- Dec 18, 2007
shell32/tests: Copy the PathRemoveBackslashA() and PathAddBackslashW() implementations because shlwapi.dll is missing on Windows 95.
secur32/tests: Dynamically load various APIs and don't link with crypt32.dll to make the test run on Windows 95.
user32/tests: Use GetProcAddress() on ChangeDisplaySettingsExA() because it is missing on Windows 95.
rpcrt4: Don't copy memory from the buffer in NdrConformantStringUnmarshall if we just pointed the memory pointer into the buffer. (Reported by Dan Kegel.)
Add SELECTIONBAR to mask, and use settings rather then lParam. 2 subtle bugs that prevent selectionbar from working.
Fix up a couple of conflicts with the Status field in the RPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO and the X Status define.
- Dec 17, 2007