- #7585 Thief: the dark project hangs on 'esc' keypress in game if X in 24bpp mode
- #47407 Hard Truck 2: King of The Road (GOG) movies aren't played
- #49266 Amazon Games installs but won't start (needs WindowsFormsApplicationBase startup code?)
- #51848 Multiple applications have very poor performance after 4261369e5d8 (Secondhand Lands, SPORE)
- #52912 t2embed:t2embed fails on Windows with the UTF-8 codepage
- #52948 gdi32:font - test_EnumFonts() fails on Arial Bold on Windows in Russian
- #53172 advapi32:registry - test_enum_value() has a pair of rare failures in UTF-8 system locales
- #53182 shell32:shelllink - A save(NULL, TRUE) fails randomly in test_load_save() on Wine
- #53236 d3d9:device - test_wndproc() sometimes gets an unexpected WM_DISPLAYCHANGE in Wine
- #53270 test_WSARecv() fails when using wow64 thunks [Wow64ApcRoutine() overwrites return value set by NtContinue()]
- #53488 The dxgi:dxgi output is too big on debiant
- #53526 kernel32:sync - test_timer_queue() occasionally fails to delete the timer on Windows 10
- #53528 ntdll:info - test_query_kerndebug() fails on Windows 8 to 10 1709
- #53818 foobar2000 v1.6 crashes shortly after startup on Wine 7.19 or higher
- #53974 d3drm:d3drm sometimes crashes after failing to create the IDirect3DRMDevice* interface in Wine
- #53975 d3drm:d3drm sometimes fails to create an immediate mode device in Wine
- #54003 vbscript:run sometimes fails on Windows UTF-8 locales
- #54008 d3d9:device sometimes fails to create a D3D object in Wine, crashes
- #54019 The 64-bit ntdll:wow64 fails on Windows 11
- #54020 The 32-bit ntdll:wow64 fails on Windows 11
- #54052 winhttp:notification times out randomly in Wine
- #54058 user32:input - test_ToAscii() fails in the Hindi UTF-8 locale
- #54078 ntdll:pipe - test_blocking() sometimes fails in Wine when the pipe is not signaled
- #54168 kernel32:console - test_wait() sometimes fails on Windows 8+
- #54298 d3d12:d3d12 - test_desktop_window() fails on Windows 10 1709
- #54299 d3d12:d3d12 - test_create_device() gets an unexpected 0 refcount on Windows 10 1909+
- #54313 HS_hevo_gc fails to launch
- #54379 since wine 8.0 print doesn't work any more
- #54449 nethack crashes
- #54491 regedit/regproc.c - export_key() is unable to return TRUE
- #54495 Motorola Ready For Assistant does not start, needs ext-ms-win-networking-wlanapi-l1-1-0.dll
- #54504 dbghelp:dbghelp, ntdll:wow64 & psapi:psapi_main fail on Windows 11 due to notepad.exe path remapping
- #54505 psapi:psapi_main - The 64-bit test_EnumProcessModules() gets unexpected Notepad case on Windows 11
- #54506 psapi:psapi_main - The 64-bit test_EnumProcessModulesEx() gets pcs-6464 and pcs-6432 failures on Windows 11
- #54507 psapi:psapi_main - The 32-bit test_EnumProcessModulesEx() gets many pcs-3232 failures due to partial copy errors on Windows 11
- #54509 psapi:psapi_main - The 64-bit test_EnumProcessModules() gets unexpected third module on Windows 11
- #54531 jsproxy:jsproxy crashes on Windows 11
- #54539 Starcraft Remastered Game Initialization Failed
- #54553 mmdevapi:propstore - The 32-bit test_setvalue_on_wow64() fails on Windows 10 2004+
- #54563 The gif is displaying wrongly, with weird backgrounds of various colors
- #54593 gdi32:dc - The SetDeviceGammaRamp() tests fails on Windows 10 1909
- #54605 The 32-bit dbghelp:dbghelp cannot run on Windows <= 10 1607 due to IsWow64Process2() call
- #54617 KakaoTalk IM text edit window leaves artifacts when the text overflows and scroll bar appears
- #54621 Wine 8.3 64-bit is missing in the Debian bookworm repo
- #54637 riched20:txtsrv - test_TxGetNaturalSize fails if system GUI font's glyph widths are wider than expected by the test
- #54645 TextPad 9.1 installation fails in Wine 6 from Linux Mint repo
- #54649 windows.perception.stub:perception - Windows 10 1607 does not have ISpatialSurfaceObserverStatics2
- #54657 kernel32:loader - test_import_resolution() gets bad tls data on Windows 7
- #54663 ldp.exe crashes on unimplemented function wldap32.dll.ldap_set_dbg_flags
- #54669 imm32:imm32 - ime_install() fails in some locales on Windows
- #54690 ldp.exe crashes when attempting to connect to an invalid host
Bugs fixed in 8.5 (total 21):
- #44547 Deus Ex: invisible War v1.2 crashes when using the hotkey to quickload a saved game
- #46562 Notepad++ 7.6.3 crashes when searching twice and first time found results
- #47326 Fair Strike fails to map joystick due to IDirectInputDevice8 SetActionMap being a semi-stub.
- #53704 Bible Black ~La Noche de Walpurgis~ won't start
- #53794 Sins of the Solar Empire Rebellion (Gog 1.975.1) crashes on unimplemented function concrt140.dll.?_CheckTaskCollection@_UnrealizedChore@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ
- #53981 Chromium broken sandbox due to GetSecurityInfo giving access denied
- #54560 mscoree:mscoree - test_loadpaths_execute() sometimes gets directory creation errors
- #54618 VARA FM crashes on unimplemented function pdh.dll.PdhVbGetDoubleCounterValue
- #54640 Treecomp listviews and possibly other widgets are not drawn
- #54675 Chocolatey OpenSSH installer fails
- #54679 Conspiracy's Clean Slate 64K demo crashes due to HLSL shader compilation failure
- #54687 LibreVR Revive fails to run (CertGetNameStringW with dwType=CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE and pvTypePara missing additional fallbacks)
- #54691 reg.exe:copy, reg.exe:delete, reg.exe:export, reg.exe:import & reg.exe:query (+32-bit reg.exe:add) - The 64-bit tests fail due to ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED errors in Wine
- #54701 Ultimate Race Pro crashes after intro movies
- #54702 ldp.exe crashes when attempting to add, delete, modify, or compare an entry without a name
- #54707 adsldp:ldap - test_DirectorySearch() fails on Windows and Linux
- #54710 imm32:imm32 - test_ImmEscape() fails in the Korean locale on Windows
- #54711 imm32:imm32 - test_ImmGetProperty() fails in the Korean locale on Windows
- #54724 LDAP bind over SSL to a server and port that do not support SSL hangs forever
- #54727 LDAP Explorer (LEX) throws an exception when attempting to connect over SSL