Strftime.
msvcrt: Add _strftime_l.
msvcrt: Add wcsftime_l.
msvcrt: Add _wcreate_locale.
ntdll: Add support for collided unwinds.
ntdll: Add support for ExceptionCollidedUnwind return from exception handler.
ntdll: Call exception handler with correct context.
ntdll: Add support for exceptions inside termination handlers in __C_specific_handler.
ntdll: Print fixme message in case of nested exception.
ntdll: Pass updated context inside dispatch.ContextRecord in call_stack_handlers.
Sebastian Lackner (31):
vcomp: Prefer builtin version.
vcomp120: Prefer builtin version.
vcomp110: Prefer builtin version.
vcomp100: Prefer builtin version.
vcomp90: Prefer builtin version.
services: Preparation to allow arbitrary data in service RPC messages.
advapi32: Validate received service name.
services: Implement functionality to transfer extra data when sending service control.
services: Fix handling of user defined service controls.
services: Fix leak of process object in process_terminate.
services: Store process id in the process object.
services: Unlink process immediately after service stopped.
services: Ignore error in callback only for ControlService requests.
services: Remove service_terminate function.
services: Hold an additional process reference while waiting for startup.
configure: Explicitly check for sysinfo function.
dwrite: Fix font stretch name conversion table.
services: Add a grab_service function.
advapi32: Simplify RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW.
advapi32: Hold lock while processing service controls.
advapi32: Hold lock while handling service thread shutdown.
advapi32: Do not stop service main thread as long as there are still running services.
services: WaitForSingleObject returns a DWORD result.
services: Track number of services per process.
services: Hold startup lock before calling service_start.
services: Sort autostart services by dwTagId config value.
services: Use threadpool API instead of custom wait implementation.
services: Return an error instead of BOOL from process_send_start_message.
services: Allocate a separate status_changed_event for each service.
winedevice: Track loaded drivers and update their status on load/unload.
ntdll: Convert an ERR to a WARN when wait is triggered while destroying threadpool object.
Stefan Dösinger (1):
ddraw/tests: Skip overlay tests if DWM is on.
Vincent Povirk (12):
gdiplus: Fix matrix append flag in metafile transform records.
gdiplus/tests: Add feature for loading emf files.
gdiplus: Implement recording/playback for MultiplyWorldTransform.
gdiplus: Implement recording/playback for RotateWorldTransform.
gdiplus: Implement recording/playback for SetWorldTransform.
gdiplus: Implement recording/playback for TranslateWorldTransform.
gdiplus/tests: Test mixing Begin/EndContainer and Save/Restore.
gdiplus: Fix mismatched use of Begin/EndContainer and Save/RestoreGraphics.
gdiplus: Add support for containers in metafiles.
gdiplus/tests: Add test for containers in metafiles.
gdiplus: Implement playback/recording for SetClipRect.
gdiplus/tests: Add metafile test for SetClipRect.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ Andre Malafaya Baptista
Andrew Bogott
Andrew Borodin
Andrew Bulhak
Andrew Church
Andrew Cook
Andrew de los Reyes
Andrew de Quincey
......@@ -691,6 +692,7 @@ Jochen Karrer
Jody Goldberg
Joel Holdsworth
Joel Parker
Joerg Schiermeier
Johan Dahlin
Johan Gardell
Johan Gill
......@@ -799,7 +801,9 @@ Keith Stevens
Ken Belleau
Ken Coleman
Ken Myers
Kenneth Haley
Kenneth MacDonald
Keno Fischer
Ken Sharp
Ken Thomases
Kerstin Noa
......@@ -967,6 +971,7 @@ Matthias Derer
Matthias Fechner
Matthias Kupfer
Matt Jones
Matt Robinson
Mauro Carvalho Chehab
Maxime Bellengé
Maxime Lombard
......@@ -1028,6 +1033,7 @@ Miklós Máté
Mikołaj Zalewski
Milan Ševčík
Milko Krachounov
Mingcong Bai
Misha Koshelev
Mohamed Mediouni
Molle Bestefich
......@@ -1068,6 +1074,7 @@ Nikolas Zimmermann
Nikolay Bogoychev
Nikolay Sivov
Nikolay Stefanov
Nils Kuhnhenn
Nix N. Nix
Noel Borthwick
Noomen Hamza
Wine version 1.9.16
Wine version 1.9.17
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 1.9.16.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 1.9.17.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
PACKAGE_STRING='Wine 1.9.16'
PACKAGE_STRING='Wine 1.9.17'
......@@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 1.9.16 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 1.9.17 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2210,7 +2210,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 1.9.16:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 1.9.17:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 1.9.16
Wine configure 1.9.17
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -2933,7 +2933,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 1.9.16, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 1.9.17, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -18913,7 +18913,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 1.9.16, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 1.9.17, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -18984,7 +18984,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 1.9.16
Wine config.status 1.9.17
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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