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Commit f624b48f authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Split the module building functionality of NE_LoadExeHeader into

separate functions.
parent d5bfaf78
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......@@ -387,16 +387,20 @@ void NE_WalkModules(void)
* Fill in 'resloader' fields in the resource table.
static void NE_InitResourceHandler( NE_MODULE *pModule )
static void NE_InitResourceHandler( HMODULE16 hModule )
static FARPROC16 proc;
NE_TYPEINFO *pTypeInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO *)((char *)pModule + pModule->ne_rsrctab + 2);
NE_MODULE *pModule;
if (!(pModule = NE_GetPtr( hModule )) || !pModule->ne_rsrctab) return;
TRACE("InitResourceHandler[%04x]\n", pModule->self );
TRACE("InitResourceHandler[%04x]\n", hModule );
if (!proc) proc = GetProcAddress16( GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL"), "DefResourceHandler" );
pTypeInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO *)((char *)pModule + pModule->ne_rsrctab + 2);
memcpy_unaligned( &pTypeInfo->resloader, &proc, sizeof(FARPROC16) );
......@@ -602,69 +606,114 @@ static BOOL read_data( HANDLE handle, LONG offset, void *buffer, DWORD size )
return (result == size);
* NE_LoadExeHeader
* build_bundle_data
* Build the entry table bundle data from the on-disk format. Helper for build_module.
static HMODULE16 NE_LoadExeHeader( HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path )
static void *build_bundle_data( NE_MODULE *pModule, void *dest, const BYTE *table )
IMAGE_OS2_HEADER ne_header;
int size;
ET_BUNDLE *oldbundle, *bundle = dest;
ET_ENTRY *entry;
BYTE nr_entries, type;
memset(bundle, 0, sizeof(ET_BUNDLE)); /* in case no entry table exists */
entry = (ET_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)bundle+6);
while ((nr_entries = *table++))
if ((type = *table++))
bundle->last += nr_entries;
if (type == 0xff)
while (nr_entries--)
entry->type = type;
entry->flags = *table++;
table += sizeof(WORD);
entry->segnum = *table++;
entry->offs = *(WORD *)table;
table += sizeof(WORD);
while (nr_entries--)
entry->type = type;
entry->flags = *table++;
entry->segnum = type;
entry->offs = *(WORD *)table;
table += sizeof(WORD);
if (bundle->first == bundle->last)
bundle->first += nr_entries;
bundle->last += nr_entries;
oldbundle = bundle;
oldbundle->next = (char *)entry - (char *)pModule;
bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)entry;
bundle->first = bundle->last = oldbundle->last + nr_entries;
bundle->next = 0;
entry = (ET_ENTRY*)(((BYTE*)entry)+sizeof(ET_BUNDLE));
return entry;
* build_module
* Build the in-memory module from the on-disk data.
static HMODULE16 build_module( const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *mz_header, const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne_header,
HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path, const void *fastload,
unsigned int fastload_offset, unsigned int fastload_length )
int i;
size_t size;
HMODULE16 hModule;
NE_MODULE *pModule;
BYTE *pData, *pTempEntryTable;
char *buffer, *fastload = NULL;
unsigned int fastload_offset = 0, fastload_length = 0;
ET_ENTRY *entry;
ET_BUNDLE *bundle, *oldbundle;
BYTE *buffer, *pData, *ptr;
struct ne_segment_table_entry_s *pSeg;
/* Read a block from either the file or the fast-load area. */
#define READ(offset,size,buffer) \
((fastload && ((offset) >= fastload_offset) && \
((offset)+(size) <= fastload_offset+fastload_length)) ? \
(memcpy( buffer, fastload+(offset)-fastload_offset, (size) ), TRUE) : \
read_data( handle, (offset), (buffer), (size)))
if (!read_data( handle, 0, &mz_header, sizeof(mz_header)) ||
(mz_header.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE))
if (!read_data( handle, mz_header.e_lfanew, &ne_header, sizeof(ne_header) ))
if (ne_header.ne_magic == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return (HMODULE16)21; /* win32 exe */
if (ne_header.ne_magic == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LX) {
MESSAGE("Sorry, this is an OS/2 linear executable (LX) file!\n");
return (HMODULE16)12;
if (ne_header.ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT;
/* We now have a valid NE header */
/* check to be able to fall back to loading OS/2 programs as DOS
* FIXME: should this check be reversed in order to be less strict?
* (only fail for OS/2 ne_exetyp 0x01 here?) */
if ((ne_header.ne_exetyp != 0x02 /* Windows */)
&& (ne_header.ne_exetyp != 0x04) /* Windows 386 */)
(memcpy( buffer, (const char *)fastload+(offset)-fastload_offset, (size) ), TRUE) : \
(handle && read_data( handle, (offset), (buffer), (size))))
size = sizeof(NE_MODULE) +
/* segment table */
ne_header.ne_cseg * sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY) +
ne_header->ne_cseg * sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY) +
/* resource table */
ne_header.ne_restab - ne_header.ne_rsrctab +
ne_header->ne_restab - ne_header->ne_rsrctab +
/* resident names table */
ne_header.ne_modtab - ne_header.ne_restab +
ne_header->ne_modtab - ne_header->ne_restab +
/* module ref table */
ne_header.ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD) +
ne_header->ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD) +
/* imported names table */
ne_header.ne_enttab - ne_header.ne_imptab +
ne_header->ne_enttab - ne_header->ne_imptab +
/* entry table length */
ne_header.ne_cbenttab +
ne_header->ne_cbenttab +
/* entry table extra conversion space */
sizeof(ET_BUNDLE) +
2 * (ne_header.ne_cbenttab - ne_header.ne_cmovent*6) +
2 * (ne_header->ne_cbenttab - ne_header->ne_cmovent*6) +
/* loaded file info */
sizeof(OFSTRUCT) - sizeof(ofs->szPathName) + strlen(path) + 1;
......@@ -673,11 +722,10 @@ static HMODULE16 NE_LoadExeHeader( HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path )
FarSetOwner16( hModule, hModule );
pModule = (NE_MODULE *)GlobalLock16( hModule );
memcpy( pModule, &ne_header, sizeof(ne_header) );
memcpy( pModule, ne_header, sizeof(*ne_header) );
pModule->count = 0;
/* check *programs* for default minimal stack size */
if ( (!(pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE))
&& (pModule->ne_stack < 0x1400) )
/* check programs for default minimal stack size */
if (!(pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE) && (pModule->ne_stack < 0x1400))
pModule->ne_stack = 0x1400;
pModule->module32 = 0;
pModule->self = hModule;
......@@ -688,235 +736,101 @@ static HMODULE16 NE_LoadExeHeader( HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path )
pModule->ne_flags &= ~(NE_FFLAGS_BUILTIN | NE_FFLAGS_WIN32);
/* Read the fast-load area */
/* allocate temporary buffer for segment and entry tables */
if (ne_header.ne_flagsothers & NE_AFLAGS_FASTLOAD)
fastload_offset=ne_header.ne_pretthunks << ne_header.ne_align;
fastload_length=ne_header.ne_psegrefbytes << ne_header.ne_align;
TRACE("Using fast-load area offset=%x len=%d\n",
fastload_offset, fastload_length );
if ((fastload = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload_length )) != NULL)
if (!read_data( handle, fastload_offset, fastload, fastload_length))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
WARN("Error reading fast-load area!\n");
fastload = NULL;
if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0,
max( ne_header->ne_cseg * sizeof(*pSeg), ne_header->ne_cbenttab ) )))
goto failed;
/* Get the segment table */
pModule->ne_segtab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ne_header.ne_cseg *
sizeof(struct ne_segment_table_entry_s));
if (buffer)
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_segtab,
ne_header->ne_cseg * sizeof(struct ne_segment_table_entry_s), buffer ))
goto failed;
pSeg = (struct ne_segment_table_entry_s *)buffer;
for (i = ne_header->ne_cseg; i > 0; i--, pSeg++)
int i;
struct ne_segment_table_entry_s *pSeg;
if (!READ( mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_segtab,
ne_header.ne_cseg * sizeof(struct ne_segment_table_entry_s),
buffer ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
pSeg = (struct ne_segment_table_entry_s *)buffer;
for (i = ne_header.ne_cseg; i > 0; i--, pSeg++)
memcpy( pData, pSeg, sizeof(*pSeg) );
pData += sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY);
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
memcpy( pData, pSeg, sizeof(*pSeg) );
pData += sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY);
/* Get the resource table */
if (ne_header.ne_rsrctab < ne_header.ne_restab)
if (ne_header->ne_rsrctab < ne_header->ne_restab)
pModule->ne_rsrctab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ(mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_rsrctab,
ne_header.ne_restab - ne_header.ne_rsrctab,
pData ))
pData += ne_header.ne_restab - ne_header.ne_rsrctab;
NE_InitResourceHandler( pModule );
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_rsrctab,
ne_header->ne_restab - ne_header->ne_rsrctab, pData )) goto failed;
pData += ne_header->ne_restab - ne_header->ne_rsrctab;
else pModule->ne_rsrctab = 0; /* No resource table */
/* Get the resident names table */
pModule->ne_restab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ( mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_restab,
ne_header.ne_modtab - ne_header.ne_restab,
pData ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
pData += ne_header.ne_modtab - ne_header.ne_restab;
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_restab,
ne_header->ne_modtab - ne_header->ne_restab, pData )) goto failed;
pData += ne_header->ne_modtab - ne_header->ne_restab;
/* Get the module references table */
if (ne_header.ne_cmod > 0)
if (ne_header->ne_cmod > 0)
pModule->ne_modtab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ( mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_modtab,
ne_header.ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD),
pData ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
pData += ne_header.ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD);
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_modtab,
ne_header->ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD), pData )) goto failed;
pData += ne_header->ne_cmod * sizeof(WORD);
else pModule->ne_modtab = 0; /* No module references */
/* Get the imported names table */
pModule->ne_imptab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ( mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_imptab,
ne_header.ne_enttab - ne_header.ne_imptab,
pData ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
pData += ne_header.ne_enttab - ne_header.ne_imptab;
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_imptab,
ne_header->ne_enttab - ne_header->ne_imptab,
pData )) goto failed;
pData += ne_header->ne_enttab - ne_header->ne_imptab;
/* Load entry table, convert it to the optimized version used by Windows */
if ((pTempEntryTable = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ne_header.ne_cbenttab)) != NULL)
BYTE nr_entries, type, *s;
pModule->ne_enttab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ( mz_header->e_lfanew + ne_header->ne_enttab,
ne_header->ne_cbenttab, buffer )) goto failed;
TRACE("Converting entry table.\n");
pModule->ne_enttab = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
if (!READ( mz_header.e_lfanew + ne_header.ne_enttab,
ne_header.ne_cbenttab, pTempEntryTable ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pTempEntryTable );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
ptr = build_bundle_data( pModule, pData, buffer );
s = pTempEntryTable;
TRACE("entry table: offs %04x, len %04x, entries %d\n", ne_header.ne_enttab, ne_header.ne_cbenttab, *s);
pData += ne_header->ne_cbenttab + sizeof(ET_BUNDLE) +
2 * (ne_header->ne_cbenttab - ne_header->ne_cmovent*6);
bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)pData;
TRACE("first bundle: %p\n", bundle);
memset(bundle, 0, sizeof(ET_BUNDLE)); /* in case no entry table exists */
entry = (ET_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)bundle+6);
while ((nr_entries = *s++))
if ((type = *s++))
bundle->last += nr_entries;
if (type == 0xff)
while (nr_entries--)
entry->type = type;
entry->flags = *s++;
s += 2;
entry->segnum = *s++;
entry->offs = *(WORD *)s; s += 2;
/*TRACE(module, "entry: %p, type: %d, flags: %d, segnum: %d, offs: %04x\n", entry, entry->type, entry->flags, entry->segnum, entry->offs);*/
while (nr_entries--)
entry->type = type;
entry->flags = *s++;
entry->segnum = type;
entry->offs = *(WORD *)s; s += 2;
/*TRACE(module, "entry: %p, type: %d, flags: %d, segnum: %d, offs: %04x\n", entry, entry->type, entry->flags, entry->segnum, entry->offs);*/
if (bundle->first == bundle->last)
bundle->first += nr_entries;
bundle->last += nr_entries;
oldbundle = bundle;
oldbundle->next = ((int)entry - (int)pModule);
bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)entry;
TRACE("new bundle: %p\n", bundle);
bundle->first = bundle->last =
oldbundle->last + nr_entries;
bundle->next = 0;
entry = (ET_ENTRY*)(((BYTE*)entry)+sizeof(ET_BUNDLE));
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pTempEntryTable );
if (ptr > pData)
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
FIXME( "not enough space for entry table for %s\n", debugstr_a(path) );
goto failed;
pData += ne_header.ne_cbenttab + sizeof(ET_BUNDLE) +
2 * (ne_header.ne_cbenttab - ne_header.ne_cmovent*6);
if ((DWORD)entry > (DWORD)pData)
ERR("converted entry table bigger than reserved space !!!\nentry: %p, pData: %p. Please report !\n", entry, pData);
/* Store the filename information */
pModule->fileinfo = pData - (BYTE *)pModule;
size = sizeof(OFSTRUCT) - sizeof(ofs->szPathName) + strlen(path) + 1;
ofs = (OFSTRUCT *)pData;
ofs->cBytes = size - 1;
ofs->cBytes = sizeof(OFSTRUCT) - sizeof(ofs->szPathName) + strlen(path);
ofs->fFixedDisk = 1;
strcpy( ofs->szPathName, path );
pData += size;
/* Free the fast-load area */
#undef READ
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
pData += ofs->cBytes + 1;
assert( (BYTE *)pModule + size <= pData );
/* Get the non-resident names table */
if (ne_header.ne_cbnrestab)
if (ne_header->ne_cbnrestab)
pModule->nrname_handle = GlobalAlloc16( 0, ne_header.ne_cbnrestab );
if (!pModule->nrname_handle)
GlobalFree16( hModule );
pModule->nrname_handle = GlobalAlloc16( 0, ne_header->ne_cbnrestab );
if (!pModule->nrname_handle) goto failed;
FarSetOwner16( pModule->nrname_handle, hModule );
buffer = GlobalLock16( pModule->nrname_handle );
if (!read_data( handle, ne_header.ne_nrestab, buffer, ne_header.ne_cbnrestab ))
ptr = GlobalLock16( pModule->nrname_handle );
if (!read_data( handle, ne_header->ne_nrestab, ptr, ne_header->ne_cbnrestab ))
GlobalFree16( pModule->nrname_handle );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
goto failed;
else pModule->nrname_handle = 0;
......@@ -930,15 +844,97 @@ static HMODULE16 NE_LoadExeHeader( HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path )
if (!pModule->dlls_to_init)
if (pModule->nrname_handle) GlobalFree16( pModule->nrname_handle );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
goto failed;
FarSetOwner16( pModule->dlls_to_init, hModule );
else pModule->dlls_to_init = 0;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
NE_RegisterModule( pModule );
if (handle)
UINT drive_type = GetDriveTypeA( path );
/* keep the file handle open if not on a removable media */
if (drive_type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE && drive_type != DRIVE_CDROM)
DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), handle,
GetCurrentProcess(), &pModule->fd, 0, FALSE,
return hModule;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
GlobalFree16( hModule );
#undef READ
* NE_LoadExeHeader
static HMODULE16 NE_LoadExeHeader( HANDLE handle, LPCSTR path )
IMAGE_OS2_HEADER ne_header;
HMODULE16 hModule;
char *fastload = NULL;
unsigned int fastload_offset = 0, fastload_length = 0;
if (!read_data( handle, 0, &mz_header, sizeof(mz_header)) ||
(mz_header.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE))
if (!read_data( handle, mz_header.e_lfanew, &ne_header, sizeof(ne_header) ))
if (ne_header.ne_magic == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return (HMODULE16)21; /* win32 exe */
if (ne_header.ne_magic == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LX) {
MESSAGE("Sorry, this is an OS/2 linear executable (LX) file!\n");
return (HMODULE16)12;
if (ne_header.ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT;
/* We now have a valid NE header */
/* check to be able to fall back to loading OS/2 programs as DOS
* FIXME: should this check be reversed in order to be less strict?
* (only fail for OS/2 ne_exetyp 0x01 here?) */
if ((ne_header.ne_exetyp != 0x02 /* Windows */)
&& (ne_header.ne_exetyp != 0x04) /* Windows 386 */)
/* Read the fast-load area */
if (ne_header.ne_flagsothers & NE_AFLAGS_FASTLOAD)
fastload_offset=ne_header.ne_pretthunks << ne_header.ne_align;
fastload_length=ne_header.ne_psegrefbytes << ne_header.ne_align;
TRACE("Using fast-load area offset=%x len=%d\n",
fastload_offset, fastload_length );
if ((fastload = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload_length )) != NULL)
if (!read_data( handle, fastload_offset, fastload, fastload_length))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
WARN("Error reading fast-load area!\n");
fastload = NULL;
hModule = build_module( &mz_header, &ne_header, handle, path,
fastload, fastload_offset, fastload_length );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fastload );
if (hModule >= 32)
SNOOP16_RegisterDLL( hModule, path );
NE_InitResourceHandler( hModule );
return hModule;
......@@ -1049,29 +1045,16 @@ static HINSTANCE16 NE_LoadModule( LPCSTR name, BOOL lib_only )
HINSTANCE16 hInstance;
HFILE16 hFile;
UINT drive_type;
/* Open file */
if ((hFile = OpenFile16( name, &ofs, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE )) == HFILE_ERROR16)
hModule = NE_LoadExeHeader( DosFileHandleToWin32Handle(hFile), ofs.szPathName );
if (hModule < 32)
_lclose16( hFile );
return hModule;
pModule = NE_GetPtr( hModule );
drive_type = GetDriveTypeA( ofs.szPathName );
if (drive_type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE && drive_type != DRIVE_CDROM)
/* keep the file handle open if not on a removable media */
DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), DosFileHandleToWin32Handle(hFile),
GetCurrentProcess(), &pModule->fd, 0, FALSE,
_lclose16( hFile );
if (hModule < 32) return hModule;
pModule = NE_GetPtr( hModule );
if ( !lib_only && !( pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE ) )
return hModule;
......@@ -1147,7 +1130,7 @@ static HMODULE16 NE_DoLoadBuiltinModule( const BUILTIN16_DESCRIPTOR *descr )
if (pModule->ne_heap)
LocalInit16( GlobalHandleToSel16(pSegTable->hSeg), pSegTable->minsize, minsize );
if (descr->rsrc) NE_InitResourceHandler(pModule);
NE_InitResourceHandler( hModule );
NE_RegisterModule( pModule );
0% Loading or .
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