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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 25, 2000
  2. Jun 18, 2000
  3. Jun 15, 2000
  4. Jun 11, 2000
  5. Jun 07, 2000
    • Sergei Ivanov's avatar
      - ComboLBox is always created as child of ComboBox. If ComboBox has style · 9926d334
      Sergei Ivanov authored and Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard committed
        other than CBS_SIMPLE, parent of listbox is set to desktop.
      - In CBDropDown. ComboBox uses only first item to calculate height of
        dropped listbox. Also if listbox is empty its height is unmodified
        (previously it was set to 0).
      - Added correct handling of WM_GETDLGCODE and WM_(SYS)KEYDOWN messages.
      - General clean-up. Message order is now more precise (at least
        notifications to client); listbox - combobox interaction has slight
        differences comparing to Windows.
    • Sergei Ivanov's avatar
      - Removed dependency of edit control from combobox implementation. · 9eedcf58
      Sergei Ivanov authored and Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard committed
      - Edit control uses undocumented window style 0x0200 to detect is it a part
        of combobox. If so it calls GetDlgItem(hwndCombo, 1000) to get ComboLBox
        window handle (see comments for combo.c below).
      - EDIT_CheckCombo - modified for correct handling of keyboard messages.
      - Processing of WM_GETDLGCODE and WM_CHAR for VK_RETURN and VK_ESCAPE
        depends on whether listbox is dropped down. This prevents closing of dialog
        if listbox is dropped down and allows combobox to process these keyboard
        messages properly.
    • Sergei Ivanov's avatar
      - We can use wnd->wIDmenu for ComboLBox (it is not reset anymore in SetParent) · 07917e40
      Sergei Ivanov authored and Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard committed
      - When user clicks outside of dropped listbox, original selection must be
      - ComboLBox has caret_on = FALSE on creation, that's why combobox sends
        LB_CARETON message before dropping listbox down (but only for
        CBS_DROPDOWNLIST - I don't now why).
    • Alexandre Julliard's avatar
      Stephane Lussier · 72bdd5be
      Alexandre Julliard authored
      Sheri Steeves
      Haithem Hmida
      - Height of the listbox should be adjust when LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED is set
        and not if LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE is set, previously it was not adjusting
        the size in both cases.
      - When the caret index change, items repainting need tp be in this
        a) Paint old caret item without the focus
        b) Paint old caret item without the selection
        c) Paint new caret item with the selection
        d) Paint new caret item with the focus.
      - When repainting the listbox, we should paint all items regarding if
        they are slected or not and then paint after the focus item. So focus
        item will end out being painted twice. (That's what Windows does).
  6. Jun 04, 2000
  7. Jun 01, 2000
  8. May 30, 2000
    • Alexandre Julliard's avatar
      Serge Ivanov · d566a0e3
      Alexandre Julliard authored
      Returning DLGC_WANTALLKEYS for multiline edit control was not good because
      it breaks navigation in dialogs.
    • David Grant's avatar
      - Creating combobox with CBS_SIMPLE style shall set internal flag CBF_EDIT. · 8a922131
      David Grant authored and Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard committed
      - Edit text must be selected only if CB is in focus.
      - If CB has edit control we have to call CBUpdateEdit to update its
        contents. Invalidating textRect will not force updating of child
        edit control, obviously.
      - We have to protect ourselves from changing selection in listbox when
        we receive listbox notification. So LBN_SELCHANGE -> CBUpdateEdit ->
        EN_CHANGE will not reselect item in the lisbox.
    • Alexandre Julliard's avatar
      Owen Wang · dcc175de
      Alexandre Julliard authored
      When you click on an icon to open a combo box, you would expect it to
      be enabled so you can choose something in it. In Wine this was not
      guaranteed since your default flags could get lost in the process-heap
      of the application.
  9. May 26, 2000
  10. May 25, 2000
  11. May 23, 2000
  12. May 18, 2000
    • Alexandre Julliard's avatar
      Sheri Steeves · f5d4244f
      Alexandre Julliard authored
      The edit is now detected correctly if the parent is a combo box. It
      wasn't working when the combobox was superclassed.
  13. May 15, 2000
  14. May 14, 2000
  15. May 12, 2000
  16. May 11, 2000
  17. May 10, 2000
  18. May 07, 2000
  19. May 05, 2000
  20. Apr 23, 2000
  21. Apr 18, 2000
  22. Mar 28, 2000