43842 Cached Authorization cause wrong username/password to be used
46421 μTorrent has squares in it's update-dialog
44394 Game “Civilization 4” is aborted because of unhandled exception.
46549 Multiple .NET 4.x applications and games using 'System.Net.HttpListener' class crash due incomplete httpapi implementation (PUBG Lite Launcher, SeeSnake HQ)
46404 Shed installer - text overflow in browse-for-folder dialog
46983 type command in cmd.exe with two files and stdout redirect, behavior is different
47706 ntdll: Compiler warnings regression on x86_64 [stable]
47476 Rhinoceros 6 (.NET 4.x app) fails to verify online-license: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'HttpCloseRequestQueue' in DLL 'httpapi.dll'
47736 __ASM_CFI not working on mac
47524 Hearthstone black screen
47752 commit "winex11.drv: Wake up the display on user input." introduced severe performance issues with atomic modesetting kernel drivers
47629 PotPlayer 1.7: Crash when trying to play any file
47766 PathAllocCanonicalize treats path segments start with dots wrong.