- Mar 19, 2008
This interface really shouldn't be in a pin, but rather in the implementation of the filter, since any seeking is done on the entire filtergraph, so implementing it in the filter makes more sense.
user32: Handle the undocumented behaviour in DefWindowProc for WM_NCACTIVATE that causes the nonclient area not to be redrawn. If the lParam is 0xffffffff then the nonclient area is not redrawn.
Alexandre Julliard authored
- Mar 18, 2008
rebar: In AutoSize get the window rc after REBAR_Layout if needed to respect the sizing changes made by REBAR_Layout.
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Alexandre Julliard authored
Based on a patchset by Henri Verbeet.