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dos_fs.c 65.3 KiB
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Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
BOOL WINAPI FileTimeToSystemTime( const FILETIME *ft, LPSYSTEMTIME syst )
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    struct tm *xtm;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    DWORD remainder;
    time_t xtime = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime( ft, &remainder );
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    xtm = gmtime(&xtime);
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    syst->wYear         = xtm->tm_year+1900;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    syst->wMonth        = xtm->tm_mon + 1;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    syst->wDayOfWeek    = xtm->tm_wday;
    syst->wDay	        = xtm->tm_mday;
    syst->wHour	        = xtm->tm_hour;
    syst->wMinute       = xtm->tm_min;
    syst->wSecond       = xtm->tm_sec;
    syst->wMilliseconds	= remainder / 10000;
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    return TRUE; 

Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
 *           QueryDosDeviceA   (KERNEL32.413)
 * returns array of strings terminated by \0, terminated by \0
DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceA(LPCSTR devname,LPSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    LPSTR s;
    char  buffer[200];

    TRACE("(%s,...)\n", devname ? devname : "<null>");
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    if (!devname) {
	/* return known MSDOS devices */
	strcpy(buffer,"CON COM1 COM2 LPT1 NUL ");
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Alexandre Julliard committed
	while ((s=strchr(buffer,' ')))

Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
	return strlen(buffer);
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    if ((s=strchr(buffer,':'))) *s='\0';
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    return strlen(buffer);

 *           QueryDosDeviceW   (KERNEL32.414)
 * returns array of strings terminated by \0, terminated by \0
DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceW(LPCWSTR devname,LPWSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    LPSTR devnameA = devname?HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,devname):NULL;
    LPSTR targetA = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,bufsize);
    DWORD ret = QueryDosDeviceA(devnameA,targetA,bufsize);
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Alexandre Julliard committed

    if (devnameA) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,devnameA);
    if (targetA) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,targetA);
    return ret;

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Alexandre Julliard committed

 *           SystemTimeToFileTime   (KERNEL32.526)
BOOL WINAPI SystemTimeToFileTime( const SYSTEMTIME *syst, LPFILETIME ft )
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Alexandre Julliard committed
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    struct tm xtm;
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    time_t utctime;
    struct tm xtm,*local_tm,*utc_tm;
    time_t localtim,utctime;
Alexandre Julliard's avatar
Alexandre Julliard committed
    xtm.tm_year	= syst->wYear-1900;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    xtm.tm_mon	= syst->wMonth - 1;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    xtm.tm_wday	= syst->wDayOfWeek;
    xtm.tm_mday	= syst->wDay;
    xtm.tm_hour	= syst->wHour;
    xtm.tm_min	= syst->wMinute;
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    xtm.tm_sec	= syst->wSecond; /* this is UTC */
    xtm.tm_isdst = -1;
    utctime = timegm(&xtm);
    DOSFS_UnixTimeToFileTime( utctime, ft, 
			      syst->wMilliseconds * 10000 );
    localtim = mktime(&xtm);    /* now we've got local time */
    local_tm = localtime(&localtim);
    utc_tm = gmtime(&localtim);
    utctime = mktime(utc_tm);
    DOSFS_UnixTimeToFileTime( 2*localtim -utctime, ft, 
			      syst->wMilliseconds * 10000 );
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Alexandre Julliard committed
    return TRUE; 
Patrik Stridvall's avatar
Patrik Stridvall committed
 *           DefineDosDeviceA       (KERNEL32.182)
BOOL WINAPI DefineDosDeviceA(DWORD flags,LPCSTR devname,LPCSTR targetpath) {
	return FALSE;

   --- 16 bit functions ---

 *           FindFirstFile16   (KERNEL.413)
HANDLE16 WINAPI FindFirstFile16( LPCSTR path, WIN32_FIND_DATAA *data )
    DOS_FULL_NAME full_name;
    HGLOBAL16 handle;
    FIND_FIRST_INFO *info;

    data->dwReserved0 = data->dwReserved1 = 0x0;
    if (!path) return 0;
    if (!DOSFS_GetFullName( path, FALSE, &full_name ))
        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE16;
    if (!(handle = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(FIND_FIRST_INFO) )))
        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE16;
    info = (FIND_FIRST_INFO *)GlobalLock16( handle );
    info->path = HEAP_strdupA( SystemHeap, 0, full_name.long_name );
    info->long_mask = strrchr( info->path, '/' );
    if (info->long_mask )
        *(info->long_mask++) = '\0';
    info->short_mask = NULL;
    info->attr = 0xff;
    if (path[0] && (path[1] == ':')) info->drive = toupper(*path) - 'A';
    else info->drive = DRIVE_GetCurrentDrive();
    info->cur_pos = 0;

    info->dir = DOSFS_OpenDir( info->path );

    GlobalUnlock16( handle );
    if (!FindNextFile16( handle, data ))
        FindClose16( handle );
        SetLastError( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES );
        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE16;
    return handle;

 *           FindNextFile16   (KERNEL.414)
BOOL16 WINAPI FindNextFile16( HANDLE16 handle, WIN32_FIND_DATAA *data )
    FIND_FIRST_INFO *info;

    if ((handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE16) ||
       !(info = (FIND_FIRST_INFO *)GlobalLock16( handle )))
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
        return FALSE;
    GlobalUnlock16( handle );
    if (!info->path || !info->dir)
        SetLastError( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES );
        return FALSE;
    if (!DOSFS_FindNextEx( info, data ))
        DOSFS_CloseDir( info->dir ); info->dir = NULL;
        HeapFree( SystemHeap, 0, info->path );
        info->path = info->long_mask = NULL;
        SetLastError( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

 *           FindClose16   (KERNEL.415)
BOOL16 WINAPI FindClose16( HANDLE16 handle )
    FIND_FIRST_INFO *info;

    if ((handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE16) ||
        !(info = (FIND_FIRST_INFO *)GlobalLock16( handle )))
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
        return FALSE;
    if (info->dir) DOSFS_CloseDir( info->dir );
    if (info->path) HeapFree( SystemHeap, 0, info->path );
    GlobalUnlock16( handle );
    GlobalFree16( handle );
    return TRUE;