52870 shlwapi:url - The UrlGetPartA() tests fails with a UTF-8 code page
52882 GPU Caps Viewer 1.54 crashes on start
52918 Corrupted textures in Visual Studio 2010 using native WPF interfaces.
52956 Star Citizen crashes on unimplemented function kernel32.dll.SetThreadInformation
52972 wineusb.sys: add_usb_device erroneously releases critical section on failure path
52973 A file containing special characters in its name is unreadable/unusable
53003 XM6 TypeG: some MIDI note-on messages aren't sent to MIDI devices (MIDI running status isn't supported in the MIDI mapper)
53005 quartz:systemclock Fails after timeGetTime() wraps
53010 Split/Second crashes on launch
53016 Steam fails to load pages
53020 EA Origin is unable to download games
53022 Hitomi downloader (Technical Preview) crashes at start
53027 Port Royale 4 crashes with wined3d_texture*
53034 Lazarus: menu text disappears under mouse if light theme is enabled
53051 Kvaser software crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExNotifyCallback
53061 Alcoma ASD Client 11.1 fails to start due to missing unicode exports in tapi32
53079 Linker error during build. winegstreamer:wg_transform.c:526: undefined reference to `gst_sample_set_info'
53080 Powershell Core crash in FindNLSStringEx
Bugs fixed in 7.11 (total 34):
33381 Mayhem Triple renders too small
33383 Foobar2000 crashes on Alt-H
34176 Kernel32:CompareStringW strange behavior ?
35027 Euphoria needs CreateProcessInternalW function
36720 LCMapString with the parameter NORM_IGNORENONSPACE does not remove diacritics
39144 SpinTires tech demo wrong rendering after changing screen resolution
39298 kernel32 does not support custom nls installation.
45634 enabling CSMT ruins performance for rFactor 1.255
46281 Multiple Windows 7+ apiset-aware applications fail due to Wine loader lacking support for resolving virtual dlls via 'kernel32.GetModuleHandle' (Archicad 22)
46782 CompareStringEx does not support SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS flag
49210 Mafia and Mafia II: Definitive Edition Launcher crashes with Wine-Mono
49232 Saints Row The Third Remastered shows floating black rectangles
50941 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.WSAConnectByName (TIP-Integral, EasyMiniGW)
50948 taskmgr.exe: wrong memory usage unit (GB => MB)
51243 In Wine dinput:keyboard fails if the keyboard layout does not match the display language
52663 Civilization 4: no text in main menu
52752 Rich Edit Control does not support drawing OLE objects
52795 Multiple applications crash in Mesa due to syscall stack overflow (Cyberpunk 2077, Stranger of Paradise, Doom Eternal with ray tracing)
52831 Kernel32::GetSystemPowerStatus returns invalid data if /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 is missing
52841 Leverless arcade controller SOCD cleaning does not work
52885 Adobe Lightroom Classic 11.1 crash in user32
52893 GreedFall crashes on launch
52993 msi:action - test_publish() fails on date change
52995 shell32:shelllink crashes in Wine cause shell32:shellpath's test_PathResolve() to fail (test.bat file)
52998 xaudio2_7:xaudio2 fails on Windows 1909+
53029 Clipboard cut/paste partially broken in wine
53035 Displaying Out-GridView in Powershell Core crashes with WinVer > Win7
53038 Epic Games Launcher crashes on start
53076 Kvaser CanKing needs ntoskrnl.exe.KfRaiseIrql and ntoskrnl.exe.KeLowerIrql
53082 "explorer: Create clipboard manager thread when creating a desktop." causes hangs on wine startup
53102 Ubisoft Connect fails to connect to server
53112 winegstreamer build error
53136 crypt32:cert - testVerifyRevocation() fails in Wine
53138 crypt32:chain - testGetCertChain() fails in Wine