# Update the list of debug channels of a given spec file
# Copyright 2000 Alexandre Julliard
# Usage: make_debug spec_file [source_files...]
die "Usage: make_debug spec_file [source]\n" unless @ARGV;
$SPEC = shift @ARGV;
# read in all the source files
if (@ARGV)
while (<>)
if (/DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)/) { $channels{$1} = 1; }
if (/DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)/) { $channels{$1} = 1; }
@dbg_channels = sort keys %channels;
# read the whole spec file
undef $/;
open SPEC or die "Cannot open $SPEC\n";
$spec = <SPEC>;
close SPEC;
# build the new channel list
$channel_str = "debug_channels (";
$pos = length($channel_str);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#dbg_channels; $i++)
$channel_str .= $dbg_channels[$i];
$pos += length($dbg_channels[$i]);
if ($i < $#dbg_channels)
if ($pos >= 75) { $pos = 16; $channel_str .= "\n" . (" " x $pos); }
else { $channel_str .= " "; $pos++; }
$channel_str .= ")";
# replace the list in the spec file
if (!($spec =~ s/debug_channels\s*\(([^)]*)\)/$channel_str/))
die "Could not replace debug_channels\n" if @dbg_channels;
exit 0;
# output the modified spec file
open OUTPUT, ">$SPEC" or die "Cannot modify $SPEC\n";
print OUTPUT $spec;
close OUTPUT;