27595 HyperCam 2.x crashes on startup (when lpbiOutput is NULL it has to be filled by the codec based on lpbiInput)
30703 Pepakura Viewer crashes on startup: dib init failed, failed to create rendering context
31442 Guild Wars 2 freezes on text input fields
32325 Assassin's Creed III crashes on startup (ID3D11Device::QueryInterface doesn't support IDXGIDevice1, '{77db970f-6276-48ba-ba28-070143b4392c}')
32620 Warcraft Voice Chat cannot capture voice.
32707 Adobe Shockwave 12.1 installer: hangs during installation
32895 Serious Sam HD: TSE crashes randomly in the campaign && when picking up backpacks
33893 Midnight Nowhere demo shows black screen
33965 WordPerfect 10 (Corel Office 2002) crashes when trying to create a table
34079 OneDrive for Business C2R (click-to-run) client reports server error ('rpcrt4.RpcMgmtIsServerListening' must check if binding handle refers to remote server)
34574 Kega Fusion 3.64 - Fullscreen not working anymore
34898 Evernote 5.0.3 crashes when synchronizing notes with main gui from separate note editor window
35023 Paint.NET 3.22 crashes on startup, reporting "Property cannot be found" (no metadata reader/properties present for Png)
35792 rmxftmpl.h differs on some architectures
35872 Pinball Science crashed on starting
36301 valgrind shows an invalid read (bstr) in msxml3/tests/saxreader.c
36560 valgrind shows an invalid read in d3drm/tests/d3drm.c
36794 valgrind shows an invalid free for comctl32/tests/listview.c
36827 The horror game Mad Father won't work
36895 You Don’t Know Jack V1 XL: Scaling/moving text shown as solid coloured blocks
37351 American Mcgee's Alice No Audio
37930 Photoshop CS6: dragging layers leaves a trail of garbage
37980 Word Viewer 2007 fails to open *.docx files with Windows version set to Vista or later (Word Converter local COM server requires WebDAV client API 'DavClnt.dll')
38131 Java SE Runtime Environment 5.0u16 web installer 'patchjre.exe' tool crashes
38242 Granny In Paradise Demo fails to start, reports 'Failed to load encrypted EXE' (ReflexiveArcade Wrapper DRM scheme)
38533 opengl32/tests/opengl.c hangs under valgrind (i965/mesa)
38655 Galactic Civilizations III Fails to start (D3DCompiler_46 Failed to load)
38745 EZCastPro 1.4 crashes on unimplemented function USER32.dll.GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes
39171 Creatures: White pixels are black.
39296 Setup dialog windows needs to drag for capture
39339 Adventure games from Daedalic Ent. (Night of the Rabbit, Edna & Harvey, A New Beginning) have no in-game audio and freeze on new game start - XAudio2_7
39357 Do not see the audio equipment , and there is no sound in the game Blade & Soul
39395 Wolfram Research Mathematica 10.2 needs kernel32.dll.GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory
39400 Eleusis demo needs XAudio2 class '{a90bc001-e897-e897-7439-435500000000}'
39449 __finally being called too many times (Unwind consolidate callback needs special wrapper function to skip stack frames)
39462 GImageX v2.1.1 (gui for ImageX tool from Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit) needs WIMGAPI.DLL
39473 Some of PropVariantCopy tests results are masked by faulty logic
39478 Call of Duty: United Offensive demo crashes at launch
39488 explorer.exe (and other applications) crash on start after drive z: (/) got deleted
Bugs fixed in 1.7.55 (total 76):
8854 Unable to get keyboard / mouse input in multiple games
9032 Adobe Premiere 6 video playback broken
10495 Wine should support PulseAudio
11107 Adobe AIR / Adobe Media Player pre 2 never shows GUI
12474 Resolume Avenue 3.3.2 - Black video preview windows
14518 GetTextMetrics on Tahoma font metrics returns an invalid tmInternalLeading
14894 Cubis Gold 2 crashes on start
17693 Silkypix 3.0 and DVD-lab PRO 2.x: menus are invisible until clicked
18442 Google Video/Voice chat plugin installer finishes with error 0x80040509
19937 ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.5 crashes on startup
23001 Dolphin GC/Wii emulator 2.0 Wiimote plugin needs Bluetooth Control Panel Applet 'bthprops.cpl'
23575 PowerDVD 10 trial crashes after registration
24572 Freelancer (Microsoft Games): installer text in custom graphical user interface rendered in black rather than white, making it nearly unreadable
27061 iNode Client 3.60 exits silently on start up (H3C iNode service install fails, needs 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ServiceGroupOrder\\List' key with REG_MULTI_SZ 'TDI' value)
27563 Dungeons and Dragons/Lord of the Rings online: launcher doesn't see COM/ActiveX as supported with builtin mono
29309 Zynaps remix exits with memory access violation
29852 Star Trek Birth of the Federation - No Videos (negative height used as request for inverted frame decompressing)
29899 mapviewoffileex fails under certain condition with PE images
31534 TOAD for SQLServer fails to install
32703 MyPhoneExplorer 1.8.4 installer has a non-fatal crash
32705 VirtualDub: crash when opening video with MPEG-2 plugin (division by zero)
32839 Endnote X5 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.??0?$basic_fstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAU_iobuf@@@Z
32923 Daum Pot Player Media Player crashes
33001 AXE3 (hex editor) crashes in TREEVIEW_GetItemT on invalid item pointer
33453 Delphi7 import type library hangs
33479 Multiple games (Guild Wars 2, Risen 2, Tomb Raider 2013): Raw input is broken
33563 Imscared shows visual artifacts (green dots and white lines)
33713 download.com (CNET) download manager gets stuck on step 2 of 4
34559 Call to Power II: Scrolling causes mouse and screen to lock
34845 The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot: "Bloomberg" crash/diag tool complains about dbghelp being too old (v5.x Windows XP vs. v6.x Win Vista/7)
35677 BBC iPlayer Desktop installer reports 'You need Windows Media Player (9 or above) to install this software.' (builtin 'wmplayer.exe' along with version resource missing)
35702 FarManager v3 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.SetConsoleKeyShortcuts
35953 FFXIV: ARR - Launcher requires native winhttp to run.
36280 valgrind shows a possible leak in gameux/tests/gamestatistics.c
36291 valgrind shows a leak msctf/tests/inputprocessor.c
36400 valgrind shows several unitialized values in under crypt32/tests/message.c
36427 valgrind shows several leaks in dlls/taskschd/tests/scheduler.c
36450 EnumFontFamilies should report unsubstituted font names
36508 valgrind shows a couple invalid writes in kernel32/tests/change.c
36527 Multiple games and applications crash on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.AllocateUserPhysicalPages (Microsoft Office 2007 diagnosis service, Eden Eternal)
36607 valgrind shows two definite leaks in xmllite/tests/reader.c
37165 Sacred 2 Gold (v2.65.1) fails to start correctly, displays only a black screen in virtual desktop mode
37729 Picasa 3.9 crashes in setupapi.SetupFindFirstLineW
37829 Phonostar dradio-Recorder cannot connect to radio streams
37843 Black Mirror 3 starts minimized
37932 Evil Genius from GOG crashes unexpectedly
37956 Photoshop (CS6/CC) 64bit crash when you press "cancel" button
38368 AutoPatcher Updater 1.4.x (VB6 app) reports 'Error: Object doesn't support this action' (needs ITextStream::Close method implementation)
38390 Photoshop 64-bit (CS/CC) crashes when you break the rendering preview.
38417 [EA] Origin self-updater fails to install updates ('kernel32.DeleteFileW' shall only open the file for delete access as callers might not have read/write rights)
38444 valgrind shows some definite leaks in dpnet/tests/address.c
38445 valgrind shows a couple invalid writes in kernel32/tests/fiber.c
38450 valgrind shows several leaks in shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
38464 valgrind shows a possible leak in wininet/tests/http.c test_async_HttpSendRequestEx()
38477 Elevated: Invisible textures since wine-1.7.34-58-gc6232e1
38677 valgrind shows invalid memory use in dlls/kernel32/tests/path.c:test_PathNameA()
39081 CCleaner needs esent.dll
39101 Visual Studio Compiler creates invalid interface from a typelib
39143 Roxio CDRAL 'CDRALW2K.SYS' kernel driver (part of Windows Media 9 Runtime) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite during driver unload
39259 BTHPROPS.DLL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL are unimplemented
39423 Voobly: 'Game Browser' can't display content due to Wine built-in browser signature blacklisted on www.voobly.com ('win32' feature token must not be included in user agent string)
39443 Multiple applications fail start File System Filter Manager service due unimplemented function fltmgr.sys.FltInitializePushLock (Kaspersky Anti-Virus)
39493 GImageX v2.1.1 (gui for ImageX tool from Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit) crashes on unimplemented function wimgapi.dll.WIMRegisterMessageCallback