- Apr 21, 2009
ole32: Make get_priv_data return target device ptrs (rather than offsets) and add a couple of helper functions to simplify this process.
Remove the untranslated and incomplete STRINGTABLE.
- Apr 20, 2009
parser_alloc() allocates memory and puts it on a list attached the to query object. EXPR_sval() frees memory allocated via parser_alloc() on error but does not remove the pointer from the list, which means that when the query destructor is called it will be freed again.
TABLE_drop() calls TABLE_remove_column() which calls msi_update_table_columns() which frees column info and possibly returns without reallocating. When that happens it will be freed again when TABLE_drop() finally calls free_table().
kernel32: Added GetPrivateProfileSection and GetPrivateProfileString tests for empty section scenario.
amstream/tests: Improve render file test. Move OpenFile specific test into a separate test function.
ws2_32: WSAAddressToStringW should return length of unicode address string should and include the trailing null.
ws2_32: WSAAddressToStringA should return length of ANSI address string and should include the trailing null.