diff --git a/documentation/authors.ent b/documentation/authors.ent
deleted file mode 100644
index d3225b2e5f72e6edcb2084bf0b4c6eae37bafb7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/documentation/authors.ent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-<!-- *** List of author names
-     *** Allows us to maintain the list and change spam obfuscation
-     *** From a central location.
-     *** Use this template for new author attributions:
-        Written by &; <email>&;</email>
-<!--  ** Template for new entries **
-<!entity name- "">
-<!entity email- "">
-<!entity name-web-admin "WineHQ Web-Admin">
-<!entity email-web-admin "web-admin@winehq.com">
-<!entity name-wine-devel "wine-devel Mailing List">
-<!entity email-wine-devel "wine-devel@winehq.com">
-<!entity name-jonathan-buzzard "Jonathan Buzzard">
-<!entity email-jonathan-buzzard "jab@hex.prestel.co.uk">
-<!entity name-david-cuthbert "David A. Cuthbert">
-<!entity email-david-cuthbert "dacut@ece.cmu.edu">
-<!entity name-huw-davies "Huw D M Davies">
-<!entity email-huw-davies "h.davies1@physics.ox.ac.uk">
-<!entity name-steven-elliott "Steven Elliott">
-<!entity email-steven-elliott "elliotsl@mindspring.com">
-<!entity name-francois-gouget "Fran&ccedil;ois Gouget">
-<!entity email-francois-gouget "fgouget@free.fr">
-<!entity name-jon-griffiths "Jon Griffiths">
-<!entity email-jon-griffiths "jon_p_griffiths@yahoo.com">
-<!entity name-albert-den-haan "Albert den Haan">
-<!entity email-albert-den-haan "">
-<!entity name-mike-hearn "Mike Hearn">
-<!entity email-mike-hearn "mike@theoretic.com">
-<!entity name-james-juran "James Juran">
-<!entity email-james-juran "juran@cse.psu.edu">
-<!entity name-ove-kaaven "Ove Kåven">
-<!-- <!entity email-ove-kaaven "ovek@winehq.com"> -->
-<!entity email-ove-kaaven "ovek@arcticnet.no">
-<!entity name-eric-kohl "Eric Kohl">
-<!entity email-eric-kohl "ekohl@abo.rhein-zeitung.de">
-<!entity name-alex-korobka "Alex Korobka">
-<!entity email-alex-korobka "alex@aikea.ams.sunysb.edu">
-<!entity name-tony-lambregts "Tony Lambregts">
-<!entity email-tony-lambregts "tony_lambregts@telusplanet.net">
-<!entity name-marcus-meissner "Marcus Meissner">
-<!-- <!entity email-marcus-meissner "msmeissn@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de"> -->
-<!-- <!entity email-marcus-meissner "Marcus.Meissner@caldera.de"> -->
-<!entity email-marcus-meissner "marcus@jet.franken.de">
-<!entity name-dustin-navea "Dustin Navea">
-<!-- <!entity email-dustin-navea "Speeddymon@yahoo.com"> -->
-<!entity email-dustin-navea "Speeddymon@sbcglobal.net">
-<!entity name-bruce-milner "Bruce Milner">
-<!entity email-bruce-milner "">
-<!entity name-andreas-mohr "Andreas Mohr">
-<!-- <!entity email-andreas-mohr "a.mohr@mailto.de"> -->
-<!-- <!entity email-andreas-mohr "amohr@codeweavers.com"> -->
-<!entity email-andreas-mohr "andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de">
-<!entity name-gerard-patel "Gerard Patel">
-<!entity email-gerard-patel "">
-<!entity name-dimitrie-paun "Dimitrie O. Paun">
-<!-- <!entity email-dimitrie-paun "dimi@cs.toronto.edu"> -->
-<!entity email-dimitrie-paun "dpaun@rogers.com">
-<!entity name-eric-pouech "Eric Pouech">
-<!entity email-eric-pouech "Eric.Pouech@wanadoo.fr">
-<!entity name-robert-pouliot "Robert Pouliot">
-<!entity email-robert-pouliot "krynos@clic.net">
-<!entity name-joseph-pranevich "Joseph Pranevich">
-<!entity email-joseph-pranevich "jpranevich@lycos.com">
-<!entity name-alex-priem "Alex Priem">
-<!entity email-alex-priem "alex@sci.kun.nl">
-<!entity name-john-richardson "John Richardson">
-<!entity email-john-richardson "jrichard@zko.dec.com">
-<!entity name-douglas-ridgway "Douglas Ridgway">
-<!entity email-douglas-ridgway "ridgway@winehq.com">
-<!entity name-adam-sacarny "Adam Sacarny">
-<!entity email-adam-sacarny "magicbox@bestweb.net">
-<!entity name-juergen-schmied "Juergen Schmied">
-<!-- <!entity email-juergen-schmied "juergen.schmied@metronet.de"> -->
-<!entity email-juergen-schmied "juergen.schmied@debitel.net">
-<!entity name-john-sheets "John R. Sheets">
-<!entity email-john-sheets "jsheets@codeweavers.com">
-<!entity name-shachar-shemesh "Shachar Shemesh">
-<!entity email-shachar-shemesh "winedocs@shemesh.biz">
-<!entity name-petr-tomasek "Petr Tomasek">
-<!entity email-petr-tomasek "tomasek@etf.cuni.cz">
-<!entity name-lionel-ulmer "Lionel Ulmer">
-<!entity email-lionel-ulmer "lionel.ulmer@free.fr">
-<!entity name-morten-welinder "Morten Welinder">
-<!entity email-morten-welinder "">
-<!entity name-jeremy-white "Jeremy White">
-<!entity email-jeremy-white "jwhite@codeweavers.com">
-<!entity name-tom-wickline "Tom Wickline">
-<!entity email-tom-wickline "twickline@skybest.com">
-<!-- *** Coders mentioned in docs, but not doc writers *** -->
-<!entity name-francis-beaudet "Francis Beaudet">
-<!entity email-francis-beaudet "francis@macadamian.com">
-<!entity name-anders-carlsson "Anders Carlsson">
-<!entity email-anders-carlsson "anders.carlsson@linux.nu">
-<!entity name-aric-stewart "Aric Stewart">
-<!entity email-aric-stewart "aric@codeweavers.com">
-<!entity name-luc-tourangeau "Luc Tourangeau">
-<!entity email-luc-tourangeau "luc@macadamian.com">
-<!entity name-koen-deforche "Koen Deforche">
-<!entity email-koen-deforche "jozef@kotnet.org">
diff --git a/documentation/configuring.sgml b/documentation/configuring.sgml
index 7528a0b6766bb88598ff2b8f77aa8c42fc7259ee..2102353328adb54263685bb57f657aafffd6b17a 100644
--- a/documentation/configuring.sgml
+++ b/documentation/configuring.sgml
@@ -31,11 +31,6 @@
     <sect1 id="config-requirements-windows" xreflabel="--Installing Section--">
       <title>What are the requirements of a fully working Windows environment?</title>
-      <para>
-        Formerly a part of: "WWN #52 Feature: Replacing Windows".
-        Written by &name-ove-kaaven; <email>&email-ove-kaaven;</email>
-      </para>
           A Windows installation is a very complex structure. It consists of
 	  many different parts with very different functionality.
@@ -207,10 +202,6 @@
 	and a complete reference to all Wine configuration file settings (for
 	advanced users).
-      <para>
-        Parts taken from the former file <filename>wine/documentation/config</filename>,
-        Copyright 1999 &name-adam-sacarny; <email>&email-adam-sacarny;</email>
-      </para>
         <title>Configuration File Introduction</title>
@@ -1378,12 +1369,6 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
       <sect2 id="config-no-windows">
         <title>Installing Wine Without Windows</title>
-        <para>
-          Written by &name-james-juran; <email>&email-james-juran;</email>
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/no-windows</filename>)
-        </para>
           A major goal of Wine is to allow users to run Windows programs
@@ -1547,12 +1532,6 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
       <sect2 id="config-drive-vfat">
         <title>Dealing With FAT/VFAT Partitions</title>
-        <para>
-          Written by &name-steven-elliott; <email>&email-steven-elliott;</email>
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/linux-fat-permissions</filename>)
-        </para>
           This document describes how FAT and
           VFAT file system permissions work in Linux
@@ -1766,39 +1745,8 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
       <sect2 id="config-drive-cdrom-labels">
-      <sect2info>
-        <authorgroup>
-          <author>
-            <firstname>Petr</firstname>
-            <surname>Tomasek</surname>
-            <affiliation>
-      	<address><email>&email-petr-tomasek;</email></address>
-            </affiliation>
-            <contrib>Nov 14 1999</contrib>
-          </author>
-          <author>
-            <firstname>Andreas</firstname>
-            <surname>Mohr</surname>
-            <affiliation>
-      	<address><email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email></address>
-            </affiliation>
-            <contrib>Jan 25 2000</contrib>
-          </author>
-        </authorgroup>
-      </sect2info>
       <title>Drive labels and serial numbers</title>
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-petr-tomasek; <email>&email-petr-tomasek;</email>
-        Nov 14 1999
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Changes by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-        Jan 25 2000
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/cdrom-labels</filename>)
-      </para>
         Until now, your only possibility of specifying drive volume
         labels and serial numbers was to set them manually in the wine
@@ -2064,13 +2012,6 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
 <sect2 id="config-dll-overrides">
 <title>DLL Overrides</title>
-  Written by &name-ove-kaaven; <email>&email-ove-kaaven;</email>
-  (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/dll-overrides</filename>)
   The wine configuration file directives [DllDefaults]
   and [DllOverrides] are the subject of some confusion. The
@@ -2457,10 +2398,6 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
 <sect2 id="config-dll-missing">
 <title>Missing DLLs</title>
-  Written by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
   In case Wine complains about a missing DLL, you should check whether
   this file is a publicly available DLL or a custom DLL belonging
@@ -2515,10 +2452,6 @@ And here is a setup for Drive A, a generic floppy drive:
 <sect2 id="config-dll-windows">
 <title>Fetching native DLLs from a Windows CD</title>
-  Written by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
 The Linux <command>cabextract</command> utility can be used to
 extract native Windows .dll files from .cab files that are to be
@@ -2555,13 +2488,6 @@ with the <literal>GraphicsDriver</literal> option in the
 <title>Configuring the x11drv graphics driver</title>
-  Written by &name-ove-kaaven; <email>&email-ove-kaaven;</email>
-  (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/x11drv</filename>)
   <title>x11drv modes of operation</title>
@@ -2805,11 +2731,6 @@ with the <literal>GraphicsDriver</literal> option in the
 <title>Setting the Windows and DOS version value</title>
-Written by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-Oct 18 2002
 The windows and DOS version value a program gets e.g. by calling the
 Windows function GetVersion() plays a very important role:
@@ -2876,15 +2797,6 @@ the [Version] section.
 <sect1 id="config-win95look">
 <title>Win95/98 Look And Feel</title>
-Written by &name-david-cuthbert; <email>&email-david-cuthbert;</email>
-(Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/win95look</filename>)
-Win95/Win98 interface code is being introduced.
 Instead of compiling Wine for Win3.1 vs. Win95 using
 <constant>#define</constant> switches, the code now looks in a
 special [Tweak.Layout] section of
@@ -2918,13 +2830,6 @@ release!  These entries/sections are:
 <sect1 id="config-keyboard">
-Written by &name-ove-kaaven; <email>&email-ove-kaaven;</email>
-(Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/keyboard</filename>)
 Wine now needs to know about your keyboard layout. This
 requirement comes from a need from many apps to have the
@@ -3097,14 +3002,6 @@ diff -u the_backup_file_you_made dlls/x11drv/keyboard.c > layout.diff
     <sect1 id="config-scsi-support">
       <title>SCSI Support</title>
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-bruce-milner; <email>&email-bruce-milner;</email>;
-        Additions by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/aspi</filename>)
-      </para>
         This file describes setting up the Windows ASPI interface.
diff --git a/documentation/fonts.sgml b/documentation/fonts.sgml
index 65430e71da45c0c190ac3c6cff461a9aa37bbad7..5d6c02103706f67a216ffd9b42b1f28a1b505644 100644
--- a/documentation/fonts.sgml
+++ b/documentation/fonts.sgml
@@ -4,13 +4,6 @@
     <sect2 id="config-windows-fonts">
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-alex-korobka; <email>&email-alex-korobka;</email>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/fonts</filename>)
-      </para>
@@ -387,13 +380,6 @@ Resolution = &lt;integer value&gt;
     <sect2 id="ttfont-server">
     <title>Setting up a TrueType Font Server</title>
-      <para>
-        written by ???
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/ttfserver</filename>)
-      </para>
         Follow these instructions to set up a TrueType font server on your system.
diff --git a/documentation/introduction.sgml b/documentation/introduction.sgml
index 8855a36331bd00b4aee29db7e91255a6062b49e0..294b5cca1c17f8ee34a30e54c961ddd9c642623f 100644
--- a/documentation/introduction.sgml
+++ b/documentation/introduction.sgml
@@ -14,16 +14,9 @@
 	of the Wine environment as a whole.
-        It tries to target both the new Wine user (aka "bloody newbie"),
-	by offering a step by step approach, and the experienced Wine
-	user or expert, by offering the reference material mentioned
-	above.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        The whole document has been extensively rewritten (in other
-	words: the document then deserved to be called a document :-) by
-	&name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email> in
-	March 2003.
+        It tries to target both the new Wine user, by offering a step by 
+	step approach, and the experienced Wine	user, by offering the reference 
+	material mentioned above.
@@ -32,9 +25,8 @@
           If during reading this document there is something you
           can't figure out, or think could be explained better, or
-          that should have been included, please immediately mail to
-          either the &name-web-admin; <email>&email-web-admin;</email> or
-          the &name-wine-devel; <email>&email-wine-devel;</email>, or
+          that should have been included, please immediately mail to the 
+	  <ulink url="mailto:wine-devel@winehq.org">wine-devel</ulink>, or
           post a bug report to
           <ulink url="http://bugs.winehq.com/">Wine's Bugzilla</ulink> to
           let us know how this document can be improved.  Remember, Open
@@ -119,13 +111,6 @@
     <sect1 id="what-is-wine">
       <title>What is Wine?</title>
-      <para>
-        <literallayout>
-          Written by &name-john-sheets; <email>&email-john-sheets;</email>
-          Modified by &name-dustin-navea; <email>&email-dustin-navea;</email>
-        </literallayout>
-      </para>
         <title>Windows and Linux</title>
         <!-- general description of wine, what does it do? -->
@@ -286,31 +271,6 @@
-<!-- *** Not really useful as is, but may be able to recycle this elsewhere...
-    <sect1 id="getting-started">
-      <title>Getting started</title>
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-john-sheets; <email>&email-john-sheets;</email>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Wine can be pretty intimidating at first.  The Wine
-        distribution consists of over four thousand files and almost a
-        million lines of source code
-        <footnote>
-          <para>Crudely calculated from running <command>find . | wc
-              -l</command> and <command>cat `find . -name "*.c"` | wc
-              -l</command>, respectively, from a fresh CVS checkout.</para>
-        </footnote>,
-        and is probably one of the steepest learning curves in the
-        open source world.  This chapter will give you a crash course
-        in the important topics you need to know to get started with
-        running Wine applications.
-      </para>
-    </sect1>
     <sect1 id="other-wines">
       <title>Other, often "Enhanced" Wine offerings</title>
@@ -486,13 +446,6 @@
     <sect1 id="wine-stats">
       <title>Basic Wine Requirements</title>
-      <para>
-        <literallayout>
-          Written by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-          Modified by &name-dustin-navea; <email>&email-dustin-navea;</email>
-        </literallayout>
-      </para>
         This section only mentions the most basic system requirements of
 	Wine, in order to ease your Wine "purchasing decision" ;-)
diff --git a/documentation/printing.sgml b/documentation/printing.sgml
index cff2e4e0283ccac91c773ef91cda10162d72e597..6938cb2fc233c0921a7a832f20e4c7c4ed3d625a 100644
--- a/documentation/printing.sgml
+++ b/documentation/printing.sgml
@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@
     <sect2 id="config-printing-intro">
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-huw-davies; <email>&email-huw-davies;</email>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/printing</filename>)
-      </para>
         Printing in Wine can be done in one of two ways:
@@ -51,31 +44,6 @@
-      <sect3>
-        <title>External printer drivers (non-working as of Jul 8, 01)</title>
-        <para>
-          At present only 16 bit drivers will work (note that these include
-	  win9x drivers).  To use them, add
-        </para>
-        <screen>
-        </screen>
-        <para>
-          to the [wine] section of the wine config file. This lets
-          <function>CreateDC</function> proceed if its driver argument is a 16
-          bit driver. You will probably also need to add
-        </para>
-        <screen>
-"TTEnable" = "0" "TTOnly" = "0"
-        </screen>
-        <para>
-          to the [TrueType] section of <filename>~/.wine/config</filename>. The code for
-          the driver interface is in <filename>graphics/win16drv</filename>.
-        </para>
-      </sect3>
@@ -108,13 +76,6 @@ printer=on
     <sect2 id="config-printing-psdriver">
       <title>The Wine PostScript Driver</title>
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-huw-davies; <email>&email-huw-davies;</email>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/psdriver</filename>)
-      </para>
         This allows Wine to generate PostScript files without
         needing an external printer driver. Wine in this case uses the
@@ -314,12 +275,6 @@ printer=on
-        <para>
-          Please contact me if you want to help so that we can avoid duplication.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          &name-huw-davies; <email>&email-huw-davies;</email>
-        </para>
diff --git a/documentation/running.sgml b/documentation/running.sgml
index 21a5e3f5c74397990303c7d63dc22ea0141e1c07..8f11e55b85a733aa8b32d33817a52a4bee695c9f 100644
--- a/documentation/running.sgml
+++ b/documentation/running.sgml
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
   <chapter id="running">
     <title>Running Wine</title>
-    <para>
-      Written by &name-john-sheets; <email>&email-john-sheets;</email>
-      Modified by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Extended by &name-mike-hearn; <email>&email-mike-hearn;</email>, &name-eric-pouech; <email>&email-eric-pouech;</email>
-      Modified by &name-andreas-mohr; <email>&email-andreas-mohr;</email>
-    </para>
       This chapter will describe all aspects of running Wine, like e.g.
       basic Wine invocation, command line parameters of various Wine
diff --git a/documentation/wine-doc.sgml b/documentation/wine-doc.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb471e7fb2a375310f5c35dc5447850836ea3aae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/documentation/wine-doc.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype set PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!-- *** Include list of authors *** -->
-<!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">
-<!-- *** Entities for Wine User Guide *** -->
-<!entity introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">
-<!entity getting SYSTEM "getting.sgml">
-<!entity compiling SYSTEM "compiling.sgml">
-<!entity installing SYSTEM "installing.sgml">
-<!entity configuring SYSTEM "configuring.sgml">
-<!entity registry SYSTEM "registry.sgml">
-<!entity fonts SYSTEM "fonts.sgml">
-<!entity printing SYSTEM "printing.sgml">
-<!entity running SYSTEM "running.sgml">
-<!entity bugs SYSTEM "bugs.sgml">
-<!entity glossary SYSTEM "glossary.sgml">
-<!-- *** Entities for Wine Developer Guide *** -->
-<!entity debugger SYSTEM "debugger.sgml">
-<!entity documentation SYSTEM "documentation.sgml">
-<!entity patches SYSTEM "patches.sgml">
-<!entity testing SYSTEM "testing.sgml">
-<!entity i18n SYSTEM "i18n.sgml">
-<!entity tools SYSTEM "tools.sgml">
-<!entity architecture SYSTEM "architecture.sgml">
-<!entity debugging SYSTEM "debugging.sgml">
-<!entity ole SYSTEM "ole.sgml">
-<!entity build SYSTEM "build.sgml">
-<!entity opengl SYSTEM "opengl.sgml">
-<!entity multimedia SYSTEM "multimedia.sgml">
-<!entity cvs SYSTEM "cvs.sgml">
-<!entity implementation SYSTEM "implementation.sgml">
-<!entity porting SYSTEM "porting.sgml">
-<!entity consoles SYSTEM "consoles.sgml">
-<!entity cvs-regression SYSTEM "cvs-regression.sgml">
-<!-- *** Entities for Winelib User Guide *** -->
-<!entity winelib-intro SYSTEM "winelib-intro.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-porting SYSTEM "winelib-porting.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-toolkit SYSTEM "winelib-toolkit.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-mfc SYSTEM "winelib-mfc.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-bindlls SYSTEM "winelib-bindlls.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-packaging SYSTEM "winelib-pkg.sgml">
-<!-- *** Entities for Wine FAQ *** -->
-<!entity faq SYSTEM "faq.sgml">
-<set id="index">
-  <setinfo>
-    <title>Wine Documentation</title>
-    <releaseinfo>
-      <emphasis>
-        The following documentation has been extracted from the Wine
-        source tree, from the <filename>wine/documentation</filename>
-        directory.  All credit should go to the original authors, who
-        are attributed according the the "written by" comments in
-        those files.  Additional content has also been added.
-      </emphasis>
-    </releaseinfo>
-  </setinfo>
-  <!-- *** Wine User Guide *** -->
-  <book id="index-user">
-    <bookinfo>
-      <title>Wine User Guide</title>
-    </bookinfo>
-    &introduction;
-    &getting;
-    &compiling;
-    &installing;
-    &configuring;
-    &running;
-    &bugs;
-    &glossary;
-  </book>
-  <!-- *** Wine Developer Guide *** -->
-  <book id="index-developer">
-    <bookinfo>
-      <title>Wine Developer's Guide</title>
-    </bookinfo>
-    <part id="part-one">
-      <title>Developing Wine</title>
-      &debugger;
-      &documentation;
-      &testing;
-      &patches;
-      &i18n;
-      &tools;
-    </part>
-    <part id="part-two">
-      <title>Wine Architecture</title>
-      &architecture;
-      &debugging;
-      &ole;
-      &build;
-      &opengl;
-      &multimedia;
-    </part>
-    <part id="part-three">
-      <title>Using CVS</title>
-      &cvs;
-    </part>
-    <part id="part-four">
-      <title>Advanced Topics</title>
-      &implementation;
-      &porting;
-      &consoles;
-      &cvs-regression;
-    </part>
-  </book>
-  <!-- *** Winelib User Guide *** -->
-  <book id="index-winelib">
-    <bookinfo>
-      <title>Winelib User's Guide</title>
-    </bookinfo>
-    &winelib-intro;
-    &winelib-porting;
-    &winelib-toolkit;
-    &winelib-mfc;
-    &winelib-bindlls;
-    &winelib-packaging;
-  </book>
-  <!-- *** Wine Faq *** -->
-  <book id="faq">
-    <bookinfo>
-      <title>Wine FAQ</title>
-    </bookinfo>
-    <article class="faq">
-      &faq;
-    </article>
-  </book>
diff --git a/documentation/wine-user.sgml b/documentation/wine-user.sgml
index f111bdfc9f1432e34f30fbb93aa3d61d5e943183..a1cfead3702425f9f5d3ad5009bde678630e990f 100644
--- a/documentation/wine-user.sgml
+++ b/documentation/wine-user.sgml
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 <!doctype book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!-- *** Include list of authors *** -->
-<!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">
 <!entity introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">
 <!entity getting SYSTEM "getting.sgml">
 <!entity compiling SYSTEM "compiling.sgml">
@@ -20,6 +16,62 @@
 <book id="index">
     <title>Wine User Guide</title>
+    <!-- Until we learn how to format this thing nicely, 
+	 we can't really incude it -->
+    <!--authorgroup>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Huw</firstname>
+	<surname>Davies</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Steven</firstname>
+	<surname>Elliott</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Mike</firstname>
+	<surname>Hearn</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>James</firstname>
+	<surname>Juran</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Ove</firstname>
+	<surname>Kaaven</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Alex</firstname>
+	<surname>Korobka</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Bruce</firstname>
+	<surname>Milner</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Andreas</firstname>
+	<surname>Mohr</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Dustin</firstname>
+	<surname>Navea</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Eric</firstname>
+	<surname>Pouech</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Adam</firstname>
+	<surname>Sacarny</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>John</firstname>
+	<surname>Sheets</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+	<firstname>Petr</firstname>
+	<surname>Tomasek</surname>
+      </author>
+    </authorgroup-->
@@ -28,6 +80,8 @@
+  <!--&fonts;-->
+  <!--&printing;-->