- Dec 25, 1999
Added support for MCI_INFO on MEDIA_UPC & MEDIA_IDENTITY commands.
client area is less than the icon spacing.
for Wine.
crash if the handle is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
error message.
- Dec 20, 1999
does not implement PolyBezier[To] the curve is approximated to lines and drawn with Polyline. Implement many GDI-Path recording functions (at least the win9x subset). Implement FlattenPath and FillPath.
(enh)metafile DC.
- Dec 13, 1999
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Fixed races with SIGCHLD handling and ptrace. Minor fixes to timeout handling.
- Dec 12, 1999
Added a few acmMetrics options.
Now using notification for detecting when a WAVEHDR has been played
linker path.
Alexandre Julliard authored
GetNextDlgGroupItem: needs to check the control parent is the main dialog. GetNextTabItem: make sure this control is visible and not disabled.
- fixed the leaving of DGA-2.0 mode
item refers to a submenu, not the submenu's handle as in win16.