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configure: Add /usr/lib64/pkgconfig to the 32-bit search path.

Elizabeth Figura requested to merge zfigura/wine:mr6 into master


This is not what I would do. Bug 53953 amounts to "some users didn't install 32-bit headers, so we used the wrong ones, which are usually identical so it doesn't matter". From the perspective of using the software as intended, this is unilaterally user error.

From a more utilitarian perspective, this is a regression, and ensuring that we're not using the functionally incorrect headers is a problem we have to solve anyway. (Cf. GStreamer, which may be the only interesting case.)

On the other hand, it's a regression that's already been in two major versions. Anyone building Wine on Fedora has surely already installed the right headers by now.

I'm submitting this patch in an attempt to garner a decreed resolution to the bug, one way or another, but again, this solution is not the one I would prescribe if it were my choice.

Merge request reports
