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Commit c570224a authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard
Browse files

Release 2.22.

parent b8d294cd
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Tags wine-1.7.48
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The Wine development release 2.21 is now available.
The Wine development release 2.22 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Still more metafile support in GdiPlus.
- Indirect draws support in Direct 3D.
- Calling convention fixes on ARM.
- Improved serial port detection on Linux.
- Services fixes on WoW64.
- Better DPI scaling in the Shell Explorer.
- Source selection dialog for scanners.
- Improvements in ARM64 support.
- Float audio formats with more than 2 channels in XAudio.
- Fixes for DLL injection support.
- Input methods improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
......@@ -28,276 +27,213 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 2.21 (total 16):
34601 Hydro Thunder from Midway Arcade Treasures 3 crashes quickly after the start
37669 Resetting a write watch can cause memory access violation in kernel
38334 SpinTires crashes with unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXFrameFind
42568 user32/tests/msg.ok intermittent failure in SendMessage from other thread
42569 user32/tests/clipboard intermittent failure ("expected freed memory")
42570 dinput/tests/mouse intermittently fails in Acquire() and GetDeviceData()
42863 Multiple games require sample_c_lz for cube/array textures (Winexy, Witcher 3, Flame in the Flood)
43273 The Witcher 3 freezes the system in a certain area of the game
43316 Process Hacker 2.x needs ADVAPI32.dll.LsaLookupPrivilegeName
43405 NieR:Automata - Most bullets are invisible
43483 Medusa Demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10PreprocessShaderFromMemory
43750 USB "ttyACM0" serial port not being created
43853 Keepass2 fails to launch
43884 MSVC LINK.EXE version 14.11.25547.0 crashes due to unimplemented function _memicmp_l
43939 comctl32 cannot load its assembly on arm
43952 kernel32/tests/console.ok fails
Bugs fixed in 2.22 (total 14):
29986 IE6 and IE4 have greenish toolbar icons
42099 Bedlam (indie game) renders 3D world upside down (DX11)
42414 The Witcher 3 intro videos don't play
42701 Multiple apps and games using MS .NET Framework 4.x need api-ms-win-core-winrt-roparameterizediid-l1-1-0.dll.RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID (Mafia III, Daylight)
43332 rsaenh: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43333 shell32: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43335 wintrust: Warning and note while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43336 propsys: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43800 Winamp's associations setup window has broken check boxes appearance
43844 Skyrim can not load skse when upgrade to 2.18
43904 HeTeMuLu Creator: Can't input some kanji characters properly.
43946 wineboot crashes with stack smashing on aarch64
44037 Bricscad v17 crashes on startup, needs ADVAPI32.dll.PerfStartProviderEx
44054 Wine-mono download dialog should say wine-mono, not Mono
Changes since 2.20:
Alex Henrie (8):
mountmgr: Map ttyACM devices to COM ports on Linux.
vbscript/tests: Fix test for WeekDayName(foo, bar, 0).
kernel32/tests: Detect and handle a redirected stdin.
libport: Move rint fallback implementations from msvcrt to libport.
d3dx9/tests: Correct Fresnel reference term.
d3dx9/tests: Provide 8 significant digits in matrix reference values.
d3dx9/tests: Relax D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle test stringency a bit.
d3dx9/tests: Use a helper function to set matrix values in math tests.
Alexandre Julliard (23):
configure: Require floating point support on ARM.
setupapi: Use correct architecture for fake dlls on ARM and ARM64.
wldap32: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
ntdll: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
kernel32/tests: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
msvcrt: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
include: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
attrib: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
cmd: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
ipconfig: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
net: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
netstat: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
reg: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
regedit: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
regsvr32: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
taskkill: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
uninstaller: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
xcopy: Use WINAPIV calling convention for variadic functions.
include: Use the hard-float calling convention for Windows APIs on ARM
ntdll: Don't change packing of fd cache entries.
user32: Pass the text length explicitly to EDIT_EM_ReplaceSel.
user32/tests: Avoid strlen in traces.
readme: Patches should now be sent to wine-devel.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (4):
oledb32: DataConvert support DBTYPE_VARIANT -> DBTYPE_R4.
oledb32: Fix typo.
quartz: Output This in TRACE statements.
quartz: Output This in TRACE statements.
Andrew Eikum (4):
explorer: Don't leak PIDL.
explorer: Scale element sizes by DPI.
shell32: Scale explorer browser sizes by DPI.
shell32: Size ShellView column widths by font width.
Andrey Gusev (6):
hidclass.sys: Remove check for negative value.
iphlpapi: Change variable type.
usp10: Remove worthless check.
mf: Add MFGetSupportedMimeTypes stub.
d3dx10: Add D3DX10PreprocessShaderFromMemory stub.
d3dx11: Fix D3DX11CompileFromMemory spec entry.
Andrey Semakin (3):
winemine: Add WM_RBUTTONUP to cases of TestMines().
winemine: Save board without need to correctly finish the app.
winemine: Add Reset Results button.
Aric Stewart (2):
usp10/tests: Add fingerprint to help ensure proper font for testing.
hidclass.sys: Handle opportunistic reads.
Aurimas Fišeras (1):
Changes since 2.21:
Akihiro Sagawa (6):
imm32/tests: Add a skip message when composition string isn't available.
imm32/tests: Add more composition string tests.
winex11: Keep the result string in the IME UI window procedure.
winemac: Keep the result string in the IME UI window procedure.
imm32/tests: Add more WM_IME_CHAR message tests.
user32: Send WM_IME_CHAR messages from DefWindowProc.
Alex Henrie (4):
libport: Fix typo in rintf.
include: Add roparameterizediid.idl.
combase: Add RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID stub.
comctl32/tests: Detect and handle an RTL locale.
Alexandre Julliard (10):
kernel32: Also match script name when looking for a locale.
kernel32: Keep the sublanguage specified by the script name when looking for the default.
ntdll: Fall back to read() earlier on noexec filesystems.
ntdll: Fall back to read() on noexec filesystems also for non-image mappings.
ntdll: Also check for EACCES to detect noexec failures.
make_makefiles: Ignore files that have been deleted in the index.
ntdll: Fixup imports in the first thread that runs, even if it's not the main one.
ntdll: Delay attaching to dlls loaded because of a forwarded entry point.
ntdll: Use a separate stack when starting new threads.
ntdll: Set the initial process context on ARM.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
cmd: Implement builtin mklink command.
Andrey Gusev (1):
kernel32: Add CreateThreadpoolIo stub.
Andrey Semakin (1):
winemine: Add confirmation to reset results button.
André Hentschel (5):
configure: Set the main loader base address on ARM64.
loader: Remove dead code.
loader: Setup the TLS register on ARM64.
loader: We now have a preloader on ARM64.
libwine: Reserve memory areas for ARM64 in case we don't have a preloader.
Aric Stewart (1):
hidclass: Properly NULL terminate device_deviceid_fmtW.
Aurimas Fišeras (3):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
Austin English (2):
readme: Clarify the wording a bit.
preloader: Fix a typo in error message.
Dmitry Kislyuk (1):
vbscript: Improve parsing of separators in functions and classes.
Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
ws2_32/tests: Add some tests for sockets bound to a completion port.
Donna Whisnant (2):
oleaut32: Add ARM support to DispCallFunc().
oleaut32: Fix DispCallFunc() stdcall test to be ABI not x64 specific.
Fabian Maurer (2):
comctl32/tests: Add taskdialog callback tests.
comctl32/taskdialog: Added support for nDefaultButton.
Gerald Pfeifer (3):
fusion: Remove unused to_multibyte function.
advapi32/tests: Fix two clang warnings in test_LookupAccount SID_NAME_USE being out of range.
configure: Use the -Wno-packed-not-aligned compiler option if available.
Hans Leidekker (4):
include: Add missing BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE definitions.
advapi32: Fix EnumServicesStatus on Wow64.
advapi32: Fix EnumServicesStatusEx on Wow64.
advapi32: Fix QueryServiceConfig2 on Wow64.
Austin English (1):
advapi32: Add initial Perf* stubs.
David Collett (1):
kernel32: Adjust data directories in UpdateResource API.
Dmitry Timoshkov (8):
user32/tests: Don't leave a stray test window behind.
user32/tests: Fix test failures under Windows.
user32/tests: Separate WS_EX_TOPMOST tests from SetWindowPos ones.
user32/tests: Make WS_EX_TOPMOST tests more generic.
user32/tests: Add a bunch of WS_EX_TOPMOST tests.
server: Make it possible to deliver an APC to any thread alive in the process.
server: Deliver an async io APC to any thread alive in the process.
widl: Generate header macros even for aggregate return methods.
Fabian Maurer (4):
shell32/tests: Add test for IAutoComplete2 with custom source.
comdlg32/fontdlg: Allow setting value by typing it into the edit fields.
user32/tests: Test manually setting WS_VSCROLL on combobox listbox.
po: Change Mono to wine-mono for clarity.
Hans Leidekker (7):
advapi32; Remove unused foward declarations.
advapi32: Add traces to ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA/W.
advapi32: Fix parsing empty DACL/SACL security descriptor strings.
wbemprox: Support NULL tests that use equality operators.
ntdll: Fix size returned from RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD on 64-bit.
advapi32/tests: Add tests for MakeSelfRelativeSD.
advapi32: Fix size returned from ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor on 64-bit.
Henri Verbeet (6):
wined3d: Introduce a blitter based on ARB_copy_image.
wined3d: Use raw blits in wined3d_device_copy_resource().
wined3d: Use raw blits in wined3d_device_copy_sub_resource_region().
wined3d: Clamp NULL source boxes in wined3d_device_copy_sub_resource_region().
wined3d: Add format class information for WINED3DFMT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM.
d3d11/tests: Introduce a format compatibility test.
Hugh McMaster (2):
regedit: Correctly export hex values with no data.
regedit: Correctly export REG_DWORD values with no data.
Huw D. M. Davies (2):
rpcrt4: Don't free the argument if the freer was called, unless it's a simple ref.
ole32: Correctly track the number of inits when auto-joining the MTA.
Jacek Caban (10):
jscript: Added support for VT_UI2 VARIANT types.
mshtml: Added support for VT_UI2 in IDispatchEx.
mshtml: Added DOMContentLoaded event implementation.
mshtml: Expose IEventTarget to scripts.
mshtml/tests: Added script IE9+ event tests.
mshtml: Introduce variant_bool helper.
mshtml: Added IDOMEvent::get_defaultPrevented implementation.
mshtml: Use variant_bool helper where appropriate.
mshtml: Added IDocumentSelector::querySelector implementation.
mshtml: Merge hlink.c into persist.c.
Józef Kucia (28):
wined3d: Add ARB_draw_indirect extension.
wined3d: Factor out acquire_graphics_pipeline_resources().
wined3d: Implement indirect draws.
d3d11: Implement d3d11_immediate_context_DrawInstancedIndirect().
d3d11: Implement d3d11_immediate_context_DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect().
include/d3d11: Add definitions for indirect draw arguments.
wined3d: Add support for R8_UNORM vertex format.
d3d11/tests: Add test for SV_InstanceID.
wined3d: Add 4.4 to supported OpenGL versions.
d3d11/tests: Add test for indirect draws with index buffer offset.
wined3d: Add FIXME() for unimplemented index buffer offsets.
wined3d: Factor out draw_indirect() function.
wined3d: Bail out when ARB_draw_indirect is not supported.
wined3d: Require ARB_draw_indirect for SM5.
wined3d: Disable ARB_draw_indirect if ARB_base_instance is not available.
d3d10core/tests: Add test for SV_InstanceID.
wined3d: Create textures views for depth views.
wined3d: Use textureGrad*() to implement sample_c_lz for array and cube textures.
d3d11/tests: Add test for sample_c_lz instruction.
wined3d: Use wined3d_insert_bits().
wined3d: Use wined3d_extract_bits().
wined3d: Get rid of compute_shader_init().
wined3d: Get rid of domain_shader_init().
wined3d: Get rid of hull_shader_init().
wined3d: Disable pixel shader when rasterization is disabled.
wined3d: Handle stream output components when rasterization is disabled.
d3d11/tests: Add test for stream output components.
wined3d: Invalidate pixel shader only when rasterization is toggled.
reg/tests: Properly escape the backslashes in an export test.
regedit: Do not abort if the /m switch is used.
Huw D. M. Davies (5):
comctl32: Simplify handling of the marquee highlight.
rsaenh: CALG_AES is not supported.
comctl32: Don't create a masked imagelist if CLR_NONE is specified.
ole32/tests: Use a separate data source for the file dib to avoid confusion.
ole32: Rename structure member to target device size.
Jacek Caban (12):
urlmon: Added user marshaling implementation for OnDataAvailable.
urlmon: Added user marshaling implementation for GetBindInfo[Ex].
urlmon/tests: Added IBindStatusCallback marshaling tests.
ieproxy: Added IPersistHistory proxy/stub.
mshtml: Merge olewnd.c into oleobj.c.
mshtml: Store IOleAdviseHolder in HTMLDocumentObj instead of HTMLDocument.
mshtml: Pass document as HTMLDocumentObj to update_doc.
mshtml: Get rid of unneeded parent from NSContainer.
mshtml: Removed no longer needed flush_pending_tasks.
mshtml: Store task_magic in HTMLDocumentObj instead of HTMLDocument.
mshtml: Added IHTMLDOMNode3::compareDocumentPosition implementation.
mshtml: Hook addEventListener InvokeEx calls to allow capture default value.
Jactry Zeng (1):
wintrust: Update version to 6.1.7601.23769.
Jonathan Doron (1):
kernel32/tests: Test suspended process with new thread.
Julian Rüger (1):
po: Update German translation.
Józef Kucia (2):
wined3d: Allow copies between compatible formats in wined3d_device_copy_resource().
wined3d: Allow copies between compatible formats in wined3d_device_copy_sub_resource_region().
Kimmo Myllyvirta (1):
xaudio2: Add support for float formats with more than 2 channels.
Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Marcus Meissner (4):
user32/tests: Check GetClipboardFormatName length.
ole32: Clipboard format in the datacache is with trailing \0.
ieframe/tests: Avoid crash on missing IID_IWebBrowser2 interface.
oleaut32/tests: Fixed 64-bit crash on tmarshal test.
Lucian Poston (1):
shell32: Stub GetRedirectionCapabilities with S_OK.
Marcus Meissner (3):
ws2_32/tests: Avoid crashes on flaky/non-present network.
shell32: Avoid a crash in testsuite.
mshtml: Fixed a crash due to missing typelib marshalling on 64bit.
Martin Storsjo (1):
msvcrt: Back up and restore the FPU state in setjmp/longjmp on ARM.
Matteo Bruni (2):
d3dx10: Remove redundant header include.
d3dx10: Fix tracing of shader source data.
Michael Müller (2):
wined3d: Add support for start instance in draw_primitive_arrays().
advapi32: Added a stub for LsaLookupPrivilegeDisplayName().
Michael Stefaniuc (4):
ddraw/tests: Use ARRAY_SIZE() in the ddraw1 tests.
ddraw/tests: Use ARRAY_SIZE() in the ddraw2 tests.
ddraw/tests: Use ARRAY_SIZE() in the ddraw4 tests.
wined3d: Use ARRAY_SIZE().
Nikolay Sivov (22):
dwrite: Set lfItalic style to get more compatible results for gdiinterop.
gdiplus/metafile: Simplify EmfPlusARGB definition.
gdiplus/metafile: Support hatch brushes in playback.
gdiplus/metafile: Support texture brushes playback.
gdiplus/metafile: Support hatch brushes for recording.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage.
advapi32/tests: Remove dynamic function binding from LSA tests.
advapi32/tests: Merge some test code.
advapi32: Partially implement LsaLookupPrivilegeName().
gdiplus/metafile: Implement EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPie playback.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawRects.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie.
gdiplus/metafile: Add brush object if needed in FillRectangles().
xmllite/tests: Fix clang warning.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawArc.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeFillClosedCurve.
gdiplus/metafile: Implement playback for EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingMode.
msvcrt: Implement _memicmp_l().
gdiplus/metafile: Support linear gradient brushes in playback.
d3dx9: Implement D3DXFrameFind().
Paul Gofman (1):
d3dx9: Zero constantinfo_reserved on error in get_constants_desc().
Piotr Caban (13):
wine.inf: Add Windows Messaging Subsystem MAPI registry key.
hhctrl.ocx: Set window owner in HtmlHelp function if WS_CHILD flag is not specified.
vbscript: Add UBound implementation.
oleaut32: Fix automatic value getting in ITypeInfo::Invoke.
oleaut32: Ignore underflows in VarR8FromStr.
vbscript: Add support for "for each" on arrays.
vbscript: Add for each tests on array.
vbscript: Don't return error on VBScript_SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED) call.
vbscript: Don't leak IEnumVARIANT in interp_enumnext.
fusion: Respect buffer size in IAssemblyNameImpl_GetProperty.
fusion: Add support for ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE in IAssemblyNameImpl_GetProperty.
fusion: Fix IAssemblyNameImpl_GetDisplayName behavior on too small buffer.
fusion: Fix IAssemblyNameImpl_GetDisplayName behavior on PublicKeyToken containing 0.
Rafał Harabień (2):
riched20: Protect read-only Richedit against pasting and cutting data.
user32: Protect single-line edit against pasting new line character.
Stefan Dösinger (1):
d3d9/tests: Windows 10 17.09 added an undocumented query type.
Vijay Kiran Kamuju (1):
msvcp100: Add time_get::get function with format parameters.
Vincent Povirk (1):
tdh: Stub TdhLoadManifest.
Zebediah Figura (10):
regedit: Always start the GUI as 64-bit when on a 64-bit prefix.
dinput/tests: Remove a no longer needed workaround.
dinput/tests: Don't pump messages in test_acquire().
quartz/tests: GetDestinationPosition() returns the actual window width.
quartz/tests: Avoid Sleep().
user32: Use the given string length when converting strings in WM_GETTEXT.
user32/tests: Simplify test_SendMessage_other_thread().
quartz/tests: Remove thread-counting tests.
quartz/tests: Skip tests if CLSID_NullRenderer is not available.
quartz/tests: Add test AVI and MPG files.
Zhiyi Zhang (2):
kernel32/tests: Add more tests for LocaleNameToLCID and LCIDToLocalName.
kernel32/nls: Add LOCALE_SPARENT entries.
Ziqing Hui (3):
mlang/tests: Add IMultiLanguage2_GetCodePageInfo tests.
mlang: Fix font name of Chinese code pages.
mlang: Add more Chinese code pages support.
ucrtbase: Always return the full string length in __stdio_common_vs[w]printf for a NULL buffer.
Michael Müller (1):
advapi32: Implement GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW.
Nikolay Sivov (9):
uxtheme: Return NULL file handle on OpenThemeFile() failure.
quartz/tests: Add a couple of tests for return values (Coverity).
msxml3/httpreq: Return S_OK from setTimeouts().
po: Update Russian translation.
msvcp: Trace delimiter characters as single char strings.
po: Update Russian translation.
gdiplus/tests: Some tests for GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList() and system collection.
mshtml: Make sure actual host length matches returned BSTR length.
msvcrt: Added _get_purecall_handler().
Piotr Caban (5):
msvcrt/tests: Rewrite clock() tests.
msvcrt: Fix IO initialization when invalid handles are passed.
msvcrt: Fix close() behaviour on "no console" file descriptors.
msvcrt: Fix read() behaviour on "no console" file descriptors.
msvcrt: Fix write() behaviour on "no console" file descriptors.
Rafał Harabień (3):
kernel32/tests: Check last error after successful Tls/FlsGetValue calls.
riched20: Protect against pasting multi-line text in single-line control.
winex11.drv: Preserve last error in x11drv_thread_data().
Sebastian Lackner (1):
ntdll: Avoid crash when trying to access page prot of address beyond address space limit.
Stanislav Motylkov (1):
rasapi32: Add stub for RasGetConnectionStatistics.
Vincent Povirk (4):
sane.ds: Send events to applications through the DSM.
twain_32: Implement source selection dialog.
gphoto2.ds: Set supported groups.
gphoto2.ds: Send notifications through the DSM.
Zebediah Figura (3):
kernel32/tests: Trace thread IDs in hexadecimal.
kernel32/tests: Don't close the stop_event handle.
webservices: Stub WsAbortChannel().
Alexandre Julliard
......@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ David Anderson
David Bartley
David Beck
David Black
David Collett
David D. Hagood
David Elliott
Davide Pizzetti
......@@ -908,6 +909,7 @@ Louis Philippe Gagnon
L. Rahyen
Luca Bennati
Lucas Fialho Zawacki
Lucian Poston
Luc Tourangeau
Ludger Sprenker
Luis Carlos Busquets Pérez
......@@ -1392,6 +1394,7 @@ Slava Monich
Slaven Rezic
Snorri Sturluson
Srivatsa Kanchi, R
Stanislav Motylkov
Stas Cymbalov
Stas Sergeev
Stefan Brüns
Wine version 2.21
Wine version 2.22
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 2.21.
# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 2.22.
# Report bugs to <>.
......@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
......@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
\`configure' configures Wine 2.21 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
\`configure' configures Wine 2.22 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
......@@ -2361,7 +2361,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 2.21:";;
short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 2.22:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
......@@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
Wine configure 2.21
Wine configure 2.22
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
......@@ -3095,7 +3095,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by Wine $as_me 2.21, which was
It was created by Wine $as_me 2.22, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
......@@ -19792,7 +19792,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 2.21, which was
This file was extended by Wine $as_me 2.22, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
......@@ -19863,7 +19863,7 @@ _ACEOF
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
Wine config.status 2.21
Wine config.status 2.22
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
0% Loading or .
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