11910 Multiple games need msvcirt.dll.??0istrstream@@QAE@PADH@Z (Tron 2.0, NOLF2, Schizm 2)
16925 Star Trek: Borg does not run, needs msvcrt20.dll.??0ostrstream@@QAE@PADHH@Z
20569 Winamp's next page in the shoutcast radio/tv list doesn't respond
22671 Gestan crashes due to unimplemented msvcirt.dll.??0istrstream@@QAE@PAD@Z
24519 Fractal Time!: cannot select an area in the generated image to zoom in
26994 Microsoft reader crashes due to unimpl msvcirt.dll.?rdbuf@ostrstream@@QBEPAVstrstreambuf@@XZ
27553 Reservoir Dogs: no videos and black menu right after starting
29174 L2German.net: Lineage II installer crashes
29412 Right click on system tray icon not work
31338 Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Steam) shows white screen and nothing else
32672 Rainbow Six: Only the sky is rendered
35025 Max Payne 2 Demo: checkboxes in options dialog have missing window styles
35281 KCleaner hangs up in system tray
35452 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (Steam) crashes on startup, reporting 'Failed to verify content catalog integrity'
35630 New ReactOS shell crashes on unimplemented function shell32.dll.723 a.k.a. SHCreateSessionKey
36205 TrySim v5.0 demo doesn't exit cleanly (crashes/hangs on exit)
36690 Rockman 7FC has issues with Shade Man Easter Egg
37410 Might & Magic Heroes IV crashes on startup
39364 LFS.exe (Live for Speed) crash on copy/paste (Ctrl+C) operation on chat history
41449 Power DVD 15 (Cyberlink) needs unimplemented function SHELL32.dll.SHRemoveLocalizedName
41492 Failure to compile: redefinition of typedef ‘EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR’
41565 WMI error in object Win32_ComputerSystemProduct, property UUID
41570 Xenia emulator needs unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1.RtlLookupFunctionEntry called in 64-bit code
41572 Windows API crash (GetTimeZoneInformationForYear)
41575 Copy/Cut and paste do not work as of wine 1.9.21
Bugs fixed in 1.9.23 (total 32):
11963 Myst V: End of Ages does not run
17323 Superbase Dialogs are too small
23255 Temper setup dialog button is inappropriately sized
23838 iMule Crashes Upon Indexing Shared Files (dogfood)
24995 Gpstrack Segfaults while copying text from right-click popup menu
28132 MDDClone starts without audio unless 'Sound' tab is activated in the launcher
28226 Sonic heroes 1.0 Crash after running.
30187 Cisco IP Communicator installation fails (Cisco 'certmgr.exe' tool fails to install certificate to the system-wide trusted certificate store)
30673 Smart Cutter 1.9.4 crashes when the button OPEN is pressed
32752 Xanadu NEXT 3D does not show properly
33524 Cannot select/copy text in PDF files created in Microsoft Office 2007 & 2010
35397 Endless Steam Client Update even after fresh install (BSD 'read_directory_getdirentries' implementation broken)
35733 Startopia: Models render with weird and completely unexpected offsets
36101 Wow Hangs at login screen when coming from battle.net launcher (only with gxapi Opengl)