21572 KFSensor 4.x/5.x: 'kfsnserv.exe' service fails to reliably stop/start/restart
22260 Total Commander 7.x/8.x: editable dropdown is gray when opened and empty
30498 Shadows broken on many games because of wrong depth formats
38278 Multiple apps and games need wmvcore.dll.WMReader_Open implementation (Nail'd demo)
42030 winedbg: Internal crash at 0x9f58fd40
45130 Builtin xaudio2_7.dll break audio and slow down performance for some games since wine 3.5
45443 Diablo 3: Starting the game causes a black screen softlock on the X-environment
46512 Window text has last letter cut off
47119 winedbg truncates 64-bit address when compiled with mingw
49409 Monkey Island 2 Special Edition crash / freeze with built-in xactengine3_6
49803 WIDL cannot import TLBs stored as resources in PE, such as stdole32.tlb and stdole2.tlb (even though both have tlb extension, they are essentially PE)
50292 Process-local synchronization objects use private interfaces into the Unix library
50757 (Regression) Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Crashes/freezes frequently with FAudio
51027 Fonts blurred for some words in Logos Bible Software
51587 Force feedback strength is really low in multiple games
51864 VeraCrypt Installer for 1.24-Update7 (Win8+) fails with HRESULT 0x800288BD
51916 Empire Earth 2 UP 1.5: ImageButtons don't render right with custom themes
51938 Safe Exam Browser needs "DNSDomain" from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
51944 Resident Evil 6 stops to a black screen instead of playing videos
51953 Joystick not detected for some older games with wine 6.20
51956 Morrowind: freezes when control keys are changing
51968 Winaero WEI Tool: Crash due to C:\windows\performance\winsat\datastore missing
51970 Memento Mori needs output_props_GetType
51978 Autodesk Fusion 360 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?table@?$ctype@D@std@@QEBAPEBFXZ
51983 foobar2000 v1.5.1+ crashes on startup with Wine v6.6+ with Windows version set to "Windows 10"
52022 Multiple games have unresponsive mouse/keyboard (Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Resident Evil Revelations)
52044 Safe exambrowser needs msctfmonitor.dll
52051 Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas fails to start (uses WINED3DFMT_R8G8_UINT in vertex declaration)
52052 Wine doesn't show any window while creating/updating 64-bit prefix
Bugs fixed in 6.23 (total 48):
25193 ICC Dasher 1.5.4 doesn't render main UI correctly and appears to be non responsive
32991 win32-arm applications need ntdll.dll.RtlUnwindEx implementation for exception handling/unwinding
43456 Serif WebPlus X8 fails to install
44427 Internet Chess Club (ICC) Dasher 1.5.8 crashes after online login
46017 Layers of Fear areas are almost entirely black rendered
47287 Accessible Event Watcher Tool 'accevent.exe' from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) crashes on unimplemented function oleacc.dll.AccessibleObjectFromEvent
47843 Rockstar Game Launcher is unable to download a game completely
48119 The tests sometimes trigger "critical section is not acquired" errors
48950 NVDA needs oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromPoint implementation for mouse tracking
49181 msvcrt_test.exe: missing entry point _point_get_sbh_threshold on Windows RT 8.x devices
49426 Sookasa calls unimplemented functions and ntoskrnl.exe.RtlGetElementGenericTable ntoskrnl.exe.RtlLookupElementGenericTable
50540 Windows PowerShell Core 6.2 Preview 2 for ARM32 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RtlVirtualUnwind
50985 ns_name_skip is glibc specific, causes failure to build on musl
51183 Navicat V15.0.25 crashes when attempting to open database: "Unhandled exception: page fault...."
51307 msvcp140:msvcp140 fails on msvcp140 >= 14.25
51415 Windows PC Health Check requires msvcp_win.dll
51490 dinput:device has a random failure in overlapped_format_tests() on Windows 8.1
51557 GetSystemFirmwareTable fails to return SMBIOS on Apple Silicon Macs
51624 TETRIS (16bit) shows wrong background for scoreboard
51647 Gimp deadlocks when opening image or createing image from screenshot
51716 gameux:gamestatistics fails on Windows 10 1809+
51733 CreateProcess does not properly set the current directory of the new process.
51832 Fork: "The selection contains a non-folder object" when selecting a folder
51834 EMF DC emits invalid EMF when calling StretchDiBits with info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0
51873 Joy.cpl crashes on the FFB tab when the FFB device is selected in the drop down list
51895 ucrtbase:misc fma(inf, 0, 0) 'succeeds' unexpectedly on some machines