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Commit 455414cf authored by Eric Pouech's avatar Eric Pouech Committed by Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Allow to automatically copy part of wine.ini into generated file.

Small perl enhancement (work in strict mode).
Small updates in heuristics.
parent ef80cb1c
No related merge requests found
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ $RCS_ID = '$Id$ ';
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use strict;
use Carp;
GetOptions('windir=s', 'sysdir=s', 'thorough', 'debug:s') || &Usage;
......@@ -68,33 +69,34 @@ sub Usage {
sub ReadFSTAB {
$opt_f = $opt_f ? $opt_f : '/etc/fstab';
open(FSTAB, $opt_f) || die "Cannot read $opt_f\n";
$::opt_f = $::opt_f ? $::opt_f : '/etc/fstab';
open(FSTAB, $::opt_f) || die "Cannot read $::opt_f\n";
while(<FSTAB>) {
next if /^\s*\#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
($device, $mntpoint, $type, @rest) = split(' ', $_);
my ($device, $mntpoint, $type, @rest) = split(' ', $_);
if ($device !~ m"^/dev/fd") {
if ($type eq "msdos" || $type eq "vfat") {
push(@FatDrives, [$device, $mntpoint]);
push(@::FatDrives, [$device, $mntpoint]);
elsif ($type eq "iso9660") {
push(@CdromDrives, [$device, $mntpoint]);
elsif ($type eq "iso9660" || ($device eq '/dev/cdrom' && $type eq 'auto') ) {
push(@::CdromDrives, [$device, $mntpoint]);
if (!@FatDrives) {
if (!@::FatDrives) {
warn "ERROR ($0): Cannot find any MSDOS drives.\n";
warn "This does not mean you cannot run Wine, but $0\n";
warn "cannot help you (yet)\n";
$MagicDrive = 'C';
@FatDrives = sort byDriveOrder @FatDrives;
@CdromDrives = sort byCdOrder @CdromDrives;
foreach $FatDrive (@FatDrives) {
my $MagicDrive = 'C';
@::FatDrives = sort byDriveOrder @::FatDrives;
@::CdromDrives = sort byCdOrder @::CdromDrives;
foreach my $FatDrive (@::FatDrives) {
print "[Drive $MagicDrive]\n";
$MntPoint = $FatDrive->[1];
my $MntPoint = $FatDrive->[1];
print "Path=$MntPoint\n";
print "Type=hd\n";
print "\n";
......@@ -105,9 +107,9 @@ sub ReadFSTAB {
foreach $CdromDrive (@CdromDrives) {
foreach my $CdromDrive (@::CdromDrives) {
print "[Drive $MagicDrive]\n";
$MntPoint = $CdromDrive->[1];
my $MntPoint = $CdromDrive->[1];
print "Path=$MntPoint\n";
print "Type=cdrom\n";
print "\n";
......@@ -118,32 +120,34 @@ sub ReadFSTAB {
sub FindWindowsDir {
my($MagicDrive) = 'C';
my(@wininis) = ();
if (!$opt_windir && !$opt_fast && !$opt_thorough) {
my ($winini);
if (!$::opt_windir && !$::opt_fast && !$::opt_thorough) {
if ($opt_windir) {
$winini = &ToUnix($opt_windir);
if ($::opt_windir) {
$winini = &ToUnix($::opt_windir);
if (!-e $winini) {
die "ERROR: Specified winini file does not exist\n";
elsif ($opt_fast) {
elsif ($::opt_fast) {
die "-fast code can be implemented\n";
elsif ($opt_thorough) {
if ($opt_debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Num FATD = ", $#FATD+1, "\n"; }
elsif ($::opt_thorough) {
if ($::opt_debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Num FATD = ", $#FATD+1, "\n"; }
foreach(@FATD) {
$ThisDrive = shift(@FATD);
$MntPoint = $ThisDrive->[1];
my $ThisDrive = shift(@FATD);
my $MntPoint = $ThisDrive->[1];
push(@wininis, `find $MntPoint -name win.ini -print`);
foreach $winini (@wininis) {
chomp $winini;
my($winini_cnt) = $#wininis+1;
if ($opt_debug) {
my ($winini_cnt) = $#wininis+1;
if ($::opt_debug) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: Num wininis found: $winini_cnt\n";}
if ($winini_cnt > 1) {
warn "$winini_cnt win.ini files found:\n";
......@@ -162,14 +166,14 @@ sub FindWindowsDir {
else {
die "ERROR: None of -windir, -fast, or -thorough set\n";
$windir = &ToDos(dirname($winini));
$::windir = &ToDos(dirname($winini));
print "[wine]\n";
print "windows=$windir\n";
if ($opt_sysdir) {
print "system=$opt_sysdir\n";
print "windows=$::windir\n";
if ($::opt_sysdir) {
print "system=$::opt_sysdir\n";
else {
print "system=$windir\\SYSTEM\n";
print "system=$::windir\\SYSTEM\n";
......@@ -196,19 +200,19 @@ sub IsMounted {
sub RegisterDrive {
my($DOSdrive, $Drive) = @_;
$DOS2Unix{$DOSdrive} = $Drive;
$Device2DOS{$Drive->[0]} = $DOSdrive;
$MntPoint2DOS{$Drive->[1]} = $DOSdrive;
$DOS2MntPoint{$DOSdrive} = $Drive->[1];
$DOS2Device{$DOSdrive} = $Drive->[0];
$::DOS2Unix{$DOSdrive} = $Drive;
$::Device2DOS{$Drive->[0]} = $DOSdrive;
$::MntPoint2DOS{$Drive->[1]} = $DOSdrive;
$::DOS2MntPoint{$DOSdrive} = $Drive->[1];
$::DOS2Device{$DOSdrive} = $Drive->[0];
sub ReadAutoexecBat {
if (!%DOS2Unix) { &ReadFSTAB; }
my($DriveC) = $DOS2MntPoint{"C"};
if (!%::DOS2Unix) { &ReadFSTAB; }
my($DriveC) = $::DOS2MntPoint{"C"};
$DriveC =~ s%/$%%;
if ($opt_debug) {
if ($::opt_debug) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: Looking for $DriveC/autoexec.bat\n"; }
if (-e "$DriveC/autoexec.bat") {
# Tested 1.4
......@@ -222,16 +226,17 @@ sub ReadAutoexecBat {
$varname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
while ($varvalue =~ /%(\w+)%/) {
$matchname = $subname = $1;
my $matchname = $1;
my $subname = $1;
$subname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
if ($::opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: Found $matchname as $subname\n";
print STDERR "DEBUG: Old varvalue:\n$varvalue\n";
print STDERR "DEBUG: Old subname value:\n" .
$DOSenv{$subname} . "\n";
$::DOSenv{$subname} . "\n";
if ($DOSenv{$subname}) {
$varvalue =~ s/\%$matchname\%/$DOSenv{$subname}/;
if ($::DOSenv{$subname}) {
$varvalue =~ s/\%$matchname\%/$::DOSenv{$subname}/;
else {
warn "DOS environment variable $subname not\n";
......@@ -239,14 +244,14 @@ sub ReadAutoexecBat {
warn "is not implemented.) Using null value\n";
$varvalue =~ s/%$matchname%//;
if ($opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
if ($::opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: New varvalue:\n$varvalue\n";
if ($opt_debug) {
if ($::opt_debug) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: $varname = $varvalue\n";
$DOSenv{$varname} = $varvalue;
$::DOSenv{$varname} = $varvalue;
......@@ -256,21 +261,21 @@ sub ReadAutoexecBat {
warn "WARNING: C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT was not found.\n";
if ($DOSenv{"path"}) {
@pathdirs = split(/\s*;\s*/, $DOSenv{"path"});
if ($opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
if ($::DOSenv{"path"}) {
my @pathdirs = split(/\s*;\s*/, $::DOSenv{"path"});
if ($::opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG (path): @pathdirs\n";
foreach $pathdir (@pathdirs) {
foreach my $pathdir (@pathdirs) {
if (-d &ToUnix($pathdir)) {
if ($DOSpathdir{$pathdir}++) {
if ($::DOSpathdir{$pathdir}++) {
warn "Ignoring duplicate DOS path entry $pathdir\n";
else {
if ($opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
if ($::opt_debug =~ /path/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG (path): Found $pathdir\n";
push(@DOSpathlist, $pathdir);
push(@::DOSpathlist, $pathdir);
else {
......@@ -278,46 +283,49 @@ sub ReadAutoexecBat {
warn "exist\n";
print "path=" . join(";", @DOSpathlist) . "\n";
print "path=" . join(";", @::DOSpathlist) . "\n";
else {
# Code status: tested 1.4
warn "WARNING: Making assumptions for PATH\n";
warn "Will scan windows directory for executables and generate\n";
warn "path from that\n";
$shellcmd = 'find ' . &ToUnix($windir) . " -iregex '" .
my $shellcmd = 'find ' . &ToUnix($::windir) . " -iregex '" .
'.*\.\(exe\|bat\|com\|dll\)' . "' -print";
if ($opt_debug) {
if ($::opt_debug) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: autoexec.bat search command:\n $shellcmd\n";
push(@DOScommand, `$shellcmd`);
if ($opt_debug =~ /autoexec/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: autoexec.bat search results:\n@DOScommand\n";
push(@::DOScommand, `$shellcmd`);
if ($::opt_debug && $::opt_debug =~ /autoexec/i) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: autoexec.bat search results:\n\@DOS::command\n";
foreach $command (@DOScommand) {
foreach my $command (@::DOScommand) {
$command =~ s%[^/]+$%%;
print "path=" .
sort {$DOSexecdir{$b} <=> $DOSexecdir{$a}}
(keys %DOSexecdir))) . "\n";
sort {$::DOSexecdir{$b} <=> $::DOSexecdir{$a}}
(keys %::DOSexecdir))) . "\n";
if ($DOSenv{"temp"} && -d &ToUnix($DOSenv{"temp"})) {
print "temp=" . $DOSenv{"temp"} . "\n";
if ($::DOSenv{"temp"} && -d &ToUnix($::DOSenv{"temp"})) {
print "temp=" . $::DOSenv{"temp"} . "\n";
else {
my $TheTemp;
warn "WARNING: Making assumptions for TEMP\n";
warn "Looking for \\TEMP and then \\TMP on every drive\n";
# Watch out .. might pick CDROM drive :-)
foreach $DOSdrive (keys %DOS2Unix) {
$tmp = &ToUnix("$DOSdrive:\\temp");
foreach my $DOSdrive (keys %::DOS2Unix) {
my $tmp = &ToUnix("$DOSdrive:\\temp");
if (-d $tmp) { $TheTemp = "$DOSdrive:\\temp"; last; }
$tmp = &ToUnix("$DOSdrive:\\tmp");
if (-d $tmp) { $TheTemp = "$DOSdrive:\\tmp"; last; }
$TheTemp = '/tmp' if (!$TheTemp && -d '/tmp');
if ($TheTemp) {
warn "Using $TheTemp\n";
print "temp=$TheTemp\n";
......@@ -338,14 +346,14 @@ sub ToUnix {
# Initialize tables if necessary.
if (!%DOS2Unix) { &ReadFSTAB; }
if (!%::DOS2Unix) { &ReadFSTAB; }
# Determine which type of conversion is necessary
if ($FNdos =~ /^([A-Z])\:(.*)$/) { # DOS drive specified
$FNunix = $DOS2MntPoint{$1} . "/$2";
$FNunix = $::DOS2MntPoint{$1} . "/$2";
elsif ($FNdos =~ m%\\%) { # DOS drive not specified, C: is default
$FNunix = $DOS2MntPoint{"C"} . "/$FNdos";
$FNunix = $::DOS2MntPoint{"C"} . "/$FNdos";
else { # Unix filename
$FNunix = $FNdos;
......@@ -360,8 +368,10 @@ sub ToUnix {
# Converts Unix filenames to DOS filenames
sub ToDos {
my($FNunix) = @_;
my(@MntList) = keys %MntPoint2DOS;
foreach $MntPt (@MntList) { # Scan mount point list to see if path matches
my(@MntList) = keys %::MntPoint2DOS;
my ($TheMntPt, $FNdos);
foreach my $MntPt (@MntList) { # Scan mount point list to see if path matches
if ($FNunix =~ /^$MntPt/) {
$TheMntPt = $MntPt;
......@@ -373,22 +383,29 @@ sub ToDos {
$FNdos = $FNunix;
$FNdos =~ s/^$TheMntPt//;
$FNdos = $MntPoint2DOS{$TheMntPt} . ":" . $FNdos;
$FNdos = $::MntPoint2DOS{$TheMntPt} . ":" . $FNdos;
1 while($FNdos =~ s%/%\\%);
return $FNdos;
sub InsertDefaultFile {
my ($fileName, $tag) = @_;
my $state = 0;
if (open(DEFFILE, "$fileName")) {
while (<DEFFILE>) {
$state = 0 if ($state == 1 && $_ =~ /^[ \t]*\#/o && index($_, "</$tag>") >= 0);
print $_ if ($state == 1);
$state = 1 if ($state == 0 && $_ =~ /^[ \t]*\#/o && index($_, "<$tag>" ) >= 0);
} else {
print STDERR "Cannot read $fileName\n";
sub StandardStuff {
print "[serial]\n";
print "com1=/dev/cua0\n";
print "com2=/dev/cua1\n";
print "\n";
print "[spy]\n";
print ";File=CON\n";
print ";File=spy.log\n";
print "Include=WM_COMMAND;\n";
&InsertDefaultFile("./wine.ini", "wineconf");
sub byFileAge {
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