- #53486 foobar2000.exe with foo_out_upnp breaks sending audio stream to another upnp renderer after a short period of time
- #53544 msys2 block device fstat function depends on NtQueryVolumeInformationFile FileFsFullSizeInformation
- #53547 msys2 installer fails to check disk space: "harddisk_query_volume Unsupported volume query 3"
- #53560 Wizard101 fails to load in 7.15
- #53581 Construction Set Extender crashes
- #53601 UI rendering broken for multiple applications (7-Zip, WinRAR, foobar2000, built-in apps) in Wine 7.16 at a non-default DPI
Bugs fixed in 7.18 (total 20):
- #31157 Multiple applications (FileMaker Pro 12-19, MyDiff) crash when trying to create/open sample solution ('ImmAssociateContext' should only generate 'WM_IME_SETCONTEXT' if window has focus)
- #35478 Multiple applications and games need dsdmo.dll (DirectSound Effects)
- #36312 valgrind shows a couple possible leaks in oledb32/tests/marshal.c
- #36944 Hotel Giant 2 crashes frequently
- #42751 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function msvcr{100,110}.dll.?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z (Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage, Clip Studio Paint, Cube World, Intel ACAT)
- #44314 Adobe FrameMaker 8: Installer aborts with the error "The wizard was interrupted..."
- #48487 MSYS based Git 2.25 installer reports 'could not decode hex <hexstring>' (needs support for CryptStringToBinaryW CRYPT_STRING_HEX)
- #48600 Bloomberg Terminal needs unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.SymSrvGetFileIndexInfo
- #52677 REVELPROG_IS crashes on unimplemented function winusb.dll.WinUsb_Free
- #53430 urlmon:url fails due to unexpected redirection
- #53458 windows.media.speech:speech - The 64-bit test_Recognition() gets unexpected ref count on Windows after ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_Release()
- #53570 Visual C++ 2015-2019 crashes on launch
- #53577 d3d9:device - test_scissor_size() fails on Windows 8+
- #53578 msvfw32:mciwnd - test_MCIWndCreate() fails in Wine
- #53609 Segmentation fault when starting Dosbox.exe in virtual desktop mode
- #53614 KeePassXC crashes on unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?ReportUnhandledError@_ExceptionHolder@details@Concurrency@@AEAAXXZ
- #53626 Wine crash due to long filename when saving file in Framemaker
- #53703 Wine crashes when setting a long window title.
- #53706 NtDeviceIoControlFile() is quite slow when called with and invalid handle