- Jan 02, 2004
Alexandre Julliard authored
the SHELL debug channel. Make mark text obvious by changing the output text to 'Debug mark requested by user' and adding 'Debug mark' to the menu resource text.
mciSendStringW. It's better to initialize dwCallback parameter if MCI_NOTIFY is specified.
Changed IDL_OVERWRITEFILE string resource ID to IDS_OVERWRITEFILE. Use the extended UI for the "Look In" combo. Select the text in the "File name" field after filling it.
- Jan 01, 2004
many streams parsing, added support for some MCI_PUT and MCI_WHERE cases.
MCIWndClass implementation. MCIWndRegisterClass() takes no parameters according to Platform SDK headers.
- Dec 31, 2003
Alexandre Julliard authored
the right thing (based on a patch by Aric Stewart).
a bug with a window creation belonging to another hInstance, add support for MCI_WINDOW command in mciavi.drv, add support for MCI_PLAY and MCI_STOP in the MCIWndClass implementation.
warn instead of aborting in case of problems reading mixer info.
the dialog box.
- Dec 30, 2003
OpenType and Type 1. Modify the code so that they will be used if or when the needed bits are passed to the FontEnumProc. - Use EnumFontFamiliesEx instead of EnumFontFamilies. - Fix the fixme in the WM_MEASUREITEM message handler.
- Fixed buffer overflow in DEVENUM_IPropertyBag_Read. - Fixed NULL pointer de-ref in DllRegisterServer when IFilterMapper2 is not registered. - Allowed returning the moniker in IFilterMapper2::RegisterFilter. - Enumerate special categories without causing infinite loop.
Alexandre Julliard authored
folders like "My Computer" - correct path parsing in ISF_Desktop_fnParseDisplayName() - handle CLSID paths in ISF_MyComputer_fnParseDisplayName() - return CLSID path in ISF_MyComputer_fnGetDisplayNameOf()
rather than hardcoding it to "DOMAIN".