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Commit cabe8ca5 authored by Bill Medland's avatar Bill Medland Committed by Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Put in place a proper tab model within DrawText (also includes

simplifying TEXT_NextLineW to remove duplicate code).
parent 48a87e61
No related merge requests found
......@@ -75,15 +75,9 @@ DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(text);
#define FORWARD_SLASH '/'
#define BACK_SLASH '\\'
static const WCHAR SPACEW[] = {' ', 0};
static const WCHAR oW[] = {'o', 0};
static const WCHAR ELLIPSISW[] = {'.','.','.', 0};
static const WCHAR FORWARD_SLASHW[] = {'/', 0};
static const WCHAR BACK_SLASHW[] = {'\\', 0};
static int tabstop;
static int tabwidth;
static int spacewidth;
static int prefix_offset;
......@@ -349,23 +343,24 @@ static int TEXT_Reprefix (const WCHAR *str, unsigned int n1, unsigned int n2,
static const WCHAR *TEXT_NextLineW( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *str, int *count,
WCHAR *dest, int *len, int width, WORD format)
int i = 0, j = 0, k;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int plen = 0;
int numspaces;
SIZE size;
int lasttab = 0;
int wb_i = 0, wb_j = 0, wb_count = 0;
int maxl = *len;
int normal_char;
while (*count && j < maxl)
normal_char = 1;
switch (str[i])
case CR:
case LF:
if (!(format & DT_SINGLELINE))
if ((*count > 1) && (str[i] == CR) && (str[i+1] == LF))
if ((*count > 1) && (((str[i] == CR) && (str[i+1] == LF)) ||
((str[i] == LF) && (str[i+1] == CR))))
......@@ -375,89 +370,61 @@ static const WCHAR *TEXT_NextLineW( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *str, int *count,
return (&str[i]);
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) ||
(format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[j-1], 1, &size))
return NULL;
plen +=;
/* else it's just another character */
case PREFIX:
if (!(format & DT_NOPREFIX) && *count > 1)
if (str[++i] == PREFIX)
(*count)--; /* and treat it as just another character */
else {
prefix_offset = j;
normal_char = 0; /* we are skipping the PREFIX itself */
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) ||
(format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[j-1], 1, &size))
return NULL;
plen +=;
case TAB:
if (format & DT_EXPANDTABS)
wb_i = ++i;
wb_j = j;
wb_count = *count;
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[lasttab], j - lasttab, &size))
return NULL;
if ((format & DT_WORDBREAK))
wb_i = i+1;
wb_j = j;
wb_count = *count;
numspaces = (tabwidth - / spacewidth;
for (k = 0; k < numspaces; k++)
dest[j++] = SPACE;
plen += tabwidth -;
lasttab = wb_j + numspaces;
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) ||
(format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[j-1], 1, &size))
return NULL;
plen +=;
normal_char = 0;
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || (format & DT_WORDBREAK))
plen = ((plen/tabwidth)+1)*tabwidth;
case SPACE:
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) ||
(format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if ((format & DT_WORDBREAK))
wb_i = i;
wb_j = j - 1;
wb_i = i+1;
wb_j = j;
wb_count = *count;
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[j-1], 1, &size))
return NULL;
plen +=;
if (normal_char)
dest[j++] = str[i++];
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) ||
(format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || (format & DT_WORDBREAK))
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, &dest[j-1], 1, &size))
return NULL;
plen +=;
if (!(format & DT_NOCLIP) || (format & DT_WORDBREAK))
......@@ -523,6 +490,39 @@ static void TEXT_DrawUnderscore (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const WCHAR *str, int of
DeleteObject (hpen);
/* We are only going to need this until we correct the measuring in
* TEXT_NextLineW (coming soon)
static int TEXT_TextExtent (HDC hdc, UINT flags, const WCHAR *line, int len, SIZE *size)
if ((flags & DT_EXPANDTABS))
SIZE tsize;
const WCHAR *p;
size->cx = 0;
size->cy = 0;
while (len)
p = line; while (p < line+len && *p != TAB) p++;
if (!GetTextExtentPointW (hdc, line, p-line, &tsize)) return 0;
size->cx +=;
if ( > size->cy) size->cy =;
len -= (p-line);
if (len)
assert (*line == TAB);
size->cx = ((size->cx/tabwidth)+1)*tabwidth;
return 1;
return GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, line, len, size);
* DrawTextExW (USER32.@)
......@@ -573,14 +573,10 @@ INT WINAPI DrawTextExW( HDC hdc, LPWSTR str, INT i_count,
dtp->uiLengthDrawn = 0; /* This param RECEIVES number of chars processed */
tabstop = ((flags & DT_TABSTOP) && dtp) ? dtp->iTabLength : 8;
if (flags & DT_EXPANDTABS)
GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, SPACEW, 1, &size);
spacewidth =;
GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, oW, 1, &size);
tabwidth = * tabstop;
int tabstop = ((flags & DT_TABSTOP) && dtp) ? dtp->iTabLength : 8;
tabwidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth * tabstop;
if (flags & DT_CALCRECT) flags |= DT_NOCLIP;
......@@ -591,7 +587,7 @@ INT WINAPI DrawTextExW( HDC hdc, LPWSTR str, INT i_count,
strPtr = TEXT_NextLineW(hdc, strPtr, &count, line, &len, width, flags);
if (!GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, line, len, &size)) return 0;
if (!TEXT_TextExtent(hdc, flags, line, len, &size)) return 0;
if (flags & DT_CENTER) x = (rect->left + rect->right - / 2;
else if (flags & DT_RIGHT) x = rect->right -;
......@@ -611,6 +607,22 @@ INT WINAPI DrawTextExW( HDC hdc, LPWSTR str, INT i_count,
int len_ellipsis;
int len_after_ellipsis;
if ((flags & DT_EXPANDTABS))
/* If there are tabs then we must only ellipsify the last
* segment. That will become trivial when we move the
* ellipsification into the TEXT_NextLineW (coming soon)
const WCHAR *p;
p = line + len;
while (p > line)
if (*(--p) == TAB)
FIXME ("Ellipsification of single line tabbed strings will be fixed shortly\n");
if (flags & DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS)
/* We may need to remeasure the string because it was clipped */
......@@ -637,12 +649,54 @@ INT WINAPI DrawTextExW( HDC hdc, LPWSTR str, INT i_count,
if (!(flags & DT_CALCRECT))
if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, x, y,
((flags & DT_NOCLIP) ? 0 : ETO_CLIPPED) |
rect, line, len, NULL )) return 0;
if (prefix_offset != -1)
TEXT_DrawUnderscore (hdc, x, y + tm.tmAscent + 1, line, prefix_offset);
const WCHAR *str = line;
int xseg = x;
while (len)
int len_seg;
SIZE size;
if ((flags & DT_EXPANDTABS))
const WCHAR *p;
p = str; while (p < str+len && *p != TAB) p++;
len_seg = p - str;
if (len_seg != len && !GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, str, len_seg, &size))
return 0;
len_seg = len;
if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, xseg, y,
((flags & DT_NOCLIP) ? 0 : ETO_CLIPPED) |
rect, str, len_seg, NULL )) return 0;
if (prefix_offset != -1 && prefix_offset < len_seg)
TEXT_DrawUnderscore (hdc, xseg, y + tm.tmAscent + 1, str, prefix_offset);
len -= len_seg;
str += len_seg;
if (len)
assert ((flags & DT_EXPANDTABS) && *str == TAB);
len--; str++;
xseg += ((*tabwidth;
if (prefix_offset != -1)
if (prefix_offset < len_seg)
/* We have just drawn an underscore; we ought to
* figure out where the next one is. I am going
* to leave it for now until I have a better model
* for the line, which will make reprefixing easier
prefix_offset = -1;
prefix_offset -= len_seg;
else if ( > max_width)
max_width =;
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