42099 Bedlam (indie game) renders 3D world upside down (DX11)
42414 The Witcher 3 intro videos don't play
42701 Multiple apps and games using MS .NET Framework 4.x need api-ms-win-core-winrt-roparameterizediid-l1-1-0.dll.RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID (Mafia III, Daylight)
43332 rsaenh: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43333 shell32: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43335 wintrust: Warning and note while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43336 propsys: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43800 Winamp's associations setup window has broken check boxes appearance
43844 Skyrim can not load skse when upgrade to 2.18
43904 HeTeMuLu Creator: Can't input some kanji characters properly.
43946 wineboot crashes with stack smashing on aarch64
44037 Bricscad v17 crashes on startup, needs ADVAPI32.dll.PerfStartProviderEx
44054 Wine-mono download dialog should say wine-mono, not Mono
Bugs fixed in 3.0-rc1 (total 28):
30899 SlingPlayer 1.5 UI broken
34328 World of Tanks: Purple graphics errors
40714 process_attach is executed too early for forwarded exports (Oblivon Script Extender cannot load under wine-staging)
40832 MultiSpec 2.8.2016 32-Bit: Installs fine but crashes while opening any images
40866 DigitalMicrograph: crashes when a new script is added to the menu
40963 Upwards, lonely robot Demo crashes with Too many buffers queued
41269 MSI uninstaller does not clean up Registry's UpgradeCode, ProductCode
42128 Anime Studio Professional 8 hogs CPU after it's closed.