- #36230 Silverlight 5.x requires the "Audio Capture Filter" for recording from the microphone
- #50955 .netCore app can't bind to port shortly after another .netCore program binding to the same port was terminated
- #53860 Wine Notepad : Using Japanese Input Method(IM), sometimes cursor goes back when string converted
- #54916 touhou 12.3 with dpad mod crashes on start
- #54917 Need For Speed Underground has keyboard input issues
- #54934 Battle.net unimplemented function msauddecmft.dll.DllGetClassObject called in 32-bit code
- #54936 Wine 8.7 and 8.8 does not print
- #54939 Dotted files are shown - but "don't show dotted" files is active
- #54955 Battle.net crashes on unimplemented function msmpeg2vdec.dll.DllGetClassObject
- #54956 Framemaker 8 crashes on printing
- #54960 winhttp:winhttp - test_websocket() fails on Windows and Wine
- #54965 Rich Edit erroneously moves the cursor to the end of text when system IME composition ends
- #54974 armv7 ELF builds crashing since "ntdll: Support the machine extended parameter in NtMapViewOfSectionEx()."
- #54976 Mono/.Net assemblies fail to start: Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
- #54982 Visio 2003 print dialog shows broken paper sizes when printing
Bugs fixed in 8.10 (total 13):
- #18889 Multiple isolation-aware applications fail to load (MSN Messenger Live 2009, Lync 2010, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Quicken 201X)(embedded PE manifest search should support ISOLATIONAWARE_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID)
- #24946 uTorrent 2.2.0 hangs on startup (FD_WRITE event is reported over and over in WSAEnumNetworkEvents for a bound UDP socket)
- #27827 Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express 4.0/6.0 loader failure due to missing msvcrt.dll dependency (native netapi32.dll imports msvcrt functions)
- #47808 Cygwin's mintty.exe crashes with a stack overflow
- #52868 TwitchTest crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.GetPerTcpConnectionEStats
- #53092 Animated Puzzles crashes on start
- #54410 .NET 3.5 Checkbox checkmarks should be black instead of "Foreground" color
- #54599 Honeygain crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.GetCurrentThreadCompartmentId
- #54810 PmxEditor doesn't start after Wine 8.4.
- #54913 ntdll: NtDuplicateToken has wrong prototype
- #54949 user32:msg gets an extra WM_NCPAINT in ShowWindow(child, SW_SHOW)
- #54991 Chinese IME no longer works in Naver LINE since Wine 8.9
- #55008 wininet:http - test_secure_connection() fails on Windows and Wine