- Asynchronous I/O performance is improved by reducing the number of server
- Memory write watches work correctly when used concurrently with file I/O
on the same buffers.
- Virtual memory allocations can be arbitrarily large on 64-bit platforms.
*** User interface
- The built-in mouse cursors are redesigned, and available in higher
resolution for high DPI screens.
- The Shell Explorer, the common dialogs, and the RichEdit control properly
scale on high DPI screens.
- The screen DPI value can be overridden by setting the "LogPixels" value
under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.
- In desktop mode, higher display resolutions with various aspect ratios
are supported.
- The Task Dialog common control is implemented.
- The Internal User Interface is supported in MSI.
- Double-buffered theme painting is implemented.
- The TWAIN library supports a user dialog for selecting the scanner
- Device-independent bitmaps and metafiles can be stored into the OLE Data
*** Desktop integration
- The StartupWMClass field is set in generated desktop files so that they
can be matched to their respective Windows binary.
- Clipboard changes from other X11 applications are detected through the
Xfixes library instead of polling.
- The RichEdit control supports pasting metafiles.
- The Program Manager DDE protocol for manipulating program entries and
groups is implemented.
- The HID service for detecting Plug & Play devices is active by default.
- Version 4 of the system tray notification protocol is supported on macOS.
*** Text and fonts
- Contextual glyph substitution is supported in UniScribe.
- Character tables are based on version 10.0.0 of the Unicode Standard.
- The Nepali and Bangla (India) locales are supported.
Bugs fixed in 3.1 (total 29):
13332 widl fails with unknown embedded type for somedata (0x0)
37997 Jeskola Buzz Build 1499 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on unimplemented function msvcp100.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IAE@I@Z
38064 Using alt+enter to fullscreen any rpgmaker XP game causes keyboard input lose and not fullscreen
38436 Grand Theft Auto V failed to launch
39319 Multiple 64-bit applications fail to start due to loader refusing to map 32-bit resource-only dll into 64-bit process (Solid Edge ST8, ICU4C tools)
40078 With IrfanView copied image detail is horizontally flipped
40418 Doom 4 requires bcrypt AES provider
40623 DOOM (2016) demo (Steam) crashes on launch due to Denuvo copy protection
40926 Multiple games (Solus Project, Dying Light) require unimplemented function msvcp110.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IEAA@_K@Z
42170 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 offline installer does not complete, needs wevtapi.EvtNext stub
42330 Grand Theft Auto V (Steam): black screen, only audio
42716 64-bit MetaTrader5 refuses to start, reports 'A debugger has been found running in your system' (Denuvo Anti-Tamper x64)
43538 x64dbg needs unimplemented function msvcp120.dll.??0_Concurrent_queue_base_v4@details@Concurrency@@IAE@I@Z
43595 Rainmeter doesn't run, demands windows 7 or later (needs (stub) ID2D1Factory1)
43728 Magic: The Gathering Online intensive CPU usage when idle
44035 Xenia emulator doesn't start
44138 Native Access needs unimplemented function iphlpapi.dll.if_indextoname