36143 Symantec Norton 360 installer reports 'This product is not compatible with this computer's current operating system' (RtlVerifyVersionInfo doesn't handle major/minor/service pack condition mask properly)
36718 Mindjet MindManager 14.x/15.x installer fails with 'Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0.30319 or higher required' (builtin 'MsiNetAssemblySupport' property missing)
37217 wine builtin iexplore couldn't load local pages correctly in chinese named folders
37809 C runtime dlls can't link with uclibc (bessel functions missing)
37852 Sentinel HASP 'hardlock.sys' kernel driver custom imports resolver can't cope with many 'ntoskrnl.exe' functions being fowarded to 'ntdll.dll' (Minitab 16 fails to start)
37997 Jeskola Buzz Build 1499 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on unimplemented function msvcp100.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IAE@I@Z
38352 Multiple games need d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeNormalMap (Foresight, Gamestudio Venice, GOG King Arthur Collection)
38838 MS Office Pro Plus 2010 reruns setup on starting any app when Windows version is Vista or later
39500 DRM kernel drivers used by some game demos crash on unimplemented function hal.dll.KeQueryPerformanceCounter (Secret Files: Tunguska, Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper)
40539 Fail to start HPDiagnosticCoreUI.exe
40926 Multiple games (Solus Project, Dying Light) require unimplemented function msvcp110.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IEAA@_K@Z
41096 ResEdit Resources treeview has rendered wrongly positioned first branch
42170 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 offline installer does not complete, needs wevtapi.EvtNext stub
42468 Broken msxml text nodes escaping
42789 Qemu 2.9.0-rc3 crashes before displaying anything
43041 Multiple application installers crash due to missing message string for 0x800b0100 (TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE) (CodeXL 2.3, RT Se7en Lite)
43256 Civilization V in-game font corrupted
43357 Stars in Shadow crashes on startup
43520 Magic The Gathering Online - corrupted rendering of CMYK jpegs
43538 x64dbg needs unimplemented function msvcp120.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IAE@I@Z
43728 Magic: The Gathering Online intensive CPU usage when idle
43998 treeview not drawn correctly
44053 MobilePASS application quits with an error, needs unimplemented function bcrypt.dll.BCryptImportKey
44176 EverQuest crashes with unimplemented function d3dx9_43.dll.D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet
44213 ShareHolder Finder fails to generate unique hardware id, reports 'Error: The requested action with this object has failed.' (several 'Win32_ComputerSystemProduct' WMI class properties missing)
44222 Office 2010 Pro Plus reruns setup on starting any app even when Windows version is XP
44255 Wolf RPG Editor: Game.exe zombifies upon quit
44265 Options dialog triggers exception upon close in Windows Media Player 6.4
44270 Exception when organizing favorites in Windows Media Player 6.4 (unimplemented function shdocvw.dll.DoOrganizeFavDlg)
44296 Qt 5 programs fail to resolve DNS SRV records
44310 WritePrivateProfileString doesn't check for flush errors
44329 Listview does not reset returned state mask for subitems
44349 winedbg: stepping is broken using GDB proxy
44428 x64dbg needs unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.??0_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ
44441 for loop reading a file strips out double quotes and then equals
44468 x64dbg crashes on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.?_Trace_agents@Concurrency@@YAXW4Agents_EventType@1@_JZZ
44473 glyph overlap in Delphi editor
44475 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition installer fails install .NET assemblies into GAC
44482 x64dbg crashes during exit on unimplemented function msvcp120.dll.??0_Runtime_object@details@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ
44492 winedbg reports unknown mode, fails to backtrace etc. in protected-mode with 64-bit wineserver
31850 Age of Mythology needs pidgen.dll.PIDGenSimpA
34101 Need for Speed: Shift demo crashes in 'purist' mode (d3dx9_36) (needs ID3DXEffect::FindNextValidTechnique method implementation)
36843 "Read only"checkbox on Save As dialog
37228 Cisco Jabber 11.x crashes on unimplemented function ntdsapi.dll.DsCrackNamesW
37594 World of Warcraft in-game browser does not work (needs advapi32.BuildSecurityDescriptorW() implementation)
38564 Rush for Berlin Gold crashes after starting
38836 SCM 'StartService' must wait for driver service entry point execution before return (PunkBuster 'PnkBstrB' service failure, CPU-Z randomly fails to load its driver, BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service)
39209 Smart Diary Suite 4 crashes when updating options ('CLSID_AudioCompressorCategory', '{33D9A761-90C8-11d0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}' must be treated as special category)
39452 mpr.WNetGetUniversalName() return value (causes Intel MPI to fail)
39979 SupArc crashes inside msvcr110
40767 Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb quits after the splash screen
41377 Windows 10 DISM fails to find its resources (kernel32 SetThreadUILanguage must return non-zero/best fit language identifier if zero is passed)
42267 Rogue-Killer installer crashes on unimplemented function ntdll.dll._aulldvrm
42446 Native Instruments 'Native Access' 1.1.x fails to start, reports 'You cannot start Native Access from the mounted disk'
42686 Poedit crashes on start on unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?_IsNonBlockingThread@_Task_impl_base@details@Concurrency@@SA_NXZ
42768 Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (Ys 6) silently crashes playing in-game videos
43351 x64dbg needs kernel32.dll CreateRemoteThreadEx in Win7+ mode
43831 Cuphead (Steam) crashes on startup (needs setupapi.CM_Get_Parent stub to return CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE)
43930 iCopy 1.6.x (.NET 2.0 app) crashes on startup (IWiaDevMgr::SelectDeviceDlg DeviceID pointer parameter can be NULL, needs be declared 'unique' for RPC marshalling)
44135 Olive Tree Bible Software BibleStudySetup_6.0.23.exe fails to install
44138 Native Access needs unimplemented function iphlpapi.dll.if_indextoname
44278 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?uncaught_exceptions@std@@YAHXZ
44404 Several .Net apps (e.g. Remembear) throw errors/crash,caused by msctf stubs TextStoreACPSink_{OnTextChange,OnSelectionChange,OnLayoutChange}
44466 PrtSc button crashes StarCraft
44496 Custom imports resolver used by multiple kernel drivers can't cope with 'ntoskrnl.exe' low-level (wc)string/copy helpers being forwarded to 'msvcrt.dll' (BattlEye 'BEDaisy', Sentinel HASP 'hardlock.sys')
44504 vlc 2.2.6: playback performance hampered
44530 64-bit Sentinel HASP hardlock.sys kernel driver tries to access to DR7 (not handled in ntoskrnl emulate_instruction)
44693 Native Access crashes on unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__current_exception
44742 Divinity: Original Sin 2 crashes due to unimplemented IPHLPAPI.DLL.ConvertLengthToIpv4Mask
44744 Autodesk Fusion 360 need propsys.dll.PSGetPropertyKeyFromName to be installed
44746 Running any command in MS PowerShell 6+ (.NET app) results in advapi:EventActivityIdControl console spam
44770 ExpressPCB Plus 1.1 (.NET 3.5 SP1 app) throws 'System.NotImplementedException: Not implemented at System.Drawing.Pen.TranslateTransform' (GdipTranslatePenTransform not implemented)
44772 progecad 2018 installer does not start
44804 PCBWeb crashes: Call to unimplemented function d3dx11_43.dll.D3DX11CreateTextureFromFileW
44811 BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe._chkstk
44818 ntdll.NtClose (kernel32.CloseHandle) should throw invalid handle exception (EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE) for invalid handles when run under debugger
44864 Incoming crashes after the intro video
44874 Phonetools 9.x crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RequestDeviceWakeup
44904 winebus blocks auto start up of scheduler service
44923 Failing kernel driver services can stall WINEPREFIX bootstrapping/startup for a considerable time when configured as autostart
44924 StarForce v3 kernel drivers need ntoskrnl.IoCreateSynchronizationEvent to return a non-NULL handle
44932 limited list of available printer's paper/page size
44944 Adobe Premiere Elements 14 fails to install: ERROR: Third party payload installer pxengine5_08_13a.exe failed with exit code: -1
44971 HackShield for Banking Driver 'HSBDrvNt.sys' (part of Ahnlab Safe Transaction) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExInterlockedPopEntrySList
44984 Maya 2018 LT Installer requires unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll._timespec64_get
44993 Magic The Gathering Arena fails to install
45026 Windows File Manager (WinFile) fails to build in winelib (LPDROPSTRUCT missing from winuser.h)