45322 League Of Legends installer on tr_TR.UTF-8: unknown color "systemhighlight"
45429 Inno Setup v5.x based game-installers using 'wintb' plugin fail with: 'Runtime error 229 at <address>' (Win7+ ITaskbarList3 ThumbBar/Thumbnail semi-stubs needed)
45497 Biamp Systems Nexia v3.3: Button labels missing in DSP controls
45998 64-bit FACEIT Anti-cheat client claims "Your system is out of date, you are missing important Windows updates!" (needs 'wintrust.CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2' stub)
Bugs fixed in 4.6 (total 50):
8036 The Spirit Engine's save/load functionality does not work
14415 Monkey Island 3 demo slow
15232 Button in simple OpenGL application gets overdrawn
18099 No keyboard response in Super Mario 3 remake
20082 SIV (System Information Viewer) v4.00 SIVDRIVER crashes (IRP_MJ_CREATE and IRP_MJ_CLOSE dispatch routines not called)
20123 Addition of Windows Vista/7 Split Button Support
21161 Still Life 2 Demo: Black and broken textures
21403 Shiva Editor/Evochron: Mercenary refuse to run with built-in dinput/dinput8.dll
24429 fifaconfig.exe: save function don`t work when Wine uses Mono 2.6 instead of dotnet20
27629 Pride of Nations Demo: crashes before entering game
28140 Theatre of War 3: Korea demo 1.2.0 crashes on startup (hook engine can't cope with GOT/PIC register load code at API entry, needs DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH for kernel32.SizeofResource and kernel32.FindClose)
32086 LBA2 black screen above diagonal from bottom left to upper right
33904 Face Noir demo crashes on start without native d3dx9_36 ('D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof' must return 'ID3DXSkinInfo' interface even with no skinning info present)
34237 Jenkins 1.526 service (.NET 2.0 app) fails to install with Wine-Mono
37784 wine-mono does not appear in "wine uninstaller" list on a 64-bit prefix
38307 Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit's Eye crashes at start
40544 Ultimate Unwrap Pro v3.50.14 x64 demo: Fails to run
42103 VSCode.exe v1.8.1 crash
42572 Older directx games (Revenant) have black character models
43270 Exact Audio Copy does not detect plugins
43356 Mass Effect (1) Steam freezes since Steam Update from 8th of July 2017
43411 Older directx games (The Sims, Revenant) - Screen not redrawing properly (needs Set/GetClipStatus implementation)
45325 Ubisoft detection tool dont recognize correctly cpu
45854 Magic the Gathering demo graphical glitch with virtual desktop
45878 Aruba digital signature crashes on missing hid.dll.HidD_FlushQueue
46019 Multiple NSIS 2.x based installers fail due to invalid module handle passed to 'kernel32.FreeLibrary', causing code dll unmapped as data dll (Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.x, ConceptDraw Office 4)
46115 Cursor in unity games moving down and to the right one pixel on any mouse interaction
46222 Star Citizen hang on splash screen
46643 Belarc Advisor Computer Inventory 9.0 crashes on unimplemented function advapi32.dll.AuditQuerySystemPolicy with WinVer >= Windows Vista
46807 The Sims hangs when opening menus
46812 PS4 Remote Play installer 2.8.x fails, claims 'You need the Media Feature Pack' (MsiGetDatabaseState is called from a custom action)
46830 Gaea 1.0.x installer stops: err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"WixSchedInternetShortcuts" returned 1603 (MsiViewGetErrorA/W() needs to be RPC-compatible)
46833 Multiple application installers fail with err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"<custom action>" returned 1603 (iTunes, Dameware Mini Remote Control 10.x)
46845 Freelancer: character glitches in cutscenes after loading a saved game
46846 msi x64 installer does not display splash and other texts like a license agreement
46848 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 Web installer crashes on unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll.wctrans
46851 Can't input Japanese text after updating to 4.4.
46881 Power World Simulator installer needs unimplemented function msi.dll.MsiSourceListForceResolutionW
46885 Multiple applications fail to install with wine-4.4-114-g15f852015a+, reporting err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"BindImage" returned 1615 (MS Office 2007, AstroToaster 2.x. MS .NET Framework 4.x)
46892 redefinition of typedef ‘UUID’
46894 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer (.NET 4.0) fails in CoreLib::GetPhysicalMemoryAmountWmi() (missing 'DeviceLocator' property of 'Win32_PhysicalMemory' WMI class)
46895 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer (.NET 4.0) fails due to missing 'OperatingSystemSKU' property of 'Win32_OperatingSystem' WMI class
46906 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: SeCon tool 'SeCon_Win32.exe' crashes due to hnetcfg 'INetFwRules::get__NewEnum' not initializing out parameter
46907 msi crashes in RemoveFiles action for a broken msi
46908 Support msvcp mtx_init 'mtx_try' flag (0x2) to create a mutex object that supports test and return
46909 Missing (black) textures in Black & White
46187 Windows PowerShell Core 6.2 Preview 2 for ARM32 crashes due to unhandled trap_no 0 (write watch access causes SIGSEGV)
46189 Windows PowerShell Core 6.2 Preview 2 for ARM32 crashes due to ntdll 'set_cpu_context' not restoring Thumb mode during return from exception handling
46205 Multiple kernel drivers need implementation of 'ntoskrnl.ObReferenceObjectByHandle' for 'PsThreadType' (PETHREAD)
46316 Hauppauge Capture version 36187 crashes during install
46711 Since 3.3 other HID devices than Joysticks not supported anymore
46713 School days HQ occasional divide by zero
46800 LINE (Powered by Naver): LINE v5.12.XXX series crashes after few seconds
46804 StarForce v3 kernel driver service 'sfhlp02' crashes in driver entry point due to 'ntoskrnl.exe.IoCreateSynchronizationEvent' stub
46829 Wizard101 crashes after playing the game after awhile.
46863 If prefix contains "windows" drive information not available in 64-bit prefix
46898 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer fails in Windows 7 mode, reporting "The Microsoft security update KB3033929 was not found on your system." ('ksecdd.sys' missing with version resource)
46902 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: S7Inst64.exe sub-installer crashes on unimplemented function msvcr110.dll._wcsnset_s
46903 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: AdHocSigner.exe tool crashes on unimplemented functions mssign32.dll.SignerSignEx and SignerFreeSignerContext
46917 d3d8/9 visual tests fail on i965
46923 X-Tension, X-Beyond The Frontier: Dynamic light breaks after opening up a menu
46928 Atelier Firis config tool doesn't show up when launched through Steam
46939 propvarutil.h: missing extern "C"
46954 Relay trace causes crash in wine_dbgstr_wn helper due to invalid string pointer access
46968 ksecdd.sys is not copied when creating/updating WINEPREFIX (SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer)
46979 Winecfg hangs (winedevice.exe 100% CPU usage) when removing an assigned drive
46991 debug.h warning: "conversion from 'WCHAR' to 'char', possible loss of data" on line 293