- Jun 03, 2000
having the control select it.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
- Jun 02, 2000
XGetWMHints prior to XSetWMHints.
statements, to autogenerated wine.conf.
in shell32implemented functions (ShellFolder/Path*). Eliminated direct file access. - Replaced LoadLibraryA with GetModuleHandleA since comdlg32 is imports some dlls per *.spec file - Most OpenFile Flags (OFN_*) should work properly now - The edit box should work right with all stuff entered in it like ..\temp\file.txt or just c: to change a drive - Optimized DataObject handling - Some bugs fixed, should work with native shell32 again. - Stubs for PrintDlgEx
- Jun 01, 2000
error msgs more verbose, doc updates.
PathIsUNCServer, PathIsUNCServerShare, PathMakePretty, SHCreateShellPalette, SHOpenRegStream, SHOpenRegStream2 - Many string functions implemented - Some stubs for exports by ordinal
Alexandre Julliard authored
Static controls weren't receiving WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK messages because the Static window class was registered without the CS_DBLCLKS style (which it has in Windows).
Alexandre Julliard authored
- Added some SoundCapture stubs - Changed REFIID to LPCGUID in a few places as per MS header file
SS_NOTIFY; otherwise, returns HTTRANSPARENT. "
- May 31, 2000
- May 30, 2000
Alexandre Julliard authored
Returning DLGC_WANTALLKEYS for multiline edit control was not good because it breaks navigation in dialogs.
- Added a little more debugging information
- Start on group and player interfaces
- Fix up some reference counting bugs and interface creation bugs - Add DirectSoundEnumerateW stub - Add DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate{A,W} stubs
WM_SIZE support. Optimized drawing. Added WM_LBUTTONUP handling. Handle DTS_RIGHTALIGN style. Fixed handling of formatting styles, date is now displayed properly for DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT.