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Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
 * RtlTimeToTimeFields, RtlTimeFieldsToTime and defines are taken from ReactOS and
 * adapted to wine with special permissions of the author. This code is
 * Copyright 2002 Rex Jolliff (
 * Copyright 2007 Dmitry Timoshkov
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "wine/port.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
David Luyer's avatar
David Luyer committed
#include <string.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include "wine/exception.h"
#include "wine/unicode.h"
struct tz_name_map {
    WCHAR key_name[128];
    char short_name[SHORT_TZ_NAME_MAX];

static int init_tz_info(RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi);
static RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION TIME_tz_section;
static RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG critsect_debug =
    0, 0, &TIME_tz_section,
    { &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList, &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList },
      0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": TIME_tz_section") }
static RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION TIME_tz_section = { &critsect_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
#define TICKSPERSEC        10000000
#define TICKSPERMSEC       10000
#define SECSPERDAY         86400
#define SECSPERHOUR        3600
#define SECSPERMIN         60
#define MINSPERHOUR        60
#define HOURSPERDAY        24
#define EPOCHWEEKDAY       1  /* Jan 1, 1601 was Monday */
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Juergen Schmied committed
#define DAYSPERWEEK        7
#define MONSPERYEAR        12
#define DAYSPERQUADRICENTENNIUM (365 * 400 + 97)
/* 1601 to 1970 is 369 years plus 89 leap days */
#define SECS_1601_TO_1970  ((369 * 365 + 89) * (ULONGLONG)SECSPERDAY)
#define TICKS_1601_TO_1970 (SECS_1601_TO_1970 * TICKSPERSEC)
/* 1601 to 1980 is 379 years plus 91 leap days */
#define SECS_1601_TO_1980  ((379 * 365 + 91) * (ULONGLONG)SECSPERDAY)
#define TICKS_1601_TO_1980 (SECS_1601_TO_1980 * TICKSPERSEC)
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Juergen Schmied committed
static const int MonthLengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] =
	{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
	{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }

static inline BOOL IsLeapYear(int Year)
    return Year % 4 == 0 && (Year % 100 != 0 || Year % 400 == 0);
/* return a monotonic time counter, in Win32 ticks */
static inline ULONGLONG monotonic_counter(void)
#ifdef __APPLE__
    static mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase;

    if (!timebase.denom) mach_timebase_info( &timebase );
    if (&mach_continuous_time != NULL)
        return mach_continuous_time() * timebase.numer / timebase.denom / 100;
    return mach_absolute_time() * timebase.numer / timebase.denom / 100;
#elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
    struct timespec ts;
    if (!clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts ))
        return ts.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + ts.tv_nsec / 100;
    if (!clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts ))
        return ts.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + ts.tv_nsec / 100;

    gettimeofday( &now, 0 );
    return now.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + now.tv_usec * 10 + TICKS_1601_TO_1970 - server_start_time;

Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
 *       RtlTimeToTimeFields [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a time into a TIME_FIELDS structure.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   liTime     [I] Time to convert.
 *   TimeFields [O] Destination for the converted time.
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Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
VOID WINAPI RtlTimeToTimeFields(
	const LARGE_INTEGER *liTime,
Juergen Schmied's avatar
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	int SecondsInDay;
        long int cleaps, years, yearday, months;
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
	long int Days;
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	/* Extract millisecond from time and convert time into seconds */
	TimeFields->Milliseconds =
            (CSHORT) (( liTime->QuadPart % TICKSPERSEC) / TICKSPERMSEC);
	Time = liTime->QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC;
	/* The native version of RtlTimeToTimeFields does not take leap seconds
	 * into account */
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	/* Split the time into days and seconds within the day */
	Days = Time / SECSPERDAY;
	SecondsInDay = Time % SECSPERDAY;

	/* compute time of day */
	TimeFields->Hour = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay / SECSPERHOUR);
	SecondsInDay = SecondsInDay % SECSPERHOUR;
	TimeFields->Minute = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay / SECSPERMIN);
	TimeFields->Second = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay % SECSPERMIN);

	/* compute day of week */
	TimeFields->Weekday = (CSHORT) ((EPOCHWEEKDAY + Days) % DAYSPERWEEK);

        /* compute year, month and day of month. */
        cleaps=( 3 * ((4 * Days + 1227) / DAYSPERQUADRICENTENNIUM) + 3 ) / 4;
        Days += 28188 + cleaps;
        years = (20 * Days - 2442) / (5 * DAYSPERNORMALQUADRENNIUM);
        yearday = Days - (years * DAYSPERNORMALQUADRENNIUM)/4;
        months = (64 * yearday) / 1959;
        /* the result is based on a year starting on March.
         * To convert take 12 from Januari and Februari and
         * increase the year by one. */
        if( months < 14 ) {
            TimeFields->Month = months - 1;
            TimeFields->Year = years + 1524;
        } else {
            TimeFields->Month = months - 13;
            TimeFields->Year = years + 1525;
        /* calculation of day of month is based on the wonderful
         * sequence of INT( n * 30.6): it reproduces the 
         * 31-30-31-30-31-31 month lengths exactly for small n's */
        TimeFields->Day = yearday - (1959 * months) / 64 ;
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
 *       RtlTimeFieldsToTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a TIME_FIELDS structure into a time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   ftTimeFields [I] TIME_FIELDS structure to convert.
 *   Time         [O] Destination for the converted time.
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 *   Success: TRUE.
 *   Failure: FALSE.
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
	PTIME_FIELDS tfTimeFields,
        int month, year, cleaps, day;
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Juergen Schmied committed

	/* FIXME: normalize the TIME_FIELDS structure here */
        /* No, native just returns 0 (error) if the fields are not */
        if( tfTimeFields->Milliseconds< 0 || tfTimeFields->Milliseconds > 999 ||
                tfTimeFields->Second < 0 || tfTimeFields->Second > 59 ||
                tfTimeFields->Minute < 0 || tfTimeFields->Minute > 59 ||
                tfTimeFields->Hour < 0 || tfTimeFields->Hour > 23 ||
                tfTimeFields->Month < 1 || tfTimeFields->Month > 12 ||
                tfTimeFields->Day < 1 ||
                tfTimeFields->Day > MonthLengths
                    [ tfTimeFields->Month ==2 || IsLeapYear(tfTimeFields->Year)]
                    [ tfTimeFields->Month - 1] ||
                tfTimeFields->Year < 1601 )
            return FALSE;

        /* now calculate a day count from the date
         * First start counting years from March. This way the leap days
         * are added at the end of the year, not somewhere in the middle.
         * Formula's become so much less complicate that way.
         * To convert: add 12 to the month numbers of Jan and Feb, and 
         * take 1 from the year */
        if(tfTimeFields->Month < 3) {
            month = tfTimeFields->Month + 13;
            year = tfTimeFields->Year - 1;
        } else {
            month = tfTimeFields->Month + 1;
            year = tfTimeFields->Year;
        cleaps = (3 * (year / 100) + 3) / 4;   /* nr of "century leap years"*/
        day =  (36525 * year) / 100 - cleaps + /* year * dayperyr, corrected */
                 (1959 * month) / 64 +         /* months * daypermonth */
                 tfTimeFields->Day -          /* day of the month */
                 584817 ;                      /* zero that on 1601-01-01 */
        /* done */
        Time->QuadPart = (((((LONGLONG) day * HOURSPERDAY +
            tfTimeFields->Hour) * MINSPERHOUR +
            tfTimeFields->Minute) * SECSPERMIN +
            tfTimeFields->Second ) * 1000 +
            tfTimeFields->Milliseconds ) * TICKSPERMSEC;

        return TRUE;
 *       TIME_GetBias [internal]
 * Helper function calculates delta local time from UTC. 
 *   utc [I] The current utc time.
 *   pdaylight [I] Local daylight.
 *   The bias for the current timezone.
static LONG TIME_GetBias(void)
    static time_t last_utc;
    static LONG last_bias;
    LONG ret;
    time_t utc;

    utc = time( NULL );
    RtlEnterCriticalSection( &TIME_tz_section );
    if (utc != last_utc)
        int is_dst = init_tz_info( &tzi );

        last_bias = tzi.Bias;
        last_bias += is_dst ? tzi.DaylightBias : tzi.StandardBias;
        last_bias *= SECSPERMIN;
    RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &TIME_tz_section );
 *        RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a local time into system time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   LocalTime  [I] Local time to convert.
 *   SystemTime [O] Destination for the converted time.
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Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Success: STATUS_SUCCESS.
 *   Failure: An NTSTATUS error code indicating the problem.
NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime( const LARGE_INTEGER *LocalTime,
                                          PLARGE_INTEGER SystemTime)

    TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", LocalTime, SystemTime);

    bias = TIME_GetBias();
    SystemTime->QuadPart = LocalTime->QuadPart + bias * (LONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC;
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 *       RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a system time into a local time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   SystemTime [I] System time to convert.
 *   LocalTime  [O] Destination for the converted time.
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 *   Success: STATUS_SUCCESS.
 *   Failure: An NTSTATUS error code indicating the problem.
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Juergen Schmied committed
NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime( const LARGE_INTEGER *SystemTime,
                                          PLARGE_INTEGER LocalTime )

    TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", SystemTime, LocalTime);
    bias = TIME_GetBias();
    LocalTime->QuadPart = SystemTime->QuadPart - bias * (LONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC;
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 *       RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a time into a count of seconds since 1970.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Time    [I] Time to convert.
 *   Seconds [O] Destination for the converted time.
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 *   Success: TRUE.
 *   Failure: FALSE, if the resulting value will not fit in a DWORD.
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
BOOLEAN WINAPI RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970( const LARGE_INTEGER *Time, LPDWORD Seconds )
    ULONGLONG tmp = Time->QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC - SECS_1601_TO_1970;
    if (tmp > 0xffffffff) return FALSE;
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Juergen Schmied committed

 *       RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980 [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a time into a count of seconds since 1980.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Time    [I] Time to convert.
 *   Seconds [O] Destination for the converted time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Success: TRUE.
 *   Failure: FALSE, if the resulting value will not fit in a DWORD.
Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
BOOLEAN WINAPI RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980( const LARGE_INTEGER *Time, LPDWORD Seconds )
    ULONGLONG tmp = Time->QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC - SECS_1601_TO_1980;
    if (tmp > 0xffffffff) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

 *       RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a count of seconds since 1970 to a time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Seconds [I] Time to convert.
 *   Time    [O] Destination for the converted time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
void WINAPI RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( DWORD Seconds, LARGE_INTEGER *Time )
    Time->QuadPart = Seconds * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1970;

 *       RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a count of seconds since 1980 to a time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
 *   Seconds [I] Time to convert.
 *   Time    [O] Destination for the converted time.
Jon Griffiths's avatar
Jon Griffiths committed
void WINAPI RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime( DWORD Seconds, LARGE_INTEGER *Time )
    Time->QuadPart = Seconds * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1980;
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 *       RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields [NTDLL.@]
 * Convert a time to a count of elapsed seconds.
 *   Time       [I] Time to convert.
 *   TimeFields [O] Destination for the converted time.
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Juergen Schmied's avatar
Juergen Schmied committed
void WINAPI RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields( const LARGE_INTEGER *Time, PTIME_FIELDS TimeFields )
Michael McCormack's avatar
Michael McCormack committed
    INT rem;
    time = Time->QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC;
    TimeFields->Milliseconds = (Time->QuadPart % TICKSPERSEC) / TICKSPERMSEC;

    /* time is now in seconds */
    TimeFields->Year  = 0;
    TimeFields->Month = 0;
    TimeFields->Day   = time / SECSPERDAY;

    /* rem is now the remaining seconds in the last day */
    rem = time % SECSPERDAY;
    TimeFields->Second = rem % 60;
    rem /= 60;
    TimeFields->Minute = rem % 60;
    TimeFields->Hour = rem / 60;

 *       NtQuerySystemTime [NTDLL.@]
 *       ZwQuerySystemTime [NTDLL.@]
 * Get the current system time.
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 *   time [O] Destination for the current system time.
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 *   Success: STATUS_SUCCESS.
 *   Failure: An NTSTATUS error code indicating the problem.
    struct timespec ts;
    static clockid_t clock_id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; /* placeholder */
    if (clock_id == CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        struct timespec res;

        /* Use CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE if it has 1 ms or better resolution */
        if (!clock_getres( CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE, &res ) && res.tv_sec == 0 && res.tv_nsec <= 1000000)
            clock_id = CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE;
            clock_id = CLOCK_REALTIME;

    if (!clock_gettime( clock_id, &ts ))
        time->QuadPart = ts.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1970;
        time->QuadPart += (ts.tv_nsec + 50) / 100;
        struct timeval now;

        gettimeofday( &now, 0 );
        time->QuadPart = now.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1970;
        time->QuadPart += now.tv_usec * 10;
 *       RtlGetSystemTimePrecise [NTDLL.@]
 * Get a more accurate current system time.
 *   The current system time.
LONGLONG WINAPI RtlGetSystemTimePrecise( void )
    LONGLONG time;

    struct timespec ts;

    if (!clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts ))
        time = ts.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1970;
        time += (ts.tv_nsec + 50) / 100;
        struct timeval now;

        gettimeofday( &now, 0 );
        time = now.tv_sec * (ULONGLONG)TICKSPERSEC + TICKS_1601_TO_1970;
        time += now.tv_usec * 10;

    return time;

 *  NtQueryPerformanceCounter	[NTDLL.@]
NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryPerformanceCounter( LARGE_INTEGER *counter, LARGE_INTEGER *frequency )
        counter->QuadPart = monotonic_counter();
        if (frequency) frequency->QuadPart = TICKSPERSEC;
 *  RtlQueryPerformanceCounter   [NTDLL.@]
    counter->QuadPart = monotonic_counter();
    return TRUE;

 *  RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency   [NTDLL.@]
BOOL WINAPI DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency( LARGE_INTEGER *frequency )
    frequency->QuadPart = TICKSPERSEC;
    return TRUE;

 * NtGetTickCount   (NTDLL.@)
 * ZwGetTickCount   (NTDLL.@)
ULONG WINAPI NtGetTickCount(void)
    return monotonic_counter() / TICKSPERMSEC;
/* calculate the mday of dst change date, so that for instance Sun 5 Oct 2007
 * (last Sunday in October of 2007) becomes Sun Oct 28 2007
 * Note: year, day and month must be in unix format.
static int weekday_to_mday(int year, int day, int mon, int day_of_week)
    struct tm date;
    time_t tmp;
    int wday, mday;

    /* find first day in the month matching week day of the date */
    memset(&date, 0, sizeof(date));
    date.tm_year = year;
    date.tm_mon = mon;
    date.tm_mday = -1;
    date.tm_wday = -1;
        tmp = mktime(&date);
    } while (date.tm_wday != day_of_week || date.tm_mon != mon);

    mday = date.tm_mday;

    /* find number of week days in the month matching week day of the date */
    wday = 1; /* 1 - 1st, ...., 5 - last */
    while (wday < day)
        struct tm *tm;

        date.tm_mday += 7;
        tmp = mktime(&date);
        tm = localtime(&tmp);
        if (tm->tm_mon != mon)
        mday = tm->tm_mday;

    return mday;

static BOOL match_tz_date(const RTL_SYSTEM_TIME *st, const RTL_SYSTEM_TIME *reg_st)
    WORD wDay;

    if (st->wMonth != reg_st->wMonth) return FALSE;

    if (!st->wMonth) return TRUE; /* no transition dates */

    wDay = reg_st->wDay;
    if (!reg_st->wYear) /* date in a day-of-week format */
        wDay = weekday_to_mday(st->wYear - 1900, reg_st->wDay, reg_st->wMonth - 1, reg_st->wDayOfWeek);

    if (st->wDay != wDay ||
        st->wHour != reg_st->wHour ||
        st->wMinute != reg_st->wMinute ||
        st->wSecond != reg_st->wSecond ||
        st->wMilliseconds != reg_st->wMilliseconds) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

    if (tzi->Bias == reg_tzi->Bias &&
        match_tz_date(&tzi->StandardDate, &reg_tzi->StandardDate) &&
        match_tz_date(&tzi->DaylightDate, &reg_tzi->DaylightDate))
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
static int compare_tz_key(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct tz_name_map *map_a, *map_b;
    map_a = (const struct tz_name_map *)a;
    map_b = (const struct tz_name_map *)b;
    return strcmpW(map_a->key_name, map_b->key_name);

static BOOL match_tz_name(const char* tz_name,
                          const RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *reg_tzi)
    static const struct tz_name_map mapping[] = {
        { {'K','o','r','e','a',' ','S','t','a','n','d','a','r','d',' ','T','i',
           'm','e',0 },
          "KST" },
        { {'T','o','k','y','o',' ','S','t','a','n','d','a','r','d',' ','T','i',
           'm','e',0 },
          "JST" },
        { {'Y','a','k','u','t','s','k',' ','S','t','a','n','d','a','r','d',' ',
           'T','i','m','e',0 },
          "+09" }, /* YAKST was used until tzdata 2016f */
    struct tz_name_map *match, key;

    if (reg_tzi->DaylightDate.wMonth)
        return TRUE;

    strcpyW(key.key_name, reg_tzi->TimeZoneKeyName);
    match = bsearch(&key, mapping, ARRAY_SIZE(mapping), sizeof(mapping[0]), compare_tz_key);
    if (!match)
        return TRUE;

    return !strcmp(match->short_name, tz_name);

static BOOL reg_query_value(HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR name, DWORD type, void *data, DWORD count)
    char buf[256];

    if (count > sizeof(buf) - sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION))
        return FALSE;
    RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameW, name);

    if (NtQueryValueKey(hkey, &nameW, KeyValuePartialInformation,
                        buf, sizeof(buf), &count))
        return FALSE;

    if (info->Type != type) return FALSE;

    memcpy(data, info->Data, info->DataLength);
    return TRUE;
static void find_reg_tz_info(RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi, const char* tz_name, int year)
    static const WCHAR Time_ZonesW[] = { 'M','a','c','h','i','n','e','\\',
        'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','N','T','\\',
        'T','i','m','e',' ','Z','o','n','e','s',0 };
    static const WCHAR Dynamic_DstW[] = { 'D','y','n','a','m','i','c',' ','D','S','T',0 };
    static const WCHAR fmtW[] = { '%','d',0 };
    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr, attrDynamic;
    UNICODE_STRING nameW, nameDynamicW;
    WCHAR buf[128], yearW[16];

    attrDynamic.Length = sizeof(attrDynamic);
    attrDynamic.RootDirectory = 0; /* will be replaced later */
    attrDynamic.ObjectName = &nameDynamicW;
    attrDynamic.Attributes = 0;
    attrDynamic.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    attrDynamic.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;
    RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameDynamicW, Dynamic_DstW);

    attr.Length = sizeof(attr);
    attr.RootDirectory = 0;
    attr.ObjectName = &nameW;
    attr.Attributes = 0;
    attr.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    attr.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;
    RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameW, Time_ZonesW);
    if (NtOpenKey(&hkey, KEY_READ, &attr))
        WARN("Unable to open the time zones key\n");

    idx = 0;
    nameW.Buffer = buf;
    nameW.Length = sizeof(buf);
    nameW.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf);

    while (!RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey(hkey, &nameW, idx++))
        static const WCHAR stdW[] = { 'S','t','d',0 };
        static const WCHAR dltW[] = { 'D','l','t',0 };
        static const WCHAR mui_stdW[] = { 'M','U','I','_','S','t','d',0 };
        static const WCHAR mui_dltW[] = { 'M','U','I','_','D','l','t',0 };
        static const WCHAR tziW[] = { 'T','Z','I',0 };
        HANDLE hSubkey, hSubkeyDynamicDST;
        BOOL is_dynamic = FALSE;

        struct tz_reg_data
            LONG bias;
            LONG std_bias;
            LONG dlt_bias;
            RTL_SYSTEM_TIME std_date;
            RTL_SYSTEM_TIME dlt_date;
        } tz_data;

        attr.Length = sizeof(attr);
        attr.RootDirectory = hkey;
        attr.ObjectName = &nameW;
        attr.Attributes = 0;
        attr.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
        attr.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;
        if (NtOpenKey(&hSubkey, KEY_READ, &attr))
            WARN("Unable to open subkey %s\n", debugstr_wn(nameW.Buffer, nameW.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)));

#define get_value(hkey, name, type, data, len) \
    if (!reg_query_value(hkey, name, type, data, len)) \
    { \
        WARN("can't read data from %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); \
        NtClose(hkey); \
        continue; \

        memset(&reg_tzi, 0, sizeof(reg_tzi));

        if (!reg_query_value(hSubkey, mui_stdW, REG_SZ, reg_tzi.StandardName, sizeof(reg_tzi.StandardName)))
            get_value(hSubkey, stdW, REG_SZ, reg_tzi.StandardName, sizeof(reg_tzi.StandardName));
        if (!reg_query_value(hSubkey, mui_dltW, REG_SZ, reg_tzi.DaylightName, sizeof(reg_tzi.DaylightName)))
            get_value(hSubkey, dltW, REG_SZ, reg_tzi.DaylightName, sizeof(reg_tzi.DaylightName));
        memcpy(reg_tzi.TimeZoneKeyName, nameW.Buffer, nameW.Length);
        reg_tzi.TimeZoneKeyName[nameW.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;

        /* Check for Dynamic DST entry first */
        attrDynamic.RootDirectory = hSubkey;
        if (!NtOpenKey(&hSubkeyDynamicDST, KEY_READ, &attrDynamic))
            is_dynamic = reg_query_value(hSubkeyDynamicDST, yearW, REG_BINARY, &tz_data, sizeof(tz_data));

        if (!is_dynamic)
            get_value(hSubkey, tziW, REG_BINARY, &tz_data, sizeof(tz_data));

#undef get_value

        reg_tzi.Bias = tz_data.bias;
        reg_tzi.StandardBias = tz_data.std_bias;
        reg_tzi.DaylightBias = tz_data.dlt_bias;
        reg_tzi.StandardDate = tz_data.std_date;
        reg_tzi.DaylightDate = tz_data.dlt_date;

        TRACE("%s: bias %d\n", debugstr_wn(nameW.Buffer, nameW.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)), reg_tzi.Bias);
        TRACE("std (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u day of week %u %u:%02u:%02u.%03u bias %d\n",
            reg_tzi.StandardDate.wDay, reg_tzi.StandardDate.wMonth,
            reg_tzi.StandardDate.wYear, reg_tzi.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek,
            reg_tzi.StandardDate.wHour, reg_tzi.StandardDate.wMinute,
            reg_tzi.StandardDate.wSecond, reg_tzi.StandardDate.wMilliseconds,
        TRACE("dst (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u day of week %u %u:%02u:%02u.%03u bias %d\n",
            reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wDay, reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wMonth,
            reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wYear, reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek,
            reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wHour, reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wMinute,
            reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wSecond, reg_tzi.DaylightDate.wMilliseconds,


        if (match_tz_info(tzi, &reg_tzi)
            && match_tz_name(tz_name, &reg_tzi))
        /* reset len */
        nameW.Length = sizeof(buf);
        nameW.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf);


    if (idx == 1) return;  /* registry info not initialized yet */

    FIXME("Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for "
          "%s, bias %d, std (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u, dlt (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u\n",
          tz_name, tzi->Bias,
          tzi->StandardDate.wDay, tzi->StandardDate.wMonth, tzi->StandardDate.wYear,
          tzi->DaylightDate.wDay, tzi->DaylightDate.wMonth, tzi->DaylightDate.wYear);

static time_t find_dst_change(unsigned long min, unsigned long max, int *is_dst)
    time_t start;
    struct tm *tm;

    start = min;
    tm = localtime(&start);
    *is_dst = !tm->tm_isdst;
    TRACE("starting date isdst %d, %s", !*is_dst, ctime(&start));

    while (min <= max)
        time_t pos = (min + max) / 2;
        tm = localtime(&pos);

        if (tm->tm_isdst != *is_dst)
            min = pos + 1;
            max = pos - 1;
    return min;

static int init_tz_info(RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi)
    static int current_year = -1, current_bias = 65535;
    time_t year_start, year_end, tmp, dlt = 0, std = 0;

    RtlEnterCriticalSection( &TIME_tz_section );

    year_start = time(NULL);
    tm = gmtime(&year_start);
    bias = (LONG)(mktime(tm) - year_start) / 60;
    current_is_dst = tm->tm_isdst;
    if (current_year == tm->tm_year && current_bias == bias)
        *tzi = cached_tzi;
        RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &TIME_tz_section );
        return current_is_dst;

    memset(tzi, 0, sizeof(*tzi));
    if (!strftime(tz_name, sizeof(tz_name), "%Z", tm)) {
        /* not enough room or another error */
        tz_name[0] = '\0';
    TRACE("tz data will be valid through year %d, bias %d\n", tm->tm_year + 1900, bias);
    current_year = tm->tm_year;

    tm->tm_isdst = 0;
    tm->tm_mday = 1;
    tm->tm_mon = tm->tm_hour = tm->tm_min = tm->tm_sec = tm->tm_wday = tm->tm_yday = 0;
    year_start = mktime(tm);
    TRACE("year_start: %s", ctime(&year_start));

    tm->tm_mday = tm->tm_wday = tm->tm_yday = 0;
    tm->tm_mon = 12;
    tm->tm_hour = 23;
    tm->tm_min = tm->tm_sec = 59;
    year_end = mktime(tm);
    TRACE("year_end: %s", ctime(&year_end));

    tmp = find_dst_change(year_start, year_end, &is_dst);
    if (is_dst)
        dlt = tmp;
        std = tmp;

    tmp = find_dst_change(tmp, year_end, &is_dst);
    if (is_dst)
        dlt = tmp;
        std = tmp;

    TRACE("std: %s", ctime(&std));
    TRACE("dlt: %s", ctime(&dlt));

    if (dlt == std || !dlt || !std)
        TRACE("there is no daylight saving rules in this time zone\n");
        tmp = dlt - tzi->Bias * 60;
        tm = gmtime(&tmp);
        TRACE("dlt gmtime: %s", asctime(tm));

        tzi->DaylightBias = -60;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wYear = tm->tm_year + 1900;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wMonth = tm->tm_mon + 1;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek = tm->tm_wday;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wDay = tm->tm_mday;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wHour = tm->tm_hour;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wMinute = tm->tm_min;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wSecond = tm->tm_sec;
        tzi->DaylightDate.wMilliseconds = 0;

        TRACE("daylight (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u day of week %u %u:%02u:%02u.%03u bias %d\n",
            tzi->DaylightDate.wDay, tzi->DaylightDate.wMonth,
            tzi->DaylightDate.wYear, tzi->DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek,
            tzi->DaylightDate.wHour, tzi->DaylightDate.wMinute,
            tzi->DaylightDate.wSecond, tzi->DaylightDate.wMilliseconds,

        tmp = std - tzi->Bias * 60 - tzi->DaylightBias * 60;
        tm = gmtime(&tmp);
        TRACE("std gmtime: %s", asctime(tm));

        tzi->StandardBias = 0;
        tzi->StandardDate.wYear = tm->tm_year + 1900;
        tzi->StandardDate.wMonth = tm->tm_mon + 1;
        tzi->StandardDate.wDayOfWeek = tm->tm_wday;
        tzi->StandardDate.wDay = tm->tm_mday;
        tzi->StandardDate.wHour = tm->tm_hour;
        tzi->StandardDate.wMinute = tm->tm_min;
        tzi->StandardDate.wSecond = tm->tm_sec;
        tzi->StandardDate.wMilliseconds = 0;

        TRACE("standard (d/m/y): %u/%02u/%04u day of week %u %u:%02u:%02u.%03u bias %d\n",
            tzi->StandardDate.wDay, tzi->StandardDate.wMonth,
            tzi->StandardDate.wYear, tzi->StandardDate.wDayOfWeek,
            tzi->StandardDate.wHour, tzi->StandardDate.wMinute,
            tzi->StandardDate.wSecond, tzi->StandardDate.wMilliseconds,