* DPMI 0.9 emulation
* Copyright 1995 Alexandre Julliard
#include "wine/winbase16.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "thread.h" /* for !MZ_SUPPORTED */
#include "stackframe.h" /* for !MZ_SUPPORTED */
#include "debugtools.h"
#define DOS_GET_DRIVE(reg) ((reg) ? (reg) - 1 : DRIVE_GetCurrentDrive())
void CreateBPB(int drive, BYTE *data, BOOL16 limited); /* defined in int21.c */
/* Structure for real-mode callbacks */
typedef struct
DWORD edi;
DWORD esi;
DWORD ebp;
DWORD reserved;
DWORD ebx;
DWORD edx;
DWORD ecx;
DWORD eax;
WORD es;
WORD ds;
WORD fs;
WORD gs;
WORD ip;
WORD cs;
WORD sp;
WORD ss;
DWORD proc_ofs,proc_sel;
DWORD regs_ofs,regs_sel;
struct tagRMCB *next;
static RMCB *FirstRMCB = NULL;
UINT16 DPMI_wrap_seg;
* DPMI_xalloc
* special virtualalloc, allocates lineary monoton growing memory.
* (the usual VirtualAlloc does not satisfy that restriction)
static LPVOID
DPMI_xalloc(int len) {
LPVOID oldlastv = lastvalloced;
if (lastvalloced) {
int xflag = 0;
ret = NULL;
while (!ret) {
if (!ret)
lastvalloced = (char *) lastvalloced + 0x10000;
/* we failed to allocate one in the first round.
* try non-linear
if (!xflag && (lastvalloced<oldlastv)) { /* wrapped */
FIXME("failed to allocate lineary growing memory (%d bytes), using non-linear growing...\n",len);
/* if we even fail to allocate something in the next
* round, return NULL
if ((xflag==1) && (lastvalloced >= oldlastv))
if ((xflag==2) && (lastvalloced < oldlastv)) {
FIXME("failed to allocate any memory of %d bytes!\n",len);
return NULL;
} else
lastvalloced = (LPVOID)(((DWORD)ret+len+0xffff)&~0xffff);
return ret;
static void
DPMI_xfree(LPVOID ptr) {
/* FIXME: perhaps we could grow this mapped area... */
static LPVOID
DPMI_xrealloc(LPVOID ptr,int newsize) {
LPVOID newptr;
newptr = DPMI_xalloc(newsize);
if (ptr) {
if (!VirtualQuery(ptr,&mbi,sizeof(mbi))) {
FIXME("realloc of DPMI_xallocd region %p?\n",ptr);
FIXME("realloc of DPMI_xallocd region %p?\n",ptr);
return NULL;
/* We do not shrink allocated memory. most reallocs
* only do grows anyway
if (newsize<=mbi.RegionSize)
return ptr;
* INT_GetRealModeContext
static void INT_GetRealModeContext( REALMODECALL *call, CONTEXT86 *context )
EAX_reg(context) = call->eax;
EBX_reg(context) = call->ebx;
ECX_reg(context) = call->ecx;
EDX_reg(context) = call->edx;
ESI_reg(context) = call->esi;
EDI_reg(context) = call->edi;
EBP_reg(context) = call->ebp;
EIP_reg(context) = call->ip;
ESP_reg(context) = call->sp;
CS_reg(context) = call->cs;
DS_reg(context) = call->ds;
ES_reg(context) = call->es;
FS_reg(context) = call->fs;
GS_reg(context) = call->gs;
SS_reg(context) = call->ss;
V86BASE(context) = (DWORD) DOSMEM_MemoryBase(0);
* INT_SetRealModeContext
static void INT_SetRealModeContext( REALMODECALL *call, CONTEXT86 *context )
call->eax = EAX_reg(context);
call->ebx = EBX_reg(context);
call->ecx = ECX_reg(context);
call->edx = EDX_reg(context);
call->esi = ESI_reg(context);
call->edi = EDI_reg(context);
call->ebp = EBP_reg(context);
call->fl = LOWORD(EFL_reg(context));
call->ip = LOWORD(EIP_reg(context));
call->sp = LOWORD(ESP_reg(context));
call->cs = CS_reg(context);
call->ds = DS_reg(context);
call->es = ES_reg(context);
call->fs = FS_reg(context);
call->gs = GS_reg(context);
call->ss = SS_reg(context);
* This routine does the hard work of calling a callback procedure.
static void DPMI_CallRMCBProc( CONTEXT86 *context, RMCB *rmcb, WORD flag )
if (IS_SELECTOR_SYSTEM( rmcb->proc_sel )) {
/* Wine-internal RMCB, call directly */
} else {
#ifdef __i386__
UINT16 ss,es;
DWORD edi;
INT_SetRealModeContext((REALMODECALL *)PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN( rmcb->regs_sel, rmcb->regs_ofs ), context);
ss = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( DOSMEM_MemoryBase(0) + (DWORD)(SS_reg(context)<<4), 0x10000, SEGMENT_DATA, FALSE, FALSE );
/* The called proc ends with an IRET, and takes these parameters:
* DS:ESI = pointer to real-mode SS:SP
* ES:EDI = pointer to real-mode call structure
* It returns:
* ES:EDI = pointer to real-mode call structure (may be a copy)
* It is the proc's responsibility to change the return CS:IP in the
* real-mode call structure. */
if (flag & 1) {
int _clobber;
/* 32-bit DPMI client */
__asm__ __volatile__(
"pushl %%es\n"
"pushl %%ds\n"
"movl %5,%%es\n"
"movl %4,%%ds\n"
"lcall %3\n"
"popl %%ds\n"
"movl %%es,%0\n"
"popl %%es\n"
: "=g" (es), "=D" (edi), "=S" (_clobber)
: "m" (rmcb->proc_ofs),
"g" (ss), "g" (rmcb->regs_sel),
"S" (ESP_reg(context)), "1" (rmcb->regs_ofs)
: "ecx", "edx", "ebp" );
} else {
/* 16-bit DPMI client */
CONTEXT86 ctx = *context;
CS_reg(&ctx) = rmcb->proc_sel;
EIP_reg(&ctx) = rmcb->proc_ofs;
DS_reg(&ctx) = ss;
ESI_reg(&ctx) = ESP_reg(context);
ES_reg(&ctx) = rmcb->regs_sel;
EDI_reg(&ctx) = rmcb->regs_ofs;
Callbacks->CallRegisterShortProc(&ctx, 2);
es = ES_reg(&ctx);
edi = EDI_reg(&ctx);
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(ss, 1);
INT_GetRealModeContext((REALMODECALL*)PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN( es, edi ), context);
ERR("RMCBs only implemented for i386\n");
* DPMI_CallRMProc
* This routine does the hard work of calling a real mode procedure.
int DPMI_CallRMProc( CONTEXT86 *context, LPWORD stack, int args, int iret )
WORD sel;
SEGPTR seg_addr;
#endif /* !MZ_SUPPORTED */
LPVOID addr = NULL; /* avoid gcc warning */
TDB *pTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() );
NE_MODULE *pModule = pTask ? NE_GetPtr( pTask->hModule ) : NULL;
int alloc = 0, already = 0;
BYTE *code;
GlobalUnlock16( GetCurrentTask() );
TRACE("EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx\n",
EAX_reg(context), EBX_reg(context), ECX_reg(context), EDX_reg(context) );
TRACE("ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx ES=%04lx DS=%04lx CS:IP=%04lx:%04x, %d WORD arguments, %s\n",
ESI_reg(context), EDI_reg(context), ES_reg(context), DS_reg(context),
CS_reg(context), LOWORD(EIP_reg(context)), args, iret?"IRET":"FAR" );
/* there might be some code that just jumps to RMCBs or the like,
in which case following the jumps here might get us to a shortcut */
code = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, CS_reg(context), EIP_reg(context));
switch (*code) {
case 0xe9: /* JMP NEAR */
EIP_reg(context) += 3 + *(WORD *)(code+1);
/* yeah, I know these gotos don't look good... */
goto callrmproc_again;
case 0xea: /* JMP FAR */
EIP_reg(context) = *(WORD *)(code+1);
CS_reg(context) = *(WORD *)(code+3);
/* ...but since the label is there anyway... */
goto callrmproc_again;
case 0xeb: /* JMP SHORT */
EIP_reg(context) += 2 + *(signed char *)(code+1);
/* ...because of other gotos below, so... */
goto callrmproc_again;
/* shortcut for chaining to internal interrupt handlers */
if ((CS_reg(context) == 0xF000) && iret) {
return INT_RealModeInterrupt( LOWORD(EIP_reg(context))/4, context);
/* shortcut for RMCBs */
CurrRMCB = FirstRMCB;
while (CurrRMCB && (HIWORD(CurrRMCB->address) != CS_reg(context)))
CurrRMCB = CurrRMCB->next;
if (!(CurrRMCB || pModule->lpDosTask)) {
FIXME("DPMI real-mode call using DOS VM task system, not fully tested!\n");
TRACE("creating VM86 task\n");
if (!MZ_InitTask( MZ_AllocDPMITask( pModule->self ) )) {
ERR("could not setup VM86 task\n");
if (!already) {
if (!SS_reg(context)) {
alloc = 1; /* allocate default stack */
stack16 = addr = DOSMEM_GetBlock( pModule->self, 64, (UINT16 *)&(SS_reg(context)) );
ESP_reg(context) = 64-2;
stack16 += 32-1;
if (!addr) {
ERR("could not allocate default stack\n");
return 1;
} else {
stack16 = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, SS_reg(context), ESP_reg(context));
ESP_reg(context) -= (args + (iret?1:0)) * sizeof(WORD);
stack16 -= args;
if (args) memcpy(stack16, stack, args*sizeof(WORD) );
/* push flags if iret */
if (iret) {
stack16--; args++;
*stack16 = LOWORD(EFL_reg(context));
/* push return address (return to interrupt wrapper) */
*(--stack16) = DPMI_wrap_seg;
*(--stack16) = 0;
/* adjust stack */
ESP_reg(context) -= 2*sizeof(WORD);
already = 1;
if (CurrRMCB) {
/* RMCB call, invoke protected-mode handler directly */
DPMI_CallRMCBProc(context, CurrRMCB, pModule->lpDosTask?pModule->lpDosTask->dpmi_flag:0);
/* check if we returned to where we thought we would */
if ((CS_reg(context) != DPMI_wrap_seg) ||
(LOWORD(EIP_reg(context)) != 0)) {
/* we need to continue at different address in real-mode space,
so we need to set it all up for real mode again */
goto callrmproc_again;
} else {
#if 0 /* this was probably unnecessary */
/* push call address */
*(--stack16) = CS_reg(context);
*(--stack16) = LOWORD(EIP_reg(context));
/* adjust stack */
ESP_reg(context) -= 2*sizeof(WORD);
/* set initial CS:IP to the wrapper's "lret" */
CS_reg(context) = DPMI_wrap_seg;
EIP_reg(context) = 2;
TRACE("entering real mode...\n");
DOSVM_Enter( context );
TRACE("returned from real-mode call\n");
addr = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, CS_reg(context), EIP_reg(context));
sel = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( addr, 0x10000, SEGMENT_CODE, FALSE, FALSE );
seg_addr = PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_SEGPTR( sel, 0 );
CS_reg(context) = HIWORD(seg_addr);
EIP_reg(context) = LOWORD(seg_addr);
EBP_reg(context) = OFFSETOF( NtCurrentTeb()->cur_stack )
+ (WORD)&((STACK16FRAME*)0)->bp;
Callbacks->CallRegisterShortProc(context, args*sizeof(WORD));
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(sel, 1);
if (alloc) DOSMEM_FreeBlock( pModule->self, addr );
static void CallRMInt( CONTEXT86 *context )
CONTEXT86 realmode_ctx;
FARPROC16 rm_int = INT_GetRMHandler( BL_reg(context) );
DI_reg(context) );
INT_GetRealModeContext( call, &realmode_ctx );
/* we need to check if a real-mode program has hooked the interrupt */
if (HIWORD(rm_int)!=0xF000) {
/* yup, which means we need to switch to real mode... */
CS_reg(&realmode_ctx) = HIWORD(rm_int);
EIP_reg(&realmode_ctx) = LOWORD(rm_int);
if (DPMI_CallRMProc( &realmode_ctx, NULL, 0, TRUE))
/* use the IP we have instead of BL_reg, in case some apps
decide to move interrupts around for whatever reason... */
if (INT_RealModeInterrupt( LOWORD(rm_int)/4, &realmode_ctx ))
if (EFL_reg(context)&1) {
FIXME("%02x: EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx\n",
BL_reg(context), EAX_reg(&realmode_ctx), EBX_reg(&realmode_ctx),
ECX_reg(&realmode_ctx), EDX_reg(&realmode_ctx));
FIXME(" ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx DS=%04lx ES=%04lx\n",
ESI_reg(&realmode_ctx), EDI_reg(&realmode_ctx),
DS_reg(&realmode_ctx), ES_reg(&realmode_ctx) );
INT_SetRealModeContext( call, &realmode_ctx );
static void CallRMProc( CONTEXT86 *context, int iret )
REALMODECALL *p = (REALMODECALL *)PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN( ES_reg(context), DI_reg(context) );
CONTEXT86 context16;
TRACE("RealModeCall: EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx\n",
TRACE(" ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx ES=%04x DS=%04x CS:IP=%04x:%04x, %d WORD arguments, %s\n",
p->esi, p->edi, p->es, p->ds, p->cs, p->ip, CX_reg(context), iret?"IRET":"FAR" );
if (!(p->cs) && !(p->ip)) { /* remove this check
if Int21/6501 case map function
has been implemented */
INT_GetRealModeContext(p, &context16);
DPMI_CallRMProc( &context16, ((LPWORD)PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(SS_reg(context), LOWORD(ESP_reg(context))))+3,
CX_reg(context), iret );
INT_SetRealModeContext(p, &context16);
static void WINAPI WINE_UNUSED RMCallbackProc( RMCB *rmcb )
/* This routine should call DPMI_CallRMCBProc, but we don't have the
register structure available - this is easily fixed by going through
a Win16 register relay instead of calling RMCallbackProc "directly",
but I won't bother at this time. */
FIXME("not properly supported on your architecture!\n");
static RMCB *DPMI_AllocRMCB( void )
RMCB *NewRMCB = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(RMCB));
UINT16 uParagraph;
if (NewRMCB)
LPVOID RMCBmem = DOSMEM_GetBlock(0, 4, &uParagraph);
*p++ = 0xcd; /* RMCB: */
*p++ = 0x31; /* int $0x31 */
/* it is the called procedure's task to change the return CS:EIP
the DPMI 0.9 spec states that if it doesn't, it will be called again */
*p++ = 0xeb;
*p++ = 0xfc; /* jmp RMCB */
LPVOID RMCBmem = DOSMEM_GetBlock(0, 15, &uParagraph);
*p++ = 0x68; /* pushl */
*(LPVOID *)p = NewRMCB;
*(FARPROC16 *)p = (FARPROC16)RMCallbackProc; /* FIXME: register relay */
*p++=0xc3; /* lret (FIXME?) */
NewRMCB->address = MAKELONG(0, uParagraph);
NewRMCB->next = FirstRMCB;
FirstRMCB = NewRMCB;
return NewRMCB;
static void AllocRMCB( CONTEXT86 *context )
TRACE("Function to call: %04x:%04x\n", (WORD)DS_reg(context), SI_reg(context) );
if (NewRMCB)
/* FIXME: if 32-bit DPMI client, use ESI and EDI */
NewRMCB->proc_ofs = SI_reg(context);
NewRMCB->proc_sel = DS_reg(context);
NewRMCB->regs_ofs = DI_reg(context);
NewRMCB->regs_sel = ES_reg(context);
SET_LOWORD( ECX_reg(context), HIWORD(NewRMCB->address) );
SET_LOWORD( EDX_reg(context), LOWORD(NewRMCB->address) );
SET_LOWORD( EAX_reg(context), 0x8015 ); /* callback unavailable */
if (NewRMCB) {
NewRMCB->proc_ofs = (DWORD)proc;
NewRMCB->proc_sel = 0;
NewRMCB->regs_ofs = 0;
NewRMCB->regs_sel = 0;
return (FARPROC16)(NewRMCB->address);
return NULL;
static int DPMI_FreeRMCB( DWORD address )
while (CurrRMCB && (CurrRMCB->address != address))
PrevRMCB = CurrRMCB;
CurrRMCB = CurrRMCB->next;
if (CurrRMCB)
if (PrevRMCB)
PrevRMCB->next = CurrRMCB->next;
FirstRMCB = CurrRMCB->next;
DOSMEM_FreeBlock(0, DOSMEM_MapRealToLinear(CurrRMCB->address));
return 1;
static void FreeRMCB( CONTEXT86 *context )
FIXME("callback address: %04x:%04x\n",
CX_reg(context), DX_reg(context));
if (DPMI_FreeRMCB(MAKELONG(DX_reg(context), CX_reg(context)))) {
SET_LOWORD( EAX_reg(context), 0x8024 ); /* invalid callback address */
void WINAPI DPMI_FreeInternalRMCB( FARPROC16 proc )
DPMI_FreeRMCB( (DWORD)proc );
/* (see loader/dos/module.c, function MZ_InitDPMI) */
static void StartPM( CONTEXT86 *context, LPDOSTASK lpDosTask )
char *base = DOSMEM_MemoryBase(0);
UINT16 cs, ss, ds, es;
CONTEXT86 pm_ctx;
DWORD psp_ofs = (DWORD)(lpDosTask->psp_seg<<4);
PDB16 *psp = (PDB16 *)(base + psp_ofs);
HANDLE16 env_seg = psp->environment;
int is32;
lpDosTask->dpmi_flag = AX_reg(context);
is32 = lpDosTask->dpmi_flag & 1;
/* our mode switch wrapper have placed the desired CS into DX */
cs = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( base + (DWORD)(DX_reg(context)<<4), 0x10000, SEGMENT_CODE, FALSE, FALSE );
/* due to a flaw in some CPUs (at least mine), it is best to mark stack segments as 32-bit if they
can be used in 32-bit code. Otherwise, these CPUs may not set the high word of esp during a
ring transition (from kernel code) to the 16-bit stack, and this causes trouble if executing
32-bit code using this stack. */
ss = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( base + (DWORD)(SS_reg(context)<<4), 0x10000, SEGMENT_DATA, is32, FALSE );
/* do the same for the data segments, just in case */
if (DS_reg(context) == SS_reg(context)) ds = ss;
else ds = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( base + (DWORD)(DS_reg(context)<<4), 0x10000, SEGMENT_DATA, is32, FALSE );
es = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( base + psp_ofs, 0x100, SEGMENT_DATA, is32, FALSE );
/* convert environment pointer, as the spec says, but we're a bit lazy about the size here... */
psp->environment = SELECTOR_AllocBlock( base + (DWORD)(env_seg<<4),
pm_ctx = *context;
CS_reg(&pm_ctx) = lpDosTask->dpmi_sel;
/* our mode switch wrapper expects the new CS in DX, and the new SS in AX */
EAX_reg(&pm_ctx) = ss;
EDX_reg(&pm_ctx) = cs;
DS_reg(&pm_ctx) = ds;
ES_reg(&pm_ctx) = es;
FS_reg(&pm_ctx) = 0;
GS_reg(&pm_ctx) = 0;
TRACE("DOS program is now entering protected mode\n");
Callbacks->CallRegisterShortProc(&pm_ctx, 0);
/* in the current state of affairs, we won't ever actually return here... */
/* we should have int21/ah=4c do it someday, though... */
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(psp->environment, 1);
psp->environment = env_seg;
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(es, 1);
if (ds != ss) SELECTOR_FreeBlock(ds, 1);
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(ss, 1);
SELECTOR_FreeBlock(cs, 1);
/* DPMI Raw Mode Switch handler */
void WINAPI DPMI_RawModeSwitch( SIGCONTEXT *context )
LPDOSTASK lpDosTask = MZ_Current();
CONTEXT86 rm_ctx;
int ret;
if (!lpDosTask) {
/* we could probably start a DPMI-only dosmod task here, but I doubt
anything other than real DOS apps want to call raw mode switch */
ERR("attempting raw mode switch without DOS task!\n");
/* initialize real-mode context as per spec */
memset(&rm_ctx, 0, sizeof(rm_ctx));
DS_reg(&rm_ctx) = AX_sig(context);
ES_reg(&rm_ctx) = CX_sig(context);
SS_reg(&rm_ctx) = DX_sig(context);
ESP_reg(&rm_ctx) = EBX_sig(context);
CS_reg(&rm_ctx) = SI_sig(context);
EIP_reg(&rm_ctx) = EDI_sig(context);
EBP_reg(&rm_ctx) = EBP_sig(context);
FS_reg(&rm_ctx) = 0;
GS_reg(&rm_ctx) = 0;
EFL_reg(&rm_ctx) = EFL_sig(context); /* at least we need the IF flag */
/* enter real mode again */
TRACE("re-entering real mode at %04lx:%04lx\n",
ret = DOSVM_Enter( &rm_ctx );
/* when the real-mode stuff call its mode switch address,
DOSVM_Enter will return and we will continue here */
if (ret<0) {
/* if the sync was lost, there's no way to recover */
/* alter protected-mode context as per spec */
DS_sig(context) = AX_reg(&rm_ctx);
ES_sig(context) = CX_reg(&rm_ctx);
SS_sig(context) = DX_reg(&rm_ctx);
ESP_sig(context) = EBX_reg(&rm_ctx);
CS_sig(context) = SI_reg(&rm_ctx);
EIP_sig(context) = EDI_reg(&rm_ctx);
EBP_sig(context) = EBP_reg(&rm_ctx);
FS_sig(context) = 0;
GS_sig(context) = 0;
/* Return to new address and hope that we didn't mess up */
TRACE("re-entering protected mode at %04x:%08lx\n",
CS_sig(context), EIP_sig(context));
void WINAPI DPMI_RawModeSwitch( SIGCONTEXT *context )
ERR("don't even think about DPMI raw mode switch without DOS support!\n");
#define DOS_APP_ISDOS(addr,base) ((addr) < 0x110000)
#define DOS_WINE_ISDOS(addr,base) (((addr) >= (base)) && ((addr) < (base) + 0x110000))
#define DOS_UC_APPTOWINE(addr,base) ((addr) + (base))
#define DOS_UC_WINETOAPP(addr,base) ((addr) - (base))
#define DOS_APPTOWINE(addr,base) (DOS_APP_ISDOS(addr,base) ? DOS_UC_APPTOWINE(addr,base) : (addr))
#define DOS_WINETOAPP(addr,base) (DOS_WINE_ISDOS(addr,base) ? DOS_UC_WINETOAPP(addr,base) : (addr))
#define DOS_BADLIMIT(addr,base,limit) \
((limit == 0xffffffff) || /* disallow "fat DS" for now */ \
(DOS_WINE_ISDOS(addr,base) && \
((addr) + (limit) > (base) + 0x110000)))
void WINAPI INT_Int31Handler( CONTEXT86 *context )
* Note: For Win32s processes, the whole linear address space is
* shifted by 0x10000 relative to the OS linear address space.
* See the comment in msdos/vxd.c.
DWORD offset = W32S_APPLICATION() ? W32S_OFFSET : 0;
LPDOSTASK lpDosTask = MZ_Current();
if (ISV86(context) && lpDosTask) {
/* Called from real mode, check if it's our wrapper */
TRACE("called from real mode\n");
if (CS_reg(context)==lpDosTask->dpmi_seg) {
if (CS_reg(context)==lpDosTask->xms_seg) {
/* This is the XMS driver entry point */
} else
/* Check for RMCB */
while (CurrRMCB && (HIWORD(CurrRMCB->address) != CS_reg(context)))
CurrRMCB = CurrRMCB->next;
if (CurrRMCB) {
/* RMCB call, propagate to protected-mode handler */
DPMI_CallRMCBProc(context, CurrRMCB, lpDosTask->dpmi_flag);
TRACE("allocate LDT descriptors (%d)\n",CX_reg(context));
if (!(EAX_reg(context) = AllocSelectorArray16( CX_reg(context) )))
EAX_reg(context) = 0x8011; /* descriptor unavailable */
TRACE("success, array starts at 0x%04x\n",AX_reg(context));
case 0x0001: /* Free LDT descriptor */
TRACE("free LDT descriptor (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
if (FreeSelector16( BX_reg(context) ))
EAX_reg(context) = 0x8022; /* invalid selector */
/* If a segment register contains the selector being freed, */
/* set it to zero. */
if (!((DS_reg(context)^BX_reg(context)) & ~3)) DS_reg(context) = 0;
if (!((ES_reg(context)^BX_reg(context)) & ~3)) ES_reg(context) = 0;
if (!((FS_reg(context)^BX_reg(context)) & ~3)) FS_reg(context) = 0;
if (!((GS_reg(context)^BX_reg(context)) & ~3)) GS_reg(context) = 0;
TRACE("real mode segment to descriptor (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
WORD entryPoint = 0; /* KERNEL entry point for descriptor */
case 0x0000: entryPoint = 183; break; /* __0000H */
case 0x0040: entryPoint = 193; break; /* __0040H */
case 0xa000: entryPoint = 174; break; /* __A000H */
case 0xb000: entryPoint = 181; break; /* __B000H */
case 0xb800: entryPoint = 182; break; /* __B800H */
case 0xc000: entryPoint = 195; break; /* __C000H */
case 0xd000: entryPoint = 179; break; /* __D000H */
case 0xe000: entryPoint = 190; break; /* __E000H */
case 0xf000: entryPoint = 194; break; /* __F000H */
EAX_reg(context) = DOSMEM_AllocSelector(BX_reg(context));
EAX_reg(context) = LOWORD(NE_GetEntryPoint( GetModuleHandle16( "KERNEL" ),
entryPoint ));
TRACE("get selector increment (__AHINCR)\n");
EAX_reg(context) = __AHINCR;
case 0x0004: /* Lock selector (not supported) */
FIXME("lock selector not supported\n");
EAX_reg(context) = 0; /* FIXME: is this a correct return value? */
case 0x0005: /* Unlock selector (not supported) */
FIXME("unlock selector not supported\n");
EAX_reg(context) = 0; /* FIXME: is this a correct return value? */
case 0x0006: /* Get selector base address */
TRACE("get selector base address (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
EAX_reg(context) = 0x8022; /* invalid selector */
if (lpDosTask) {
DWORD base = (DWORD)DOSMEM_MemoryBase(lpDosTask->hModule);
dw = DOS_WINETOAPP(dw, base);
CX_reg(context) = HIWORD(W32S_WINE2APP(dw, offset));
DX_reg(context) = LOWORD(W32S_WINE2APP(dw, offset));
case 0x0007: /* Set selector base address */
TRACE("set selector base address (0x%04x,0x%08lx)\n",
W32S_APP2WINE(MAKELONG(DX_reg(context),CX_reg(context)), offset));
dw = W32S_APP2WINE(MAKELONG(DX_reg(context), CX_reg(context)), offset);
if (lpDosTask) {
DWORD base = (DWORD)DOSMEM_MemoryBase(lpDosTask->hModule);
dw = DOS_APPTOWINE(dw, base);
SetSelectorBase(BX_reg(context), dw);
case 0x0008: /* Set selector limit */
TRACE("set selector limit (0x%04x,0x%08lx)\n",BX_reg(context),MAKELONG(DX_reg(context),CX_reg(context)));
dw = MAKELONG( DX_reg(context), CX_reg(context) );
if (lpDosTask) {
DWORD base = (DWORD)DOSMEM_MemoryBase(lpDosTask->hModule);
DWORD sbase = GetSelectorBase( BX_reg(context) );
if (!sbase) {
/* the app has set the limit without setting the base,
* it must be relying on that the default should be DOS space;
* so set the base address now */
SetSelectorBase( BX_reg(context), sbase = base );
if (dw == 0xffffffff) {
/* djgpp does this without checking (in _dos_ds setup, crt1.c),
* so we have to override the limit here */
dw = 0x110000;
if (DOS_BADLIMIT(sbase, base, dw)) {
AX_reg(context) = 0x8021; /* invalid value */
SetSelectorLimit16( BX_reg(context), dw );
case 0x0009: /* Set selector access rights */
TRACE("set selector access rights(0x%04x,0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context),CX_reg(context));
SelectorAccessRights16( BX_reg(context), 1, CX_reg(context) );
TRACE("allocate selector alias (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
if (!(AX_reg(context) = AllocCStoDSAlias16( BX_reg(context) )))
AX_reg(context) = 0x8011; /* descriptor unavailable */
case 0x000b: /* Get descriptor */
TRACE("get descriptor (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
LDT_GetEntry( SELECTOR_TO_ENTRY( BX_reg(context) ), &entry );
if (lpDosTask) {
DWORD base = (DWORD)DOSMEM_MemoryBase(lpDosTask->hModule);
entry.base = DOS_WINETOAPP(entry.base, base);
entry.base = W32S_WINE2APP(entry.base, offset);
LDT_EntryToBytes( PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN( ES_reg(context),
DI_reg(context) ), &entry );
case 0x000c: /* Set descriptor */
TRACE("set descriptor (0x%04x)\n",BX_reg(context));
LDT_BytesToEntry( PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN( ES_reg(context),
DI_reg(context) ), &entry );
entry.base = W32S_APP2WINE(entry.base, offset);
if (lpDosTask) {
DWORD base = (DWORD)DOSMEM_MemoryBase(lpDosTask->hModule);
entry.base = DOS_APPTOWINE(entry.base, base);
if (DOS_BADLIMIT(entry.base, base, entry.limit)) {
AX_reg(context) = 0x8021; /* invalid value */
LDT_SetEntry( SELECTOR_TO_ENTRY( BX_reg(context) ), &entry );
case 0x000d: /* Allocate specific LDT descriptor */
FIXME("allocate descriptor (0x%04x), stub!\n",BX_reg(context));
AX_reg(context) = 0x8011; /* descriptor unavailable */
case 0x0100: /* Allocate DOS memory block */
TRACE("allocate DOS memory block (0x%x paragraphs)\n",BX_reg(context));
dw = GlobalDOSAlloc16((DWORD)BX_reg(context)<<4);
if (dw) {
AX_reg(context) = HIWORD(dw);
DX_reg(context) = LOWORD(dw);
} else {
AX_reg(context) = 0x0008; /* insufficient memory */
BX_reg(context) = DOSMEM_Available(0)>>4;
case 0x0101: /* Free DOS memory block */
TRACE("free DOS memory block (0x%04x)\n",DX_reg(context));
dw = GlobalDOSFree16(DX_reg(context));
if (!dw) {
AX_reg(context) = 0x0009; /* memory block address invalid */
FIXME("get realmode interupt vector(0x%02x) unimplemented.\n",
case 0x0201: /* set real mode interrupt vector */
FIXME("set realmode interupt vector(0x%02x,0x%04x:0x%04x) unimplemented\n", BL_reg(context),CX_reg(context),DX_reg(context));
case 0x0204: /* Get protected mode interrupt vector */
TRACE("get protected mode interrupt handler (0x%02x), stub!\n",BL_reg(context));