31737 Need For Speed Hot Pursuit (2010): Gamepad is not configured
34687 Port Royale 2 crashes on startup (SymGetLineFromAddr() returns unix-style path for source file)
34978 Many applications need a EnumDisplayDevicesW implementation for multi-monitor environment support (DisplayFusion, Turbo Tax 2012, WPF 4.x .NET apps, CEFv3 apps, VS Code < 1.16.0)
35413 err:module:import_dll Library libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll not found needed by mono-2.0
34742 Catzilla 1.0 doesn't allow to use any display resolutions other than 576p
36061 winedbg crash dialog shows a leak in imm32
35477 'epsilon' 64K demo/intro by mercury crashes on start up
37709 All Qt5 based applications have broken menu/combos positioning in multiple monitor setup due to GetMonitorInfo() returning the same hard-coded device name for all monitors
39071 7-Zip 15.06 looks broken after being minimized
38421 Windows Media Player 9 & 10: mp3 sound plays too fast
39337 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver crashes at intro video when being run in desktop resolution > 640x480
41608 Golden Krone Hotel fails to launch (InitializeProcThreadAttributeList is a stub)
45218 Fallout 4 Script Extender fails to allocate trampoline buffers
42374 Hardwood Solitaire can not connect to his server
47164 .NET Framework 4.0 installer fails when Wine is compiled with GCC 9.1.1
45656 Acronis Storage Filter Management Driver 'fltsrv.sys' crashes on unimplemented function 'ntoskrnl.exe.KeBugCheckEx' in 'CrashOnError' mode
47167 Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) applications display no content when wine is compiled with gcc-9
47013 winebus.sys: hidraw_set_feature_report buffer too small for some devices in SteelSeries Engine
47327 Japanese texts are overlapped in notepad when using bitmap font.
47014 Multiple kernel drivers need 'ntoskrnl.exe.ExInitializePagedLookasideList' implementation (Norton 360/Symantec Eraser Control Driver)
47371 Nero CoverDesigner doesn't install - missing support for BCRYPT_RSA_SIGN_ALGORITHM
47017 Symantec Eraser Control Driver 'eeCtrl64.sys' (Norton 360) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.IoGetStackLimits
47378 ole32: native build (without-mingw) is broken
47340 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC crashes on startup with corefonts installed
47352 Levelhead: Can't connect to game's network
47367 Some WPF 4.x apps from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) spam console with fixme:d3d:wined3d_driver_info_init Unhandled OS version 6.3, reporting Win 8. (WinVer set to 'Windows 8.1')
47385 Overwatch crashes on unimplemented function mfreadwrite.dll.MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL
47392 Drakensang Online crashes when exiting fullscreen
47399 Mozart 11-13 crashes on startup
47410 Regression in 4.10, Dune 2000 installer crashes in winevdm
47418 Quickbooks 2018 installer crashes on Validating Install
47424 DataTransferLength in SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT *must* have return value
47431 Multiple applications and games show too high CPU usage and UI slowness/lag with wine-4.11-84-g074abfe097 (EnumDisplayMonitors implementation uses expensive registry accesses)
47443 compile error: undefined reference to `clock_gettime'