- May 30, 2000
- Start on group and player interfaces
- Fix up some reference counting bugs and interface creation bugs - Add DirectSoundEnumerateW stub - Add DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate{A,W} stubs
WM_SIZE support. Optimized drawing. Added WM_LBUTTONUP handling. Handle DTS_RIGHTALIGN style. Fixed handling of formatting styles, date is now displayed properly for DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT.
either RedrawWindow or InvalidateRect. Optimized drawing using RedraWindow and update regions. Fixed "Today" date bug where year was only one digit. Fixed drawing of circle drawn next to "Today". Fixed moving to previous or next month by clicking on days belonging to previous or next months.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
WINEOPTIONS environment variable.
Alexandre Julliard authored
SetParent: call SetWindowPos with SWP_NOACTIVATE flag set.
- Edit text must be selected only if CB is in focus. - If CB has edit control we have to call CBUpdateEdit to update its contents. Invalidating textRect will not force updating of child edit control, obviously. - We have to protect ourselves from changing selection in listbox when we receive listbox notification. So LBN_SELCHANGE -> CBUpdateEdit -> EN_CHANGE will not reselect item in the lisbox.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
When you click on an icon to open a combo box, you would expect it to be enabled so you can choose something in it. In Wine this was not guaranteed since your default flags could get lost in the process-heap of the application.
- May 29, 2000
Alexandre Julliard authored
in separate address spaces. Run 16-bit tasks as Win32 threads, not processes.
- May 26, 2000
Alexandre Julliard authored
- Added handling of WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message - Added in_focus field to internal listbox's structure. This flag is set on receiving WM_SETFOCUS message and is reseted on WM_KILLFOCUS. All calls to GetFocus function were replaced with checks of this flag. - In LISTBOX_HandleLButtonDown: focus is set only if 'in_focus' flag is clear
Move 16 bit api definitions out of commdlg.h to cdlg.h
Alexandre Julliard authored
Don't send EN_CHANGE after painting the edit. Send it wherever text is changed.
the notification is sent when an InvalidateRect is made after modifying the text.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Fixed the blank color palette tooltip bug by triggering a refresh of the tooltip with UpdateWindow function instead of calling directly the refresh function.
- May 25, 2000
Alexandre Julliard authored
Minor bug fixes.
calculation code, and corrected some bugs in how tics are drawn and how clicks are handled.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Added event handler for WM_MBUTTONDOWN (sends WM_PASTE message).
toolbar is repainting. Reduces processing by approximately 85-95% in most cases.
currently edited.
- May 24, 2000
that flatSBs show up and behave properly, just not with flat properties.
source for every 4bytes of input, into the destination for the 24bit case.
Added some missing definitions related to file handling and virtual memory manipulation. Added IsTextUnicode.