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Commit 1a321739 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 7.11.

parent 1b467521
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Tags wine-4.0-rc6
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The Wine development release 7.10 is now available.
The Wine development release 7.11 is now available.
What's new in this release:
- macOS driver converted to PE.
- Mono engine updated to version 7.3.0.
- Windows-compatible Unicode collation.
- Wow64 support in SECUR32.
- Android driver converted to PE.
- Zero-copy support with GStreamer.
- High Unicode planes support in case mappings.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
The source is available at:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -26,522 +24,401 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 7.10 (total 56):
3599 Corel Draw 9 printing Issue
5163 Microsoft Office XP 2002 installer reports error 25003 (installation source corrupted), custom action 'CADpc' returns 1603
5989 Cannot run uninstall for IE6
9583 CompareStringW gives incorrect result for some wide strings
10767 lstrcmp and others do not compare punctuation characters correctly
16142 Adobe Reader 9.0 outputs error after install, that multiple instances are running
19743 Acrobat Reader 5 crashes on startup (InterTrust 'docbox.api' plugin incompatible with Windows 7+)
22603 Can't print page in IE6
25280 Singularity: no sound in game without Hardware Acceleration = emulation
26909 HaoZip: Cannot navigate to drive_c
28437 Panzer Corps: no intro video (requires WMV1 codec)
30503 Echo: Secrets of the Lost Cavern upside down on BACKBUFFER
33209 Tribes: Ascend cannot authenticate user
34025 IE8 help exits silently
34026 IE8 help pages are blank
37614 Applications do not always start inside a configured virtual desktop
37877 boincmgr crashes with wxWidgets error with WinVer > Win81
38929 Betfair Poker setup fails to connect to the server
38931 Betfair Poker log-in stops
46155 Multiple applications need KERNEL32.dll.RaiseFailFastException (RoyalTS v5, Windows PowerShell Core 6.1 for ARM64)
46775 Steam crashes when attempting to access controller settings for desktop or general
46857 Steam menus are hidden by macOS native window decoration
48011 Rebelbetting: unhandled exception on exit
48025 Betfair Poker crashes
48270 Rebelbetting sometimes returns insanely high numbers
48718 unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RaiseFailFastException
49052 Japanese Visual Novel "Natural Vacation" doesn't start (ENIGMA 5.X protected)
51572 Crash when opening notes panel in Logos Bible Software
51665 Multiple applications need IDXGIAdapter3::RegisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotificationEvent() (HITMAN 2 (2018), FAR mod for Nier: Automata)
51788 windowscodecs:wmpformat test_decode() fails randomly
51936 Honeygain forgets user details
52032 Bad Mouse Pointer under 32bits app (Poser)
52127 SlingPlayer 2 crashes on load
52218 Honeygain exits silently
52458 Lazarus can't start program for debugging
52513 CEF does not work with sandbox
52747 Notepad crashes on a StaticColor X display
52863 kernel32:actctx fails on Windows 10 1909
52870 shlwapi:url - The UrlGetPartA() tests fails with a UTF-8 code page
52882 GPU Caps Viewer 1.54 crashes on start
52918 Corrupted textures in Visual Studio 2010 using native WPF interfaces.
52956 Star Citizen crashes on unimplemented function kernel32.dll.SetThreadInformation
52972 wineusb.sys: add_usb_device erroneously releases critical section on failure path
52973 A file containing special characters in its name is unreadable/unusable
53003 XM6 TypeG: some MIDI note-on messages aren't sent to MIDI devices (MIDI running status isn't supported in the MIDI mapper)
53005 quartz:systemclock Fails after timeGetTime() wraps
53010 Split/Second crashes on launch
53016 Steam fails to load pages
53020 EA Origin is unable to download games
53022 Hitomi downloader (Technical Preview) crashes at start
53027 Port Royale 4 crashes with wined3d_texture*
53034 Lazarus: menu text disappears under mouse if light theme is enabled
53051 Kvaser software crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExNotifyCallback
53061 Alcoma ASD Client 11.1 fails to start due to missing unicode exports in tapi32
53079 Linker error during build. winegstreamer:wg_transform.c:526: undefined reference to `gst_sample_set_info'
53080 Powershell Core crash in FindNLSStringEx
Bugs fixed in 7.11 (total 34):
33381 Mayhem Triple renders too small
33383 Foobar2000 crashes on Alt-H
34176 Kernel32:CompareStringW strange behavior ?
35027 Euphoria needs CreateProcessInternalW function
36720 LCMapString with the parameter NORM_IGNORENONSPACE does not remove diacritics
39144 SpinTires tech demo wrong rendering after changing screen resolution
39298 kernel32 does not support custom nls installation.
45634 enabling CSMT ruins performance for rFactor 1.255
46281 Multiple Windows 7+ apiset-aware applications fail due to Wine loader lacking support for resolving virtual dlls via 'kernel32.GetModuleHandle' (Archicad 22)
46782 CompareStringEx does not support SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS flag
49210 Mafia and Mafia II: Definitive Edition Launcher crashes with Wine-Mono
49232 Saints Row The Third Remastered shows floating black rectangles
50941 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function WS2_32.dll.WSAConnectByName (TIP-Integral, EasyMiniGW)
50948 taskmgr.exe: wrong memory usage unit (GB => MB)
51243 In Wine dinput:keyboard fails if the keyboard layout does not match the display language
52663 Civilization 4: no text in main menu
52752 Rich Edit Control does not support drawing OLE objects
52795 Multiple applications crash in Mesa due to syscall stack overflow (Cyberpunk 2077, Stranger of Paradise, Doom Eternal with ray tracing)
52831 Kernel32::GetSystemPowerStatus returns invalid data if /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 is missing
52841 Leverless arcade controller SOCD cleaning does not work
52885 Adobe Lightroom Classic 11.1 crash in user32
52893 GreedFall crashes on launch
52993 msi:action - test_publish() fails on date change
52995 shell32:shelllink crashes in Wine cause shell32:shellpath's test_PathResolve() to fail (test.bat file)
52998 xaudio2_7:xaudio2 fails on Windows 1909+
53029 Clipboard cut/paste partially broken in wine
53035 Displaying Out-GridView in Powershell Core crashes with WinVer > Win7
53038 Epic Games Launcher crashes on start
53076 Kvaser CanKing needs ntoskrnl.exe.KfRaiseIrql and ntoskrnl.exe.KeLowerIrql
53082 "explorer: Create clipboard manager thread when creating a desktop." causes hangs on wine startup
53102 Ubisoft Connect fails to connect to server
53112 winegstreamer build error
53136 crypt32:cert - testVerifyRevocation() fails in Wine
53138 crypt32:chain - testGetCertChain() fails in Wine
Changes since 7.9:
Akihiro Sagawa (6):
midimap: Handle MIDI running status.
winealsa: Use the symbolic name for MIDI_CTL_ALL_SOUNDS_OFF.
winealsa: Handle MIDI running status.
wineoss: Fix missing break statement.
wineoss: Handle MIDI running status.
winecoreaudio: Handle MIDI running status.
Alex Henrie (3):
ntoskrnl: Add ExNotifyCallback stub.
ntoskrnl: Add KfRaiseIrql stub.
ntoskrnl: Add KeLowerIrql stub.
Alexandre Julliard (28):
zlib: Import upstream release 1.2.12.
lcms: Import upstream release 2.13.1.
xml2: Import upstream release 2.9.14.
kernel32/tests: Don't use strcmp() to compare sortkeys.
kernelbase: Don't ignore the specified locale in LCMapStringA/W.
kernelbase: Don't ignore the specified locale in CompareStringW.
kernel32/tests: Pass a locale instead of a codepage to CompareStringA/W.
kernelbase: Reimplement sortkey generation using the sortdefault.nls data.
kernelbase: Add support for character expansion in sortkeys.
kernelbase: Add support for character compression in sortkeys.
kernelbase: Add support for Hangul composition in sortkeys.
kernelbase: Add support for Kana extra weights in sortkeys.
kernelbase: Add support for SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS in sortkeys.
kernel32/tests: Add a few more sortkey tests.
kernel32/tests: Add an option to generate sortkeys from an input file.
kernelbase: Reimplement CompareStringEx using the sortkey generation code.
kernelbase: Reimplement FindNLSStringEx/W using the sortkey generation code.
kernelbase: Remove no longer needed case table initialization.
make_unicode: Get rid of the old collation table.
kernelbase: Fix typo in null pointer check.
kernelbase: Fix checks for valid locale in LCMapStringW/Ex.
kernelbase: Add a helper function to case-map an entire buffer.
kernelbase: Add a helper function to map an entire buffer to full width.
kernelbase: Add a helper function to map an entire buffer to half width.
kernelbase: Add a helper function to simplify flags checking in LCMapStringEx().
kernelbase: Initialize all the compression tables the first time.
wininet/tests: Update WineHQ certificate.
secur32/tests: Update for new WineHQ certificate.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (5):
winex11.drv: Define ControlMask when not available.
ntdll: Fake success for ThreadPowerThrottlingState.
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMTexture3::{Get,Set}DecalTransparency().
d3drm: Implement IDirect3DRMTexture3::{Get,Set}DecalSize().
Andrew Eikum (3):
xaudio2/tests: Remove failing legacy CLSID tests.
d3d9/tests: Add desktop window tests for IDirect3DDevice9Ex.
d3d9/tests: Demonstrate that NULL HWNDs don't prevent device creation.
André Zwing (2):
l3codeca.acm: Avoid mpg123 functions with suffix.
mp3dmod: Avoid mpg123 functions with suffix.
Anton Baskanov (5):
quartz/tests: Use correct media types in MPEG audio decoder tests.
quartz/tests: Add tests for MPEG audio decoder streaming events.
winegstreamer: Add seeking passthrough to MPEG audio decoder.
winegstreamer: Implement IQualityControl in MPEG audio decoder.
quartz/tests: Add tests for MPEG audio decoder quality control.
Bernhard Kölbl (15): Fix a few typos. Remove an unnecessary todo_wine_if. Add IAsyncAction iface. Add IAsyncInfo to IAsyncAction. Partially implement IAsyncAction. Make IAsyncAction concurrent. Replace STDMETHODCALLTYPE with WINAPI on synthesis functions. Refactor function params in synthesizer.c. Make use of DEFINE_IINSPECTABLE for IClosable from ISpeechSynthesizer. Remove redundant speech prefix. Make use of DEFINE_IINSPECTABLE for IInstalledVoicesStatic from SpeechSynthesizer statics. Simplify QueryInterface functions in synthesizer.c. Remove some empty lines. Rename variable out to impl in factory_ActivateInstance. Add some comments to describe the code regions in synthesizer.c.
Brandon Moore (1):
msadpm: Stop decoding instead of crashing for invalid adpcm data.
Brendan Shanks (6):
kernelbase: Add RaiseFailFastException stub.
win32u: Fix typo in NtUserGetIconInfo.
wow64: Ensure SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR fields are always initialized.
ntdll: Store Wow64 FS selector in thread_data.
ntdll: Set up 32-bit segments to support Wow64 on macOS 10.15+.
avicap32: Fail gracefully if V4L is unavailable.
Charles Davis (10):
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_FLOAT to a separate group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_INTEGER to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_NORMALISED to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BUMPMAP to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_EXTENSION to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS, BROKEN_PITCH, and BLOCKS_NO_VERIFY to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED and HEIGHT_SCALE to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_MAPPABLE to the attributes group.
wined3d: Move WINED3DFMT_FLAG_CAST_TO_BLOCK to the attributes group.
wined3d: Rename format flags to caps.
Dmitry Timoshkov (2):
crypt32: CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey() should reset last error code on success.
d2d1/tests: Add some tests for bitmap mapping.
Eric Pouech (8):
winedbg: Simplify character output.
winedbg: Fix retrieving integral values.
winedbg: Redefine internal types with predefined sizes.
winedbg: Use data model for basic type on input.
winedbg: Do type / id discrimination when parsing.
winedbg: Extend 'print' command to work with types.
winedbg: Remove FORCE_DEREF expressions.
user32: Enable compilation with long types.
Esme Povirk (3):
mscoree/tests: Use wait_child_process for csc process.
wmphoto: Zero user buffer before calling jxrlib Copy.
mscoree: Update Wine Mono to 7.3.0.
Fabian Maurer (1):
kernel32/tests: Add a number of Unicode collation tests.
Floris Renaud (1):
joy.cpl: Resize text boxes.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (18):
include: Add IDOMProgressEvent interface and dispinterface.
mshtml: Implement timeout for XMLHttpRequest.
mshtml: Use binary search when looking up events by name.
mshtml: Use an event mask and list in XMLHttpReqEventListener.
mshtml: Implement ontimeout event for XMLHttpRequest.
winepulse: Try to obtain shorter device names if it exceeds 62 chars.
mmdevapi: Don't clear possibly uninitialized PropVariant.
mmdevapi: Warn if returned device name is too long.
mshtml: Handle empty strings in heap_strndupWtoU.
mshtml: Handle empty status text when processing the response.
mshtml: Abort on a cancelled async request properly.
mshtml: Return actual status in nsChannel_GetStatus.
jscript: Don't allow starting script using state from uninitialized.
jscript: Setup builtin function when the dispid is retrieved.
jscript: Don't execute any functions if script state does not allow it.
jscript: Forward actual error in to_primitive if it's not just missing prop.
jscript: Release all globals when the script is uninitialized.
jscript: Don't allow construction on builtin methods.
Changes since 7.10:
Akihiro Sagawa (1):
msvcrt: Avoid passing an invalid LCID to LCMapStringW.
Alex Henrie (2):
user32: Plug icon handle leak in MDI_AugmentFrameMenu (Coverity).
ntdll: Don't hard-code the battery and AC adapter names on Linux.
Alexandre Julliard (10):
make_unicode: Add data for high Unicode planes in case mapping tables.
kernelbase: Add support for high Unicode planes in LCMapStringEx().
kernel32/tests: Add tests for high Unicode planes.
ntdll/tests: Add tests for high Unicode planes.
faudio: Import upstream release 22.06.
kernelbase: Implement IsNLSDefinedString().
atl: Support escaped quotes in registrar scripts.
kernelbase: Add NORM_IGNORENONSPACE support in LCMapStringEx().
ntdll: Share a few more locale functions with the Unix side.
ntdll: Move the user locale initialization to the Unix side.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
d3drm: Pass all D3DRM_LOAD* flags directly through to CreateEnumObject() in IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder3::Load().
Andrew Eikum (1):
include: Remove duplicate ICodecAPI::GetParameterValues function.
Bernhard Kölbl (9):
include/ Update file to newer formatting.
include/ Move IMediaMarker collections from speechsynthesis.
include/ Update file to newer formatting. Remove a useless thread id trace. Handle a possible race condition. Add basic tests for ssml/text to stream functions. Return IAsyncOperation from synthesizer_SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync. Return IAsyncOperation from synthesizer_SynthesizeSsmlToStreamAsync. Add stub ISpeechSynthesisStream iface.
Chilung Chan (1):
po: Update Traditional Chinese translation.
Connor McAdams (18):
include: Add UI Automation Control Type ID definitions.
uiautomationcore/tests: Skip UiaProviderFromIAccessible tests on Win10v1507.
uiautomationcore: Use WindowFromAccessibleObject to get HWND in UiaProviderFromIAccessible.
uiautomationcore/tests: Store test IAccessible data in structures.
uiautomationcore: Implement UIA_ControlTypePropertyId for MSAA providers.
uiautomationcore: Implement MSAA accState based property IDs for MSAA providers.
uiautomationcore: Implement get_HostRawElementProvider for MSAA providers.
include: Add ILegacyIAccessibleProvider interface definition.
uiautomationcore: Add ILegacyIAccessibleProvider implementation for MSAA providers.
uiautomationcore: Add stub IRawElementProviderFragment for MSAA providers.
uiautomationcore/tests: Add navigation tests for MSAA providers.
uiautomationcore: Implement NavigateDirection_Parent for MSAA Providers.
uiautomationcore/tests: Release interfaces returned from get_HostRawElementProvider.
uiautomationcore: Implement NavigateDirection_{First/Last}Child for MSAA Providers.
uiautomationcore: Implement NavigateDirection_{Previous/Next}Sibling for MSAA providers.
include: Import IAccessible2 headers.
ia2comproxy: Introduce new proxy stub DLL for IAccessible2.
uiautomationcore: Add basic IAccessible2 support.
Daniel Lehman (3):
ntdll/tests: Test if RtlFormatMessage modifies va_list on error.
kernel32/tests: Test if FormatMessage modifies va_list on error.
kernelbase: Pass va_list copy to internal RtlFormatMessage.
Derek Lesho (2):
mfreadwrite/tests: Test timestamp-based MF_SOURCE_READER_ANY_STREAM behavior.
mfreadwrite: Update source reader MF_SOURCE_READER_ANY_STREAM behavior based on tests.
Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
d2d1: Add partial support for image brushes.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (7):
mshtml: Expose IE10+ XMLHttpRequest props via private interface.
mshtml: Implement onabort for XMLHttpRequest.
mshtml: Implement onprogress for XMLHttpRequest.
mshtml: Implement onloadstart for XMLHttpRequest.
mshtml: Implement onloadend for XMLHttpRequest.
mshtml: Implement withCredentials for XMLHttpRequest.
jscript: Use LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE to clear Map and Set objects.
Georg Lehmann (1):
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.3.215.
Hans Leidekker (12):
crypt32: Add support for decoding OCSP_BASIC_REVOKED_INFO structures.
cryptnet: Give precedence to OID_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS in verify_cert_revocation().
crypt32/tests: Add more OCSP revocation tests.
secur32: Add support for SCH_CREDENTIALS.
mshtml: Implement HTMLStorage_getItem().
mshtml: Implement HTMLStorage_setItem().
mshtml: Implement HTMLStorage_removeItem().
mshtml/tests: Add HTMLStorage tests.
mscms/tests: Add TranslateBitmapBits tests.
mscms/tests: Get rid of workarounds for old Windows versions.
mscms: Get rid of an unused structure.
mscms: Use CRT memory allocation functions.
Hugh McMaster (5):
conhost: Split first font code path from font update code path.
conhost: Set correct face name when the specified font is not available.
conhost: Save console settings as global defaults on first run.
conhost: Only save app-specific settings that differ from the defaults.
conhost: Don't prompt the user to save their app-specific settings.
Huw D. M. Davies (3):
gdi32: Remove second initialization of emf->dc_attr.
gdi32: Free the client-side emf dc info.
kernelbase: Avoid relying on the exception handler to test that handle != NULL.
Jacek Caban (55):
winemac: Directly use win32u for user functions in display.c.
winemac: Directly use win32u for user functions in clipboard.c.
winemac: Directly use win32u in more places.
winemac: Directly use win32u for user functions in mouse.c.
winemac: Directly use win32u for user functions in opengl.c.
winemac: Directly use win32u for user functions in window.c.
winemac: Remove CF_BITMAP format handling.
winemac: Remove CF_METAFILEPICT format handling.
winemac: Use CFSTR_INETURLW instead of deprecated CFSTR_SHELLURLW.
winemac: Use NtUserSetClipboardData to import clipboard data.
winex11: Properly initialize set_clipboard_params struct.
winemac: Store driver thread data pointer in TEB.
winemac: Directly use win32u in query_pasteboard_data.
winemac: Directly use wine_unix_to_nt_file_name.
winemac: Directly use wine_nt_to_unix_file_name.
winemac: Use libc for driver memory allocation.
winemac: Don't use MultiByteToWideChar in macdrv_GetKeyNameText.
winemac: Don't use snprintfW in macdrv_GetKeyNameText.
winemac: Use ntdll for UTF8 conversion.
winemac: Use ntdll for Unicode conversion in export_hdrop_to_filenames.
winemac: Use NtUserSetClipboardData in set_win32_clipboard_formats_from_mac_pasteboard.
winemac: Directly use ntdll in more places.
winemac: Directly use ntdll in get_lcid.
winemac: Directly use ntdll in macdrv_vkQueuePresentKHR.
winemac: Directly use win32u in more places.
winex11: Detect system cursors from cursor module name in create_xcursor_system_cursor.
winemac: Detect system cursors from cursor module name in copy_system_cursor_name.
winemac: Use window messages instead of named pipe for macdrv_UpdateClipboard implementation.
win32u: Introduce NtUserClipboardWindowProc.
explorer: Create clipboard manager thread when creating a desktop.
winex11: Use ClipboardWindowProc driver entry point for clipboard manager.
winemac: Use ClipboardWindowProc driver entry point for clipboard manager.
win32u: Use user_callbacks for alertable NtWaitForMultipleObjects calls.
winemac: Move DllMain to separated file.
winemac: Avoid PE calls in systray.c.
winemac: Move wine_notify_icon implementation to dllmain.c.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for IME calls.
winemac: Move macdrv_sent_text_input to event.c.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_ime_set_text calls.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_ime_query_char_rect.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_clear_ime_text.
winemac: Use unixlib for query_drag_exited.
winemac: Don't share debugstr_format between dragdrop.c and clipboard.c.
include: Provide iswspace, wcstol and wcstoul in unixlib.h.
winemac: Rename MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE to avoid collision with wincontypes.h.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for query_drag_drop.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for query_drag_operation.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for dragdrop.c calls.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_dnd_get_data.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_app_quit_request.
winemac: Use unixlib interface for macdrv_app_icon.
winemac: Don't use sprintfW in copy_system_cursor_name.
winemac: Move driver implementation to unixlib.
winemac: Build with msvcrt.
winemac: Don't use unicode.h.
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.3.217.
Giovanni Mascellani (2):
mfplat/tests: Test interaction between Lock() and LockRect().
mfplat/tests: Test interaction between Lock2D() and LockRect().
Hans Leidekker (5):
winhttp: Fix default port corner cases in WinHttpCrackUrl().
cryptnet: Fail CRL verification if there's no issuer certificate.
cryptnet: Move revocation cache check to verify_cert_revocation_from_dist_points_ext().
cryptnet: Fall back to online CRL verification if OCSP verification fails.
winhttp: Release object on allocation failure.
Hugh McMaster (2):
conhost: Show caret immediately after reshaping.
conhost: Update debug output and comments when loading/saving settings.
Jacek Caban (59):
wineandroid: Use ntdll for UTF8 conversion.
wineandroid: Don't use unicode.h.
wineandroid: Remove audio driver.
wineandroid: Directly use ntdll for registry access.
wineandroid: Directly use win32u for GDI functions.
wineandroid: Implement desktop window proc using driver interface.
wineandroid: Directly use win32u for user calls.
wineandroid: Use pthread for locking in opengl.c.
wineandroid: Use pthread for window data locking.
wineandroid: Use pthread for surface locking.
wineandroid: Move DllMain to separated file.
wineandroid: Move wine_create_desktop_to dllmain.c.
wineandroid: Use libc for memory allocation.
wineandroid: Directly use ntdll instead of kernel32.
wineandroid: Move device thread to dllmain.c.
wineandroid: Use unixlib interface for register_window_callback.
win32u: Use public name for SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext.
wineandroid: Build with msvcrt.
mmdevapi: Remove android from default driver list.
jscript/tests: Add test for releasing script context objects.
jscript: Correctly handle deleted entries in iterate_map.
vbscript: Use return_bool in more places.
win32u: Don't call CopyImage with user lock in NtUserRegisterClassExWOW.
win32u: Don't call CopyImage with user lock in set_class_long.
win32u: Move NtUserLockWindowUpdate implementation from user32.
user32: Use a critical section in RegisterUserApiHook.
user32: Remove no longer needed helpers.
win32u: Remove no longer used __wine_set_user_driver PE entry point.
win32u: Move NtUserScrollWindowEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move SetWindowContextHelpId implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserDragDetect implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserInternalGetWindowIcon implementation from user32.
winex11: Use LoadImageW in fetch_icon_data.
win32u: Move SC_SIZE and SC_MOVE handling from user32.
win32u: Allow passing simple LOGFONTW to NtGdiHfontCreate.
win32u: Move WM_NCPAINT handling from user32.
win32u: Move WM_NCACTIVATE implementation from user32.
win32u: Move GetDialogBaseUnits implementation from user32.
win32u: Simplify get_text_metr_size.
win32u: Move WM_NCCALCSIZE implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserDrawMenuBarTemp implementation from user32.
win32u: Move MENU_DrawMenuBar implementation from user32.
win32u: Move PopupMenuWndProc implementation from user32.
user32: Reimplement GetMenuContextHelpId on top of GetMenuInfo.
win32u: Move NtUserMenuItemFromPoint implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_KEYF1 implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserInvalidateRect and NtUserInvalidateRgn implementation from user32.
win32u: Move process default layout handling from user32.
win32u: Move WM_NCHITTEST implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN implementation from user32.
win32u: Use NtUserCallHwnd for NtUserSetForegroundWindow.
win32u: Move menu tracking implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_CONTEXTMENU and WM_POPUPSYSTEMMENU implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserDrawCaptionTemp implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_SETCURSOR implementation from user32.
win32u: Move WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK and WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK implementation from user32.
win32u: Move more WM_SYSCOMMAND implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetTitleBarInfo implementation from user32.
Jactry Zeng (2):
user32/tests: Add more tests of SetClipboardData().
win32u/clipboard: Set handle of bitmap and palette as system object.
Jinoh Kang (6):
include: Mark IShellItem::BindToHandler's pbc parameter as [unique].
include: Mark IPersistFolder3::InitializeEx's optional parameters as [unique].
include: Define fast fail codes and the __fastfail() intrinsic.
ntdll/tests: Add tests for __fastfail().
ntdll: Implement __fastfail().
ntdll: Properly parse UDF instruction in ARM.
Julian Klemann (1):
ws2_32: Add WSAConnectByName() functions.
Limstash Wong (1):
taskmgr: Fix the unit in memory usage graph on performance tab.
Matteo Bruni (5):
wined3d: Don't touch GL sRGB decode state when not supported.
d3d9/tests: Fix typo.
wined3d: Allow blits with fixups in the FFP blitter without a shader backend.
wined3d: Assert that the CS queue size is a power of two.
wined3d: Add some state table consistency checking to context_invalidate_state().
Nikolay Sivov (56):
evr/sample: Use proper locking method for SetAllocator().
vbscript: Fix a typo in sizeof() (Coverity).
vbscript: Handle negative argument in Space().
d3drm/tests: Use test context for test ran in a loop.
vbscript: Handle null arguments in MonthName().
vbscript: Implement TimeSerial().
d2d1/effect: Store shader id itself, not a pointer to it.
d2d1/effect: Add a helper to append shader objects to the context.
kernel32/tests: Run process information tests over defined test data.
include: Add some more process information class constants.
ntdll/tests: Use NtQueryInformationProcess() directly.
secur32: Remove unused field from struct schan_transport.
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateVertexShader().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateGeometryShader().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreatePixelShader().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateHullShader().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateDomainShader().
d3d11: Always initialize out shader pointer in CreateComputeShader().
secur32: Simplify get_session_peer_certificate unixlib interface.
secur32: Use 64-bit integer to store session pointer.
secur32: Simplify parameters structure of credentials allocation call.
secur32: Add explicit output parameter for create_session() request.
secur32: Use CRT allocation functions for get_key_blob().
secur32: Zero initialize context for create_session() call.
d2d1/tests: Add some tests for invalid bitmap options.
d2d1: Create staging texture with read access for bitmaps with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ.
d2d1: Explicitly validate bitmap options for CreateBitmap().
d2d1/tests: Test bitmap options when created from existing surface.
d2d1: Implement bitmap mapping.
kerberos: Use 64-bit integer for credential handles.
kerberos: Use 64-bit integer for context handles.
kerberos: Pass input/output tokens directly for accept_context() call.
kerberos: Pass input/output buffers directly for make_signature() call.
kerberos: Pass input/output buffers directly for verify_signature() call.
kerberos: Pass input/output buffers directly for seal_message() call.
kerberos: Pass input/output buffers directly for unseal_message() call.
kerberos: Pass input/output buffers directly for initialize_context() call.
kerberos: Separate ticket query function from call handler.
kerberos: Add wow64 support to the unixlib.
d2d1: Use bitmap options to check if mapping is supported.
d2d1: Derive bitmap options from surface description in CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface().
d2d1: Derive bitmap options from surface description in CreateSharedBitmap().
d2d1: Validate bitmap options against surface description in CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface().
secur32: Remove unused argument from buffer iteration helpers.
secur32: Manage gnutls transport data in unixlib.
secur32: Pass single input and output buffers for handshake call.
secur32: Simplify input buffer handling for schan_recv() call.
secur32: Update output buffer offset on return from schan_send() call.
secur32: Prepare schan_send() buffers on PE side.
secur32: Get rid of buffer iteration callback in unixlib.
secur32: Remove duplicate check.
secur32: Remove unused pointer parameter from send request.
secur32: Use 32-bit sizes in parameters structures.
secur32: Store certificate credentials object pointer as 64-bit.
secur32: Add wow64 support to the unixlib.
Paul Gofman (2):
wininet: Return INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED flag from InternetGetConnectedStateExW().
winex11.drv: Avoid adding duplicate GPUs.
Piotr Caban (2):
d3dx10: Try loading the resource as bitmap in D3DX10CreateAsyncResourceLoader.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureInfoProcessor stub.
dwmapi: Fill rateRefresh/rateCompose and qpcRefreshPeriod of DWM_TIMING_INFO from DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo().
dwmapi: Return S_OK from DwmFlush().
Jinoh Kang (5):
comctl32: Fix integer overflow in DPA_Search.
riched20/tests: Add tests for drawing embedded OLE objects.
riched20: Fetch extent from object if REOBJECT::sizel is unset.
riched20: Draw OLE objects with IViewObject implementation.
comctl32: Always paint SS_BITMAP static control background with WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC brush.
Julian Klemann (4):
httpapi/tests: Move sleep statement.
httpapi/tests: Add tests for when URLs fail to be added to a queue.
httpapi: Stop setting group->url if add_url() fails.
http.sys: Add support for adding multiple urls to request queues.
Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Louis Lenders (2):
wbemprox: Add a few properties to Win32_QuickFixEngineering.
advapi32: Fix spec entry for LookupPrivilegeDisplayName{A,W}.
Martin Storsjö (5):
ntdll: Add SEH unwind info in ARM assembly functions/trampolines.
ntdll: Use ControlPcIsUnwound for the RtlVirtualUnwind pc parameter in virtual_unwind.
ntdll: Take ControlPcIsUnwound into account on arm64 too.
ntdll/tests: Fix printing of incorrect exception handler data.
ntdll/tests: Test returning an exception handler on arm/arm64.
Matteo Bruni (2):
d3dx10/tests: Initialize a function argument.
d3dx10/tests: Add a test for loading an invalid resource from a valid module.
Nikolay Sivov (16):
windows.gaming.input: Fix a leak on error path (Coverity).
secur32/schannel: Avoid use-after-free in AcquireClientCredentials() (Coverity).
kernelbase/tests: Move VirtualAllocFromApp() tests.
kernelbase: Implement VirtualAlloc2FromApp().
kernelbase/tests: Add some more tests for region splitting.
ntdll/tests: Add some tests for VM regions splitting.
d2d1: Use d3d11 constants for constant buffer description.
d3d11: Do not return uninitialized values on Map() failure.
d2d1: Update to ID2D1DeviceContext1.
d3d11/tests: Add some tests for IDXGIResource support.
dxgi/tests: Add a IDXGIResource support test for CreateSurface().
dxgi: Create DXGI resource object, optionally supporting surface interfaces.
d3d11: Add a helper to create DXGI resource objects.
d3d11: Always use dxgi resource private store for 1D and 2D textures.
d3d11: Create dxgi resource object for 3D textures.
d3d11: Create dxgi resource objects for buffers.
Paul Gofman (15):
winhttp: Keep task in queue until completion.
winhttp: Implement reference counting for tasks.
winhttp: Fix dwResult field in websocket receive error result.
winhttp: Replace pending read cancel in WinHttpWebSocketClose() with a generic cancel_queue().
winhttp: Abort websocket IO on handle close.
winhttp: Support abort in task_socket_close().
winhttp/tests: Add tests for closing web socket with pending operations.
ws2_32: Check for valid socket in WSAGetOverlappedResult().
ntdll: Cancel asyncs when thread is terminated.
ws2_32/tests: Add tests for terminated thread asyncs completion.
winhttp: Introduce netconn_wait_overlapped_result() helper.
winhttp: Use completion port for async send.
ws2_32: Make wait in select() alertable.
ws2_32: Make wait in WS2_recv_base() alertable.
iphlpapi: Return ERROR_NO_DATA from GetIpNetTable() if no entries are found.
Piotr Caban (28):
wow64: Fix NtQueryDirectoryObject wrapper.
d3dx10: Use CRT memory allocators.
d3dx11: Use CRT memory allocators.
d3dx10: Share code for file data loading.
d3dx10: Share code for resource data loading.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureInfoProcessor implementation.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureInfoProcessor tests.
d3dx10: Don't ignore HRESULT parameter in D3DX10GetImageInfoFrom* functions.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory HRESULT argument tests.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileW.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceA.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceW.
d3dx10: Support ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory thread pump tests.
server: Always return Win32 error code from IOCTL_AFD_GET_SO_ERROR.
server: Don't reset socket error in poll_socket.
server: Don't reset socket error in IOCTL_AFD_GET_SO_ERROR.
d3dx10: Don't ignore HRESULT parameter in D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory HRESULT argument tests.
d3dx10: Exit early on volume textures in D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureProcessor stub.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureProcessor implementation.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureProcessor tests.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceA.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceW.
d3dx10: Add support for ID3DX10ThreadPump parameter in D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory.
d3dx10/tests: Add D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory thread pump tests.
Robert Wilhelm (1):
scrrun: Check for null arguments in MoveFile.
Roman Pišl (4):
tapi32: Add lineGetCallInfoW stub.
tapi32: Add lineGetDevConfigW stub.
tapi32: Add lineGetIconW stub.
tapi32: Add lineSetDevConfigW stub.
Rémi Bernon (67):
ntdll: Ignore free list headers in HEAP_FindFreeBlock.
ntdll: Use block helpers in find_free_block.
ntdll: Cleanup and rename HEAP_CreateFreeBlock to create_free_block.
ntdll: Introduce new helper to update block type.
ntdll: Introduce new helper to update block flags and size.
ntdll: Use block helpers in create_free_block.
include: Add missing __WINE_DEALLOC(HeapFree) attribute size index.
include: Add missing __WINE_DEALLOC attribute to RtlReAllocateHeap.
wineoss: Add missing parentheses for GetProcessHeap call.
kernel32/tests: Workaround (Local|Global|Heap)Free warnings.
kernelbase: Workaround Local(Alloc|Free) invalid access warnings.
ntdll: Merge HEAP_InsertFreeBlock with create_free_block.
ntdll: Cleanup and rename HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree to free_used_block.
ntdll: Use block helpers in free_used_block.
ntdll: Move subheap decommit hysteresis to free_used_block.
ntdll: Use the subheap helpers in HEAP_Commit / HEAP_Decommit.
ntdll: Introduce a new subheap_overhead helper.
widl: Remove set but unused variable.
qasf/tests: Add more ASF Reader filter tests.
qasf: Constify filter_ops.
qasf: Rename variables and functions.
qasf: Create and open a WMReader in the ASF Reader filter.
qasf: Implement ASF Reader filter stream stubs.
ntdll: Consistently use a heap local variable.
ntdll: Remove base member from SUBHEAP struct.
ntdll: Move min commit size to main heap struct.
ntdll: Add a first heap block member to the subheap.
ntdll: Prefer using block size rather than data size.
ntdll: Store the block size directly in block headers.
winegstreamer: Append a videoconvert element to wg_transform video output.
winegstreamer: Set wg_transform output sample size on gst_buffer_map failure.
winegstreamer: Return early if output buffer is too small.
winegstreamer: Avoid leaking buffer list in wg_transform_read_data.
winegstreamer: Only filter video caps attributes when format uses 0.
winegstreamer: Track caps changes and keep them with the output buffers.
winegstreamer: Support wg_transform output format change events.
winegstreamer: Expose output media type attributes from the stream format.
ntdll: Rename block specific flag constants.
ntdll: Use flag combination to mark free list headers.
ntdll: Use a block member in the free list entry struct.
ntdll: Rename freeList variables to free_list.
ntdll: Use struct entry directly for the free lists.
ntdll: Fix handling of back pointer in heap_set_debug_flags.
ntdll: Split valgrind memory access control to separate helpers.
ntdll: Correctly free pending pointer in RtlDestroyHeap.
ntdll: Call valgrind alloc notifications at the topmost level.
ntdll: Merge common resize case in heap_realloc.
ntdll: Remove tail checking on large blocks.
include: Add touch and pointer input related winuser.h declarations.
kernelbase: Convert RtlWalkHeap structure on input too.
ntdll: Fix handling of free blocks in RtlWalkHeap.
ntdll: Call mark_block_tail outside of initialize_block.
ntdll: Use a fixed block tail size.
ntdll: Remove unnecessary constants and typedefs.
ntdll: Improve block size rounding compatibility.
ntdll: Round free block size to block size alignment.
ntdll: Use a more compact block layout.
dinput/tests: Move bus PDO ioctl handling to a separate helper.
dinput/tests: Enforce ioctl buffer sizes to avoid overflows.
dinput/tests: Fix source file in driver test context.
dinput/tests: Support test IOCTLs on the bus control interface.
dinput/tests: Add a test for multiple top-level collections.
winegstreamer: Use a custom flag instead of sample info for caps change.
winegstreamer: Reply with a video buffer pool to ALLOCATION queries.
winegstreamer: Request native buffer alignment using video pool meta.
winegstreamer: Support mapping of MF_MT_MINIMUM_DISPLAY_APERTURE.
winegstreamer: Enforce frame size in H264 decoder SetOutputType.
Stefan Dösinger (5):
wined3d: Add a memory_colour_fill path for clearing the entire level to zero.
wined3d: Prepare sysmem LOCATION_CLEARED handling for non-zero colors.
wined3d: Handle WINED3DFMT_D32_FLOAT in wined3d_format_convert_from_float.
wined3d: Store clear colors in subresources.
d3d9/tests: Extend color_fill_test.
Zebediah Figura (16):
wined3d: Correctly handle 3D textures in wined3d_view_{load, invalidate}_location().
d3d11/tests: Add a test for 2D partial RTV slices of a 3D texture.
d3d10core/tests: Add a test for 2D partial RTV slices of a 3D texture.
wined3d: Do not accelerate NOOVERWRITE maps if we cannot map persistently.
wined3d: Always unmap buffer objects if ARB_buffer_storage is not supported.
user32: Populate the RID_DEVICE_INFO structure in add_device().
user32: Handle failure from HID APIs.
user32: Retrieve the usage page and usage directly from the hid_preparsed_data structure.
user32: Use GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID directly.
user32: Use HID ioctls directly.
user32: Factor out raw input device enumeration.
d3d10core/tests: Add a regression test for writing to the stencil buffer after clearing it.
wined3d: Store whether a depth/stencil state writes to the depth/stencil buffer in the state itself.
wined3d: Invalidate the depth/stencil view if the depth/stencil state may be written.
wined3d: Consider the depth write mask in depth_stencil_state_desc_writes_ds() only if depth testing is enabled.
user32: Perform HID ioctls on the right file handle.
Zhao Yi (1):
mscms: Return the correct value for bmformat.
Zhiyi Zhang (4):
dxgi: Implement adapter video memory budget change notification.
uxtheme: Support parsing menu class.
light.msstyles: Add Menu parts.
win32u: Create a dummy bitmap for display device contexts.
Ziqing Hui (12):
d2d1/tests: Add tests for effect register.
d2d1/tests: Add device context field to test context.
d2d1/tests: Add factory fields to test context.
d2d1/tests: Add tests for effect context.
d2d1: Implement ID2D1EffectContext_IsShaderLoaded().
d2d1/tests: Test effect property if register effect multiple times with different xml.
d2d1/tests: Test registering effect multiple times with different binding.
d2d1/tests: Add more effect xml.
xmllite/tests: Test depth for MoveToAttributeByName().
xmllite: Increase depth in reader_set_current_attribute().
d2d1/tests: Test custom effect properties.
d2d1/tests: Test unregistering effect which has existing instance.
vbscript: Implement IsDate().
Rémi Bernon (61):
winegstreamer: Return void from align_video_info_planes.
windows.gaming.input: Consistently use FIXME for E_NOINTERFACE messages.
include: Add Windows.Gaming.Input.IGamepad2 interface declaration.
windows.gaming.input: Implement stub IGamepad2 interface.
winegstreamer: Introduce new wg_transform_(push|read)_mf helpers.
winegstreamer: Rename mf_(create|destroy)_wg_sample helpers.
winegstreamer: Introduce a new custom memory allocator.
winegstreamer: Support zero-copy output using the allocator.
winegstreamer: Support zero-copy in wg_transform_push_data.
dinput/tests: Avoid requiring foreground window in SetCooperativeLevel tests.
dinput/tests: Use dinput_test_(init|exit) for all tests.
dinput/tests: Merge device.c tests into device8.c.
ole32/tests: Update IStream_SetSize with large size test result.
ntdll: Add block padding when HEAP_ADD_USER_INFO flag is set.
kernelbase: Use HEAP_ADD_USER_INFO for HLOCAL allocations.
ntdll: Implement RtlSetUserValueHeap.
kernelbase: Use RtlSetUserValueHeap to store HLOCAL.
dinput/tests: Add some broken joystick axis results.
dinput: Fix DIPROP_FFGAIN mouse and keyboard tests.
dinput/tests: Run mouse info tests for every dinput version.
dinput/tests: Merge mouse.c tests into device8.c.
dinput/tests: Run keyboard info tests for every dinput version.
dinput/tests: Merge keyboard.c tests into device8.c.
ntdll: Implement RtlGetUserValueHeap.
kernel32: Use RtlGetUserInfoHeap in GlobalHandle.
kernelbase: Stop using an offset for HLOCAL pointers.
kernel32: Cleanup and simplify (Global|Local)Size.
kernel32: Cleanup and simplify (Global|Local)Handle.
kernelbase: Cleanup and simplify (Global|Local)ReAlloc.
ntdll: Rename HEAP to struct heap and remove typedef.
ntdll: Consistently name heap handles and pointers.
ntdll: Rename HEAP_GetPtr to unsafe_heap_from_handle.
ntdll: Use block_size and data_size in subheap structure.
ntdll: Remove heap pointer from SUBHEAP structure.
winebus.sys: Implement SOCD neutral cleaning for hatswitches.
winegstreamer: Split wg_sample wrapper helpers to a separate source.
winegstreamer: Use a union in struct sample to keep API pointers.
winegstreamer: Introduce new wg_sample_create_quartz helper for quartz_transform.c.
winegstreamer: Support zero-copy wg_transform_push_data in quartz_transform.c.
winegstreamer: Support zero-copy wg_transform_read_data in quartz_transform.c.
winegstreamer: Remove copying support from wg_transform_push_data.
winegstreamer: Return NS_E_INVALID_REQUEST on WMReader Start before Open.
winegstreamer: Return E_UNEXPECTED from WMReader_Open when already opened.
winegstreamer: Return E_UNEXPECTED from WMReaderAdvanced2_OpenStream when already opened.
winegstreamer: Move end conditions out of the wm_asyncreader stream loop.
winegstreamer: Simplify wm_asyncreader stream loop exit code path.
winegstreamer: Leave the wm_reader stream_cs when calling the callbacks.
mscoree: Avoid using pointer after free.
mshtml/tests: Avoid using pointer value after free.
oleaut32/tests: Workaround use after free warnings.
user32/tests: Workaround use after free warnings.
msi: Avoid using pointer value after free.
notepad: Avoid using pointer value after free.
dsound: Avoid using pointer value after free.
d3drm: Avoid using pointer value after free.
server: Avoid using pointer value after realloc.
winegstreamer: Register stub ResamplerMediaObject transform.
winegstreamer: Implement ResamplerMediaObject transform.
winegstreamer: Remove unnecessary WineAudioConverter transform.
winegstreamer: Register stub ColorConvertDMO transform.
winegstreamer: Implement ColorConvertDMO transform.
Sebastián Aedo (1):
winex11.drv: Change order register_extension for WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float.
Stefan Dösinger (1):
include: Emit CFI directives when building on Mac with gcc.
Tim Clem (1):
ntdll: Move SEH exception info logs back to the seh channel.
Timo Zuccarello (1):
winebus: Optionally split joysticks with more than 6 axes.
Torge Matthies (2):
cryptnet: Resolve object id to algorithm id when verifying OCSP response.
msvcp90: Fix segfault in bad_alloc exception default constructor.
Zebediah Figura (12):
wined3d: Parse the eval_centroid opcode.
wined3d: Cap the maximum reported VRAM, not the current reported VRAM.
hidclass.sys: Expose an ioctl to retrieve the raw input handle.
dinput: Use IOCTL_HID_GET_WINE_RAWINPUT_HANDLE to retrieve the raw input handle.
user32: Use IOCTL_HID_GET_WINE_RAWINPUT_HANDLE to retrieve the raw input handle.
hidclass.sys: No longer set the DEVPROPKEY_HID_HANDLE property.
user32: Store the device path as a simple string pointer.
user32: Use registry APIs to enumerate raw input devices.
user32/tests: Add some more tests related to the RAWINPUT structure.
user32: Correctly fill the RAWINPUT structure on WoW64.
win32u: Move NtUserGetRawInputData from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetRawInputBuffer from user32.
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -1539,6 +1539,7 @@ Sean Huckins
Sean Langley
Sean Sube
Sean Young
Sebastián Aedo
Sebastian Gasiorek
Sebastian Lackner
Sébastien Ramage
Wine version 7.10
Wine version 7.11
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71 for Wine 7.10.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71 for Wine 7.11.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -611,8 +611,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2286,7 +2286,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 7.10 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 7.11 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 7.10:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 7.11:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 7.10
Wine configure 7.11
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 7.10, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 7.11, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71. Invocation command line was
$ $0$ac_configure_args_raw
......@@ -22896,7 +22896,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 7.10, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 7.11, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71. Invocation command line was
......@@ -22960,7 +22960,7 @@ ac_cs_config_escaped=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_cs_config" | sed "s/^ //; s/'/'\\\\\\\\
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
Wine config.status 7.10
Wine config.status 7.11
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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