42570 dinput/tests/mouse intermittently fails in Acquire() and GetDeviceData()
42863 Multiple games require sample_c_lz for cube/array textures (Winexy, Witcher 3, Flame in the Flood)
43273 The Witcher 3 freezes the system in a certain area of the game
43316 Process Hacker 2.x needs ADVAPI32.dll.LsaLookupPrivilegeName
43405 NieR:Automata - Most bullets are invisible
43483 Medusa Demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx10_43.dll.D3DX10PreprocessShaderFromMemory
43750 USB "ttyACM0" serial port not being created
43853 Keepass2 fails to launch
43884 MSVC LINK.EXE version 14.11.25547.0 crashes due to unimplemented function _memicmp_l
43939 comctl32 cannot load its assembly on arm
43952 kernel32/tests/console.ok fails
Bugs fixed in 2.22 (total 14):
29986 IE6 and IE4 have greenish toolbar icons
42099 Bedlam (indie game) renders 3D world upside down (DX11)
42414 The Witcher 3 intro videos don't play
42701 Multiple apps and games using MS .NET Framework 4.x need api-ms-win-core-winrt-roparameterizediid-l1-1-0.dll.RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID (Mafia III, Daylight)
43332 rsaenh: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43333 shell32: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43335 wintrust: Warning and note while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43336 propsys: Warning and notes while building (GCC 7.1.1)
43800 Winamp's associations setup window has broken check boxes appearance
43844 Skyrim can not load skse when upgrade to 2.18
43904 HeTeMuLu Creator: Can't input some kanji characters properly.
43946 wineboot crashes with stack smashing on aarch64
44037 Bricscad v17 crashes on startup, needs ADVAPI32.dll.PerfStartProviderEx
44054 Wine-mono download dialog should say wine-mono, not Mono