1719 MDI child window minimize problem in Delphi VCL applications
17913 Port Royale: sea is black
7287 Redundant "tabs" appear with tabbed MDI (test with LTSpice)
19748 Multiple games complain about checking occlusion query results from the wrong thread (Metro 2033, Unreal Tournament 3, Counter Strike: Source, Metro 2033, Call of Duty 4, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Half-Life 2)
8226 DlgDirListComboBox does not fail properly on bad path spec argument
20083 SIV (System Information Viewer) v4.00 SIVDRIVER crashes to due invalid PIO_STACK_LOCATION->FileObject passed into IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL dispatch routine
15703 LEGO Star Wars controller options
21101 Can't use SHIFT key with onboard visual keyboard and wine application
18496 BREW simulator always shows a black display
23863 The Bard's Tale (2005): unplayable due to almost completely black screen
19777 Ad Astra game runs very slow
28167 EA Sports FIFA 11 crashes on startup
21023 SetupDiOpenDevRegKey() returns wrong HKEY
35096 Kerning misbehavior for Hebrew text in Office 2010
26653 Multiple VB6 applications need oleaut32 VarRound to support VT_DECIMAL
35889 wine1.6 display fuzzy chinese ttf fonts, but dialog fonts display normal
31954 Second Sight hangs with a black screen after the intro videos
36201 valgrind shows a definite leak under crypt32/tests/store.c
32374 List box with LBS_NODATA set, has very low performance, depending on items count.
36261 valgrind shows a use after free in d3d_device_inner_Release() ddraw/tests/ddraw{4,7}.c
35516 Microworlds EX hangs when clicking toolbar button
36267 valgrind shows an invalid read in ddraw/tests/ddraw4.c
37705 Heroes of Might and Magic VI Shades of Darkness Textures Fail to Display in Most Campaign Maps
36340 valgrind shows several warnings in ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c
38488 Wrong traces in functions *_invalidate_location
36343 valgrind shows some leaks in ddraw/tests/ddraw4.c
39932 bat-script with quotes cann't be called using CreateProcess
36348 valgrind shows a couple leaks in d3d9/tests/d3d9ex.c
41670 BattlEye launcher stuck at 'Starting BattlEye Service...' (PUBG, Planetside2, H1Z1: King of the Kill, Tibia 11)
36349 valgrind shows a few leaks in d3d9/tests/stateblock.c
43395 Wine intermittently crashes after any program terminates
36380 valgrind shows a possible leak in in ddraw/tests/ddraw1.c
43659 Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis crashes inside winegstreamer (disabling winegstreamer is a workaround)
36381 valgrind shows a couple possible leaks in in ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c
44300 Windows Media Player 7.1 fails to play media due to unimplemented function wmvcore.dll.WMCheckURLExtension
36382 valgrind shows a possible leak in in ddraw/tests/ddraw7.c
45149 Provide mscoree.dll.CorIsLatestSvc stub with diagnostic message to tell native MS .NET CLR bootstrapper must be used (dll override)
36620 valgrind shows a few invalid reads in ddraw/tests/ddraw1.c
45631 League of Legends client crashes when joining a lobby with other players
36621 valgrind shows several definite leaks in ddraw/tests/ddraw1.c
45632 Garena client v2.0.x crashes on startup ('ntdll.NtQueryVirtualMemory' needs to validate 'MemoryInformationLength' before writing to buffer)
36623 valgrind shows some leaks in ddraw/tests/ddraw7.c
45841 Battleye's BEDaisy.sys requires that PsThreadType and PsProcessType are defined
36631 valgrind shows a definite leak in in ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c
46105 TopoEdit crashes with unimplemented function mf.dll.MFCreateSequencerSource
36658 valgrind shows an invalid read in ddraw/tests/d3d.c
46245 V-sync setting does not work (Direct3D 12)
36660 ddraw/tests/d3d.c CapsTest crashes under valgrind
46318 vbscript doesn't parse if identifier is also keyword token
36689 ddrawex/tests/surface.c crashes under valgrind/nvidia
46319 32-bit IL-only executable launched as 32-bit subprocess on Wine and 64-bit subprocess on Windows
37639 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function vssapi.dll.?CreateVssBackupComponents@@YGJPAPAVIVssBackupComponents@@@Z (AlphaShadow v1.2, EMC Retrospect 7)
46442 FormatCurrency(9) returns .9.00 (period in front)
38021 64-bit Planetside 2 fails to load bundled xinput1_3.dll (loader must check architecture before trying to load module)
46481 strftime has a buffer overflow
38138 Avencast: Rise of the Mage: invisible doors
46493 Functions ilogb* are not implemented
38685 valgrind shows an invalid read in d3d9/tests/d3d9ex.c
46583 LINE latest version doesn't work
39080 The Settlers: Rise of an Empire: world geometry broken
46623 Game controller behaves incorrectly
40036 Shadows of Destiny Crash After Begins
46638 dotnet40 no longer installs using winetricks
41168 Test Drive Unlimited Crash before entry main menu
46639 LoadLibraryShim fails in wow64
42573 Several Flickering Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
46654 dotnet35sp1 fails to install with winetricks
42704 1Password 6.4.377 needs function bcrypt.dll.BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2
46678 Width of latin characters is wrong with some fonts.
42734 NormalizeString (Unicode normalization) is not implemented
46681 TopoEdit crashes with unimplemented function mf.dll.MFCreateTopologyNode
42911 Bayonetta: launches but screen stays black
46691 comctl32/tests/propsheet.c shows uninitalized memory use
44150 Alien vs Predator: Crash in DX11 Mode
46708 Photoline crashed right after start, no problem with wine 3.0.4
45312 AC Syndicate needs bcrypt algorythm/functions (ECDH_P256, BCryptGenerateKeyPair, BCryptFinalizeKeyPair)
46717 TopoEdit crashes with unimplemented function mf.dll.MFCreateTopoLoader
45473 Rogue Squadron 3D crashes on startup
46719 iTunes crashes during the installation
45524 Add a futex-based implementation of condition variables
46724 Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood crashes on startup when using FAudio
45570 League of Legends 8.12+ fails to start a game (anticheat engine, incorrect implementation of LdrInitializeThunk)
46727 Alekhine's Gun crashes on startup when using FAudio
45820 Symantec Eraser Control Driver 'eeCtrl64.sys' (Norton 360) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExpInterlocked{Push,Pop}EntrySList
46728 dotnet35sp1 fails to complete with install via winetricks